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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not?
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premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who do you look at all the time? well, there the girl is standing in slings. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. stay still, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. we watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website. research center opened in murmon region to study the processing of difficult-to-process apatite-nephiline ores. this is a joint project of phosagro and the kola science center of the russian academy of sciences.
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the president of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov, took part in the ceremony. about how scientists intend to extract maximum benefit from ore - report by vladimir kostrov. it all starts with kern. this sample was taken from the horizon +90 m so that it could tell what it is rich in; they make a kind of preparation. the procedure is vaguely reminiscent of manipulating the skin of an onion. for school laboratory work only leather thicker. they'll stick to the glass. then they are ground, polished and go further into processing, the analysts are here, yes , i brought you a sample, you will say that this is what is inside, the relief texture and other parameters can immediately indicate what kind of mineral it is, otherwise they connect a spectrometer, first the device they take the dark spectrum, that is, what surrounds us, then you will see a moment of magic, a green ray will appear, the general’s
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individual profile, like a fingerprint, this is, for example, the spectral portrait of nifilin. the phosagro company understands that decades of development and advancement deep into the mountain range have led to ore with a different mineral composition. it is also necessary to adjust the production technology and the basis for phosphate fertilizers. old deposits are being mined, say, going more into the lower horizons, underground mining is developing in a larger system, new challenges are appearing, and so on. the main thing is that every year the volume of ore mining and the volume of production of apatite concentrate increase, that is, this year we will exceed the 11 million mark for the first time in a long time tons, our high-tech companies began to actively look at what achievements we have in scientific research institutes and do joint projects, which i believe contributes to the development of such...
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the opening of the research center, guests were given a tour of the special hibinarium museum, here you understand why about wealth the khibiny mountains are the stuff of legends, but it’s better to still believe in science. at the end, scientists and production workers held a meeting. the main result of the work of the new center will be the solution to the problem of processing difficult-to-enrich appatichnophiline ores, as they say, the fusion of science and production is the key to new victories. vladimir castrov, vitaly popkov, news. murmonska! area, whoever helps is always in a hurry, aim precisely for pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, in the neck, it doesn’t matter, the shoulder can be abducted,
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potkovenko, we’re discussing current international one of the main issues on the agenda is , of course, a meeting: at the american base in germany, the ramstein base, the so-called contact group on ukraine, nato countries are once again discussing military capabilities. that, they say, the united states will not allow ukraine to fall, this is precisely the wording that
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will provide the necessary resources, but the states have not yet allocated much money, there is no particular talk about assistance with weapons , do not lloyd austin’s statements sound too frivolous in your opinion, and that after all , america will do to help kiev if will? well, yes, this is essentially the first trip of the american secretary of defense. after his hospitalization at the end of december, at the beginning of january, his first trip abroad, he arrived in such disheveled feelings, because the american congress is still blocking the aid package for ukraine, and it is unknown whether they will even accept it in the next 2-3 months, time is running out, ammunition is running out ukrainian and weapons, no one wants to finance,
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a new coalition, france, germany and poland, which will, as it were, supply the most modern weapons. the only thing, that the germans still refuse to supply taurs with a missile, so they seized on such an offer as the supply of long-range guns, which could cause real damage, as they believe, to the russian armed forces. well, but... the thing is that if this ends with deliveries like this, i don’t think
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that any, any turning point in the situation in the zone of a special military operation in favor of ukraine can happen, but because it’s worse, that no one wants to shell out money, now they are already talking about what ukraine needs give weapons on credit, in debt, when it will be paid off, but... it will not be possible to pay off, it means that you can get it with some other assets, for example, land, subsoil, and so on. in general, the situation is complicated, they put on a good face for a bad game, but even the face turned out not very good, because it’s very sad, the ukrainians are very disappointed with what is happening now in romshtein, and it’s just about the opportunity to fork out money, probably , one of the... news from the ramstein meeting, i mean some specific ones yes, factual points, this
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is what germany promised, the minister of defense, pistorius of germany, promised half a billion euros in aid to ukraine, armored personnel carriers, if i’m not mistaken, hundreds of them, that’s how you can evaluate such a tranche, so to speak, planned, it’s a drop in the ocean , or is it still some significant money, again in the context of the fact that taurusov, as you mentioned,
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is one of the most discussed persons in general recently due to loud and very very controversial statements regarding the introduction of a french contingent to ukraine on... by according to data received by our foreign intelligence service, what news agencies reported, a french contingent is already preparing to send about 2.0 people to ukraine, this is the number they call, accordingly they will become a legal, legitimate target for our troops, which in your opinion may be is fraught for paris, isn’t macron afraid that when the first
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200 cargoes arrive, there may simply be unrest, that’s how very serious the unrest is, he doesn’t have enough farmers, that’s how... from france, from other nato countries, it became it’s clear that no, it doesn’t seem like he’s bluffing, it seems that macron actually decided to become a great commander, to send a military contingent of the french, starting with a contingent of 2000, and then bringing his plans to almost twenty, or even 50,000, i think this a direct
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path to the beginning of the third world war, because if france is not clear what it is counting on with its potential, it is ready for such direct military actions against the russian federation, it means that either it is confident in the support of the americans, who will immediately stand up for france, in which, by the way, i'm not i’m sure, or it’s, you know, just like that , he’s a narcissist by nature, he loves to be in the foreground, he suffers if he’s not in the lead roles, he wants to be a leader, but nothing works out, nowhere and in no way, but the laurels of the deceased .
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burkinofasso, so, frankly, i don’t know what successes the french army had, that they decided to help ukraine win the confrontation with russia, and of course, as the press secretary of the russian president said, in this case, if there are these supplies manpower, then russia has every right to destroy them at the stage of their transportation across the territory of ukraine. yes, regarding napoleon, you, of course, took it off the tongue, as they say, in romania. the largest nato military base in europe is being built, romanian television reports that this base could be deployed by 2040. please evaluate such plans, that is, does this mean that , on the one hand, western countries no longer count too much on the fact that something will work out in ukraine, is it possible to say so or not, on the other hand, they intend to
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play for so long, you know what bases are being built - this is bad. from the romanians, but the romanians have long been gravitating towards strengthening their presence in nato. we remember history, coming back again, i always like to draw analogies remembering the history of the second world war, because the romanians, together with the wehrmacht , participated in the occupation of odessa, even took part in the battles of stalingrad, then they were defeated, and the king of romania instantly removed marshal antonespo, the leader of the romanian fascists , in general, he later declared war on germany, by the way, he was even awarded the order of victory, at one time stalin awarded him, but romanians, of course, have their own interests. the romanians expect that they will eventually absorb their long-standing dream of moldova and solve their long-standing historical, long-standing historical dream of creating a great great romania. well, on the other hand, the creation of this base makes
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romania extremely vulnerable to the armed forces of the russian federation. now they fight more with equipment, missiles, planes than with infantry, so the romanians risk getting into a very difficult situation, but nevertheless, this suggests that the militaristic spirit in romania and other nato countries has grown greatly for this 2-3 years. but what can you say about the economic blockade of moldova and transnistria, and there is deliberate strangulation there, so to speak, what goal do you think is being pursued here? chisinau from a domestic political point of view, from a foreign policy point of view, chisinau’s goal is clear, she is a citizen of romania, she is also the president of moldova, madam.
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in this case, they will receive a complete blockade, on the one hand they will be squeezed by moldova, which will work with the romanians, on the other hand by ukraine, so i now i will say things, maybe a little caramel , there is only one way out, we need ours, we cut off ukraine from the black sea, in the end this will stop the attacks, the senseless barbaric attacks of ukraine on crimea, from the black sea coast, and secondly, it will be about. .. a land corridor has been created in transnistria and we will calmly provide our peacekeepers stationed there with everything they need, plus we must
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remember that there are a huge number of warehouses where all the ammunition of the warsaw pact countries was transported, they are by the way mined, the slightest attempt to start there some kind of military action will lead to half of the territory of moldova being blown up into the air, that is, the situation is such that...
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muslims were hiding there, these are militants, elite units, i think that from ukraine too i don’t remember how they left from there, putting on a veil, they had to run under ukrainian kosovorodkas, or in simple russian shirts pretending to be themselves, that is, i don’t believe that the british are able to fight on the battlefield with us, the potential, by the way, is significant lower than france, therefore. i hope they're in in principle, they continue to play the role of an understudy, the americans, they try to play, but this is a weak role, it will not give them anything, without their hegemon in the person of america, they
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cannot do anything themselves. thank you very much, vladimir mikhailovich, for such vivid comments; the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, vladimir dzhabarov, contacted us and discussed what was said at the meeting at the american base. ramstein in germany and, in general, the most pressing issues on the international agenda. the fifth studio was in live, see you. the european parliament extended the unlimited free import of ukrainian agricultural products for another year until june 2025. thus, the deputies escalated the conflict with striking european farmers. konstantin churikov about a new round of confrontation. the upper classes cannot, the lower classes do not want to. the situation is brewing in europe. in any case, the months-long farmer protest in the eu does not stop, but intensifies. the decision of the european parliament
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to allow unlimited imports of ukrainian agricultural products for another year added fuel to the fire. now until june twenty fifth year, that is, parliamentarians escalated the conflict with farmers who demand that the market for food from ukraine be closed, despite the fact that the sowing season is just around the corner. even before the decision of the european parliament, polish farmers today. they planned a blockade of hundreds of settlements, around only one town, and this is a large city, rallies should take place in forty different points, the polish media write about this. trade unions say that the industry has a very big problem, since there is no help from the state in sight. lithuanian police warned in advance that the poles will check trucks from the baltic states within a week so that ukrainian grain does not leak out. experts say it is no coincidence that poland has become the center of european farming... private households engaged in
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agricultural production. they account for 90% of all agricultural land in the country, while more than half produce products for their own consumption; in ukraine, these products are grown by large holdings, agricultural holdings, which certainly have a serious supply strength in terms of competition, in poland this falls on small family enterprises that cannot withstand such competition... that is, private polish farmers are fighting with agricultural giants, like the mhp company, the ukrainian oligarch, former adviser to poroshenko, yuriy kosyuk. this is his company, as the financial times wrote, the european bank for reconstruction and development gave a quarter of the funds from almost a billion euros allocated to support poultry farms and other agricultural enterprises in ukraine. brussels has the money for this. no wonder the protest growing and expanding geographically.
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today they are gathering in the czech republic, farmers will block roads with tractors, including near checkpoints on the borders with neighbors, by the weekend the fire of rallies will spread to finland. the central union of agricultural producers and forest owners are going to block markets throughout the country, in the east, in the central part and in the north. the problem is clear, this is the reaction. and the reaction is that brussels will introduce a duty of 95 euros per ton on russian and belarusian goods in the coming days. note that the grain is not ukrainian, although in a strange coincidence, imports from russia account for only 1% of the grain consumed in the european union, last year 4 million tons, which went mainly to spain and italy, this is where they will thank ursula vonderlean, one of the three main suppliers of europe, russia, of course is not included, the volume of our grain, which arrives there, is six times less than from ukraine. the experts
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we spoke with believe that european...
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european agriculture is not competitive with competitors from nearby countries, well, accordingly, the state is no longer able to finance agricultural companies in the same volume as they did before, so farmers’ protests will certainly increase, in this sense, a very revealing article was published by a politician, quote: what is more important for the european union: ukraine’s accession to the bloc or european farmers? some eu officials have said they prefer to keep secret work to prepare for the possible integration of ukraine, moldova and several western balkan countries. especially the side effects all this will have on farmers. let's be honest, no one wants to talk about this before the european elections. by the way, elections to the european parliament will be held in early summer, at the height of
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field work, probably in brussels. judging by today’s decision of the european parliament , everything is moving towards this. all the efforts of the enemies to intimidate the russians lead to what did the president talk about at the meeting with the leaders of the state duma faction? he overshadowed the commander in kaskva and awarded the order of courage to sergei solinov, a fighter without whom it is possible there would be no famous feat of the tank crew alyosha. a rescue operation has been going on for two days at the emergency mine in the amur region. have you managed to establish contact with the trapped miners? the route of 3700 km yakutia
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has started. torch relay international sports games children of asia. order of courage. feat of a fighter.


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