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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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attempts by russia's enemies to intimidate the russian people lead to the opposite result; they do not understand who they are dealing with. these are the words of vladimir putin, which were heard at a meeting with the leaders of the state duma faction. strengthening the country's defense capability and security became one of the central topics of conversation. details from evgenia petrukhina. it is necessary to continue constructive work - vladimir putin noted during a meeting in the kremlin with... the proposed program
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for the country's development is set out in the message to the federal assembly, which also reflects proposals from the leaders of the duma factions. vladimir putin noted that the parliament now has serious powers to form the government, this is the approval of the chairman of the government and his deputies and ministers, and here it is extremely important not to be guided by corporate or... serious powers to form the highest executive body of power, the government, you will to approve not only the chairman of the parliament is now very much assigned to the government, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc, this is extremely important responsible thing, you know, i was still working in leningrad... i saw how
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legislative bodies, faced with these problems, sometimes stumble here, because behind every appointment there are corporate interests, i would really like to encourage you to we were not guided by corporate, or even party interests, but by the interests of the cause. first of all , people were selected and approved based on their personal and business qualities. by their ability to solve the problems on the threshold of solution that the country faces. the elections held in russia are confirmation of vladimir putin’s position, primarily as the supreme commander in chief, gennady zyuganov noted at the meeting, now one of the main tasks is to defeat nazism, defeat fascism. in this new reality, denazification is simply necessary, but it is also important not to forget about technological development. gennady proposed to vladimir putin to make his first official visit in the new term to china. the head
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of state noted that the wish will be taken into account. i believe that a new reality is coming, which we must evaluate and to unite as much as possible and solve these problems. first of all, there is a war for resources, there is , in fact, a tough confrontation with those traditional values ​​and our policies, artificial intelligence is still ahead, if it falls into the hands of poorly educated, cynical people, this will be...
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a program of action. to date, we have worked through all the proposals that were made; today we have in our work, specifically 80 bills, of which 47 are in preparation for the second reading. on voting days, clearly the pressure of the collective west and the military intervention of the ukronazis, who tried to intimidate russian citizens with shelling so that they would not leave, could be traced. veterans, the state committee for science and the ministry . for example, create an agency for demography. due to your special attention to demographic problems and the announcement of the year.
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and i think that if we had a special ministry of demography within the government, this would probably be absolutely correct, and well, for example, the question of introducing... an increased coefficient the size of material capital in a region with a low birth rate, this is our proposal, because here, probably, we can see how to make this situation work. in russia, it is necessary to develop the regions evenly so that living in moscow , thousands of kilometers away, would be comfortable. the chairman of the ldpr party, leonid slutsky, spoke about this. he also noted that the party is soon going to submit to the state duma a bill on the need to assign status.
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external pressure, especially in the last week, attempts through the bombing of civilians cities, or some minor provocations in certain areas in the country, somehow influence the elections, we see that our people came, voted, this in this sense is not only
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your victory, i think for the whole country this expression of will, common cause, big victory. vyacheslav volodin conveyed congratulations to vladimir putin on his victory in the elections from the parliamentary delegation of the republic. serbian, the chairman of the state duma emphasized that for serbia this confident choice of russia is an opportunity to build a multipolar, fair world. all deputies, regardless from factional, party affiliation , they asked to convey words of congratulations, in general the perception of the election results, your victory, how the victory of all citizens is perceived, therefore, well... everyone expressed words and support of congratulations, elections form the basic conditions for the strengthening and development of the country, understanding this, the residents of russia came to vote. vladimir putin thanked voters for their clear civic position and emphasized that the multinational people
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of russia cannot be intimidated. representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, difficult regions, and they said, where are you going, aren’t you scared, are you like this already? an adult turned around, i am russian, and i will go where i need to go, you see, this is what our enemy does, believing to achieve a result, he achieves a result, but exactly the opposite, expected, that’s all, they don’t understand, with whom they are dealing, with russia, this, this is still such a community of people, united by common goals, even regardless of ethnicity and religious characteristics. we have a common culture, we have, what we are, what unites us all. in addition, the head of state noted that the government needs updates not so much in specific people, but in approaches to solving problems. vladimir putin called on the leaders of the state duma factions to join forces for the sake of the interests of the state. but for now, the kiev regime
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is striking at peaceful areas of donbass and border cities. our soldiers carry out tasks on the line of combat contact. russian per day. the military has improved the situation along the front line in two directions at once special operations. we are talking about the kupinsky and kherson sectors of the front. data on the progress of our fighters was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, the military department spoke about the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. more than 200 militants were killed in the donetsk direction alone. during the counter-battery fight, the kiev regime lost three tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and four vehicles. russian troops took control of the avdeevsky direction. orlovka, and also improved the situation along the front edge, as the ministry of defense reported, six were reflected in this area per day counterattacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups. the enemy, as a result of unsuccessful attempts to counteract russian forces, lost more than a hundred militants, as well as equipment, including the american sau. in
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avdeevka itself, at the same time, they met a grain caravan from donetsk. with details grigory vdovin. early morning at... donetsk bakery number two fills the air with the smell of fresh bread, some is still going into the oven along the conveyor belt, some is being sliced ​​and packaged, and some is cooling on special wooden pallets. everything before the war for a while they transported bread there, because we had deliveries to avdeevka and cars, everything, of course, from 1914 all this stopped, because the road there was like that, well, it was unrealistic to just transport there, of course, now deliveries are resuming again, i i hope that people will remember our bread again and will be very happy with our products, we will make them happy, today the mission is especially important and responsible, a grain caravan is being formed, at the request of the residents of avdeevka, the republican authorities have agreed with the grain...
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so the people are not afraid for 10 years already, having already experienced hell on earth, i’m already hell under the earth, i’m not afraid of the grain question, then sergei raised it, he ’s the eldest at one of the points of distribution of humanitarian aid for food, only we need a trace and so he asks for gas for gasoline for a generator and let's get off the gas. life is changing, life is changing for the better , everyone is helping, the only thing is that work will begin now, it will be absolutely wonderful, at this point they asked to organize a vote too, they promised to come one day, we came here and gathered, no one it wasn’t, well, maybe there was shelling, there was fire in my soul, joy that at least they weren’t shooting at us now, these, excuse me, i’ll cry now, because all of these.
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a special-purpose wik worked in the city , the voting took place, thank you for holding the elections here with us, and we also want to get passports here in avdeyka, i’m not leaving, i’m blue, well, the police seem to be already walking around , yes, yes, they’re already walking around, they are already looking, collecting data, people applied, asked to hold elections, we fulfilled their desire, asked for passports, partially received them.
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already obvious. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, after a solution has been found, and this is now gennady korniev and andrey rudenko. news from avdeevka, dpr. in the sky above the belgorod region last evening, russian air defense forces shot down 10 vampire missiles and one rocket. tochka and another patriot complex. the data was published by the ministry of defense. in just one day, the ssu attacked the region more than fifty times. governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. about 130 private houses were damaged. in the village of reasonable, they suffered due to militant attacks. four people, including two teenagers. one of them is in serious condition, the child
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will be transferred to a clinic in the capital. from the border region. report by alexander revunov. the tail of one of the missiles fired from ukraine at peaceful homes in the region. according to the ministry of defense, in the sky over belgorod, air defense crews shot down nine charges from the vampire multiple launch rocket system. but, unfortunately, there were also arrivals in cottages and courtyards of high-rise buildings. one of the ukrainian ammunition was very dense, we know that our car burned down, we kept it safe from impacts, but you this is the first time this has happened here, that is, no , we found fragments, it pierced our roof, it was already here, it was, but we didn’t report it, because people’s houses were collapsing, just within reason, as a result of another terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine, the damage was revealed in thirteen private residential buildings, windows were broken
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, roofs and facades were cut, there were wounded, four people were hospitalized, among them 14. infrastructure, debris from one of the rockets hit the central regional hospital, the second hit a local school. arrival location of another one ukrainian shell, high-explosive fragmentation ammunition detonated in the center of the village of razumny. eight cars were penetrated by shrapnel. naturally, there were no military goals here. on the contrary, there is a secondary school nearby. if children were not at a distance today, it’s scary to think
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what consequences this could lead to. the fire was avoided here by workers from a nearby car service center. shebekinsky district, gorovoronsky district, we agree with colleagues of the governors, on the 22nd 1200 children go to pindzov tambov in kaluga, then the stavropol territory, in belgorod itself and the border areas today , schoolchildren did not study, college students, technical school students, students of local universities were self-training,
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many cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers are operating on a reduced schedule. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, mikhail shun, conduct the belgorod region. the ukrainian authorities awarded ss man yaroslav gunko an honorary badge for his services to the ternopil region. it was in this region that the nazi criminal was born. the decision was made ternopil regional council in honor of the ninety- ninth anniversary of their fellow countryman. the award sheet notes that a collaborator from the galicia division made a significant personal contribution to helping the armed forces of ukraine. after the canadian parliament got into a scandal for applauding the punisher, the west is trying extra hard. does not remember either him or the ukrainian followers of hitler, but as we see, in matters of supporting the nazis, svidomo figures show amazing persistence. the european organization for nuclear research cern stops cooperating with specialists from russia, contracts with about five hundred scientists are terminated, many of whom, among other things,
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participated in the construction of the large hadron collider. as noted in the russian academy of sciences, the decision of cern. the topic of nuclear testing is one of the main ones on the agenda, because this is a powerful resource for all of humanity, in the fight for it, it would seem that science is certainly out of politics, but no, the world’s leading laboratory for high energy physics will stop cooperation. from russia, this was stated by the official representative of cern of the european nuclear organization research, arnaud marselier. at the moment we have less than 500 users who are still associated with any russian organization, most of whom do not live in switzerland. the suspension of the cooperation agreement will come into force on november 30 this year.
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for many years, russia has co-financed projects of the european organization for nuclear research, to which cern has access. now i just blocked it. andrey zarodchentsev, an it specialist from st. petersburg, comes to switzerland on a business trip, develops one of main experiments of the collider. andrey shared with us that cern has been trying to lure russian scientists to european institutes in this way for a long time. the next stage of brain drain from russia, so to speak, is there, with the decision that russian institutions cannot participate in political decisions. creation, production of equipment for experiments, research, analysis and data processing, all this was done by russian scientists, now
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eight specialists from tomsk are in switzerland, who continue to work until the end of november, the guys - they are mostly young people there, the guys - perform those functions that - specific experiments, some experiments, require of them. there , well, they were exclusively staged by russian scientific ideologists, that is, the idea of ​​the experiment itself was generated by our scientists, and a specific experiment was built under these ideas, there, for example, na604, at the institute of nuclear physics of the russian academy of sciences they believe that the suspension of cooperation between cern and russian scientists.
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their analogues, indeed those that do not exist in the world, this will be not just a fourth generation installation, but a 4 plus one, again with very high quality characteristics that will enable researchers to do things that cannot be done on any similar installation in the world. in addition, the nick superconducting collider will be launched in dubna at the end of this year, according to the director of the joint institute for nuclear research. and a russian-made collider will answer questions about how, after the big explosion , the nuclear matter that makes up the all objects in the universe. today nika is one
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of the cutting-edge projects, which once again confirms russia’s sovereignty in the international arena in the nuclear industry. alexandra perfileva, anna pogonina and natalya uvarova, conduct. the us air force announced that it had conducted final tests of a hypersonic cruise missile, but did not specify whether they had taken place? successful, given the failure of testing a year ago. is it known that the exercise was conducted at the reagan training ground on the marshall islands, and the missile was launched from a boeing b-52 strategic bomber, which is located on pentagon weapons since 195. in theory , the prototype of a new missile with a gliding warhead was supposed to accelerate to a speed of mach five, that is, five times faster than the speed of sound. however, instead of exact figures about the speed and... condition of the us air force, they only reported that they had received valuable information about the capabilities of this weapon. whether it will ever go into production is a big question, as
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defense news notes, despite congressional pressure on the pentagon, the us air force has not received requests to fund additional tests or refine these rockets. the russian national football team continues to prepare for friendly matches against national teams. unexpected formats, switch roles live, try to answer the football player’s question in his own style, putting yourself in the place of the one who just ran back the entire match.
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tactical question. usually, with the movement of the right lateral, inside players are swept lower during counter-pressing, while the central defenders move into personal marking. why did you lose today? because we had some kind of tactics and we stuck to it. i understand that the situation has become tense between, well, not heated, from time to time it gets heated between journalists and football players. there are many questions, both on one side and on the other, therefore.
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wednesday and even managed to talk a little with milish, left a very pleasant impression, what surprised me most was how he speaks russian. the upcoming matches of the national team are also notable for the fact that foreign players have been called up to the squad. alexander golovin from monaco, alexey miranchuk from italian atalanta, daler kuzyaev from french le havre and arsen zakharyan from the spanish real sasida, the more interesting. daniil makhalin, igor nikulin, vladimir klimov, alexander. talmashevsky, news: novogorsk near moscow.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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