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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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all the efforts of the enemies to intimidate the russians lead to the opposite, as the president spoke about at a meeting with the leaders of the state duma faction, overshadowed by the commander in moscow, who awarded the order of courage to sergei solinov, a fighter without whom the famous feat of the crew of the alyosha tank might not have happened. a rescue operation has been going on for two days in the emergency mine in pryamurye. have you been able to establish contact with the blocked miners? the route is 37.00 km, the torch relay of the international sports games "children of asia" started in yakutia. the order of courage celebrated the heroic feat of a fighter, who could remain unknown. he shielded with himself from an enemy... grenade
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the commander of the tank crew alyosha, the same one who, a little later, single-handedly stopped a column of ukrainian armored vehicles, the rescued tanker never had time to thank the hero, their paths diverged, only the prickly call sign remained in his memory. the president helped in this difficult matter; anna voronina has all the details. by decree of the president of the russian federation, marriage and courage shown in the performance of professional duty were awarded the order of courage to sergei borisovich solinov. this reward of duty. i was looking for my hero, because apart from the call sign, the prickly name on the front of sergei salenovey, they knew little, he, being on the front line, noticed a drone hovering above the platoon commander , flew in and hovered over us, my feeling told me, he closed it, well, there was an explosion behind me , sashka asks me, but i... don’t hear
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anything, noise in my head, mist, this fog, it’s prickly, he says, how are you? i say, i’m three-footed, well, i’ve already fallen. sergei took the brunt of the blow himself, then was evacuated from the battlefield, and the hospital underwent operations to remove fragments. prickly didn’t even realize that the commander whose life he saved was trying to find him. your story of the rescue of the lieutenant. i served in, let's say, the infantry in motorized rifles, so he sat in the corps and arrived, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i said, who is he, is this your friend, still not? i was just
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nearby and i say i lost him in the hospital , help me find him, but i don’t know, i asked him to be found, even now i don’t know, i’ll go back to this, just next to me, the man in the ward was sitting next to me and covered him, just like a soldier comrade, not knowing his name, what difference does it make to us where the person is from, from what region he came to the war, the order of courage to sergei solenov.
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fire to go out to connect with our own, so there was no hindrance. last summer, the crew of the alyosha tank single-handedly stopped the advance of the ukrainian armored group in the zaporozhye direction, destroying eight units of equipment in battle. the fighters were awarded the title of heroes of russia. anna voronina, nadezhda nefedova, news. all the efforts of the enemies to intimidate the people of russia lead to the opposite. this was stated by vladimir putin at a meeting with the leaders of the state duma faction. strengthening defense capabilities. the country's security became one of the central topics of conversation, details from evgenia petrukhina. it is necessary to continue constructive work, vladimir putin noted during a meeting in the kremlin with the leaders of the duma factions. one of the most important areas of this work is developing the potential of russian subjects, modernizing the infrastructure of cities and rural areas. the proposed development program for the country is set out in the message to the federal assembly, where, among other things, proposals from the leaders of the duma factions are also reflected. the updated
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constitution now gives parliament very serious powers to form the highest executive body of the government. you will argue. not only the chairman of the government, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc, this is an extremely important and responsible thing , you know, while working in leningrad, then in st. petersburg, i saw how legislative bodies, faced with these problems, sometimes stumble here, because behind every appointment is driven by corporate interests, i would really like to encourage you to... let us not be guided by corporate, even party interests, but by the interests of the cause, first of all, we select and approve people according to their personal and business qualities, according to their ability to decide challenges facing the country that are on the verge of being solved.
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the elections held in russia are a confirmation of vladimir putin’s position, primarily as the supreme commander in chief, gennady zyuganov noted at the meeting, now one of the main tasks - to defeat nazism. defeat fascism , i believe that a new reality is coming , which we must evaluate and unite as much as possible, we have solved these problems, first of all there is a war for resources, there is, in fact, a tough confrontation with those traditional values ​​and our policies, there is still artificial intelligence ahead, if it will fall into the hands of poorly educated, cynical people, it will be worse than the fascist era. now realize the potential of the president’s message to the federal assembly, vladimir vasiliev emphasized, here is support for large families, youth, implementation of national projects, regulation of prices for medicines, medicines and housing and communal services. it is more important than ever for duma factions to work together. the message
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that was addressed to parliament, to almost the entire people, which we worked out in great detail, for our faction, for the united russia party, is a program. and the announcement of the year of the family, i think that if we had a special ministry of demography within the government, this would probably be absolutely correct, and well, for example, the question of introducing increased coefficient to the size of material capital
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in a region with a low birth rate, this is our proposal, because here, probably, we can see how to make this situation work; in russia it is necessary to develop the subjects.
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london should not rule out sending its troops to ukraine, said former british defense minister ben wallis. in his opinion, such uncertainty should serve as a lever of pressure on russia. the military man also called for an increase in defense spending for the united states. kingdoms up to 3% of gdp. alika komarova will tell you what people in europe think about this. this time it didn't work out. at the next summit of eu leaders , ukraine’s entry into the bloc will not be discussed. however, kiev does not despair; they hope that at least by summer they will remember the promised membership in europe. according to zelensky, this will be a kind of political signal that the alliance is strong enough. meanwhile, european politicians openly say: there is no single position on ukraine, but there are too many losses from it. european union. carries out extremely uncertain policy. the alliance does not have a clear strategy for ukraine. the negative consequences
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of the opening of the ukrainian market are already being felt in almost all member states of the alliance. hungary views european agriculture and its future as a strategic aspect and approaches related issues accordingly. at the same time, the head of the european council calls for an urgent transfer. now live broadcast on our channel. on march 1, during a meeting of the central electoral commission. assessment of the past elections abroad, i emphasize again, exclusively in the area of ​​our competence, then most expert analysts note that they were successful, especially when compared with what countries with an unfriendly regime promised us, in the form of... not just interference, but simply malicious intrigues , without giving the opportunity
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to decide on the formats and logistics of organizing elections, this, of course, it seems to me, is an outstanding result achieved, once again against the backdrop of those plans that were made regarding the disruption of our elections and interference in them collective west. indeed, the ministry of foreign affairs and... the border agencies of the meath system have carried out large -scale work both in the center and abroad. voting took place at all polling stations opened abroad, there were 288 of them. i will emphasize again, we talked about this, and there were several more polling stations abroad, but exactly 288 are under the jurisdiction of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. there was a high turnout in voting. 383,553 people took part abroad, and if we compare, once again,
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everyone always asks for some comparative characteristics of what happened , what to compare with, come on, if we conduct a comparative analysis of the number of people who came, for example, in the twenty-first year, then this is approximately twice as much as in... parliamentary elections abroad , which were held 3 years ago, the announcement of official results, i emphasize once again, this is the prerogative of the central election commission, but now, given that data on polling stations, including polling stations located abroad, are available in in an open format on the cec website, everyone can see that vladimir vladimirovich putin won a landslide victory, including in the yes vote. outside the russian federation. the successful conduct of the election campaign
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abroad was facilitated by the extensive organizational information work of our diplomatic missions under the leadership of the center and directly under the coordination of the central election commission of the russian federation. our foreign agencies primarily focused on ensuring enhanced security measures. thanks to the efforts of russian barriers , the voting as a whole took place without serious problems. incidents, provocations from anti-russian forces were promptly and effectively isolated, there were also drunken cases, you saw how in moldova what happened, well, this... an extremist act, of course, during the voting, and yes, indeed, these things happened, we this information was provided, but globally, if you look, taking into account those, so to speak, promises of assurances that were given by unfriendly countries directly and indirectly in public sphere, that our elections will not
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take place, or these are no longer elections, and so on and so forth, which is obvious to the witness. russia has fully provided the citizens of its country, its citizens, with their constitutional right to take part in voting, even if they are abroad. on the eve of the elections and during
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the voting, with the help of digital resources, ministries, embassies, and consulates general notified as quickly and widely as possible. citizens abroad about where and when it will be possible to take part in russian presidential elections. i will emphasize how all this was complicated, firstly, by the fact that in unfriendly countries, literally on the eve of the twenty-fourth year, at the end of the twenty -third, by decision of the regimes of these countries , our diplomatic presence was reduced, foreign institutions were closed, primarily the consulate general, precisely in places where our people live compactly. compatriots right up to the actual holding of elections, literally the day before, all this time the number of our diplomatic and personnel presence was decreasing, because russian diplomats were expelled, the ministry of foreign affairs was declared, they did all sorts of intrigues in order to prevent them, for example , from obtaining visas in time in order to come
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to replace their colleagues and comrades, in fact, you see that these... malicious actions of unfriendly regimes continue in relation to russian diplomats, up until these days, the expulsion of russian diplomats was also announced, this is also directly linked to those countries that we call unfriendly or that are subject to the influence of the collective west, these expulsions are directly linked, and this is stated officially with the elections and the conduct of presidential elections. of the russian federation abroad, in real time, i understand why russian diplomats cause such anger, because they work efficiently, in real time, literally around the clock, the ministry of foreign affairs from behind the border office, the mit system on tapes, on social networks covered the voting process at polling stations around the world,
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showing the real picture, unlike what the mainstream western media tried to portray , indeed, our embassy, ​​our diplomats became a source of truthful information about how voting was taking place abroad, western journalists did not have the opportunity to unfold as they planned and as their their regimes inclined them to do this; after all, as you probably noticed, they planned it.
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their own goal or result, no, this was done precisely in order to prevent any insinuations regarding the holding of elections abroad. these are the ones who were watching
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for example, on our telegram channel, they could see everything with their own eyes, literally in live mode, watch how elections were held abroad. maximum, as they say in the west, transparency was demonstrated, in our words, transparency, accessibility - obtaining information. and although the collective west and its hired provocateurs tried with all their might to first prevent the voting, and then to denigrate, belittle its significance, turn it all into a show, literally do everything to turn civil the responsibility of people into some kind of civic irresponsibility, but hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens came to the elections. who are, live, work abroad , despite all these plans, nothing worked out for them, they monitored in hot pursuit
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, refuted stuffing, fakes, published anti-fake news, and the best confirmation was, of course, comments and videos with the participation of russian voters, you saw, they became themselves, this is very important, our citizens who came to vote in the presidential elections of the russian federation with... themselves became the best answer to a western information company, or more correctly to a disinformation company, and we published these videos with pleasure, precisely as one hundred percent refuting all these insinuations and materials, our citizens answered, directly, looking into the camera, why did you why did they come to the elections, they did they talk about how they would make their choice? there at the polling station, but they confirm that they came not for flash mobs, not for protests or anything else like that, they came to vote, they
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responded to the insults that were thrown at them in the face, threats, by the way, with our russian folk songs, they responded with dignity, with honor, it seems to me that it’s correct to say, as always there in the west... they wanted the worst, but it turned out... ours, we paid attention to the flurry of speeches from the so-called western partners, of course, what kind of partners are they now for us on the issue of assessing the results of the presidential elections in our country, as if on a whistle they began to read out the same manuals with the same words, with the same and the same expressions, all this even before the polling stations closed, and many had been rehearsing for a long time. before the start of the elections, and the task, of course, was to distort the results, they could not disrupt the elections abroad, and in general, the elections could not influence
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the will of the citizens, and without having any right to do so, they decided to distort, commenting on such attacks, i would like it should be noted that in the russian federation we have direct presidential elections. and no one has the right to insult the russian people, who have made their choice, and if you are jealous there in the west, then don’t envy, or better yet, correct something in your own legislation in your pseudo-democracies, bring them into line with real, genuine democratic norms, and we will be happy for you.
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in the regions newly reunited with russia said: above the national average, it was more than 80%. people, people demonstrated a decisive attitude and not, excuse me, an unshakable desire to vote for the future of their homeland, for prosperity, for progressive development, they did it under fire, they did it knowing that they could die at the hands of the kiev regime, they did it like this the same as they did in 2014, when... they went to vote, when they went to a referendum in order to choose real freedom, where are all these numerous non-governmental organizations, where is everyone special rapporteurs of the special committees of the tribunals, who are so concerned about the situation around ukraine, you see how people are being shot...


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