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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed. we will expose all fakes.
1:31 pm
it is clear that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are not compared to your original questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and export, what is it, our product. a loan with cashback from sberbank is
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additional documents to participate in the olympics in paris. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, in a conversation with reporters, noted: the kremlin will monitor the development of the situation together with systems, he emphasized, the very restrictions for our athletes in the kremlin are perceived negatively, such a position is not attractive, of course, this is of course, well, this is the destruction of the idea of ​​olympism, this is an infringement of the interests of athletes, olympians, of course, this is absolutely contrary to the entire ideology of the olympic movement. now it's time for economic news. china continues to increase purchases. russian energy resources, so lng supplies at the end of two months increased by 18% to 1,200 thousand tons, this is data from the general customs administration of the people's republic of china, oil shipments are in the black 13%, the same growth for pipeline gas. china also almost doubled its purchases of fertilizers, the total volume being almost
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900,000 tons. transneft's net profit for the year increased by 87%. the company earned a record 187 billion rubles. this is data from a reference according to russian standards. revenue is also in positive territory, with an increase of almost 10%. total trillion 1944 billion. the company's shares react to the reporting with an increase of within half a percent. transneft is the world's largest pipeline company in the field of transportation of oil and petroleum products. free business contributions to the state budget are already 17 times more than planned. by mid- march, their volume exceeded 35.5 billion rubles. wherein . the amount was set at 2 billion, rbc writes about this. contributions are paid on transactions involving the exit of foreigners from russian assets. no such budget revenues are expected in years 25 and 26. and in germany the standard of living fell sharply. according to the guardian, the country has not seen such a decline since the financial crisis of 2008
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. and real wages fell more than in any year since 1950. the publication cites the energy shock amid the shutdown as the reason. supplies of russian energy resources. in addition, in germany last year the number of company bankruptcies increased by 22%, to almost 18,000. it was economic news. short. former formula 1 driver of the haas team, nikita mazepin, was excluded from the sanctions lists by decision of the european union court. the son of a russian entrepreneur and former owner of the united chemical company uralchem ​​dmitry mazepin, he came under sanctions along with his father back in march twenty-two, after which haas blew up agreement with the uralchem ​​company, and mazepin lost the opportunity to play for the team. however, according to the decision of the eu court in luxembourg, the family connection between nikita and dmitry is not sufficient reason to believe that
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they are connected by common interests. the oil and gas sector is the engine of economic cooperation between russia and india, this is how the head of russia assesses relations between the two countries. from the embassy in delhi, denis alipov , the ambassador told our tv channel about other areas in which russian-indian cooperation is developing. full version watch the interview right now. hello, denis evgenovich, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us. as i understand, in the perception of indian society, our country remains a reliable, time-tested partner, and recent opinion polls also speak about this, according to the opec russia report.
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numerous visits to india by russian government officials, including chairman of the federation council valentina ivanovna matvienko and... secretary of the security council patrushev and chairman of the supreme court lebedev, unfortunately, are now already deceased, and defense minister shoigu, the foreign ministers met seven times, a meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation was held.
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a record in our trade, and a record both
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compared to the previous year and in absolute terms according to indian statistics; in the twenty-third, the volume of russian-indian trade reached 65 billion. us dollars, this has never happened, this is an absolute record, in previous years our trade turnover was approximately 11-12 billion dollars annually, our trade relations are far from limited to the supply of russian oil to india, some areas, if possible briefly, the supply of russian fertilizers,
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side, indian exports to russia are growing at a much less active pace, and this creates, of course, a large imbalance in trade, which is why the indians themselves and we are now paying great attention to increasing the export of indian products to russia. well, based on last year, we can say that
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indian supplies to russia have increased, of various mechanical engineering, chemical products , electrical equipment, of course , medicines, seafood, the main task is to diversify the export basket and - in projects on the russian arctic shelf,
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we are interested in cooperation in the northern sea route, dialogue in all these areas. there is a very active relationship with the indian side, just the other day - igor ivanovich sechin was in india on a visit. executive director of rosneft, how difficult is it to supply today? energy to india under sanctions, western sanctions, maybe there are some schemes to bypass these restrictions, states unfriendly to us are constantly improving and expanding these restrictions, of course they have
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a projection on our relations with india, but... it has become it is possible for oneself to limit cooperation with russia in this area, and now, moreover, the most profitable for itself, and is now reaping the benefits in the form of a decrease in economic growth, in fact,
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the same russian oil, well, already in... processed form, they are now forced to purchase from india itself, well, at completely different prices. russia and india are now conducting payments between countries in national currencies, are there any difficulties or subtleties, can you tell us about this? in mutual settlements in financial relations with india, they switched to, uh, national currencies. a two-way mechanism for this.
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the so-called de-dolarization, in fact , has already begun, but at the same time, india and the united states, they remain key partners, and as in general throughout this history the american country reacts, maybe there are some obstacles from their country , the united states does not hesitate to teach india
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about democracy, although it is generally known how mature democratic traditions are in india , how mature indian democracy is, but in general, of course, india’s relationship with the united states is developing very actively, this is in the interests of india, this is in the interests of the united states of america, and for its part russia.
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russia is chairing the association this year, and in an expanded format of this format, india stood at the foundation of this format, just like us, just like china, dialogue on all the tracks that we work on in this format. is supported in the most dense manner by the sherpas and...
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i think that we will master it, especially since a large number of other states are showing interest in brix. india is now seeking reform of the un security council, our country is in favor of making india a permanent member of the security council, why is this necessary, how likely is this at all, various options for reform have been discussed for a long time, in the most active way, india itself says that the world
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has undergone fundamental changes since the creation of the united nations and the security council in its current form, this is, so to speak, also a fact, therefore reform is required. it itself aspires to permanent membership in the security council, which russia unconditionally supports. let me ask you again in more detail about the relationship between russia and india in the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare. famous india is the world's factory medications, so not only. generics , so-called, but drugs of our own development, it would probably be short-sighted not
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to take this into account, especially since in the trade basket of indian exports to russia, drugs currently make up about 10%, these drugs must meet the standards , accepted standards, from this point of view, we, of course, are very attentive to the supply of medicines from india, but i repeat, the potential is great, there is a need, and uh, and the quality of the products, indian, is also in general
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corresponds, an essay that i recommend everyone read, very informative and written warmly towards india, this is also important not to forget, because afanasy nikitin ended up in india with an open heart, discovered india, came here to trade, not to rob, but this year marks 150 years since the birth of nicholas roerich, a famous artist, philosopher, thinker, and 120 years since the birth of his son svyatoslav, for whom india became, in fact, his homeland, various organizations in russia and embassy societies in... india
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are planning a large program on the occasion of these anniversaries, but in addition to afanasy nikitin, in addition to the roerichs, our cultural cooperation and humanitarian direction have become, i would say, very accentuated in recent years. sound, this interaction is growing, it includes performances by artistic groups, these are not only festivals of russian culture in india or festivals of indian culture in russia, this is not only... folk crafts
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that we present to each other, this is also educational cooperation, and i would like to note that the activity of russian higher educational institutions and secondary educational institutions in india has recently increased, and i am very happy, here... this fact, thank you very much, it was very interesting, i, i, i , i solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation, i swear, i swear , i swear, to sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, the orders of commanders, i swear, i swear, i swear, to fulfill my military duty with dignity.
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courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of russia, the people and the fatherland, thanks to those who are true to these words, become a soldier, serve under a contract of the russian federation.
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vladimir putin held a meeting with trusted representatives, the conversation took place in...


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