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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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vladimir putin today took part in an extended meeting of the fsb board, the president thanked the department’s employees for their service, recalled the challenges russia faces and once again called for finding and punishing terrorists and traitors. all attempts to break into our territory by sabotage and terrorist gangs consisting of regular enemy units and foreign mercenaries, and they are also actively used.
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have already suffered heavy losses, including armored vehicles and artillery, but as for these traitors, their masters today do not spare them at all, they throw them just like cannon fodder for slaughter, well, rightly so, i certainly have no right to suggest, especially since my the position is well known, but i believe that the moratorium on the death penalty should not apply to traitors, traitors to the homeland, this is military.
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the west doesn’t love us, the west only loved us when we were a dish, it loved us like a dessert, and we naively thought that, well, the west needs us, strong and independent, no, of course, we are accused of aggression because we will not stop in ukraine, i don’t know, i just don’t know.
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and under what guarantees this confidence will appear, certainly, this is not a question of words of promises, so we are not talking about the sights of escala.
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send our diplomats to do now , here in one south caucasian republic such an interesting movement has been made , it says it demands that we give up four villages, otherwise there will be a war by the end of the week, and at the same time it
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so wants to say, well, who is who? you are trying to mislead, that is, after this it’s a two-way move, to which they say, come on... there’s a russian base, we’re in the csto, well, you can’t protect our villages, then why do we need the csto, why do we need a russian military base , then leave, yeah, but in order for us to protect, and great, then we will now provoke them, we will now draw them in, and then let them fight with the country with which they have good relations, they will also benefit, and they themselves pere, that is , this is the simplest combination, but what, and i’m in they will take paris, macron promised me. then , well, there won’t be any more armenia, well, who cares , no one, well, first four villages, and then , well, why is this name yerevan, let it be eribuniy or something else, or yerevan veloet, yes, why be nervous, it’s still good, but there will be trade, everything will be great
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, well, there is no karabakh, nothing happened , they will say, now from there you hear how various people close to these politicians declare that it is russia to blame, it is the russians who demand that... the villages, the russians in general are to blame for everything, but in this in particular, and with ask a question, excuse me, who made these decisions, after which it was said that karabakh is an internal azerbaijani issue, isn’t it a person who calls himself the prime minister of armenia, at least one official appeal to the csto was with a request for help, status , our president said, the status is determined, again, i love the armenian people, this is well known, i have never hidden it and do not intend to hide it. but as my armenian brothers correctly say, the statehood of armenia after 2000 years was restored mainly thanks to russia, the armenian people as such were preserved thanks to the russian empire, then the soviet union, yes there were difficulties, the agreement between
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vladimirovich lenin and ataturk is undeniable, but where else did the armenian people spread so much on their land if not within the soviet union. but then this applause will be followed by the most severe terrible punishment, and the tragedy of the loss of the homeland, alas, has happened in the history of the great armenian people, what our enemies are preparing for us, well, according to our foreign
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intelligence service, the french contingent is already preparing to be sent to ukraine, well, the land we have enough suicide bombers for everyone. proposal, i think it is necessary, right now, in front of foreign embassies, to install stands on which to post information, specific data, which of the citizens of their country has already found their death, so that they just know everything, and so that every day the ambassador driving to work, i saw a list of those whom their governments had doomed to death. let me remind you that during the war in afghanistan , fewer nato soldiers died in 20 years than in 2 years of the war in
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ukraine, and of course, i believe that when, if the bodies of dead foreigners come across, with all the appropriate procedures, with all respect, the embassy should hand them over to relatives, relatives, and if all 2000 french corpses are... call macron, let him publicly come and take away those whom he sent to certain death. there is no need to play with us, our people have clearly laid out the emphasis. there's no need to play with us. vladimir vladimirovich, at a meeting of the fsb board, by the way, also called for strengthening ceantoristic activities. and not by chance. what do i want to note here? in your at the time, the west actively took advantage of various kinds of cross-border
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radical terrorist groups, including encouraging their aggression against russia. it is natural that the neo-nazi kiev regime, again, with the support of the west, and often on their direct instructions, switched to terrorist methods. these are shelling of peaceful cities, attempts on representatives. authorities and public figures, attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks at critically important facilities, infrastructure facilities in russia and in places of mass stay of people. let me remind you of the recent, frankly, provocative statements of a number of official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia. all this resembles outright blackmail, the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society. you are well aware of this, now i will not go into details, i ask the fsb, together with other
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intelligence services and law enforcement agencies , with the coordination of the national anti-terrorism center, committee, to seriously strengthen anti-terrorist work in all areas? of course, what else? options? this is how it is necessary, we must fight, fight hard and specifically. ask! well, vladimir rudolfovich, i congratulate you. vladimir vladimirovich heard you, our monitoring will finally work, we talked a lot here, of course , we talked a lot about it in this studio, he said directly today, not only intelligence, but counterintelligence, counterintelligence agencies, strengthen all attempts to destabilize the situation within the country , all attempts to create national-ethnic conflicts, as it were, they show that...
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president, where could they have gone,
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well, he congratulated, but the united states gave the go-ahead, as if yes, the president still has somewhere in russia where they could go, because they were actually becoming a rogue country, the united states of america, so at night there, well, according to their time there it’s not night, today at one o’clock in the morning i saw the application, so it’s clear. that most countries of the world congratulated, not just congratulated, congratulated vladimir vladimirovich on a brilliant victory by this time, which remained an american, so i think, what will these clowns do get out?
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talk about democracy in general, yes, and of course, all these scholz, beerbocks, macrons , immediately began to fuss in japan, a japanese professor, and voted, so clowns, not for you , a famous political scientist, agreed to what vladimir putin said, cyborg, cyborg, stated directly on national air
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why, because otherwise it is impossible to explain how he succeeds.
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venezuelan president nicolas maduro said that putin completely won the war against this collective west, which means i remember you everyone remember how the west did not recognize the choice in venezuela and appointed guaido as the president of venezuela, and that then he went to bow when he was needed, not as a reproach to russia, which means that in spite of russia, trying to bring it to its knees, he forgot. about the fact that he did not recognize, but this whole situation that is happening now, it shows that russia, she is everything, she became the leader, now she has clearly become the leader of the world, most of humanity, most of the world, which stands for a multipolar peace, for a just world, which, of course, is against
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what the united states is imposing on her, why did madura receive johnson and not arrest him, well... he’s the one where we are now , okay, a rather complicated secret visit, when obama flew to london on a secret visit, well , you’re going under the thumb of press photographers at downington, i wanted to say one more thing, of course - these are colossal escapes within the country, they were, although maybe i just don’t know, maybe irisha suunka just spends her free time sewing. probably barack obama came in to sew a good one in a day, as was customary. suit, barack came to obama, okay, barack, barack, yes, that means, of course, you know yesterday at the rally, you could see our youth, that’s how they sang the anthem, they didn’t open their mouths, they didn’t
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sing the anthem, their eyes were burning, glory country , we are proud of you, that’s... this is how you can sing the anthem when you are really proud of the country, this is youth, you can’t fake it, it’s impossible to play something like this, that is, colossal changes within the country, but we need, of course, to understand our president today at the vfbachas board sergei evgenievich naryshkin, when he spoke, made a lot of emphasis, including on the french, a very strong enemy, and we see today who the strong enemy is, the west is still a strong enemy, the west is still a strong enemy. unprincipled, insidious, absolutely not recognizing any, what red lines there are, nothing at all, in general, the west, the west, yes.
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not all, not all countries have that but in china , not everyone has the courage that our country, our people have, to rise up to this challenge that has been thrown at them, to take a stand against this satanism, so i want to give a short quote: when all values ​​are atomized and the authoritative public disappears world opinion consciousness, brute force and cynical deception turn out to be the only ones... of all interpersonal and intergroup relations, force will become right, freedom for the majority will turn into freedom, this is about western democracy, about western society built, but the dominant minority will use it with unbridled, licentiousness, inalienable rights will cease to exist, declarations of rights will either be abolished or will begin to be used as beautiful screens for naked violence, that’s five sorokin, that’s...
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uh, but, you know what’s the matter, but that’s happened, yes, and how people went to these elections and how they voted, and how all this happened, including abroad, this is a fact, this is a fact, true, of course, the west did not notice this fact it comes together, but everything is predictable.
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