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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice.
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and now denis alekseev will tell you all the details about how the special military operation is going. denis, welcome, denis, tell us what successes our military has had, how is the situation in general on the fronts? yes, greetings, well, let's start a little from afar, from overseas: a series of march failures associated with the liquidation of american equipment, of course, did not please the ukrainian curators there, well, such anti-pr for the vaunted armor, artillery and anti-aircraft guns, but it turned out that this is not so bad, in the united states they are extremely sensitive to the military secrets associated with their weapons, everyone, perhaps, would be happy with the equipment being written off to zero, but when a tank is damaged and not burned out, ukrainian militants abandon and they are running... this is already seriously worrying
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the generals in the pentagon. and here’s the reason: the russian military has access to the entire interior of, for example, an abrams shot down under the berdy. we have a unique opportunity to look into the cockpit. detailed tour: guidance and control devices, communications equipment, everything has been preserved, perhaps not in its original condition, but we managed to take samples for study in the west, we can rest assured. the equipment will be safely delivered to our desk. the best military engineer for further study, here is the impression of the tank on which kiev had high hopes from our intelligence officers, they were among the first to inspect the car, there is nothing unusual in this tank, how can we praise it in the west, how is ukraine there, and we are for the abrams we will defeat them, in this there is nothing so ordinary about the abrams, but after sitting in it i can say that it is worse than our t-90s. the destruction of western technology always causes.
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control units of the southern group of forces, as a result of successful actions, occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the formation of the 79th air assault and forty-sixth airmobile brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of krasnaya, andreevka, klishcheevka, novomikhailovka and georgievka, donetsk people's republic. in the area of ​​the village of belogorovka, lugansk the people's republic repelled a counterattack on the formation of the eighty-first aerial brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost
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up to 420. there are fewer and night fighters, they have already tried to catch us a couple of times, it didn’t work, we are fast, sharp, daring, nothing to worry about, in the southern donetsk direction the vostok group disrupted the next rotation of militants, lines in the vodianova areas and the sheltered armed forces of ukraine are literally being held back with all their might, the losses of the armed forces of ukraine per day there are again more than a hundred people, the armed forces of ukraine do not stop trying to impress the western the viewer, turning attention from their fiascoes at the fronts to the border territory. there
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the militants are trying to launch sabotage activities and report victories, but everything still turns against them. in the belgorod direction, russian units completely cleared out. from the remnants of ukrainian militants, the settlement of kazinka continues to carry out measures to prevent the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the armed forces of ukraine into the border territory, as a result of air strikes and artillery fire, the enemy lost up to 650 militants, two armored combat vehicles, two rszzo combat vehicles, czech- made. to the west of avdeevka, the situation is more reminiscent of the desperation of the kiev commanders, not a day without retreat, there the formation of the ukrainian armed forces is surrendering the line beyond... orlovka is now under our control, and this is a strong blow for the ukrainian group operating in the slavyansk-kramatorsk direction. those formations that are still holding out near avdievka are not getting any easier hour by hour, today information has appeared that the russian army has taken important routes under fire control
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supplying militants in the area of ​​berdychi and orlovka, which will greatly complicate the logistics of the ukrainian armed forces in these areas, emmanuel macron’s statement about the dispatch. troops to ukraine contributes to the escalation of the conflict, said the leader of the national rally faction in the french parliament, marine lepin. she noted that the situation in ukraine does not threaten the vital interests of paris, so there is no point in supporting the wzo. artyom krosulin will tell you more about the details. an attempt to save the image of a means to distract voters from internal problems. this is how the statement is assessed paris regarding the sending of troops to ukraine is french. experts, according to xavier marrot, a former paratrooper officer , gloomy prospects await emmanuel macron’s initiative, he must offer something and give something in order to remove the idea from the french that we have internal problems, and what do such
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systems do totalitarian systems, when they have problems internally, they create conflict abroad, and this is exactly what the holetron is, but his problem is that he doesn’t have... to do this, you know, when he says, our house, there is the main headquarters, ground forces , general schiel, he said 20,000 soldiers, he, we don’t have that 2000, we can’t fight anything, even if france really sends its contingent to the front, the balance of forces won’t really change, in this vladimir jabbarov, first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, is confident that if the first detachments arrive, they will be defeated. with all due respect to the french army, to the french soldiers, they are in no way superior to the armed forces of ukraine, because there after all, the guys of the slavic spirit are fighting, but this won’t be of much use , because in ukraine they can show how they fled from
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the countries of central africa, from niger, mali, burkino faso, so, frankly, i don’t know , what successes the french army had, that they decided to help... in turn, the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, vladimir chizhov , warned about the threat and escalation of the conflict. in this case we are talking about, well, an official or semi-official contingent, this there will certainly be another one, if this happens, it will be another, and noticeable, fairly large step along the path of escalation. conflict: macron’s ambitions as a military leader are being ridiculed by social media users. adding fuel to the fire, photos from a photo shoot in which the president exercises with a punching bag. in the comments they write that they seem to be winning the latter, calling the publication a useless bravado. some
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eu countries also perceive messages from paris with caution. italian prime minister giorgia miloni, who recently visited in person in kiev, the local leadership assured of support and rejected the initiative to send troops. he is trying to reassure his western partners ...
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eyewitnesses filmed nato columns moving towards poland. the authors note that abrans and leopards are in the colors of the alliance. the tanks, they say, are being transferred as part of the exercises for further accumulation and transfer. an absolute contradiction to the entire ideology of the olympic movement. this is how the kremlin commented on the ban on russian and belarusian athletes to participate in the olympic parade and the refusal could take into account khmedali. also, the kremlin has an absolutely negative attitude towards the idea of ​​introducing sanctions against athletes for participating in the games of the future. of course it is.
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a place where neo-nazism and racism flourish, this is the only way to qualify it, the segregation of people by nationality , ethnicity, the exclusion of people only on the basis of their citizenship from international sporting events is the best evidence of this, along with decisions supported by this very racial discrimination is the statement: the international olympic committee, which directly called on athletes and states to refuse to participate in
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international competitions of the world friendship games. let me remind you that they should be held in moscow in yekaterinburg from september 15 to 29. i will also say that they will take place. the day before, the international olympic committee, after a meeting of its executive committee, published a document setting out the requirements for russian and belarusian athletes. they will not be able to participate in the parade. athletes at the opening ceremony of the olympic games, and at the same time likely access to the stands for them will still be open. the event itself will take place on july 26, and for the first time outside the stadium , athletes will board boats and sail through the center of paris along the seine river. russian belarusian olympians will not take part in the parade of athletes. this decision was made unanimously, but they will have the opportunity to attend the ceremony.
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also, there will be no officials from russia and belarus at the games in paris. demonstration of official symbols of countries is also prohibited. regarding the conditions for the participation of individual neutral athletes, the answer is simple. no, we will not ask athletes to sign anything in addition to what everyone else signs. as you remember, mog changed the conditions for participation in the games in paris, asking everyone to agree with the peaceful
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mission of the olympic movement. this applies to every athlete who will travel to the games to every accredited person. the international olympic committee announced the creation of a special individual neutral commission. she will assess the rights of each athlete and his support staff participate in the olympic games. mog also published the flag under which russian and belarusian athletes will perform. this is a turquoise rectangle with a white circle, inside in large letters the abbreviation a-in is indicated, that is, the individual neutral athlete with the decoding of this inscription in english and french. the anthem of neutral athletes was also approved, which has no text and was prepared exclusively for the games in paris.
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success of winning a medal, a sense of dignity, the opportunity to listen to something that lifts the mood. i'm not a music critic, but i think this will work. by the way, irina winner, the journalist also said. that the anthem, under which mock invites russian athletes to go to the games in paris, is more like a funeral march. but to other topics: 3.5 million residents of the lugansk and donetsk republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions have taken out a compulsory medical insurance policy. mikhail mishustin discussed this topic at a meeting with the head of the federal compulsory health
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insurance fund, ilya balanin. well, the prime minister noted that the budget of the compulsory medical insurance fund for this year was increased by approximately 20%. report by egor grigoriev. state-guaranteed medical care is paid for from the compulsory health insurance fund. its budget is now 4 trillion rubles. increased by 20% compared to last year. when planning the budget, we significantly expanded the types of assistance, these are issues related to medical examination and rehabilitation. particular attention must be paid to the participant. special military operations that need it. and the number of preventive examinations has become to grow, the plan for this year is 100 million. the head of the fund, ilya balanin, noted that standards have been established for dispensary observation, medical rehabilitation, including at home. the program provides for an extraordinary procedure for providing medical care to combat veterans. they also have
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the opportunity to consult a psychologist for a comprehensive assessment of their health. the state guarantee program provides for the provision of mammography examinations using artificial intelligence in as a second opinion, 3 trillion rubles will be allocated to territorial funds so that all necessary assistance is available in the regions. introduced an accessibility coefficient, took into account the characteristics of individual regions, distance from medical organizations, within the framework of this co... an additional 25 regions will receive 22 billion, primarily for the provision of medical care in hard-to-reach remote settlements. the designated rural medical institutions will be financed at the urban level, they monitor wages, it is monitored quarterly; almost a million medical workers received additional social payments last year. from
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january 1, in accordance with federal law, assistance is provided. russian federation at a high level according to russian standards, expansion of medical care, the quality of its provision, of course.
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of these funds for arms supplies, another 10% will be sent to the eu budget for possible unforeseen expenses and compensation related to ukraine. in addition, it is planned to review funding goals annually from income from frozen assets. the first review will take place early next year. in total, it is planned to allocate about 2.5-3 billion euros per year to ukraine. became the champion of russia in bandy for the first time; in the final match of the championship, the kemerovo club beat arkhangelsk vodnik in overtime. our correspondent, alexander abramov, watched the match and he is in direct contact with us. alexander, greetings. alexander, hello, tell us how the match went, how was it? yes, colleagues, good evening,
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well, see you this wednesday, at the kemerovo kuzbass there were difficult relations with the finals of the russian championship. in bandy, until today kuzbas reached the finals of the russian championship four times and lost all four times, finally, for the fifth time , the kemerovo team became the champion of russia in bandy, aka russian hockey, aka bendy, so gold medals russian championship in keimerovo for the first time in history, it is historic, this is the first victory in history at this level, this is... for many, many years, this will be a very significant victory, if the game itself, then it showed that today these are the two best russian teams, they shone in the final and the game they showed. she deserves the finale. against arkhangelsk vodnik, kuzbass was the favorite in today's final. bookmakers estimated the championship odds at
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only 1:15. povodnik was given a coefficient of only 6. but as often happens in sports, especially in russian hockey, in reality everything turned out to be much more difficult and much more subtle. regular time of today's final ended with the score 6:6 after 90 minutes the teams went to overtime one minute before the end of overtime , when it was already going to a penalty shootout, and the kemerovo team scored a golden goal, i repeat, for the first time in history they became the champion of russia in bandy, my merit there was 40 percent, artyom made some brilliant pass there, all that was left was to throw the gates in, it just took incredible effort, as you could see, but i just think that these same 6,000 people who gathered here are happy, that’s the most important thing, and so are we.
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best this season, kuzbas took the cup russia, won the russian super cup, and most importantly, today the team became the champion for the first time in history, congratulations to all siberian fans of russian hockey on the championship of the kuzbas team. alexander, thank you! well, our correspondent alexander abramov was in direct communication with the studio from the final of the russian bandy championship. in the capital. today, after reconstruction , a large transport facility opened, an interchange at the intersection of the mka with verkhny polya street. it will improve the traffic situation not only for moscow residents, but also for the moscow region. and that's all
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varvara nevskaya has details. after reconstruction, a transport interchange was opened at the intersection of kada and upper fields street. the movement was started by the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin. let me remind you that this is already the third stage of a large-scale project, the former clover interchange is being replaced with an interchange with directional exits, today, including the launch of traffic on two new exits, where we are located at the intersection of the moscow ring road with verkhniye pole street, the second exit of the intersection of the moscow ring road with the southern rokada. we completed a very large project, the interchange of the upper fields and the moscow ring road, all the main there are eight artificial structures, these are ramps, overpasses, built, this is of course significant.
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as well as derzhinsky and kotilniki near moscow, where in total over 600 thousand people live. improving namkat traffic will also benefit millions of motorists and public transport passengers. over the past 2 years, as part of this reconstruction, an overpass over mkat, ramp overpasses, as well as a section of a side passage with an overpass across the moscow railway have already been opened. there was also you...
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the interchange has already been completed, seasonal ones remain the work includes road work, laying asphalt, markings, landscaping, and an underground pedestrian crossing is also currently in the design stage. as the mayor of moscow stated, 21 interchanges have already been reconstructed on the moscow ring road, the twenty-second will be the intersection of kada with altufevskoye highway, the construction of the remaining facilities is planned to be completed by the end of 2024, in total , almost 16 km of roads will be built as part of the project, and three off-streets will be open to pedestrians .
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began to receive more energy from the sun than it loses at night, that is, even in if cold air invades, it will warm up very quickly. the weather has cleared up in moscow, according to the reference weather station , by noon it had already warmed up to +5°, and this, of course, is a consequence of the absence of clouds, nothing prevented the spring sun from warming up the winter surface, now
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the thermometers are being adjusted for the second time in a month. in many regions in the mountains of dagestan, near the village of chalyakh , warming is creating serious problems, in these frames there are spring manifestations of an avalanche; while cleaning the route, another layer of snow collapsed; it was a miracle that it did not fall asleep tractor. the fact is that positive temperatures in recent days have been observed at altitudes up to 2.0 m. in the next video there is ice. in sykkar, by this time the city had warmed up, as in the capital up to +8, recently, this is the third day when thermometers in the city rose above the climate norm for april, it is not surprising that the ice is actively melting, water appears on the winter road, a trip from one the bank of vychegda on the other turns into a real extreme sport, but we are just driving on the water,
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we are driving along the river. oh, mom, she's right there already this current, current, my mother, horror, and this is spring in yakutsk, on tuesday morning in namsky ulus it was -32, tonight -1.5, snow, blizzard, visibility deteriorated to several hundred meters, at the same time in the south -west and... travel to +8 today, this is really the number of the day: due to bad weather , winter roads are closed in two uluses in the central part of the republic, the yakutia highway department is asked to refrain from traveling for a while, but we will return to the russian plain, tomorrow is average latitudes of the region will still be in area of ​​the scandinavian anticyclone, so here again significant precipitation is unlikely,
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but a series of atlantic cyclones - moving along the periphery of this focus - will continue to pump air mass into its area, warmed by the gulf stream. as a result , warming in the country will gain new impetus. so, on thursday-friday, the flow of atlantic air will fully warm the north and center of european russia. then, well -warmed air masses will cross the urals, and the breath of the atlantic will begin to spread throughout the territory. siberia, in at the beginning of next week , the entire region will be in the thaw zone, right up to the shores of the yenisei and lake baikal. due to the influence of cyclones, cloudiness in the north of russia will thicken and there will be no precipitation, so during the day the sun will warm the air, for example, in sektafkar only to +4-5, well, this is 2-3 ° above the norm for the end of march, in central russia will dominate the atmosphere until saturday.
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anticyclone, so sunny, calm weather is expected, and during the day after night frosts the thermometers will easily reach +6-8. on sunday-monday , light rains are not excluded in the region, and the warming will even intensify, at about plus nine at midday.


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