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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin held a meeting with trusted officials, the conversation took place in the large kremlin palace, which was discussed in georgiev. hello alexander, i
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will try to convey the atmosphere. it has not been so loud in the palace interiors of the kremlin for a long time. congratulations on his victory in the elections, satisfaction with the work done and readiness to continue doing it, vladimir putin was greeted by trusted representatives with long applause. the president had already said hello and asked to sit down, but there was sound. subsided when the head of state thanked voters for trust, he clarified, it was not shown to him alone, who today, all of us, must once again express words of gratitude to the voters, the citizens of russia for the trust that they showed us, namely to all of us together, because both i and you expressed our common development program for the country. many of you worked in very difficult conditions. in the border areas on our
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territories, where neo-nazis are shelling peaceful cities and civilian infrastructure, in the donbass, in novorossya, this required a special character, courage, well, i wouldn’t i was afraid of this word of personal heroism, thank you very much for your work, the will of the russian people. the necessary resources, recognized schools, as vladimir putin emphasized, there is everything for russia to become even stronger, but of course, a lot needs to be done in each of the priority areas, and the president noted that he is counting on creative work, initiative and of course the personal dedication of everyone to this that russia received more than 80 thousand requests to all its election headquarters, well, approximately 40% according to preliminary analysis - that’s simple.
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words of support addressed to the candidate for whom people decided to vote, and i am very grateful for that, but everything else, and this is somewhere around 60%, are specific proposals for further work, for organizing our activities in various areas, so i i propose, this is everything that has reached you, everything that you have heard from people, everything that you think... the organization of presidential elections, primarily in the front-line areas, required no more no less heroism, threats from the west, attempts to carry out sabotage, repeated shelling, but as one of the co-chairs of vladimir putin’s headquarters noted, despite this, people consolidated and came to vote. looking at the threats of the west
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, at their attempts to disrupt the elections , to carry out sabotage, we know that the adjacent territories were repeatedly shelled, people still consolidated and came to the elections and put that exclamation mark on the elections, which we eventually saw in percentage terms, the turnout was huge, huge support from the entire population of our big... country not to work, to serve, words that could certainly become the presidential motto, but definitely became the motto of the defenders of the fatherland foundation created on his behalf. the department for work with regions is headed by maria kostyuk, her eldest son died defending the interests of his homeland, and his work, like the work of hundreds of other heroes, must be continued, society today, it has really consolidated around you, our society today is for.. .for all of us it’s like this,
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you know, already like a cut diamond, when everyone is ready to serve the fatherland today, everyone is ready bringing victory closer, probably the results... the last few days have been putting pressure on us, but the shelling of grayron and belgorod, on the contrary, paid us off, they did not achieve the result they expected, we united, not a single doctor from belgorod and the shelled areas and the belgorod region in general left and did not
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give up his job, i assure you, we will not give up, we believe in you, we are together with you, victory will be ours. first of all, i want to put words into words. gratitude and admiration for the residents of the belgorod region and others border regions, i want to say to express my gratitude for your courage, and of course, we will do everything to support people, both those who have lost their businesses, and just ordinary citizens who have lost their homes, well , for many others, i won’t list them all, there is something to work on, and we will do everything. what depends on us, we thanked the president today, from all trusted persons, from the team, from the whole country, on its behalf, we congratulated on the victory, but as vladimir putin emphasized, this is only a prologue to the victories of the future, which russia so needs and which
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they are definitely waiting for her. anastasia, thank you, our correspondent anastasia efimova was in direct contact. vladimir. indian prime minister narendra modi congratulated putin on his landslide victory in the elections. during a telephone conversation, he wished prosperity and well-being to the russian people. according to the kremlin, the conversation between the two leaders was very detailed. they discussed international topics, in particular the situation in ukraine, and also confirmed their commitment to coordinating actions in multilateral formats, including the sco and brix. in addition, putin wished the indian prime minister successful. if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then
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a loan with cashback. get a better deal with prime. in the belgorod region, a set of measures was taken to help protect residents from shelling sides of the armed forces of ukraine. entry into seven settlements is limited to residents, as well as residents of five more settlements are exempt. payment for housing and communal services for march. the authorities are also preparing food packages for distribution in areas where stores have closed. our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation and reporting from the region. at approximately 11:30 , ukrainian militants again attacked belgorod against civilians, using shells from a multiple launch rocket system. bombs exploded in residential areas, resulting in one person died - the driver of the car.
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lunch, now operational services are working on the spot, they are collecting information, it also starts soon at lunch and sometimes it happens and after that repair and restoration work will begin due to attacks by the armed forces of ukraine, today a restriction has been introduced on the detour from six settlements in the border region, the situation is due to the shelling there is also dangerous; ukrainian militants, in addition to the multiple launch rocket system, use cannon artillery and also hit civilians. using drones kamikaze, local authorities are asking people to leave the territory, i urge you
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to listen to our arguments and agree to leave your homes for a while. of course, we will ensure the safety and security of the property you are exhibiting; this issue remains with the local government bodies and state authorities of the subject. in the coming days there will be 1,200 children from the border cities of graynorovsky, shibekinsky, and belgorod. belgorod districts will be sent to penza, tambov and kaluga, children will be taken to sanatoriums and holiday camps , teachers and psychologists will work with them, children will be able to relax and spend time there, but most importantly, they will be safe in front-line settlements, difficulties with the supply of food there, people continue to live there due to regular shelling, cars if they cannot get there with food, the authorities will begin issuing food packages.
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75 units of military equipment will take part in the parade on may 9. on red square, defense minister sergei shaigu announced this. by decree of the president of the russian federation of march 11, lieutenant bulyga andrei mikhailovich, deputy minister of defense has been appointed, he will deal with the rear. please have a seat. yesterday the country celebrated the day of the submariner, this is a big and significant holiday for our country, for our sailors, and not only. sailors, the services that our submariners have to the country, the tasks that they have to protect our fatherland, it is difficult to exaggerate them, they are certainly important, thorough, and i hope that the service of our submariners will continue
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to guarantee safety our country, like this has happened before. congratulations to the marine submariners on this holiday. since 1906, there are 2 years left until the 120th anniversary, this will be another anniversary for submariners. congratulations, let's get to work, colleagues, in accordance with the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief, the armed forces ensured safe voting during the presidential elections of the russian federation, including in new regions of the country. in order to disrupt election events, the kiev regime used terrorist methods of influencing russian citizens, carried out targeted attacks on voting places and government institutions where only civilians were present. this was known both to the command of the ukrainian armed forces and to their western advisers. to
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prevent terrorist attacks, russian troops have beefed up government security.
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thanks to the measures taken, it was possible to save the lives of hundreds of people and ensure that voting took place. regarding the participation of armed forces personnel in the presidential elections, a record turnout of 99.8% was registered in the army and navy. total. more than plutor voted millions of military personnel and a forest of civilian personnel of the armed forces. particular attention was paid to holding elections in the special military operation zone. according to the situation in the special military operation zone. groups of russian troops continue to push the enemy out of their positions
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and prevent him from gaining a foothold on new lines. due to large losses, cases have become more frequent. in the territory controlled by ukraine , molestation against civilians is flourishing. the kiev regime carefully hides the real situation on the battlefield from citizens, passing it off as successes of terrorist attacks against russians, forced mobilization is increasing. the us and its satellites are extremely concerned about the successes of the russian armed forces. it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to make arguments before the western community. the need for further funding for the supply of weapons and ammunition to the ukrainian armed forces. against this background, the ukrainian command is forced to throw its remaining reserves into battle. use the most expensive samples of foreign technology. however, this did not change the situation in the special operation zone in favor of the enemy. since the beginning of the year
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four abrams tanks, five leopards, 27 bradley vehicles, six haymars launchers, 11 anti-aircraft missile launchers, including five patriots, were destroyed. in general, losses of the ukrainian armed forces. during this period, that is, since the beginning of this year, they exceeded 71,00 people, and 11,000 units of various weapons, this is almost three times higher than the same period last year. the joint group of forces will continue to build on the successes achieved and increase fire impact on enemy targets. according to the decision the supreme commander-in-chief continues the progressive development of the russian armed forces and increasing their combat capabilities.
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formed army corps, motorized rifle division, dnieper river flotilla brigade of river boats flotilla. by the end of the year, it is planned to form two combined-arms armies and 30 formations , including 14 divisions and 16 brigades, to continue improving the combat strength of the russian army in response to the emerging threats to the country's military security. dear colleagues, on my instructions from the ministry defense is issuing the introduction of electronic id cards for combat veterans. this is done to more effectively ensure social guarantees for participants in a special military operation.
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privileges of banks and discounts of their partners in the field of trade and services. more than 70 thousand applications have already been received to purchase an electronic id. the project of an electronic identification card for a combat veteran is one of our priorities. i ask you to work on its implementation in the most active way. agenda. in first, let's consider the issue of preparing for the parade on red square dedicated to. the next anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. more than 9.00 people and 75 units
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of weapons and military equipment, as well as air and space forces will be involved in this event. the foot column includes regiments, battalions, companies, according to the type and branch of the armed forces, crews of participants in a special military operation, suvorov, nakhimov, cadet and music schools.
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in a conversation with the magazine. noted: the kremlin will monitor development of the situation, at the same time, he emphasized the very restrictions for our athletes in the kremlin are perceived negatively, such a position could not look good. of course, this is of course, well, this is the destruction of the idea of ​​olympism, this is an infringement of the interests of athletes, olympians. of course, this absolutely contradicts the entire olympic ideology.


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