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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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you can't get 12 of these. large tours dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of sevastopol and crimea with russia are a huge success. people in sevastopol love theater; productions of this level are always sold out. now the audience froze in anticipation. i watched the film 12, i really liked it, well, seeing nikita mikhalkov himself live is very interesting. we agreed, in an hour everyone will be there, yes, kiss, kiss. gentlemen. school gym, 12 jurors are closed in it, each has their own life, matters of concern, they they are in a hurry, they believe that a few minutes are enough to decide the fate of a person, especially since everything is obvious: a chechen boy is accused of murdering his stepfather, a russian officer. who is responsible for the fact that the defendant is guilty? and only one out of twelve questions the young man’s guilt. guilty, not
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guilty, the hero of nikolai burlyaev joins him, because once at a sharp turn in life the scientist himself almost died, once i was riding in a train, recklessly drunk, dirty, torn, forgotten, and there were people there i again, i started completely, come on, where is the silence? and only one person treated him with understanding, and one might say, saved his life. the main thing is to live in truth, and if necessary, speak out against the majority. there is a sense of truth in a person’s heart, this sense of truth told my hero that he should vote against, when everyone is in favor, little by little, well, convince everyone. each
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of the twelve has their own story, which hurts the heart and which each person deeply hides from others. this is a performance reflecting on what freedom and compassion are, the ability to help a complete stranger who is in trouble and a serious conversation about what worries everyone today. i could be wrong, but i believe that this is the best performance in the country today, i mean from the point of view of the benefits that it can bring, but from the communication of the viewer. with the stage, the silence that is in the auditorium, i sit in the first act with my back turned, i sometimes have an eerie feeling that there is no one in the hall, and there are 800 or a thousand people sitting there. in addition to the deep meanings of the production, the audience notes interesting technical design. the transparent mesh periodically becomes a screen on which a realistic video appears; the use of an additional video camera gives the viewer the opportunity to feel what is happening to the characters.
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the audience did not let the artists leave the stage for a long time, and after the performance , the governor of sevastopol presented nikita mikhalkov and nikolai burlyaev with a commemorative medal dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the return of sevastopol to russia. oksana kolesnikova, vitaly kozlovsky, ekaterina molunova, lead sevastopol.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. is she really reading the mind or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special ones. who are you all looking at? well, there’s a girl standing in the treasures, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, stand still , don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna
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is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. hello, the legal program will be broadcast live by the duty department, with by you tatyana petrova. the bullets took the debt. a meeting of two partners in the chebrets oriental restaurant in st. petersburg ended in murder. let me remind you that the day before we already talked about how, in the middle of dinner at chaikhana, two businessmen could not come to an agreement and opened fire. the victim, the general director of a construction company, died on the spot, and the suspect in the murder was the forty-year-old owner of a design studio. they were detained right there, so what didn’t two entrepreneurs from st. petersburg share, reporting by ekaterina fisenko. restaurant on moskovsky prospekt - enough a respectable place where you can sit for a business lunch or spend time with your family. the meeting of the two men the night before also seemed friendly, but ended in
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murder. footage from security cameras, two people are talking peacefully at the table, when suddenly one of them pulls out a gun and shoots the other. the victim jumps up and tries to leave, at which time they are already scattering in different directions. the man with the pistol calmly continues shooting at the already fallen interlocutor, amazingly, but after that he doesn’t try to run anywhere, returns to the table and even continues to eat, his interlocutor is killed, eyewitnesses talk about only five shots with a control in the head, currently investigative actions are underway in the restaurant , the suspect is detained, several police cars and the national guard arrived very quickly, the attacker had a traumatic pistol in his hands, the suspect is a forty-year-old native leningrad alexey isakov, who was already serving his sentence. general regime colonies. he received 3.5 years for stealing the safe of a snow swamp disposal vehicle. according to some reports, the shooter had claims against the murdered man for 7 million rubles. with this his partner did not agree with the amount. he brought some of the money to meet him, but did not have time to give it back. the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia for
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st. petersburg has charged a forty-year-old local resident with committing a crime under the first part of article 105 of the criminal code of russia, the issue is being resolved. about the choice of a preventive measure in the form of detention, the restaurant employees refuse to comment, a criminal case has been opened under the article of murder, the suspect faces up to 15 years. ekaterina fisenko, alexey sasyrin, dmitry lukashevich, conductor, duty department. the last word of the povozhsky maniac was dubbed in the press by radik tagirov, who addressed the court today before the sentencing. a man is accused of killing more than thirty elderly women. according to investigators, tagirov strangled all his victims and then robbed them. the accused himself declared his non-involvement in these terrible crimes, there are some points where there are obvious credits, but in principle it does not apply to this case, but it distorts the meaning altogether; it generally designates me as a criminal. i ask you to take his attention when
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deciding on a sentence, in accordance with article 299, pay attention to part one, points two and four, do not judge me for these actions that i did not commit. however, a number of pieces of evidence have been collected against the accused; investigators have found traces of the man’s dna on the victims’ personal belongings. tagirov's sentence will be announced on march 21. the state administration requested a life sentence for him in a special regime colony. we we will continue to monitor this case. a loud arrest in the irkutsk region, right in the office. employees of the investigative committee handcuffed the vice-mayor of the city of tulun, elena abramova, and took him away for interrogation. an official. suspects of fraud, according to investigators, abramova wrote out and transferred increased bonuses to her subordinates, and then demanded that parts of this money be returned to her. report by galina hungureeva. behind the door sign of the office of the vice-mayor of tulun, in the irkutsk region, there is a special reception. unlike ordinary citizens, these people
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they won’t hesitate to stand in line. they will also check your documents; handcuffs will be snapped on your wrists in a businesslike manner. the face of the detainee in the operational footage is retouched. however , it is difficult to hide the name, as well as the identity, in high-profile bureaucratic scandals; it is known that this is elena abramova, the head of the city administration was charged under two articles. according to investigators, the official wrote it out. her employees received inflated bonuses, but she did not do this for good work and not out of the kindness of her heart; the excess money was supposedly settled in kickbacks in her pockets. abramova was charged with fraud and abuse of power. there is no perseverance and optimism, says the city’s official website about elena abramova, a leader with experience in the past as a teacher. she began serving for the benefit of the people in 2010 as an assistant to the mayor for public relations. chair of the vice mayor, head of the city staff.
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in the fall of 2023 and it seems that all prospects were closed, then the former mayor was detained on suspicion of fraud in relocation of people from dilapidated housing , now he is under arrest, i went , i sought, asked for help, i did not know who to go to, who to go to, in the summer of 2019 in tulun a devastating flood destroyed most of the city, 30 people died, hundreds were left without roofs overhead, stormy streams literally tore down houses, and the current carried them away... for many kilometers; the federal center allocated billions to eliminate the consequences. investigators claim that
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officials under the leadership of the mayor illegally registered people in emergency buildings, and then resettled them, thus gaining access to real estate purchased with federal money. this is fraud committed using one’s official position on an especially large scale. local media called elena abramova karikh’s fighting friend. even the criminal articles in the filed cases are the same. investigation department. criminal code of the russian federation. security officials will also check abramova’s activities during the period of joint work with yuri karikh. investigators have already questioned the official. in the near future she will choose a preventive measure. galina khungureeva, mikhail shirin, vasily yurchuk and vadim chetvertkov. vesti duty department. now the news that our editors receive directly. the head of correctional colony number 29, dmitry asanov, was detained in perm,
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the honest detective telegram channel reports this with reference to the press service of the main directorate of the russian armed forces for the region, and local media write that osanov was allegedly caught taking bribes of 1 million rubles. and we have just received comments from the official regional gu vsin. own management staff security gufsin of russia in the perm region. together with representatives of the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the perm territory and the state ministry of internal affairs of russia for the perm territory, the head of correctional colony number 29, dmitry osanov, was detained. in the correctional colony number 29 of the gufsin of russia in the perm territory, investigative actions are being carried out. we continue our program. vladimir putin took part in the annual meeting of the fsb board. in his speech , the head of state touched upon priority tasks. who stand before the federal security service. the president instructed the fsb
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, together with other intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, to strengthen, first of all, anti-terrorism work in all areas. about what other statements were made, sultan zeganov. protecting sovereignty and strengthening state institutions. the opening speech of the russian president at the annual fsb board was devoted to these main topics. vladimir putin makes his speech. traditionally began with words of gratitude, he noted the heroism and courage of the personnel of the federal service taking into account the difficult foreign policy situation , the department's anti-terrorist activities were touched upon, and the president demanded that work be strengthened in this direction. let me remind you of the recent, frankly speaking, provocative statements by a number of official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia. all this resembles outright blackmail intent. intimidate, destabilize our society, you know this well, now i will not go into
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details, i ask the fsb together with other intelligence services and law enforcement agencies with the coordination of the national anti-terrorism center of the committee , seriously strengthen anti-terrorist work in all areas. vladimir putin asked that special attention be paid to countering extremist groups that sow destructive thoughts among citizens . to undermine the constitutional order. we are talking about neutralizing the intelligence and subversive activities of foreign intelligence services, about protecting confidential information of a strategic nature, including government systems. and military administration, advanced technologies and promising developments in military and other fields. the head of state emphasized that it is important to strengthen the fight against corruption, especially in terms of the implementation of state defense orders, as well as national and regional programs, it is necessary to promptly suppress criminal economic activities that hinder the development of domestic business. in
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coordination with other specialized structures, it is important to increase the level of banking security.
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in addition, information security was noted as a priority. more the head of state plans to discuss detailed issues during a meeting with the leadership of the department. sultan tiganov, olga sukharukova, lead: duty unit. today in the nikulsky court of moscow, on the third attempt , the verdict was announced for the former deputy head of education marina rakova and her accomplices. all of them were involved in the theft of 50 million budget rubles. according to investigators , the defendants stole a multimillion-dollar sum in 2019. the money allegedly went to the federal project teacher of the future, which implied a large-scale reform of the education system in russia. rakova was the ideological inspirer, she also secured federal funding for the program. sergei zuev, rector of the moscow higher school of social and
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economic sciences, helped her in this. shanenko acted as a contractor in the project. and another episode is related to fictitious employment. 5 years in a general regime colony with a fine of almost a million rubles. before the verdict came into force , the former minister was left under a ban on certain actions. well, we will tell you more about this story in the next episode at 21:30. lifeless desert on the site of hectares coniferous forest. in many regions of russia, before the spring thaw, merchants are rushing to remove timber. and it's not always legal. in the ivanovo region, for example, timber trucks travel in lines. together with employees of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, we decided to find out how the fight against black loggers is going, and what new blow are the state duma deputies preparing to strike against the thieves of natural resources? report by andrey romanov. in
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the deep forests of the ivanovo region , the singing of birds is inaudible. the birds are frightened by the roar of chainsaws. it's coming. from several sides at once the harvesting and removal of round timber is in full swing on the land, we are heading in the footsteps of the timber truck. we reached the edge of the clearing. quite recently, a few days ago, coniferous timber was harvested here. now everything has been cut down to the roots, and the wood miners are working a little further. lumberjacks warm themselves by the fire, burning the tops of fallen trees. ax and chainsaw masters claim that they work legally. you steal two trees and pay 1,150. somewhere it’s like it’s already gluttony or they’ll let you sit for a year or two, but for black lumberjacks the point is in huge earnings, in one outing they can put up to 200,000 rubles in their pocket. poachers are not afraid of huge fines and the prospect of being behind bars; they have learned to hide from the security forces in the thicket of the forest, quietly saw down and export the wood. these are the consequences of the work of black lumberjacks, the entire
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forest was bald, only these thin young trees remained, all... the trunks, which reached a diameter of 80 cm, were mercilessly cut down, here, taken out and then sold on the black market. to develop this gang from employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption it took the russian ministry of internal affairs for the ivanovo region several months. they had a very stable , structured group, everyone in this group had a specific role. someone messed up the separation of the trunk from the stump, someone messed up the skidding, someone messed up the measurement. someone made observation approaches from the side of the fields and other forested areas, so that it was possible to give a signal about some kind of check or detention. perhaps the finale was a joint special operation by police officers, the fsb and the russian national guard. hey, quickly! and here is the equipment warehouse,
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which was seized from another gang of alleged natural resource thieves, tractors, snowmobiles and timber trucks are buried in the snowdrifts. it was perhaps one of the largest groups in the region. the police, together with fsb officers, took almost 30 people at once. after such large-scale plantings , the dock is full of forests. loggers in the ivanovo region break the law much less often, together with the police we went to check the tenants of the site where wood is extracted, more than a dozen timber trucks leave from here every day, the documents are in order, so the volume you are leaving is within forty cubic meters, representatives of the forestry department are carefully monitoring to ensure that they do not cut down too much, they assure that this year there has been no case of forest theft on their territory yet; in 2023 , 13 cases were recorded. illegal logging, they leave so that it is unnoticed, early in the morning and cut out about 15-18 cubic meters, already during working hours, during daylight
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hours, they already leave the logging site. on the highway, carriers of stolen timber try to get lost among dozens of legal timber trucks. during a raid from our film set group, traffic police officers did not identify illegally obtained timber in the stream of trucks with round timber. in 2023. irkutsk and omsk regions, illegal logging in the regions of the central federal district. according to the documents there are 16 cubic meters,
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but in reality you can see by eye that there are more. over a decade of work, we managed to achieve a significant tightening of legislation in the forestry sector. now the moment has come when the state duma started talking about total digitalization of the industry. it is proposed to introduce electronic accompanying documents for each batch. goods, as well as establish a ban on being in forests with machines and equipment for cutting down and transporting timber. the new bill will allow the confiscation of equipment from those who are caught in the forest on logging trucks with chainsaws, even without mining. the document has already been adopted in the first reading, as the authors of the initiative assure, the law will deprive black lumberjacks of even the mythical chances of making illegal money. andrey romanov, viktor barmin, vadim kolevanov, gennady mikheychev, duty officer. conflicting message comes from the court hearing of the prosecutor general's office to fishing industry of the far east. the defendant declared the death of the so-called crab king. billionaire oleg kan, who
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is accused of smuggling billions of live crabs and evading taxes and customs duties of almost 3 billion rubles, allegedly died on february 14 last year. however, the prosecutor's office doubted this fact, because there was no documentary evidence of this. by the way, about the death of crab. they have been talking for a long time, but the businessman’s sister did not confirm this news even a year ago. let me remind you that kan is hiding from the investigation, according to according to some reports, he could move to london. this weekend, don’t miss the premiere on the russia-24 tv channel; the new investigation of eduard petrov beats, which means he doesn’t love. loud scandals between loving people occur regularly. at first he beat me, and then i set him on fire and found out that i was better at it. even celebrities find themselves in the role of a victim, it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me
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with my head flying into this corner, the sweet life turned into a vada, i open my eyes, i understand that i am lying on the floor in a red puddle, this drool is flying out of his mouth, he is drunk, there was no state of passion, he stabbed his already stunned spouse with a knife, why do victims of family conflicts, as a rule, remain silent? jealous, which means he loves, beating , which means he loves, and how to fight back against a domestic tyrant without ending up behind bars, we took up this case and conducted our own investigation, a billion-dollar case and even more in the literal sense of this expression: a man who, according to some sources, recently robbed a famous film producer in the northern capital has been detained, moreover , the attacker pulled out jewelry and an impressive amount of money in different currencies from the safe deposit boxes of one of the banks. resorting to modern technologies for this. to enter the institution, the defendant used the details of other people's bank cards. using pin codes
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, he entered the depository and opened it. cells with special electronic keys, then the suspect moved to a rented apartment in the city of lyubertsy. enterprising patkin is a stranger, as it turned out, a citizen of moldova. immediately after the diamond fraud, according to investigators, he planned fly out of the country, but the plan was not destined to come true. the petrograd district court, a follower of sonya's golden hand, was taken into custody. it will be in season until at least may 15th. i will add that investigators are already looking for possible charges. are identifying his other victims. dogs bite - the man answers. another case of attack by stray dogs was recorded, this time in the krasnoyarsk territory. a ten-year-old boy was attacked by a stray animal right near the school, almost depriving the child of his eye. a criminal case has been opened. for such cases the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, has been paying close attention for a long time. so only this year they were brought to trial
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immediately. several high-profile cases of stray dogs attacking people. so who is responsible for such articles and what measures should officials take to avoid repetition of terrible stories? report by alexandra mostova. these creepy photos are the result of a child's encounter with a stray dog. a schoolboy from the village of felimonova, in the krasnoyarsk territory, almost lost his right eye. aggressive in his face the dog grabbed with a death grip. i walked 10 meters through the lapel. a dog attacked me, it was bigger than my waist and tore my eye. the lower tear of the lower eyelid, with damage to the tear duct, that is, quite serious. the story is outrageous, the attack took place right near the school, the parents of the injured boy said that they had repeatedly complained to the local authorities about a pack of stray dogs. they have kept children in fear for many years. investigators are now looking into why they did not respond to the appeal.
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the worst of the investigation will be given the right one. kansky district and responsible persons for catching and keeping stray animals. stray dogs are attacking in many regions of the country; these images from the irkutsk region resemble a scene from a horror film. an aggressive dog, clinging to a child, drags him through the snow. the boy was then saved by a passer-by; investigators, having studied the video, opened a criminal case. shocking cases of attack for the irkutsk region -
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my mother shouted that i would die, these were his words. in khabarovsk, stray dogs killed a man, leaving him at the scene of the attack. personal belongings, traces of blood. after this incident , the head of the local housing and communal services department for the operation of the housing stock, vasily ivanov, was detained. he was responsible for contracts for catching stray animals. investigators charged an employee of the khabarovsk city administration and an individual entrepreneur in a criminal case with negligence and provision of services that did not meet safety requirements. a similar incident occurred in orenburg, where in april last year second-grader maxim was torn to pieces by dogs. his death shocked the whole country. near the garages where maxim was torn to pieces by aggressive animals, people erected a spontaneous memorial. they bring flowers, toys, and candles here to honor the memory of the deceased boy. after the death of the child , the now former head of the housing and communal services department , anatoly baykarov, was detained. he was accused of negligence. according to investigators, it’s
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simply about catching animals. saved, this is due to the presence of subsidies from the federal budget. in court for the election of world suppression, baykarov could not explain how it was spent budget money, why has orenburg been at the mercy of stray dogs for many years? people have already contacted and complained to local authorities, saying that there are a lot of stray dogs, why didn’t the authorities react? after the terrible story in orenburg about the euthanasia of stray dogs, they started talking at the federal level; last summer, amendments to the law were adopted, according to which the regions received the right of independence. solve the issue of homeless animals, as for a schoolboy from the krasnoyarsk territory, he still comes to themselves, the doctors performed an operation on the boy, the child is now afraid to go to school, meanwhile the local authorities promise to solve the problem, but the pack of aggressive dogs from the streets of filimonov has not yet disappeared. alexander mostovay, dmitry stepanov, olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin and sergey klinkov.


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