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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the rescue operation is in its second day to establish contact with the trapped miners at the emergency mine in the amur region. all the efforts of enemies to intimidate russians lead to the opposite, as the president spoke about at a meeting with the leaders of the state duma faction. order of courage for saving a comrade. sergei solinov covered the commander of the famous tank crew alyosha. polish farmers threaten to paralyze
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the country. rubble at the site of the collapse in the mine, where 13 miners are trapped, now there will be a well to lower the camera to install communication with people, the rescue operation , which has been going on for two days, is being monitored by our correspondent, victoria sutenko, she is in direct contact, now a message is coming that clearing work has been stopped to pump out groundwater, how long will it take, thanks colleagues, well, i’ll start a little from other information that according to the russian ministry of emergency situations at about 6:00 am moscow time. from the airport of novokuznetsk straight to the river to help eliminate the consequences of the emergency at the pioneer mine , an il-76 plane took off, which had been waiting for a long time, there were 30 specialists on board, these were engineers, and mine workers, mine rescue specialists, as well as emergency rescue equipment , including a video eye device, which can descend to a depth of 300 and examine the scene of an incident, as well as hydraulic and pneumatic equipment.
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now he is working on site. about 220 people, including troops from khabarovsk, primorsky territories, and yakutia. the work does not stop completely, that is, there is constant pumping of water, and also the formation of a soil bridge from rock to prevent soil from entering the mine. in addition to basic rescue work, specialists ensure their own safety and strengthen the cleared passages in order to move on. in depth, in addition, an additional ventilation system was installed, because the air is heavy, and over the past 24 hours, rescuers have already managed to remove more than a third of the collapsed soil, but the situation is still difficult, a regional emergency regime is in effect in the region, the governor of the amur region arrived on the scene in the morning , a coes was held with the participation of representatives of operational services, according to recommendations from kuzbass specialists who have extensive experience in preventing
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such emergencies. it was decided to drill a well to the supposed location of people, even if it does not lead to the victims, through this hole specialists will be able to lower the camera that i mentioned above and examine the scene of the incident, to understand what is really happening below at a depth, well, under the rubble, as we know, at a depth of 125 m there are 13 people, and the mur residents are not among them, these are shift workers from other regions of russia, machinists, mechanics, welders. and other specialists, contact has already been established with the families of the victims, three families have already expressed a desire to come to the amur region and promised that they will be met at the airport, provided with a place to stay, and provided with all the necessary information, well, that’s what we have for this hour, we continue to monitor developments. thank you, the rescue operation at a mine in the amur region was told by our
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correspondent, all sides of the enemies are behind... the number reflects the proposals of the leaders of the duma may the country's development program is set out in message to the federal assembly, where there are factions. in accordance with the updated constitution, parliament is now vested with very serious powers to form the highest executive body of power, the government. you will approve not only the chairman of the government, but also his deputy and the ministers of the civil bloc. this is an extremely important and responsible thing. you know, back
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in... working in leningrad, then in st. petersburg, i saw how legislative bodies, faced with these problems,
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sometimes they stumble here because... artificial intelligence, if it falls into the hands of poorly educated, cynical people, it will be worse than the fascist reich. the task now is to realize the potential of the president’s message to the federal assembly, vladimir vasiliev emphasized, here is support for large families and youth, implementation of national projects, regulation of prices for medicines, medicines and housing and communal services. it is more important than ever for duma factions to work together. the message that was addressed to parliament, to almost the entire people. which we are very worked out in detail, for our faction, for the united russia party, this is a program of action. to date, we have worked through all the proposals that were made;
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today we have in our work, specifically 80 bills, of which 47 are in preparation for the second reading. sergei mironov voiced several proposals, for example, to create an agency for veterans' affairs. state committee for science and ministry of demography. due to your special attention to demographic problems and the announcement of the year of the family. i think that if we had a special ministry of demography within the government, this would probably be absolutely correct. and, well, for example, the question of introducing an increased coefficient to the size of material capital in a region with a low birth rate. this is our proposal because here. we can probably see how to make this situation work. in russia, it is necessary to develop the regions evenly so that living in moscow , thousands of kilometers away, would be comfortable. the chairman of the ldpr party, leonid slutsky, spoke about this. he also noted that the party
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in the near future, he is going to introduce a bill to the state duma on the need to assign the status of combat veterans to warriors who risk their lives on the front line. like our colleague, boris maksudov, who is forever. combat veteran, they are more than worthy of it. there was a great response from entrepreneurs to vladimir putin’s message to the federal assembly, noted the leader of the new people party, alexey nechaev. he also emphasized that the presidential campaign was meaningful, despite external pressure
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on russia for ukraine’s dirty attempts to interfere with the elections. despite external pressure, especially the last few weeks, attempts have been made through the bombing of peaceful cities or some minor allotment provocations. russia cannot be intimidated, representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions , in difficult regions, and said, where are you going, you are not afraid, such an adult, i am russian, i will go there,
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you need me under you, you understand, this is it what our opponent does, thinking to achieve a result, he achieves results, but exactly the opposite of what was expected, that's all, they don't understand who they're dealing with. russia is, after all, a community of people united by common goals, even regardless of ethnicity and religious background. we have a common culture, there is something that unites us all. in addition, the head of state noted that the government needs renewal not so much in specific people, but in approaches to solving problems. vladimir putin called on the leaders of the state duma factions to join forces for the sake of the interests of the state. in the belgorod region took a set of measures to protect residents from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. this was stated by the regional governor. so already today entry into seven settlements is limited , which... most often come under attack from ukrainian troops.
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posts are set up on the borders of these settlements. residents will be able to visit their homes at safe times in a specific order. in addition, residents of several settlements are exempt from paying housing and communal services. and tomorrow the authorities will begin distributing food packages. they will be received in sixteen cities at once villages, where shops do not operate. the regional administration is convincing people to leave dangerous areas, to move, for example, to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers. on friday in moscow , the order of courage was awarded to sergei solinov, a fighter without whom perhaps the famous feat of the alyosha tank crew would not have happened. his commander, lieutenant alexander levakov, was obscured by solinov when an ukrainian armed forces drone dropped a grenade. the tanker himself tried to find a savior, but... their paths diverged in the hospital, then vladimir came to the rescue
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putin. anna voronina will tell you. by decree of the president of the russian federation , sergei borisovich soliny was awarded the order of courage for the courage and bravery shown in the performance of his professional duty. this award was looking for its hero for a long time, because apart from the call sign, the prickly name for the front line, sergei solenov, little was known. he, being at the forefront, noticed a drone hovering above the platoon commander. flew in and hovered over us, my feeling told me, i closed it, well, there’s an explosion behind me, sashka asks me, what about i don’t hear anything, noise in my head, a veil of fog, it’s prickly, he says, how are you? i
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say: i’m three-seaters, well, i’ve already fallen. sergei took the brunt of the blow himself, then was evacuated from the battlefield, and the hospital underwent operations to remove fragments. kolyuchi had no idea that the commander whose life he saved was trying to find him. lieutenant alexander levakov told his rescue story at a meeting with vladimir putin, the president gave instructions to find the fighter. when i met with the guys, i think the commander just told me, when he wasn't there yet. tank crews and simply served in, so to speak, the infantry in motorized rifles , so he sat in the pay zone and arrived, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i say who he is, this is your friend, that’s it, no, he was just nearby, and i said, he lost it in the hospital, help me find it, but i don’t know, i asked him to be found, even now... i don’t know, i’ll go back to this, just
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next to him, a man in the guard was sitting next to him, he took it and covered him, just like a comrade in arms, not knowing his name, what difference does it make to us where the person is from, from which region he came to the war, the order of courage was awarded to sergei salenov in moscow, and alexander levakov could not miss this, immediately sasha, that you did not call in advance, your well-deserved reward, so... all the best, all the best, wear , this yours. alexander is sure, sergei, he now owes his life, if the prickly one had not closed him, there would have been no further struggle, no feat as part of the crew of the alyosha tank. it just turns out that i was wounded, still didn’t leave the battle, continued to adjust the fire, going out to connect with our people, so there was no hindrance. last summer, the crew of the alyosha tank single-handedly stopped the advance of the ukrainian armored group in the zaporozhye direction. having destroyed eight pieces of equipment in battle, the fighters
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were awarded the title of heroes of russia. anna voronina, nadezhda nefedova, news. large-scale farmer protests continue in poland. the farmers are going to paralyze the entire country, they are threatening to block the main roads to warsaw, as local media report, they will bring agricultural equipment onto the main streets and highways. the promotions will take participation of about 70,000 farmers. the main demands are to stop importing economic products from ukraine into poland and abandon the so-called green deal of the european union. ahead of the demonstration , poland's minister of agriculture invited farmers to the negotiating table. they go behind closed doors. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me, konstantin, good morning, the eac countries can begin closer cooperation with brix. roman, hello, yes, we are talking about the prospects for interaction between banking systems many countries are interested in establishing a settlement system in national currencies so that it
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functions as a separate modern high-tech center for international payments. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the head of the board. eurasian economic commission, the president of russia raised the question of the prospects for including the economies of other eac countries in joint work with the brix states, including in the field of settlements in national currencies. this could very well be a promising direction, as well as well as the work of financial systems, our banking systems, as you knew, we created as part of this. the brix bank association also has all sorts of ideas on how to expand its work and functionality, and it would be great if we offered our colleagues some things, well, on
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behalf of russia, but taking into account the interests of the member countries of our organization. many banks in armenia will stop providing services. world cards already from march 30, this applies to all credit institutions, participants of the armenian national payment system arka, the press service reported nspk operator maps world. the central bank of armenia previously, in fact, tacitly gave the green light to the introduction of such restrictions. the regulator commented on the situation in the spirit that banks themselves decide which payment systems to cooperate with, based on their risk management strategy, including those related to us sanctions. however, among
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the large ones... russian oil supplies to china increased by 13%, exceeding 17.5 million tons. as follows from the data of the general customs administration of the people's republic of china, russia remains the largest supplier. cost of volumes for january february amounted to almost $10 billion, which is actually 14% more than that. same period last year, lng supplies from russia to china increased by 18% in january-february and amounted to 1,200,000 tons. at the end of the issue about currencies: the dollar exchange rate today is at around 922, the euro costs 100 rubles. 10 kopecks and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we
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continue. a research center has been opened in the murmon region to study the processing of difficult-to-process apatite. nephilin ores, this is a joint project of phosagro kola scientific center of the russian academy of sciences. the president of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov, took part in the ceremony. about how scientists intend to extract maximum benefit from ore - report by vladimir kostrov. it all starts with kern, this sample was taken from the horizon +90 m, so that he could tell how rich this unique drug is made. the procedure is vaguely reminiscent of manipulating the skin of an onion for... school laboratory work only the skin is thicker, they are glued to glass, then ground, polished and then further processed, the analysts are here, yes, i’ll try it for you brought it, you will say that this is what is inside, the relief texture and other parameters can immediately indicate what kind of mineral it is,
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otherwise they connect a spectrometer, first the device removes the dark spectrum, that is, what surrounds us, then you will see a moment of magic , a green ray will appear, each mineral has an individual profile, like a fingerprint, this is, for example, the spectral portrait of nifilin. the phosagro company understands that decades of development and advancement into the depths of the mountain range have led to ore with a different mineral composition, it is necessary to adjust the production technology and the basis for phosphate fertilizers. old deposits are mined, let's say, more go to the bottom. horizon , underground mining is developing in a larger system, new challenges are emerging, and most importantly, every year the volume of ore mining, the volume of production of apatite
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concentrate is increasing, that is, this year we are producing concentrate, this is how ore is crushed, fine fractions are isolated, and here in the center the entire beneficiation chain is modeled and they work with the flotation product, everything is as in factory, only the scale is smaller, phosagro invested half a billion in the project , the kola scientific center of the russian academy of sciences is responsible for science, in this center there will be , as it were, a kind of synergy, or something like the relationship between science and production , these technologies will be honed, that is it is very important that this is an intermediate stage, as it were, when the idea... goes to technology, this is exactly this center, it will work out this this, this is very important, namely, that all our industrial
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production processes take into account scientific component, this means the efficiency of the production process, who else but science will help us. an important stage of the research process is spectrometry of the final product. ideally , the percentage of phosphorus, the main element of fertility, should remain at the same level, regardless of the mineral composition of the ore. good concentration - how much? for a concentrate, 39% is a good concentration. after the opening of the research center , guests were given a tour of a special museum, the hibinarium. here you understand why there are legends about the wealth of the khibiny mountains, but it’s better to still believe in science. at the end , scientists and production workers held a meeting. the main result of the work of the new center will be the solution to the problem of processing difficult-to-process appatichnophiline ores, as they say, alloys. science and production are the key to new victories. vladimir kostrov, vitaly popkov, news. murmansk region. the beginning of
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the sports news ilya starts the sambo founders cup. how personable he will be this time. a novel, seventeen sambo wrestlers will take part in it countries let me remind you that starting in 1982, these competitions became international and acquired the unofficial status of the world championship. the executive committee of the international olympic committee has finally decided on the terms of russia's participation. no more than 83 athletes from russia and belarus will be able to attend : 55 russians and 28 belarusians. so far , 12 russians and seven belarusians have qualified for the olympics in paris. once again, it was stated that olympic candidates from these two countries would not have to sign any declarations of condemnation. special military operation. the flag could be approved by individual neutral athletes who have no national connection to russia or
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belarus. the anthem of neutral athletes was also approved, which has no text and was prepared exclusively for the games in paris. mikhail krovets. left the post of head coach of the avant-garde, the club terminated the agreement with the specialist after a defeat from lokomotiv with a score of 0: 7, sergei zvyagin was appointed acting head coach. magnitogorsk metallurg won its second victory in a row home victory over spartak. the score is modest. 1:0 in favor of the hosts, the only goal in the game was scored by egor korobkin. spartak loses the second match cleanly, the best attack of the first round cannot find the keys to the magnitka defense. twenty-year-old magnitogorsk goalkeeper ilyana bukov saved 32 shots . the army team lost
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at home for the second time in a row, this time losing with a score of 1:3. the pattern of the game did not change after the first match, ska again actively attacked, the motorist caught the hosts on counterattacks and punished them for mistakes. few could assume that the series will move to yekaterinburg with the score 2:0 in favor of the motorist. vasily utkin, an outstanding football commentator, passed away two weeks ago. just turned 52 years old. the preliminary cause of death is thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. vasily utkin last appeared as a football commentator on television during the 1918 world cup in russia. then he commented on the spain-portugal match. vasily was the voice of the era and one of the symbols of russian television nineties early zero. utkin fundamentally changed the style and language of football commentary. and the program that he led the football club quickly became a cult favorite for fans in our country. the russian national football team continues to prepare for friendly matches against the national teams of serbia and paraguay. in addition to
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the training process, the russian football union organized a media day. which was attended by players, fans, journalists, one of them was our colleague danilo makhalin. a frank conversation with the national team players, communication on various topics, for which sometimes there is not always time after matches, coach valery karpin, players anton zenkovsky, andrey mostovoy, fedor chalov, konstantin tyukavin, goalkeeper matvey safonov. one of the given rather unexpected formats is to switch roles live and try to answer the football player’s question in his. insiders are noticed lower during counter-pressing, while the central defenders go into personal marking, why did you lose today, because we had some kind of tactics and we stuck to it, i understand that the situation has become tense between, well, not
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heated, from time to time it heats up between. journalists and football players, there are many questions from both one side and the other, so this event calmly allowed everyone who wanted to speak out, well , naturally, from those who were present, so perhaps we understood each other’s emotions, feelings in terms of resist the work of the second country and help as much as possible. almost exactly 2 years have passed since the russian national football team was suspended from official matches. under the ethos of fifa and uefa. despite this, the rfu tries over and over again to organize opponents with a higher status at each subsequent training camp. and it succeeds. on march 21 and 25 at dynamo stadium, russia will play serbia and paraguay. therefore, good opponents, now serbia, paraguay, are also excellent teams. serbia, in general , the composition there is very strong. so let's see how
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ready we are. as an announcement for the match with the serbs, our team published a promo. i plunged into this acting environment and even managed to talk a little with milos, i left a very pleasant impression, most of all i was surprised how he speaks russian, the upcoming matches of the national team are also notable for the fact that foreign players have been called up to the squad, alexander golovin from monaco, alexey miranchuk from the italian atalanta, daler kuzyaev from
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the french le havre and arsen zakharyan from
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