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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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due to economic pressure from moldova, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the unrecognized republic, vitaly ignatiev, stated this in an interview with financial times. the decision was made at a congress of deputies of all levels, which was held on february 28 in teraspoli. according to ignatiev, russia in this case is regarded as a guarantor and mediator in the process of exiting this conflict. the transnistrian authorities are now unable to timely and fully pay salaries, pensions and social benefits to citizens. contacted the red cross about the crisis the minister also noted that the congress will also cover the healthcare sector. well , let’s talk more about the situation in transnistria with sergei obolonik, first deputy prime minister of the republic, minister of economic development. he joins our broadcast. sergey anatolyevich, we welcome you. sergey anatolyevich, hello. hello. hello, artyom, hello. let's start right away with
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exports, and it is reported that the export of pridnestrovian goods has decreased significantly, there is even data that in 11 months 12%, tell us what the most serious measures are currently being taken against transnistria by moldova and why the decision was made to turn to moscow right now? well, in fact, the situation in the economy of the dniester region is deteriorating rapidly, they are developing from the outside. our neighbors restrictive measures, and if over the past year exports actually fell by 12%, industrial production fell by 12%, then at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year we were already faced with the introduction of duties and double taxation on imports to transnistria, which of course, it will only worsen the situation; in the first 2 months of 2024, losses on...
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imports already amounted to about an additional 11%, that is, the situation is deteriorating for the worse, and the economic problem is rapidly developing into a humanitarian one. of course, uh, these are the blocking measures that our economic agents face, and i will repeat, at the end of the twenty-third year, large industrial enterprises had their exports restricted. this was implemented due to sanctions measures applied by the european union, since in in the context of the latest events of the last two years, we are completely blocked from the eastern direction, and all exports are carried out through moldova, respectively, the tools in the republic of moldova are sufficient to apply pressure measures, so here are a number of large chemical enterprises. industry,
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the electrical engineering industry has lost the opportunity to export goods to its traditional markets, mainly, of course, the russian federation, a small part was in the european union, and since the product, in our opinion, is a completely civilian product, it power plants, was classified as dual-use goods, we faced huge problems in exporting itself. a big problem is the loss of jobs by large labor collectives; in january of twenty -four, import customs duties were introduced by the republic of moldova on goods supplied to transnistria. let me remind you that pridnestrovie has its own budget, which is formed, among other things, from foreign economic activity. accordingly, the introduction of duplicate duties hit us ourselves. economic agent, this
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the blow was colossal, especially for small businesses, it directly impacted budget revenues. that’s what you were talking about, we really lost significantly. depressive, depressing situation. yes. well, sergey anatolyevich, you have already mentioned duties on the supply of goods to transnistria, but what items are in short supply now? er, well, the fact is that poland, first of all, affected the rise
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in prices; inflation in transnistria was already 2.1% in the first 2 months. despite the fact that on average, in the twenty-third year it was 4% per year. in moldova for the same period inflation is 1.5%, that is, we have 40% more, we were faced, first of all, with the fact that the introduction of duties, moreover, it was completely unexpected for us, that is , duties unexpectedly appeared on the existing flow of goods, of course, first of all this affected the price level in transnistria and , above all, food, that is... this is the first thing we got: rising prices and importers’ thoughts about what to transport and what not to transport, and of course, the next stage in this process is reduction of goods on the shelves in the general product line, and rising prices, this
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what we are already seeing at the beginning of march. sergetalevich, well, your colleague, vitaly ignatiev, said in an interview that.
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tariffs for non-residents of transnistria, that is, this is not an increase, the population we have lost sources for subsidizing transnistria receives a subsidy, the state co-finances the cost of those services that
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enterprises bear in the delivery of electricity, transportation, water supply, supply of coolant, so the state does not co-finance a non-resident. first deputy prime minister transnistrian moldavian republic. well, on to other topics: berlin will allocate a new package of military assistance to kiev worth 500 million euros, german defense minister boris pistorius announced this while speaking at the meeting. contact group for ukraine at raimstein airbase. we will find out more details from our european correspondent regina sebastianova, she is in touch with us. regina, welcome, tell us what will be included in the new aid package for the ukrainian armed forces and what other statements are being made in germany now? hello,
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united states secretary of defense lloyd oystein tried convince skeptical european allies that the united states will continue to support ukraine even though... it, it, washington are running out of money for this purpose, and there is no sign that congress will take action to replenish these funds, the publisher writes today, opening. the united states will not allow ukraine to lose, it is the coalition of the free world that will not allow ukraine to lose. last week, the us announced additional defense assistance to ukraine amount of 300 million dollars.
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the euro, the pentagon and the white house especially emphasized this extraordinary decision against the backdrop of the cost-saving measures that the pentagon is taking. in germany, a washington representative called on the allies to transfer to ukraine all the weapons it needs. he specifically welcomed the creation of a coalition led by the czech republic, which plans to transfer 800.155mm shells purchased outside the european union to ukraine in the near future. the host of the meeting, federal chancellor of germany olaf scholz, in turn, said that support
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ukraine by the west - i quote, the most important signal to the russian president, he also said that one should not count on the fact that the us will re-elect the president and the new head of the white house will immediately bury ukraine. fergia announced a new aid package for kiev worth 500 million euros. it will include, in particular, about 100 units of armored vehicles for infantry, 100 units of transport equipment are planned. transfer of 10 thousand artillery shells from bundeswehr warehouses, here is the discussion around the transfer of long-range tauros missiles, federal the german chancellor, as well as the german defense minister, called for a stop, since, according to boris pistorius, this discussion distracts the german authorities from the more primary tasks and needs of the ukrainian army. in turn , olaf scholz believes that critics of his position perceive prudence as uncertainty in their own. germany
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budgeted more than 7 billion euros this year , and then such debates begin. i think this has a lot to do with the way discussions about security and foreign policy are being conducted. €5 billion peace fund to pay for decided to expand european transfers and transfers of weapons to ukraine, while no consensus was reached on the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets. however, today the head of the alliance’s foreign policy department, jose. stated that he plans to propose to the leaders of the alliance countries to use 90% of frozen russian
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assets for the purchase of new weapons for ukraine, another 10% should be sent, in his opinion , to a special fund that will support the military industry for ukraine, he plans to voice these proposals at the next summit, let me remind you that the leaders of the eu countries will meet in brussels on thursday friday this week, colleagues, regina, thank you for the detailed story, tomorrow. the contact group on ukraine at ramstein air base is being monitored by our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. an escalation of conflict that harms not only israel, but also the united states. the americans are unhappy with the way the israelis are conducting their operation in the gas sector. tel aviv is accused of crimes and there are even calls to remove prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but netanyahu himself, like the israeli army, seems to be at a dead end. so, the operation. the israel defense forces began last fall in response to an attack by hamas militants on israeli
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settlements, but tel aviv has so far failed to achieve its goals, hamas continues to resist, but in gada itself there is a humanitarian catastrophe, and the number of civilian deaths is already in the thousands, tens even thousands. well, in recent weeks , the israeli authorities have been discussing plans to attack the city of rafah, this is the western sector gas on the border with. with egypt, this is a simultaneous point for the delivery of rare humanitarian supplies for the palestinians and a place where thousands of refugees from the enclave accumulate in the israeli army, they believe that a... and hamas forces are located there, and so washington is against it, they say that this will only worsen the humanitarian crisis in gaza , despite the fact that the israeli army itself has already caused enormous reputational damage to israel and its allies, the same americans, benjamin netanyahu sent a special delegation to washington for negotiations, they will discuss a way out of the impasse. the united states is forced to simply take
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measures, and these measures are to at least cause. delegation so that everyone can see how the united states of america not only wags its finger, but also sits down and talks about the need to significantly change the tactics of conducting operations in the gas sector, but this is what will come of it, because netanyahu is completely aimed at other actions, and... one of the harshest statements in washington was made by the leader of the democratic majority in the senate , chuck schumer, who called on the citizens of israel to go to elections to demolish the netanyahu government. the head of the israeli cabinet, naturally, was dissatisfied, to put it mildly, and accused schumer of interfering in the internal affairs of israel. but then there was a phone call from joe biden, to whom, according to media publications, officials
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had previously reported that israel was regularly and almost purposefully bombing gas. military purposes, but the conversation between biden and netanyahu, according to the press, was calm, they also discussed the us position, a possible operation in rafah and, in general, what to do next? agreed on the fact that while negotiations are ongoing in washington with the israeli delegation, no one will take any drastic steps, but then we will see. alpha investments. this is for money! we give promotions every day! open an investment account and get another one as a gift for purchasing any stock! not just profitable, alpha profitable! deposit - the best interest rate in savings - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. with just one button, the investment in your
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there are miners at a depth of more than 100 m, there is no contact with them, and specialists are conducting additional ventilation of the mine, all forces are mobilized to save people. because of the situation in the amur region, vladimir putin is monitoring, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said, the head of state ordered that everything be accepted. necessary measures to save people, the president in the morning received reports from the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and the head of the amur region vasily orlov on the situation at the emergency pioneer mine near aamurye. the president gave instructions to take all necessary measures, all possible measures to save the miners who are now blocked there in the trunk, and also to provide all the necessary emergency. more than 100 people are working on site and maria gomleva has the latest details: now
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80 specialists and 14 units of special equipment are working at the scene of the emergency ; rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations from the khabarovsk territory, primorsky territory, yakutia have arrived to help our specialists, a reserve from kusbas has also been prepared, in total, the volume of rubble at the pioneer mine is. cubic meters of soil, of which 3.00 have already been removed, the amur department of the ministry of emergency situations said, the estimate what happened, the prosecutor's office also gives an investigative committee. currently , investigative teams with the involvement of forensic investigators and the regional department are inspecting the scene of the incident, interrogating witnesses and persons responsible for compliance with safety rules, and confiscating the necessary documentation. a set of investigative actions is carried out taking into account the need for rescue services to carry out priority work to detect the rise of the pottery to the surface. mine pioneer is located in the north of the amur region, meanwhile in blagoveshchensk an extraordinary meeting of the coes was held, where governor vasily arlov decided to
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introduce a regional emergency regime, the governor also instructed to competently and professionally organize emergency rescue operations, we have a detachment from yakutia and a detachment working here from khavarovsk - these are specialized mountain rescuers, there is enough equipment, and the situation is of course. it’s very difficult, uh, there’s very limited space, there’s constant replenishment of water, which means dirt, this dirt, in order to remove and organize work without risk to rescuers, of course , very serious efforts are required, at the same time , the grouping of forces has enough means, this situation is under personal control, we will do everything possible to save people, there are no amur residents among the victims, in general there are 13 of them, these are shift workers from other regions, employees. and also connect with their loved ones; if necessary, they are ready to place relatives injured under the rubble in temporary accommodation centers, and also in hotels in the zeya district. as
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for the victims themselves , all forces have been mobilized to provide them with medical care, including teams from the amur center for disaster medicine using high-speed aviation. i would like to add that a psychologist is ready to provide assistance to the relatives of those injured under the rubble. maria kumleva, alexander raskazov, vesti amur region. so, news from the information agency, in particular, it reports that russian president vladimir putin signed a decree on the formation of the national center for agricultural genetic resources animals. the document was published on the official legal information portal. and the new center will be formed on the basis of the federal research center for animal husbandry named after academician ernst. atomohot dmitry donskoy may be turned into a museum, or perhaps disposed of, the fate of the missile carrier, which was called the russian miracle
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and which was the largest in the eighties, was being decided from severodvinsk, a report from our colleague daria tamilova. september 1980 the largest submarine is launched from eling sevmash in the world, it took almost 5 years to build, no country has ever seen such huge missile carriers, and the submarine was given the name of grand duke dmitry donskoy. later, the cruiser began to be called the russian miracle; the lead among the submarines of the akula series carried more than twenty missiles, each weighing 100 tons. dmitry donskoy is listed in the guinness book of records; a cruiser with a height of a nine-story building has a unique history. it was launched twice, the second time after a major modernization. evgeniy slobodyan was responsible for the descent then, dmitry donskoy was his favorite child. a site was needed to test new missile weapons, this ship moved, the withdrawal of the ship from the elling is actually a victory, this is an achievement. our
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enterprise, well, at the same time, and i already had to prepare, and how to go further to the sea, yeah, there i already had to prepare exit plans, support plans there. dmitry donskoy's new life began in 2002; the double-hull, robust design is the main difference of the cruiser; this gave it unique survivability. when the boat dives, all this the space is completely filled with water, the total displacement is 49. tone, and the only thing that separates the crew from the water element.
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a swimming pool, a sauna and a relaxation room, where even the first tv was preserved. if there were no recreation area, it would be very difficult for all of us, because people perceive separation from home in different ways, well, since i have 13 military services behind me, from 30 days to 120. i saw how people endure separation from their relatives. and here the crew keeps the cruiser’s talisman, a copy of the russian prince’s mace. she is the one who accepts on board the submariners, at a depth, a certain depth, sea water is taken, poured into the lampshade, accordingly, the person drinks this sea water, yes, kisses the mace in a certain way, and he is given a roach, dryers and a certificate, and he becomes part of this brotherhood submariners, but now the cruiser has been withdrawn from the fleet, forty-four-year-old dmitry donskoy
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plans to send to... we do not hope that this undertaking to save donskoy and turn it into a museum will be supported by the widest public. now a unique warship is awaiting the decision of its fate at the severodvinsk naval base. veterans, social activists and military personnel have already signed a petition to save the cruiser. daria tamilova, mikhail dalinin, lead pomorie. you are now talking about the weather in the north of russia. today, roads were closed,
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classes were canceled in schools, and they swept into the center. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobus center, vadim zavodchenkov. vadim, we welcome you. vadim, tell us where it will rain in the near future. good evening. today and tomorrow rain clouds will concentrate over southern russia, but at the end of the week the northern half of the region will be in the rain zone. i’ll start with footage from chelyabinsk, where the thermometers have been above zero during the day for almost a week; on sunday the air warmed up to +9. after falling onto the roof of the clinic, it was only by luck that the visitors did not go to the hospital. the snow and ice collapsed at a time when no one was in the parked cars, the cars were removed from the danger zone, after which the bulk of the snow melted away. snow,
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the following footage from tatarstan: an avalanche of snow fell from a roof in kazan, also by a happy coincidence there were no casualties, despite the slight cold snap, spring processes on the rivers in the middle zone are gradually intensifying. on the oka river in the kaluga region , a panton bridge was opened today due to ice drift. well, the next video is from the komikuchi republic. does not stop emergency workers ; local residents shared footage of the work of emergency doctors. snowstorms in northeast russia are associated with cold weather.
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cyclones leaving for siberia, and already on wednesday and thursday most of the russian plain will be in the anticyclone region.


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