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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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it turns out that the artist was born in krivoy rog, actively exhibited in new york and berlin, it is clear that his series of mocking works of the soviet man will go there, which, by the way, has been created since 2001, and has been seen more than once in moscow, only with public outcry it wasn’t, but where were the exhibition organizers looking? let's look, by the way, at the curator of the exhibition of zarva, both in the past and in the present, vladimir ovcharenko, in his gallery 20 years ago. the artist zarva began to exhibit. ovchurenko is known for the fact that the first of the russian gallery owners to work in the west and promote post-soviet art, and is also known for provocations; under his supervision, in the early nineties , a pig was burned and butchered, and the meat was distributed to passers-by. back then, people were still protesting against such art, at the site for mocking paintings. now there are no questions. organizers exist to fit the artist into a contemporary context. the task of the curator is who he
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is speaking to today; maybe it makes sense to bite people naked, as oleg kulik did. i i am sure that today oleg kulik would not do this in any moscow galley. and it’s very strange to me that i have to explain this at all. the fact that art provocation can be intentional, taking into account the past antics of both the artist and the gallery owner, is not doubted by public organizations. despite the fact that the exhibition has already been cancelled. that's why they decided to exhibit his, so to speak, works in quotes, so to speak, at a winery, this raises big questions, why after 2 years...
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our operations are still doing this, so of course law enforcement agencies need to react, carry out an investigation, was this done intentionally , or was it done, let’s say, out of ignorance, this is of course up to them to decide, in any case , the audience did not see any family-human realism, as in the annotation of the exhibition, otherwise the exhibition would not have been closed on the day of its opening, anastasia ivanova and someone else's daub. to stop attempts to provoke unrest in the country, as well as to neutralize the subversive work of western intelligence services, which are directly blackmailing russia with threats of terrorist attacks, tasks federal security service,
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vladimir putin announced today. the head of state took part in an extended meeting of the fsb board. summing up the results of the past year, the head of state noted that the department worked efficiently in all areas, confirming its authority. with details alexey golovko. the past year has been difficult for the federal security service, but the special service has completed its main tasks in protecting the country. the president begins the fsb board with this assessment. you paid special attention to completing tasks related to conducting special military operation. they reliably stood guard over the constitutional order, stopped attempts to interfere in our internal affairs, including during the last elections, ensured public safety, and worked to cover state borders in difficult, often combative situations. i want to thank the fsb personnel for their professionalism and courage. special words to those who were responsible for the most difficult areas of work in the donbass and
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novorussia, at the risk of their lives, solving operational combat missions of an intelligence and counterintelligence nature. exactly the border guards included in the structure of the fsb took the first blow from sabotage groups that tried to stage provocations and seize border villages during the elections the day before. but intelligence learned about this enemy plan in advance; units that included militants from the terrorist organization russian volunteer corps, banned in russia, were already waiting at the border.
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for slaughter, well, to the point. over almost a week of fighting , more than 2.0 people, more than 25 tanks and dozens of cannon artillery units were destroyed. here's today's footage of highly accurate... when i said about these traitors, i ask, since this has always been in our history, not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations, no matter where they are , we remember what the vlasovites did on soviet
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soil, and we will never forgive this, general andrei vlasov became a symbol of the concept of a traitor, having been captured by the nazis, he agreed to cooperate with them and became the head of... the liberation army, pointing weapons against the soviet people . after the war, left without owners, vlasov was convicted and executed. hanged. the current saboteurs also have patrons in kiev and assistants from among the escaped russian oppositionists. the day before , in the ukrainian capital, they signed a memorandum and called for collecting money to support the so-called volunteer corps. the federal security service opened a criminal case against one of the meeting participants, ilya panomariov, including an open one. support for terrorist organizations. panomariov openly uses military uniform, insignia, emblems of the legion of freedom of russia, has small arms, publicly displays them during speeches on ukrainian television, declares that he is a participant in hostilities on the side of ukraine against the armed forces
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of the russian federation. lie down, the fsb is working. news about the detention by fsb officers of saboteurs and agents operating in russia arrives almost daily. like this. special forces captured a man recruited by militants of the same rdk so that he would poison humanitarian aid, which had to be taken to the zone of a special military operation, the victims of such a crime could number in the hundreds, the perpetrators , this ukrainian agent in the moscow region launched false targets in order to provoke the operation of the air defense system and find out its exact location, in the zaporozhye region a month ago an sbu agent was liquidated, who pretending to be lame, he tried to plant an explosive.
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these are shelling of peaceful cities, assassination attempts on government officials and public figures, attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks on critically important infrastructure facilities in russia and in places where people are crowded. let me remind you of the recent, frankly, provocative statements of a number of official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia. all this resembles outright blackmail. and intentions to intimidate and destabilize our society. and, of course, attempts by western intelligence services to gain access to confidential information of a strategic nature, including russian advanced military technologies, do not stop. the enemy sees that we have it all and is developing quickly. and,
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of course, as always, he is working against us in this direction. i ask the fsb, together with other intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, to seriously strengthen anti-terrorist work.
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morning at donetsk bakery plant number 2 fills the air with the smell of fresh bread, some are still on their way to the oven on a conveyor belt, some are sliced ​​and packaged, and some are cooling on special wooden pallets; before the war, bread was transported there all the time because supplies in avdeevka we had cars and everything, of course, since 1914 all this stopped because there was such a road there, well, it was unrealistic to just transport there, of course, now supplies are being resumed again, i hope that...
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the deputy troops are wearing body armor, both the city council and the republican parliament are represented here. let's make people fresh. learned bread, people are waiting for our duty to the people, a week ago the first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko came to avdeevka, who was shown the city by the military man and denis pushilin, then we got to talk to a lot of different people and listen to different stories, well, guys, don’t take off your shoes, we’ve already adapted here somehow, even though there’s a well here, well, there’s no light, god’s mercy.
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i hear you, but why did they do that? why did they do that? because we are separatists, they called us separatists. the elections in avdeevka were eventually organized with a real full house, as far as it is possible here, a special-purpose week worked in the city, the voting took place. thank you for the elections that we held here, and we also want to get passports here , since i can’t travel, it’s a little clear. well, policemen they seem to be walking already, right? yes, they are already walking, already looking. is data collected? yes, yes, people applied, asked to hold elections, we
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fulfilled their wishes, asked for passports, partially received passports, well, we are working on it, it’s in the process, people asked for bread, we delivered bread to the city of avdievka, life is still basement and semi-basement, but this shelter was once very crowded, but now people have already begun to leave it, of course. socio-economic development and the course of the russian leadership to ensure security. to congratulate
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vladimir putin, the leader of iran and ibrahim reis called him, and serbian president aleksandar vucic conveyed, or rather, conveyed a congratulatory letter during a meeting with the russian ambassador in belgrade. the head of turkmenistan, serdar beredumukhamedov, in a telephone conversation wished putin new successes and noted that his landslide victory in the elections confirmed the high level of support in society. well, continuing the topic of elections, the results of polls in the central election commission. a record number of russians, 65%, believe that the voting results fully correspond to the will expression of voters, only 12% of respondents doubt this, another 18% admit the possibility of minor violations, thus... you don’t trust, are there any doubts, the elections, how do you feel about them, do you trust them
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, what emotions do you experience, the results we were surprised, now we have recorded not only a historical record for... a historical record for the level of voting for the winner, but also a historical record for the last 20 years, we have been conducting these polls for 20 years, and so this is a historical record for the share of those who believe that the elections were held honestly, calmly, openly , without violations, 65% of respondents did not see any reason to doubt these results, a voice is heard in the islamic world... russia is strengthening the level of relations with it, noted the chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of our country, mufti ravil gainuddin, on his behalf , a gala reception was held in the moscow cathedral mosque, where the ambassadors of saudi arabia, lebanon, yemen, iran, qatar and a number of other states were invited. the meeting was attended by deputy head of the russian foreign ministry andrei rudenko, and held on the occasion of the month of ramadan, one of the most revered in the islamic calendar. none
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of the countries of the arab east. the islamic world has not imposed sanctions against the russian federation, this shows that the arab world respects russia, the arab world appreciates peace and the peaceful initiative, position, policy of the russian state and its president, today we are meeting in such a religious spiritual place at the invitation of mufti sheikh.
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rival, meanwhile, biden’s campaign raised a billion from sponsors for his election campaign, for the current us president, it is the financial advantage that can become decisive, so in trying to bypass the republican candidate, the democrats do not spare dollars from the united states, reporting by our staff correspondent, valentin bogdanov. donald trump has been metered; his company has until next week to post $464 million in bail for an appeal in the lost masha case, according to a court in new york.
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a lie, but it helped him become president, surprise, it turns out he’s not as rich as he claimed, push the falling guy, manhattan prosecutors act like racketeers, guarantors could help trump, but his lawyers have already been refused in thirty places and from four brokers, walking in circles, like walking through the torment that the republican candidate, the washington swamp and its inhabitants create. the bail amount set by the supervising court. the democratic club is contrary to the norms of the constitution, is anti-american and has no analogues; such payments are practically impossible for any company, even for such a successful one as mine. in short, everything goes to the point that for collection trump will have to auction off the missing funds . he will probably have to liquidate some of his assets, i think this
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will put enormous pressure on the trump organization, and there is a risk that this will all start to develop on an increasing scale. trump has exactly three ways to find money without selling assets, the second is loans, the third is the help of the audience, that is , borrowing from friends, all one way or another turn into losses. we have been following his business for a while now and we can guess that his net worth today is approximately about 3 billion dollars. trump is under a lot of stress now, but it doesn't compare to the situation he faced during the recession of the early nineties. the american nineties were not for trump, but now a hunt has been announced for him. the roles in it are distributed in advance and biden is a confident republican, perhaps not even the most important thing, he is more like an orator. is already in the wrong hands, but biden is not allowed to attend the debate with trump, even from the press, once again he doesn’t talk anymore, like he did today with morning on the way to nevada. in las vegas, biden
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is going to talk about the successes of bidennomics; he began raising the stakes around domestic policy the day before. our freedom is on the ballot, donald trump and the radical republicans are trying to take it away, we won't let them. an attempt on freedom is seen even where there is no sign of it - we just need to win these elections, because he is already even promising us a bloodbath . at the same time, the very expression “bloodbath”
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is quite common among biden’s supporters; they one might even say they adore him. at the same time , the democrats themselves do not disdain anything at all; they have gone so far as to openly call for the physical elimination of the republican candidate, a former msnbc host. imagine, you are a candidate from donald trump's team, someone decides that we don't need you here, and they chase you off your own porch. this is the intimidation that liberals are trying to use, they are trying to make conservatives afraid to leave their home. ulbermann, by the way, was not the first to speak about his desire to eliminate trump last fall.
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democratic congressman dan goldman. then the liberal publication business insider began to promote the topic. and what will happen if trump dies, that’s what the scandalous article was called. all this, of course, is not due to great intelligence, but due to growing uncertainty. in the presidential race , biden and trump. they go head to head or, as the americans say, neck to neck. in national polls , the democrat is slightly ahead of the republican, and the republican is ahead of the democrat in key swing states. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and evgeny samsonov, lead the usa. the european organization for nuclear research cern ceases cooperation with specialists from russia, the contracts of about 500 scientists are terminated. many of whom, including those who participated in the construction of the large hadron collider, as stated in the russian academy of sciences, cern’s decision is purely political and it will certainly negatively affect scientific
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research, currently the world’s largest high-energy physics laboratory. details from the material of our european correspondent anastasia popova. affairs they are gradually conveying it, slowly in fact, if we speak outside the context of political statements, according to the scientists themselves, they are not doing it very willingly. cern is curtailing cooperation with russian science, and the decision has also been made regarding belarus, this is what the european research center responded to our request today. in december 2023, the cern council decided to end cooperation with the russian federation and the republic of belarus due to the expiration of international cooperation agreements in the twenty-fourth year. they were not in switzerland anyway, they came from time to time on business trips , often with ready-made projects, to share their work and, together with their european colleagues, learn more about the world and its matter, well, finally, you can
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go to victory, so in in 2010, at cern, scientists together launched the large hadron collider, a large-scale scientific project that united the leading scientists of the planet, there are a lot of all sorts of elements and technologies that were produced by our russian institutes, but the main thing is that we were ideologists in... scientists and journalists from russia. restore the first microseconds of the existence of our universe, understand which unit is responsible for the mass of bodies. to do this, scientists had to build such a colossus, 46 m in length. 25
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in diameter, the weight of this structure is 7,000 tons, and what is interesting is that this magnetic spectrometer was created by russian physicists, at least a tenth of all equipment was made in russia. over 60 years, relations with russia have developed in a special way. our country was a privileged observer. unlike india, the usa and japan, about a thousand of our scientists were allowed to participate in almost all works, including scientific ones, which now, for political reasons, do not want to be published.
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they will slowly get ready, they will slowly leave there, but they need to somehow replace them at work, and with whom to replace them, they have no one to replace these people. in russia, they are eagerly awaiting the return of valuable specialists to full-time work. a series of installations that have no analogues in the world are being created throughout the country today. we will have the best system within the next 8 years mega-installations of synchrotron, neutron, vasor, in our country. today we have the accelerator that is there. cooperation with russia is evidenced by the fact that cern does not want to finally curtail interaction with moscow, despite the pressure from politicians, about how important it was for the europeans; there are reports that they are now trying to resolve the
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