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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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attempts by russia's enemies to intimidate the russian people lead to the opposite result. they don't understand who they are dealing with. these are the words of vladimir putin, which were heard at a meeting with the leaders of the state duma factions. strengthening the country's defense capability and security became one of the central topics of conversation. evgenia petrukhina has all the details. it is necessary to continue constructive work, vladimir putin noted during a meeting in the kremlin with the leaders of the duma factions. one of the most important areas of this work is the development of the potential of russian subjects, modernization of infrastructure of cities and rural areas. the proposed program for the country's development is set out in a message to the federal assembly, which also reflects the proposals of the leaders of the duma factions. vladimir putin noted that parliament now has serious powers to form a government. this is the approval of the chairman of the government and his deputies and ministers, and here it is extremely important not to be guided by corporate or party interests, but to approve people based on
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their personal business qualities, incentives, in accordance with the constitution, with the updated constitution, the parliament has now been assigned very serious powers to form the highest executive body of power, the government, you will approve not only the chairman of the government, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc, this is an extremely important and responsible thing, you know, i still work in leningrad, then st. petersburg. seen how legislatures, when faced with these problems, sometimes stumble here because behind every appointment there are corporate interests, i would really like to set you up so that we are not guided by corporate, even party interests, but by the interests of the cause, first of all, we select and approve people according to their personal and business qualities, according to... their ability to solve problems
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on the verge of a solution , which the country is worth. the elections held in russia are a confirmation of vladimir putin’s position , first of all, as the supreme commander in chief, gennady zyuganov noted at the meeting, now one of the main tasks is to defeat nazism, defeat fascism. in this new reality denazification is simply necessary, but it is also important not to forget about technological development. he proposed to vladimir putin to make his first official visit in the new term to china.
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ukranazis, who tried to intimidate russian citizens with shelling so that they would not go to voting stations, but it didn’t work out: people went to vote actively, including in border regions. sergei mironov suggested that vladimir putin consider the issue of awarding a state award to the governor of belgorod, vyacheslav glatkov. regarding the work within the framework of the message to the federal meeting, sergei mironov voiced several proposals: for example, to create an agency for veterans' affairs, a state committee for science and a ministry of demography. in connection with your special attention to demographic problems and the announcement of the year of the family, i think that if we had a special ministry of demography within the government, this would probably be absolutely correct, and, for example, the question of introducing an increased coefficient for the size material capital in a region with low birth rates, this is our proposal, because here, probably, you can look at making it so that... in russia
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, it is necessary to develop the subjects evenly so that living in moscow, thousands of kilometers away, would be comfortable, the party chairman spoke about this. he also noted that the party is soon going to submit to the state duma a bill on the need to assign the status of combat veteran to military officers who risk their lives on the front line, like our colleague boris maksudov, who will forever be in our memory, we will soon introduce a law to the state duma , which military officers, those who risk their lives, recently our friend brother, boris maksudov, died , who...
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also on tuesday, vladimir putin met with the head of the board of the eurasian economic commission, sagentaev, they discussed the system
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of settlements in national currencies, as well as the anniversary summit of the eec, which will be held in may, now the commission itself is being updated, yes ? russia is chairing brix this year, our other countries are not members of this association, but there are great opportunities there, bearing in mind the plans of our
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chinese friends, i have a big request for you to look at your colleagues and work with russian, how could we include the economies of others... in the sky over the belgorod region last evening, russian air defense forces shot down 10 vampire missiles. in just one day, the ssu attacked the region more than 50 times. governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. about 130 private houses in the village of razumnaya were damaged due to the militants’ attack , four people were injured, including two teenagers. one of them is in serious condition, the child will be transferred to a clinic in the capital. report from the border region by alexander rebunov. the tail of one of the missiles fired from ukraine to... the peaceful homes of the region's residents. according to the ministry of defense, in the sky over belgorod, air defense crews shot down nine
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charges from the vampire multiple launch rocket system, but unfortunately there were also attacks on cottages and courtyards of high-rise buildings. one of the ukrainian ammunition hit this private house in the village of razumno. now rescuers are trying to shed the roof of the floating ceiling so that the fire does not spread inside the building. the owners of the house were not inside at the time of the explosion. perhaps this saved them. the scattering of fragments was very dense. we know that we have a car. burned down, we kept it safe from blows, but this is the first time this has happened here, that is, no, we found fragments, it broke through the roof for us, it was already here, it was, but we didn’t report it, because people’s houses were collapsing, just reasonably, as a result of another terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine, damage was detected in thirteen private residential buildings, windows were broken, roofs and facades were cut, there were wounded, four people were hospitalized, among them a fourteen-year-old teenager, fragments...
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of the city district, there is no electricity, ukrainian militants bombed the station, deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure, the debris of one of... ended up in the central district hospital, the second in a local school. the landing site of another ukrainian projectile, a high-explosive fragmentation munition detonated in the center of the village of razumny, shrapnel pierced eight cars. naturally, there were no military goals here. on the contrary, there is a secondary school nearby. if the children were not at a distance today, it’s scary to think what what consequences this could lead to. the fire was avoided here; workers from a nearby car service came running here with more fire extinguishers.
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is driving the french to the slaughter, as stated by the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin,
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russia has information about france’s intention to send about 2 thousand military personnel to ukraine, where they will become a legal target for the russian armed forces. paris, according to naryshkin, carefully hides both the number of losses and the very fact of the involvement of the french military in ukraine. how far are western allies willing to go to support kiev? in a report by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail. will not allow ukraine to fail, this coalition will not allow ukraine to fail, and
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the free world will not allow ukraine to fail. the words seem to be the same as they were a month and six months and a year ago, only the united states no longer has the same money for ukraine, not tens of billions of dollars, but 300 million, which, as austin himself admitted, he managed to save on other projects. theoretical opportunity to consider the issue the house of representatives of the us congress will, apparently, not appear sooner than later about the allocation of new funds. mid-april, but given the position of the republicans, a positive result is by no means guaranteed. this clearly does not add confidence and good mood to the european allies, as often happens. one of them clearly includes the former chief of the general staff of the polish army, raimund andrzejczyk. he left his post only in october last year. it is difficult to imagine a more competent expert. i think ukrainian losses
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need to be counted in millions, not hundreds of thousands. there are no reserves in this country, no one to fight with. ukraine is losing this war. the situation is very very dramatic. according to general andrzejczyk, by the end of march kiev will run out of missiles for air defense systems, which will make its military facilities defenseless against air strikes. things are a little better with 155 caliber ammunition. western publications write that in terms of the density of artillery fire in the main battle areas, the russian army is 20 times greater than the ukrainian armed forces. and the western military-industrial complex will be able to quickly make up the difference, if ever. the czech republic is looking for a shell.
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graham, the one who openly called the ukrainian conflict the best investment in us security. since his friend mccain lay down in arlinkton cemetery, graham has been unrivaled in incitement and hypocrisy. i hope that those who are fit to serve in the ukrainian army will serve. i can't believe she's been around since she was 27, you're fighting for your life, so you have to serve, and not at 25 or 27. we need more people at the front so we don't did, you must fight. us. the americans need you ukrainians to fight to the last of you. graham demands to speed up the adoption of the cannibalistic law on mobilization, which will turn ukraine into a deserted desert. she is already turning into it. it is not clear whether this process can somehow be reversed. the washington post writes that in many ukrainian villages there are simply no men left, so on the way back to
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his washington, graham could well have stopped by macron in paris to thank him for the idea. another thing is that in a coalition of the willing to land somewhere in odessa, which the president of france is putting together, there are still few participants, everything is a trifle that is difficult to take into account, even for macron. those who could really be useful to him, for example, italy or germany, do not even want to talk about it yet. what if the front line in ukraine collapses? will germany then be ready to side with france and do whatever is necessary to help ukraine? well, i have learned a lot in my political life and especially in the last 12 months as german defense minister, and that i what i don't usually do is answer hypothetical questions. everything is clear here
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before the german authorities authorize the participation of the bundeswehr in military intervention. to ukraine, or more correctly, southwestern russia. macron and company will need to push scholz for the supply of taurus cruise missiles. it is logical, because the chancellor refuses to do this, including due to his reluctance to send german military specialists to the conflict zone, which would make germany a participant in it. the chancellor defended his position three times through voting in bundestag, and he no longer hides his irritation at the ongoing speculation about this. i must admit that the debates in germany cannot be surpassed in their ridiculousness, especially those held in front of the public eye, where else in the world is it possible that in a country that is the largest supplier of weapons to ukraine, such discussions are taking place, which i read and i see it every day in newspapers, on radio and tv. this is shameful for our country. we said 28 billion euros
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have either already been delivered or agreed upon, and then such discussions. artillery system.
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mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, central european news bureau. the ukrainian authorities awarded ss man yaroslav gunko an honorary badge for his services to
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the ternopil region. it was in this region that the nazi criminal was born. the decision was made by the ternopil regional council in honor of the ninety- ninth anniversary of their fellow countryman. the award sheet notes that a collaborator from the galicia division made a significant personal contribution to helping the armed forces of ukraine. after the parliament of caen. got into the scandal over the applause for the punisher gunko, the west is trying once again not to remember either him or the ukrainian followers of hitler, but as we see, in matters of supporting the nazis, svidomo figures show amazing persistence. the latvian government proposes to include manganese ore and aluminum oxide used in the defense industry in the sanctions list against russia. the eu countries are discussing the next fourteenth package. anti-russian sanctions. while officials are inventing new levers of pressure on our country, the latvian leadership is deciding how to punish russians in the country for participating in the presidential elections. boris
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ivanin has all the details. a sophisticated form of bullying. thus, the russian embassy in riga considered a raid on our citizens, which was carried out by the latvian authorities right under the windows of the diplomatic mission. russophobia in the republic is leading to repression. latvian police have no shame or conscience. the border service checked the documents of people who came to vote in the presidential elections in russia, that is, to fulfill their civic duty, but for this they i had to overcome cordons, essentially filtration ones, local reporters also behaved shamelessly, finding out who they were voting for, although this is clear even without translation, for putin, who am i voting for, well, about putin, i don’t want to talk, get out of here, i can’t breathe, that one over there car or this one. but the latvian government agencies were persistently interested in the availability of visas and residence permits; they checked more than a thousand people,
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violations were found in only 24, but they are now being deported, reports chief of state police armand rooks, although if the latvian authorities will, they in general, all russians were expelled. if we recall the recent statement by the head of the latvian ministry of justice, she doesn’t care who they voted for, the fact itself is important: if you came to the polls, it means you have already supported the aggressor’s country. and for this, according to the minister, one can be deprived of military service and put in prison. these checks, they were not intended to restore order, not to prevent any provocations, but to humiliate people and intimidate them, this is an act of intimidation, this is an act of nationalist pr, this, in addition, is, of course, a manifestation of an outright bullying , open mockery, and is one of the acts from... the law on emigration, now, in order to obtain
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the rules for staying in the republic are becoming increasingly strict, according to the amendments to the residence permit, or to confirm your right to it, you need to pass a test in the latvian language, more than 60% of russians do not pass it the first time. there are already more than 1,200 people under threat of deportation, these are the most modest estimates since this year . the wounds issued by permanent residence permits have lost their power, and not all russians are able to obtain them under the new rules. latvia retroactively beat its own laws and thus introduced amendments to the law on immigration and people who had the right to live in latvia, in fact, before their, well, let’s say death, were obliged to receive them again.
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i was born under hitler in riga, osland, you know, in riga in 1942, i am 82 years old, now in 1942, i am a citizen of hitler. ukrainian flags flash in the crowd; these, if i may say so, are hitler’s subjects and their descendants, while bullying the russians, and openly supporting the neo-nazi kiev. latvia, like many such dwarf ones states most clearly demonstrate the mood in the european union that in the so- called civilized europe they try to hide. in fact, the same germany , the same other european countries, as we see from the sanctions, as we see from their behavior, would be happy to do the same, but for now they are embarrassed due to the fact that they seem
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to be positioning themselves as... the shists, who after 1945 fled to the forests, terrorized the civilian population for another 10 years, killed, robbed, and their own latvians, destroy entire villages, and monuments have now been erected to them, neo-nazism, it didn’t even raise its head, it became state policy, and this policy is absolutely everywhere, it is in schools, it is in textbooks, it is at the state level in the sejm, in the government , after
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the election day checks turned around. in the islamic world, the voice of russia is heard and the level of relations with it is strengthened, said the chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of our country, mufti ravil gainuddin. on his behalf in the cathedral mosque a gala reception was held in moscow, where the ambassadors of saudi arabia, lebanon, yemen, iran, qatar and several others were invited.
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the arab world values ​​peace and the peaceful initiative, position, and policies of the russian state and its president. today we are meeting in such a religious spiritual place at the invitation of mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin in honor of the blessed month of ramadan. i wish russia stability, security and prosperity. now the people of gaza are suffering because of israeli aggression. russian foreign policy, led by vladimir putin, aimed at establishing peace.
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borders, by the way, prosecutors and intelligence services controlled by moldova did not even challenge in court either the course of the election campaign or the voting results. anastasia panko has all the details. evgenia gutsul won the elections for the head of gagauzia last spring, beating her opponent by almost 2,500 votes. gagauzia is a small region of moldova, which traditionally advocates strengthening ties with russia, which the country’s central government does not like. at a press conference in chisinau, the president. to a criminal group shor, the party from which evgenia gutsul was nominated, and which local authorities accused of collaborating with russia, a person working for a criminal group, and not for the residents of moldova and the gogous autonomy, and making statements against his country, has nothing to look for in the government.


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