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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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this was not done, so the minister, of course, abused his powers; arkhipov has held the position of minister of housing and communal services of energy since 2018, and in the near future preventive measures will be taken against him. there are still many important topics and news ahead, we will be back on air in a few minutes, immediately after a short advertisement, stay with us.
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quickly, there is a search by car brand, magnet, brownie fitness shock 999. magnet - the price is what you need! a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and the service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. the legal program is broadcast live by the duty department and we continue. alexey isakov, who is accused of murdering a visitor to the chibret cafe in st. petersburg , will remain in the air force for another 72 hours. the court extended his period of detention, so no preventive measures have yet been assigned to isakov. let me remind you that it all
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happened on monday evening, two men first talked peacefully at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, but then suddenly quarreled. one of them pulled out a pistol and shot his opponent several times. he died on the spot. the alleged killer is alexey. isakov was hiding, he did not hide, he was detained in the same cafe, according to the preliminary version, he committed the crime because of 7 million rubles, which the victim allegedly owed him. a secular scandal with a criminal twist in novosibirsk, actor nikita kologrevo was taken to the police department after a brawl in a local bar. according to eyewitnesses, having significantly taken on his chest, the star of the series began to behave freely with women, bit the waitress, and then, stripping almost naked, also got into a fight with two restaurant employees. all this was caught on surveillance cameras and now nikita kologrievy is awaiting trial in a special detention center, under what article will the artist from novosibirsk be punished, report by ksenia klimina. the same establishment in the center of novosibirsk, a fairly popular hookah bar, where actor nikita kologrivy staged a drunken performance. footage from
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cctv cameras instantly spread across news feeds. here is an actor waving his hands in front of the establishment’s employees, aggressively fits first one, then the other. he tries out strange fighting techniques, starts by trying to gore one of the bartenders, pushes, hits someone, in general, provokes a fight in every possible way. it is worth noting that the employees of the establishment behave with maximum restraint. nobody joins the brawl, the actors are trying to calm it down, but kologrivy doesn’t calm down, gets even more excited, throws himself off to the table, then takes off his t-shirt for some reason and shows his butt to others, and also. there would be a jaw mark he left it on the waitress’s leg, at first he lay in these very legs, had quite peaceful conversations, but then, apparently, he wanted more, began to grab the girl by the neck, and openly pestered her, the siberian woman turned out to be a retard, for which the actor bit her on the leg ,
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then he began to take his anger out on everyone, and this despite the fact that the establishment at the time of this strange show was working exclusively in the interests of the actor, especially for a native of... yes, they gave a great discount, apparently he did not appreciate the kologrivs and hospitality, according to the employees, the actor was allegedly drunk , but not so drunk that he could not control himself, probably the image in the sensational series, thanks to which kologrivy gained popularity, became familiar to the actor, and he is in no hurry to leave this role, here is the video that kologrivay in i filmed the same night myself, apparently before arriving at the hookah bar.
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duma alexander khenshtein. mr. benyayan, apparently, does not live poorly, a two-story mansion with an attic, filled with expensive furniture and utensils, and has his own swimming pool. at the site, security forces visited a suburban binyan's cottage back in august last year. his deputy, islanbek mairmukaev , has been in custody for several months. he is involved in two criminal cases at once, about a multimillion-dollar bribe and fraud. armen benyan was then detained together with mayor ukaev, but he was soon released.
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what should people who are left without a roof over their heads do now, report by olga zhurenkova. a similar author of this video pressed the record button on his mobile camera while walking when he heard the wall of a residential dormitory collapsing in chernogorsk, the republic of khakassia. there's something there collapses inside, everything flies. a thick cloud of dust, loud screams, the entrance to a five-story dormitory collapsed literally before our eyes. people ran out of their houses in a panic into the cold , the windows and the chandelier shook, the furniture
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began to shake, that’s it, i immediately started to get ready , i immediately realized that the house had collapsed , i just grabbed the documents, nothing more, my child actually jumped out in just a t-shirt , i also live there at 3:00 in the afternoon they say that the hostel could collapse at any moment , the residents said more than once, the building was declared unsafe last year, but in it people continued to live. in addition, in the winter there was a serious accident in the house, a pipe burst, the walls absorbed moisture and then froze through, this only aggravated the already difficult situation, and in fact i was left without an apartment because mine collapsed, about this high-profile story we they told us in october of last year, the residents then moved from the hostel to tents, it’s cold, but it’s safer than in the crumbling apartments, well , it’s cold here, as you are here, it’s normal, the stove is heated normally, here... we prepare everything to eat this, well, let’s run down to the first floor to wash the dishes, it was scary to go into the entrance,
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the plaster was falling off the walls like husks, this is what the shower room looked like on the first floor, we had a shower room, this is the first floor of the house, as i understand it, yes, this it turns out the entrance to the second entrance, to the first, to the first, yes, people were then offered several options to move into apartments of the so-called maneuverable fund, but they are unsuitable for living and also... are in disrepair . another option. the mayor's office agreed to compensate people's rent housing, but officials allegedly came up with such a mechanism for issuing money that it is impossible to receive funds. the main requirement is to provide. official lease agreement, most landlords refused such a deal in order not to pay taxes, the popular front intervened in the situation then, this is an indicator of the quality of work of the montenegrin mayor's office, money was allocated for compensation so that the people of the welded buildings would move and rent housing, but together with we have been trying to achieve this for 4 months, but only after 4 months, since the money was allocated, we
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finally they persuaded us to review the procedure, simplify it, people began to receive money , thanks to this, the majority already... in connection with the collapse of part of the hostel building located on dzerzhinsky street in the city of chernogorsk, a criminal case was opened on the grounds of a crime provided for in the first part of article 293 russian criminal code. it was only by luck that no one was injured when the entrance to the hostel collapsed, it’s a miracle, no less, but there are several more similar houses nearby that are not even recognized as unsafe, and people still live there people. olga zhurenkova, olga stelmakh, mikhail shirin, victoria makarova. news, duty department. the number of victims in a terrible accident in st. petersburg has increased to three people.
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there, five cars collided at the intersection of two avenues. the moment of the accident was recorded by several cameras. here is the video taken. one of the drivers, honey, i'm sorry , i'll call you back, other cameras clearly recorded how an suv flew into the surviving traffic flow, it was moving on red, the speed was so high that the foreign car demolished two cars, which , by inertia, crashed into other road users, two victims were immediately hospitalized, but the alleged culprit fled the scene of the accident, and he was in such a hurry that he left it in the cabin. residents of st. petersburg. in the pelensky territory , the court sent under arrest the head of correctional colony number 29, dmitry asanov. the lieutenant colonel was detained the day before right at his workplace. according to
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investigators, he is accused of receiving a bribe from a capital businessman in the amount of more than a million rubles. allegedly for this asanov promised. assist the businessman in obtaining profitable contracts with the colony. report by andrey romanov. in the dock in the hall of the matovilikha district court of perm, the head of ek-29, dmitry osanov, is sad. more than a day has passed since the lieutenant colonel fully immersed himself in studying the peculiarities of life in captivity and, judging by the expression on his face, he does not like the new experience at all. dmitry asanov was detained at his workplace. in this footage, armed special forces soldiers enter the administrative building of the correctional facility.
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handcuffs leave the institution , accompanied by special forces soldiers; a van of the investigative committee is waiting for him nearby, in which the officer went for the first interrogation. meanwhile, security forces continued to work on the territory of the colony. in correctional colony number 29, gufsin of russia in the perm territory, investigative actions are being carried out. the details of the case of dmitry asanov have not yet been disclosed, but it is obvious that the criminal prosecution of the head of the colony is connected with the activities of the institution ik-29 is located in... in the perm zone, the convicts are engaged in the manufacture of metal structures and woodworking. the official website of the colony reports that the administration pays special attention to improving discipline among convicts. thematic holidays are periodically held here, and residents actively participate in creative competitions. happy new year, i love you, you are with me. in
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recent days, dmitry asanov is already the second major leader in the penitentiary system of the region, detained the day before... the security forces raided the office of the head of ik-37 ilya aslamov. the colonel was suspected of attempting to receive a bribe on an especially large scale. businessman oleg popov was taken with him. allegedly for mediation in the transfer of a bribe. both were brought to court the day before at the request of the investigation and sent to pre-trial detention. according to data from several sources , one of the inmates of the thirty-seventh colony, convicted ruslan, may be related to aslamov’s criminal case. aliyev, some time ago he published a recording during which he complained about extortions from the head of the colony and his deputy andrei shvarev. i've been stable for about 2 years.
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i just got enough of it, my appetites are growing every day. andrei shvarev was arrested last year, he is accused of exceeding official powers. ik-37 is a high-security correctional facility, former law enforcement officers are serving their sentences here, the convicts are engaged in food production and... processing, according to media reports from seddel residents of the colony earlier businessman oleg popov was often taken to a neighboring village to work at the sawmill, judging by the way investigators comment on high-profile arrests, corruption cases of the heads of two special institutions may be connected . criminal cases have been initiated against the heads of the gufsin correctional colonies of russia in the permen region and an individual for attempted bribery on a large scale, an attempt on...
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a peaceful shopping center in manhattan , the footage shows that after a fire that engulfed the high-rise skyscraper of new york is filled with plumes of smoke and firefighters are on the scene. 63-year-old businessman from svetlogorsk vladimir yukhnevich will face trial for shooting at a local real estate agency; the accused thus decided to take revenge on the director of the organization, who eventually died. these shots taken by cameras in the office became the main evidence in the case, but despite this the man refused. admit guilt, judging by the video, they tried to stop the killer, but the alleged criminal managed to fire several shots. it is known that he acquired the weapon illegally.
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the victims were able to run outside to seek help. at the same time, despite for qualified medical care, and the director of the real estate agency died two days later in a medical institution. according to investigators, the shooter wanted to take revenge on the main realtor for allegedly organizing the sale deal. shares in his wife’s apartment on unfavorable terms and now he will obviously end up behind bars, most likely for a long time, he is charged with several articles, attempted murder and illegal possession of weapons. don't miss the premiere this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov hits, it means he doesn’t love. loud scandals between loving people occur regularly. at first he beat me, and then i beat him once and found out that i was better at it.
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it means he loves, he beats, respectively, it means he loves, and how to fight back a domestic tyrant without ending up behind bars, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation. our program correspondent alexander polivko took part in the regular training of sobra fighters, for this he had to try on a bulletproof vest, helmet and other equipment, and also take part in the assault buildings, rescue hostages, descend from the height of the fifth floor and more. he outlined his impressions, along with a story about how the special forces train, in the following report: even though the fighters
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are doing their best during training, as they say, today the training program for the assembly employees is to practice detaining armed criminals. the profession of a journalist, as you know, requires knowledge of the front of potential work, for example, if you talk about scammers, you need to know how to protect people from them, and if you do report about special forces, sometimes it’s worth trying yourself. in their place, so that the story is in the first person, we put on the combat gear, adjust it to our size, and how many kilograms is there? here 12, well, i was equipped with 12 kg, this is probably the second or third class of armor, let's dive into the tiger and go storm the building, for safety reasons we were asked to move away so as not to interfere with the professionals doing their work, it comes in very loudly, an unprepared person might concussion will happen, even if it is an imitation of reality. copter installs exact location, the sniper is monitoring the position of the mock criminal, the data is received, the target is confirmed, the assault begins. under the explosion of flash-noise grenades
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, the soldiers entered the position, they worked very quickly, the conditional villain certainly did not have a single chance. we can assume that the assault is over, all this was accompanied by explosions, booms, bangs, i even went a little deaf, as the head of the department assured, the fighters coped with their task perfectly, the armed criminal offered armed resistance, was destroyed, the combat groups of the capital they completed their task, respectively, after carrying out. the next point was to capture the mock criminals in cars, in order to work out the scenario as efficiently as possible, they brought in a service dog, a little preparation, and
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the chase began. right now the fighters are carrying out a detention together with a dog, this is one of the variations of such a similar detention of a conditional terrorist, the dog is working, the soldiers of the assembly are working, they are now loading the conditional terrorists into their cars, the conditional terrorists are taking them away with them, the main thing lies ahead test - descending from a five-story building, despite the fact that there is 20 m, at the top point you feel like everyone else.
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passed, all that remains is to master the descent technique, that i won’t do that, after a few minutes i still felt the ground under my feet, the descent was successful, no one was hurt, and that’s the main thing, that’s all, but you were afraid. i went down with the instructor and realized one simple thing: i want to be a correspondent for now, i won’t sign up to join the group’s fighters for now. this is how one day proved to everyone that these strong fighters are ready for anything tests, such psychological and physical stress requires a long preparation, there is no doubt that in the event of a threat, special forces will always protect citizens. alexander polivko, vitali melkov, daniil korsakov, lead the duty unit.
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underground international cooperation was blocked by security forces from kyrgyzstan, the whole point is that it took place illegally, a tunnel at a depth of 15 m led from a border kyrgyz village directly to uzbekistan. the entrance to it was located in an ordinary house and was cunningly blocked... covered with a sheet of plywood laid on the floor covered with linoleum. it is unknown how long it took the digger to dig to the neighboring state, but the results of such hard work opened up very serious prospects for the attacker. by bypassing customs posts, he illegally transported goods and people across the border, passing only 130 meters underground. and this, it seemed, was not the only secret passage. in the same village, security forces found another tunnel with a length of 350 m. it... also led
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to uzbekistan, now the criminal business has been destroyed, the owner of the back doors was detained, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is led by an honest detective on duty, follow along with us, that’s all we have, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel, this is a big information evening,


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