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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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according to the researchers , they simply saved money on catching animals, this is due to the presence of subsidies from the federal budget. in court at the election of the suppression of peace, baykarov could not explain how budget money was spent, why orenburg has been at the mercy of stray dogs for many years. people have already contacted and complained to local authorities, saying that there are a lot of stray dogs. why didn't the authorities react? after the terrible story in orenburg , people started talking about the car ownership of stray dogs at the federal level. amendments to the law were adopted last summer in accordance with... with which the regions received the right to independently resolve the issue of homeless animals, as for a schoolboy from the krasnoyarsk territory, he is still recovering, doctors performed an operation on the boy, the child is now afraid to go to school, in the meantime, local authorities promise to solve problem, but the packs of aggressive dogs from the streets of filimonov have not yet disappeared. alexander mostovay, dmitry stepanov, olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin and sergey klinkov. news, duty department. honest detective, follow
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along with us. that's all for now, i was with you tatyana petrova, see you at 21:30. identify and punish by name without a statute of limitations, this is what needs to be done with traitors who join ukrainian sabotage reconnaissance groups that attack russian border cities. vladimir putin spoke at an extended meeting of the fsb board, what else was discussed, what tasks the president set for the special services, anastasia efemova will talk about this. they acted competently and clearly in all areas, paying special attention to the implementation of tasks related to the conduct of a special military operation. the president's assessment given to the federal security service at a meeting of the extended board. among the areas of work that the head of state noted separately is suppression. i want to thank the personnel
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you did for the fsb for their professionalism and courage, for serving our homeland throughout this past, difficult, very responsible period. special words to those who were responsible for the most difficult areas of work. in the donbass and novorossiya, at the risk of his life, solved operational combat missions of reconnaissance and counterintelligence nature. naturally, the most critical area of ​​the work of the special services is associated with the northern military district, and the range of tasks here is the widest. the president mentioned, in particular, the neutralization of agents. thus, in december last year , a ukrainian network of eighteen people was uncovered in crimea, preparing terrorist attacks on instructions from kiev, as well as successful operations in the enemy’s front line. komtylu. at one time, the west actively
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took advantage of various types of cross-border, radical terrorist groups, including encouraging their aggression against russia. it is natural that the neo-nazi kiev regime, again, with the support of the west, and often on their direct instructions, switched to terrorist methods. these are shelling of peaceful cities, attempts on... attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks at critical infrastructure facilities in russia and in places of mass gatherings of people, the president recalled the recent provocative statements of a number of official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia with similar warnings in quotes to its citizens on the eve of the elections, for example, the british embassy of the united states contacted us. all
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this, the head of state emphasized, resembles outright blackmail, and he demanded that work in this direction be intensified. we are dealing with a strong, dangerous enemy, in whose arsenal there are wide informational, technical, financial capabilities, what can i say, we know their capabilities in all these areas, including methods of intelligence and intelligence activities, and terrorist methods, well, just remember explosions of northern streams. v baltic sea, they will do anything. the president stated that a lot has been done recently to strengthen the state border, especially in those areas that are de facto located directly in the combat zone . and the results, quote: we see that all attempts by sabotage and reconnaissance gangs to break into russian territory have failed. when i spoke about these traitors, i ask, as has always been the case in our history, not to forget who they are...
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to identify them by name, by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations, no matter where they are were not present, and please pay attention, enough. dedicate ourselves to this area of ​​activity so that it would not be a shame for anyone, we remember what the vlasovites did on soviet soil, and we will never forgive this. their current owners do not spare the mentioned traitors; they throw them like cannon fodder for slaughter, to quote the president, rightly so. in the cities and towns of the belgorod and kursk regions , enemy groups planned to stage no more or less than a terrorist raid, but were met with dignity by fire on the way, border guards, soldiers and commanders, those volunteers. vladimir putin thanked the defense ministry, recalling that countering any attempts to undermine the country’s sovereignty requires systematic work, which is undoubtedly being carried out. anastasia yafimova, lead. world leaders continue to congratulate vladimir putin. this is how the kremlin press service reported
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a telephone conversation between the presidents of russia and abkhazia. aslan bdzhane emphasized in the conversation that the voting results convincingly showed widespread support among citizens for what was being done. in the interests of the russian and abkhaz peoples. iranian president ibrahim raisi warmly congratulated russian president vladimir putin on his re-election to the highest government post. the leaders of the two countries discussed bilateral cooperation and major joint projects. serbian president aleksandar vucic also congratulated vladimir putin. he handed over a congratulatory letter to the russian leader during a meeting with the russian ambassador in belgrade, and in the meantime , sociologists asked citizens about their attitude towards the results of the elections in russia, and a recent poll in tsiom showed that 65% are confident that the election results
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reliable and fully consistent with the will of voters. 18% admit the possibility of some violations, but not affecting the result. well, this way... about 83% of respondents have no doubt that the elections were held legally and fairly. this is probably why the three main emotions that russians experience in connection with this election result are hope, joy and inspiration. we managed to conduct a survey on the first day after the election, monday. an all-russian representative survey, precisely on the topic of assessing the election results. how do you approach them? do you relate and trust?
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those asked did not see any reason to doubt these results. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. it’s easy to imagine an ideal home , so just imagine, and the rest will be done by a house-click, from a dream to a house one house-click, on avito work it’s easy to find your
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sberbank with prime more profitable. well, while the kiev regime is striking at peaceful areas of donbass and border cities, our fighters are carrying out tasks on the line of combat contact. over the course of a day, the russian military improved the position in the front.
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in a men's hostel, or, more simply put, in an ordinary garage, those who decided
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to leave their homeland out of quiet sadness, this was their last point before the subsequent illegal border crossing, they planned to get further to the neighboring country by boat, it didn’t work out, travel agents in uniforms came unexpectedly, gods are morons, now there will be no one to clean this yard in lvov, the employees of the shopping center tied up the last janitor right while pruning the trees. the boy was allegedly caught trying to commit suicide to leave ukraine, he was taken straight from the border to
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the military registration and enlistment office, where he was deprived of the necessary medications and subjected to beatings; unable to withstand the bullying, he opened his veins in the toilet. it seems that the only thing that saves potential conscripts from the blood-drinking military commissars is the timely switching on of the camera on the phone; on the latter , it acts like a blue cola, crook. come here, cyclical walker, meanwhile , an american senator arrived in kiev and again called for mobilizing as many people as possible. linzi graham, who was included in the list of terrorists and extremists in russia, advised ukrainians will be more active in shedding blood at the front, regardless of whether the united states continues to provide its support, balsatans, no less. i hope that those who have the right
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to serve in the ukrainian army will go there. i can't believe that now she is 27 years old, you are fighting for your life. therefore, you must serve not from the age of 20 or 27, we need more people in the ranks. as befits the words of an american patron, the kiev authorities immediately took the lead, and once again a bloody mobilization marathon was launched in the cities of ukraine. who's running, who's riding, who's trying to escape drowning before reaching a foreign land. stanislav bernwalt, news! france is preparing a contingent to be sent to ukraine.
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she hasn't known since the algerian war in the second half of the 20th century. paris, however , carefully hides not only the number of losses, but the very fact of the participation of the french military in hostilities in ukraine. as the director of the foreign intelligence service said, the departments involved are rushing around in search of solutions to practical issues. the dead must be buried, compensation paid to families and pensions to disabled people. all this requires due documentation. further double accounting of death is fraught with lawsuits from disgruntled relatives. macron will sooner or later have to reveal the ugly truth, but he will try to delay the confession as much as possible. as they say at the elysee palace, the number of french dead has already exceeded the psychologically significant vice. the publication of
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such sensitive data can provoke citizens into protests, especially against the backdrop of massive anti-government protests. the belgorod region today again found itself under fire on residential buildings, the ukrainian armed forces were hit with rockets and artillery shells. in addition, border villages were attacked by ukrainian kamikaze drones. according to local authorities , four people were injured, including a teenager. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation. today , ukrainian militants attacked the belgorod region at 10:30 in the morning, a village located in the suburbs of belgorod once again came under attack, they attacked this settlement with the help of shells from a multiple launch rocket system, this one of the impact sites, the power of the explosion was such that these cars were thrown
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literally 3-5 m from this place, hundreds of deadly ones. scattered all over the area , all these cars, they are literally riddled with shrapnel , a strong fire started here, the residents of the surrounding houses immediately went down and put out the fire, that is, they prevented the destruction of all these cars that were nearby, the blast wave broke out dozens of windows in surrounding houses, fortunately in this yard none of the local residents were injured, siren sounded. probably a minute or 30 seconds before the impact, this short interval allowed people to escape, the bangs started a little slowly, small pops, and then when it hit the last time, i jumped out , the car was already on fire, it hit well, so i don’t know, i thought the house would this service will work out, that is, only for peaceful objects , it turns out, well, this is a peaceful object, there are cars here,
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a school is nearby, residential buildings, and the private sector of this settlement also came under fire. a family was injured there, this is a teenager, and his mother was also injured another woman, and we were just standing in the kitchen, we have a gold one there, and i was just about to leave, i saw such an explosion , everything was flying apart, i was standing at home, cooking food, grandchildren, it started to get strong, something very strong is flying, grandchildren everyone got scared under the bed, we then looked and realized that there was an explosion, we were tired, the children were already shaking. in the belgorod region they are hitting people with heavy artillery using shells from the vampire czech multiple launch rocket system. production also uses combat drones. regional authorities stated that over the past week in the belgorod region, as a result of shelling in the ukrainian armed forces, 16 people were killed and
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98 were injured. during the teleconference, secretary of the general council of united russia andrey torchuk. the regional governor, vyacheslav glotkov , announced that about 9,000 children will be taken out of dangerous areas and will be taken to sanatoriums and recreation camps. today we are resettling a large number of villages. first of all, they cover broken roofs, broken windows, and also help remove damaged cars. igor tikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti of the belgogorod region.
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armenia expects nato to assist the peace process between yerevan and baku. these words were voiced following a meeting between alliance secretary general aenz stoltenberg and armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan. despite the fact that just on the day of the distinguished guest’s visit to yerevan, by coincidence there was a surge in tension. egor grigoriev will talk about this. nato supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of armenia. the first words of the head of the alliance, voiced to the press. the meeting itself between stoltenberg and the country's leaders remained behind the scenes. jens stoltenberg also welcomed the fact that armenia is working to strengthen democratic control over the armed forces. in his opinion. armenia has demonstrated a commitment to fighting corruption, strengthening democratic institutions and preserving the rule of law , what jens stoltenberg meant by strengthening democracy, including in
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the armed forces of armenia, is not entirely obvious, but of course, the most democratic european forces can help achieve the ideals of freedom , collect data in order to inflame the situation in the south caucasus, nato it is necessary to reach the caspian sea, now with the help of... nato is sharply strengthening the armaments of the republic of armenia, all this is supplied through georgia, before yerevan stoltenberg visited tbilisi and baku, there he also spoke about stability in the region, but then why arm? azerbaijan, georgia and armenia began building relations with nato in 1992. yerevan also has a plan for an individual partnership with the alliance. obviously, in recent years the organization has carefully studied these documents, but they have strengthened. does not promise stability, noted press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov. the general desire of nato to consolidate its presence in the caucasus is well known to us and
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is, as they say, visible to the naked eye. there is also an understanding that, in fact, nato’s attempts to somehow expand its influence and presence are unlikely to add stability in the caucasus and predictability of the situation. threats by the prime minister of armenia to leave the csto, expulsion. what nato’s calls for peace mean is well illustrated by the words nikol pashinyan said the day before to residents of the tavuzh region. someone from they may soon wake up in another country.
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baku demands the surrender of four villages adjacent to the region, and pashinyan declares that if he does not compromise, there will be war at the end of the week. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, explains that the decision was not made at all in yerevan. what the new curators from the european union, nato and washington have brought the matter to, please. please note that this statement is in no way connected with russia, this is the exclusive competence of the current authorities in yerevan and the result of their consultation with westerners. and again it follows remember stoltenberg’s words that nato supports the territorial integrity of armenia, such specific methods of assistance. stoltenberg’s tour of the south caucasus is like reconnaissance, and reconnaissance with the goal of understanding how countries relate, first of all , to the russian federation and what needs to be done. in order to exclude them from cooperation with moscow, if azerbaijan, as it were, takes an absolutely neutral position
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and signed a couple of allied ones. there are about 200 trucks in queues on the ukrainian-polish border. polish farmers are preparing for a large-scale protest planned for tomorrow. march of dissenters on
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agricultural policy. finnish farmers will also discuss how the situation with the industry is developing in europe, ekaterina shamaeva will tell you. manure, tires and tree branches as a reminder of yourself. french farmers chose this administrative building for a reason. this agency is responsible for paying state aid, which is what the farmers did not receive. we are here today because mr. anatal promised that by march all farmers will receive assistance as part of the general agricultural politicians. today is march 19th, but not a single payment has been received. the technical center of one of the energy companies has a similar picture. reducing fuel prices is one of the main demands of french farmers, along with a rejection of the eu’s too soft policy towards cheap ukrainian agricultural products. however, the european commission is turning its attention to russia. we need to do something about the import of products from ukraine to third countries, otherwise prices within the eu will remain low, we will need a new
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aid package. if we do not eliminate the cause, we will deal with the consequences. ukraine does not have much influence on pricing; it was russia that created the crisis in the markets. as for wheat, the market volume is 200 million euros, 51 million goes to russia in terms of exports to other countries. as long as russia has such a large share, it can destabilize the market. under this pretext, the european union plans to introduce a duty on the import of russian and belarusian grain, as financial writes. its size will be 95 euros per ton. brussels intends to use a trick in negotiations on kiev's membership in the eu. according to the publication politics, the european union is afraid of discontent from already angry farmers, and the ukrainian issue is very toxic for them. therefore, the eu keeps the work on preparing the possible integration of ukraine secret. but no matter how brussels tries to dodge, this does little to reassure farmers across the continent.
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spanish farmers also require truly effective support measures. we want a softer eu agricultural policy, so that everyone can do what they see fit. the european union should not tell us what to sow or not to sow. there are many areas where it is impossible to grow the crops they want us to grow. the farmer understands better in this matter. the most acute situation is on the polish borders, both from the east and from the west. following the blocking of the checkpoint in the ukrainian direction, polish farmers began blockading the border with germany.
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there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product.


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