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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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so, barel’s proposal to use russian assets to finance military assistance to kiev leads to the destruction of the foundations of international law. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, eu countries were offered to use 90% of the profits from russian assets for military assistance to ukraine. the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, ex-representative of russia prisladi, is in touch with us.
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do you think what is true and what is not, why macron came up with exactly this idea, to what extent is he ready to involve his own people? military in ukraine. indistinct signals are coming not only from paris, but from other western capitals, both european and overseas. the same barel, who you mentioned, agreed to the point that there is unanimity on the issue of using the proceeds from russian frozen assets, although there is no consensus. but this of course says it all.
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the question at this stage is still being discussed hypothetically, although some representatives, and well, some citizens of france, or those involved in the military department or some paramilitary private structures, of course, there are territories of ukraine, this applies not only to the french, this also applies to the germans, the british and others, but... i can’t
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vouch for the americans, there is a little more strict control, after all, although it can also be, but in this case we are talking we are talking about, well, an official or semi-official contingent, this will certainly be another, if this happens, it will be another, and a noticeable, fairly large step towards the escalation of the conflict. in ukraine, this is exactly how we will regard it. well, from one european politician to another, here is the chapter eu diplomacy, josep borel reported that the ministers of foreign affairs of the eu countries supported the use of proceeds from russia's frozen assets to help ukraine, said that there was no unanimity, but there was a strong consensus regarding the adoption of this decision, well, that's it... actually- then these are
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synonyms in any language, yeah, that’s the meaning of his words, how do you understand this? well , he - willingly or not, i think, willingly, deliberately confuses the situation, because in reality there is really no unanimity, but in many eu countries there is still there are still people who think - well , firstly, about legal responsibility for such decisions, and secondly, they think about the fate of the financial system of the european union, including the fate of the single european currency, the euro, well, it is now really and now officially called the single european currency, because when the euro just...
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came into being, great britain was still a member of the european union, it categorically objected, as they say, lay across the locomotive in order... to prevent the use of this term, well, our president vladimir putin in in one of his recent interviews, he said that there are some signals that the europeans are allegedly looking for some way to retreat in their position, but judging by what is happening now, these signals are not seen, or are they still some kind of well so let's say political ones, what are called figures of speech, huh? and you know, i think that such attempts are being made at, so to speak, an unofficial mental level, i think that we are talking primarily about, well, the emerging
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awareness of the deadlock of the current, current course of the west, including the european union, in regarding the conflict in ukraine. in general , regarding russia, it is noteworthy the wording that the leaders of western countries use when talking about or assessing the results of the presidential elections of the russian federation, yes, they have all already said everything they wanted.
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use this link, they apparently don’t know history well, because the potyopkin villages, as is known, then and in the time of catherine ii, were an invention of anti-russian, even russophobic, english propaganda, because the villages were real, but those british agents who among many foreigners, they accompanied our empress on a trip to crimea, they used this fake, as we would call it today, in order, so to speak, to create another anti-russian image, well , that means that reaction, well, in total
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jake salevan, assistant to the president of the united states for national security, said that he saw it. moreover, the inevitability of continuing some kind of relationship with russia, let's see, so far these relations are at a level below the plinth, well , we'll see what happens next. well, against the backdrop of all the polyphony in europe, an eye from zaokan it even seems, in principle, the most
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objective, but it is so, comments, these are the consequences of using interest from russian assets to help ukraine, are there any legal solutions visible? from this situation , there are no legal ways out of this situation and there cannot be, because there is a legal justification for theft, and this is nonsense, but nevertheless there may be attempts, but this will hit, like much of what they do, almost everything , what are they doing in the russian direction, and it returns to them like a boomerang...
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countries from the eurozone, this is, of course, an issue that will require appropriate legal assessment and practical action. we are gradually transferring our foreign trade, and well, first of all, with the countries of the world majority, to national currencies, in our case this is naturally the ruble, and the role of the dollar and the euro is gradually decreasing, but in trade with unfriendly countries, and such trade has of course decreased significantly compared to the previous period, but it remains. this is where the prestige of these currencies as reserve currencies is declining
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without this, and now if the solution we are talking about is implemented, it will go downhill. and the countries of the european union must double their orders of weapons and ammunition from the european military industry by the year 1930 in order to, i quote, prepare for war while desiring peace, the head said. european council charles michel. how do you evaluate this wish? how realistic is it in your opinion? yes, charles michel really published such an article. he had not previously been noted for his penchant for philosophy, and for deep analytics. but those no less, although this cliche itself is quite common, if you want peace, prepare for war. he is natural. emphasizes - the problem, and this is really a problem for the countries of the european union,
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the problem of the capabilities of the european military-industrial complex, and this complex after the cold war - well, in a certain sense, curled up, shrank, and it satisfied those reduced needs. countries of the european union, well, there was something left for export, but only the french exported, perhaps, and a little germans and some swedes, these are those countries that have a the military-industrial complex remained, well , when great britain was in the european union, it also took part in this, of course, now - last year. a year ago in march last year, the leadership of the european union and, first of all, ursula
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fondeen loudly declared that by the end of the year we would deliver a million artillery shells to kiev, but it quickly became clear that this would not happen by the end of the year, by the end of last year they delivered 350,000 in total, the bar, as it were... without much noise, was shifted to first to march of this year, but in the end by march of this they delivered not a million, but half a million, now they say that in 25 they will still reach the level of production of a million shells a year, the question arises, i am not an arms specialist, but the question arises: why so many shells? countries of the european union, and moreover, why
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will the remnants of the ukrainian armed forces need so many shells in a year? firstly, the current conflict, of course, has shown the face of a new stage of hostilities, based on widespread use. the current state of affairs on the special front military operation, well, taking into account
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the above, was it possible to expect anything interesting from the current raimstein or did it become a formal event such as a political step? well, this is kind of what can be considered a benefit for the american secretary of defense. lloyd austin, ah, who , uh, has been acting strange in recent months, either in the hospital or at work, this is the first time after these... all the winter affairs he went abroad, that is, to the ramstein base, and spoke approximately the same, by the way, as charles michel in his article that we need to fight, but necessarily, continue and so on, and proceed from the fact that the war will continue, well, we
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’ll see, but romstein, he’s nothing special, his goal was... to expand the circle of participants, now they’re talking about 50 countries, emphasize that this is not only a purely nato operation, but this is a broad coalition that is determined to continue supporting the kiev regime for as long as necessary, well, they said again, we’ll see what happens next, about what happens next... in romania they plan by 2040 build the largest nato base in europe, not far from the black sea port of constanta , the largest in the country, why do you think it is there, what is it called, and yes, when you say that this is the largest nato base in europe, you are not talking about ramstein we thought, ramstein is
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of course much larger, but ramstein is not nato. base, but a purely american one, this is the basis of the american occupation corps on the territory of germany, in romania, yes, mikhail kogelniciano, yes, for the first time this name was applied to the 57th air base of the romanian air force, arose when placement was being discussed.
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that its goal will be to carry out , so to speak, the projection of nato military force into the black sea, and here questions will arise not only from us, but from other countries in the regions, including turkey, which, while remaining a member of nato, nevertheless
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pursues black sea in black sea issues... and did not declare that it is no longer in force, but it says there are two restrictions applied to the territories of new nato members, one is not the deployment of nuclear weapons on their territory, it must be said as long as this condition is maintained, it
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remains in practice; second, no deployment on the territory of new nato member countries. substantial combat forces on a permanent basis , all these projects, like the romanian base, fort trump, when they are actually implemented, we will look at how this corresponds or does not correspond to alekseevich, thank you very much, i apologize, time is coming to an end, let me remind you, we talked to the first one, meets the conditions of this? founding act. thanks a lot. let me remind you that we spoke with the first deputy chairman federation council committee on defense and security, ex-russian representative pries, vladimir chizhov. so, victory in the elections is a prologue to the country’s future victories, which are sure to happen. vladimir putin expressed this opinion at a meeting with his
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confidants in the kremlin. anastasia efemova will tell you what other statements were made and what the head of state was talking about. it has not been so loud in the palace interiors of the kremlin for a long time. congratulations on your victory in the elections, satisfaction with the work done and readiness to continue doing it. trusted faces greeted vladimir putin with long applause, the president had already said hello and asked to sit down, but the sound did not subside. and when the head of state thanked voters for their trust, he clarified that it was not given to him alone, but to everyone who is in the room today. we all must once again express our words of gratitude to the voters, the citizens of russia, for the trust they have shown in us, in all of us together, because both you and i have expressed it. our overall development program for the country, many of you worked in very difficult conditions in bordering our territories, where neo-nazis are raiding both peaceful cities and civilian
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infrastructure, in the donbass in novorosiya this required a special character, courage, well, i would not be afraid of this word of personal heroism. thank you very much for your work. the will of the russian people, the necessary resources , recognized schools, as vladimir putin emphasized, is everything for russia to become even stronger, but of course, a lot needs to be done in each of the priority areas, and the president noted that he is counting on creative work, initiative and, of course, the personal dedication of everyone, the election headquarters received more than 80 thousand requests, well, approximately 40% according to the preliminary...
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heard from people, everything that you consider most important in the course of these contacts, summarized together with the all-russian popular front, accepted for execution. the organization of presidential elections, primarily in front-line areas, required no more, no less heroism, threats from the west, attempts to carry out sabotage, repeated shelling, but as one of the co-chairs of vladimir putin’s headquarters noted, despite this, people consolidated and came to vote. despite the threats of the west, their attempts to disrupt the elections, to carry out sabotage, we know that
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the adjacent territories were repeatedly shelled, people still consolidated and came to the elections , putting that exclamation mark on the elections, which we eventually saw in percentage terms, turnout there was huge, huge support from the entire population of our... big country, do not work, serve, words that could certainly become a presidential motto, but absolutely became the motto of the defenders of the fatherland foundation created on his instructions. the department for work with regions is headed by maria kostyuk, her eldest son, who died defending the interests of his homeland, and his work, like the work of hundreds of other heroes, must be continued. society today, it has truly consolidated around you. our society today looks like this to me and to all of us. you already know, like a cut diamond, when everyone is ready to serve the fatherland today, everyone is ready to bring victory closer, probably
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the election results showed exactly that today, and victory, everyone needs victory, everyone needs victory and many today need the support of the belgorod region more than ever, difficult times, said the chief doctor of the kul district hospital, svetlana nemtseva, especially in the border areas, daily shelling. we will not give up, we believe in you, we are with you, victory will be ours, first of all i want to express words of gratitude and admiration
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for the residents of the belogorod region and other border regions. i want to say, express words of gratitude for your courage. and, of course, we will do everything so that people to support those who have lost their business, and just ordinary citizens, uh, who have lost their homes, well, for many others, i won’t list everything, there is something to work on, and we will do everything, everything that depends on us. did you thank the president today? from all trusted persons, from the team, from the whole country, on her behalf, they congratulated on the victory, but as vladimir putin emphasized, this is only a prologue to the victories of the future, which russia so needs and which are sure to await it. kiev, concerned about the successes of the russian army, is forced to throw in fight the remaining reserves, sergei shaigu stated this at a meeting of the board of the russian ministry of defense. the minister also said that the armed forces of ukraine.
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in the direction of action of the groups covering the state border during eight days of hostilities there were more than 35, or more precisely 3,501 people, of which 790 were irretrievable losses, 23 tanks, 34 armored vehicles were destroyed, including 11 bradleys, five launchers of multiple
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launch rocket systems, a vampire. mi-8 helicopter. thanks to the measures taken, it was possible to save the lives of hundreds of people and ensure voting. as sergei shaigu noted, against the backdrop of major losses in the ranks of the armed forces, cases of desertion have increased. groups of russian troops continue to push the enemy out of their positions and prevent him from gaining a foothold on new lines. due to large losses , incidents have become more frequent. desertion in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. in the territory controlled by ukraine , molestation against civilians is flourishing . the kiev regime carefully hides the real situation on the battlefield from citizens, passes off terrorist attacks against russians as successes, and increases forced mobilization.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions. in general, with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product?
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious.


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