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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian army cleared kazinka in the belgorod region of the remnants of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy lost up to 650 militants, two rszz, a vampire and a pair of armored combat vehicles were destroyed, the ministry of defense reported this on wednesday, for several days now enemy drgs have been trying to attack russian positions in the belgorod border area and all to no avail, a report from our military commander evgeniyabny. ukraine will go down
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in history as one of the bloodiest senseless wars of all time in the northern military district. the enemy's losses are high, and the result is lacking principle. this is a battle zone in the belgorod border region, where the enemy has been attacking our positions for almost 2 weeks. the kiev regime deployed large forces for this purpose. special forces detachments, main intelligence directorate, artillery divisions, armored units. the graevororonsky direction has become the main direction for... the enemy, here in the ukrainian lukashovka area there are hundreds of bodies of ukrainian armed forces militants and the remains of burnt equipment, all that remains of the groups that tried to enter the village of kozinko. from march 10, as a result successful actions of our units, the enemy lost more than 2,000 people killed and wounded, dozens of tanks and other armored vehicles, dozens of artillery installations, one helicopter, and did not advance a single meter. our group accompanies
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reconnaissance officers, operators, and attack drones. here, one of the main factors of fire damage is fpv, drones, both for us and for the enemy. detector. dopla shows that fpvron is working on us. this team has a huge number of destroyed targets. infantry, mostly command staff, foreign weapons. they use an effective high-tech ghoul drone with heavy ammunition that can hit the enemy at long ranges. now the main task is to stop raid groups of special forces and the enemy, to prevent them from approaching close combat distance to the stronghold of the russian army. is there a video? there are now dozens of attack drones in the sky, ours and the enemy’s. shah is... the pilot's call sign finds the target,
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enemy fighters are moving the counter-battery station, apparently it is american artillery reconnaissance system intpq-37, the truck tows the complex in a folded state, the target is the most important, they say boldly here, the destruction of the station will make it difficult for the enemy to counter-battery confrontation, and there are massive explosions, so i pass the area of ​​​​the river. manages to stop, but the enemy is not bored with the first blow with a shaped charge, the target is given, he begins to look for our rocket artillery group, here, here, here, quickly!
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scouts do not stop combat work, control drones under fire, and two drones are destroying the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, there is a second one, again brother, oh, tense, of course, this is only a small episode of military operations, but a very clear illustration, our troops are really grinding down an enemy unit, they are working quickly in the sky. army aviation is operating in the skies near the state border, now helicopters, russian armies are destroying enemy targets, these are personnel and equipment that are located in close proximity to our state border in the kharkov region. army aviation supports
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actions of russian army soldiers who repel attacks by a group of ukrainian armed forces. in fact, this is another failure. risky strikes, use kamikaze drones , attacks on the ground are accompanied by terrorist strikes on civilian targets, the enemy's priority is hospitals, schools, residential buildings, you have to move so quickly from point of fire to point of fire, while we have an electronic warfare station fpidrones
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straight, straight, yeah, now there are a lot of them in the sky, the enemy is trying to isolate them. combat area actions on the border, in order to make it more difficult for us to bring up reserves, attack drones are actively used for this. the enemy is launching rocket artillery attacks on cities and towns in the belgorod region. almost all major settlements within the reach of the kiev regime are under fire. as a result of the attack by militants of the kiev regime on graivern, rockets exploded right on the territory of the city hospital.
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failures of sabotage in their repertoire in the ssu respond with terrorist attacks on residential neighborhoods, belgorod is hit with particular cruelty, there are dead. alexander korobov about the consequences of the shelling and the measures taken by the authorities. there is a gaping crater in the center of the roadway, and fragments of a shell and car parts are scattered around. emergency services are on site. during one of the flights, this car was in motion, a shell exploded next to it, hitting the car hard. glass fragments, so she rolled by inertia, stopped a few tens of meters, unfortunately, the driver, who was inside died. two more residents were injured and were not taken to the hospital, there were many broken windows in the houses, people were carrying out broken glass with buckets, the semenov family
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took refuge in the farthest room of the apartment at the first sounds of the siren. they already know, because we have been fired at more than once, they quickly ran into the toilet and hid. at the scene of the emergency, assess the extent of the damage. governor of the region vyacheslav glodkov arrived, special attention to the shelter, there is a concrete box at the bus stop, it was all cut up by shrapnel, but there are no through holes. the head of the region gave instructions to increase the number of protective structures on the city streets. we will still place them at schools and kindergartens, but we still have a large volume of these in park areas, now people will already be walking, and we would also put them here. in total , at least 16 apartment buildings were hit.
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took place again over the phone, as reported by the head of the uae, thanked his colleague for the attention paid to the development of russian emirati relations, and in addition the parties discussed current international issues, including the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. to make russia even stronger, more attractive and effective, vladimir putin addressed his trusted representatives with such a call at a meeting in the kremlin. the president spoke about construction. new russia in all its components, economy, defense capability, the art of domestic
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politics. the most important statement was collected by anastasia efimova. it has not been so loud in the palace interiors of the kremlin for a long time. congratulations with the victory in the elections, satisfaction with the work done and a readiness to continue doing it, vladimir putin was greeted by trusted representatives with long applause. the president had already said hello and asked to sit down, but the sound did not subside. and when... the state thanked voters for their trust, he clarified that it was not given to him alone, but to everyone who is in the room today. we all must once again express our words of gratitude to the voters, the citizens of russia, for the trust they have placed in us, all of us together, because both you and i have expressed our general program for the development of the country, many of you worked in very difficult conditions in our border territories, where... neo-nazis are shelling peaceful cities and civilian infrastructure, in the donbass in
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novorosiya this required special character, courage, well, i would not be afraid of this word personal heroism, thank you very much for your work, the will of the russian people, the necessary resources, recognized schools, as emphasized. grateful, but everything else, and this is somewhere around 60%, are specific proposals for
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further work on organizing our activities in various areas, so i propose to summarize everything that has reached you, everything that you have heard from people, everything that you consider most important during these contacts, together with the all-russian one. there was shelling of the adjacent territories, people still consolidated and came
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to the polls and put that exclamation mark on the elections, which we eventually saw in percentage terms, the turnout was huge, huge support from the entire population of our big country, do not work, serve, words, which could certainly become presidential motto, but they definitely became the motto of the defenders of the fatherland foundation created... on his instructions. the department for work with regions is headed by maria kostyuk, her eldest son died defending the interests of his homeland, and his work, like the work of hundreds of other heroes, must be continued. society today, it has truly consolidated around you. our society today for me and for all of us is like this, you know, already like a cut diamond, when everyone is ready today to serve the fatherland , everyone is ready to bring victory closer.
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belgorod and the shelled areas and in general the belgorod region did not leave and did not give up my job, i assure you, we will not give up, we believe in you, we are with you, victory will be ours, first of all i want to express words of gratitude and admiration for the residents of belgorod region and other
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border regions, i want to say to express my gratitude for your courage. and of course, we will do everything to support people, both those who have lost their business, and just ordinary citizens who have lost their homes, well, for many others, i won’t list them all, there is something to work on, and we will do everything, everything that depends on us, we thanked the president today, from all trusted persons, from the team, from the whole country, on her behalf, we congratulated him on the victory, but as vladimir putin emphasized, this is only a prologue to victories. future, which russia needs so much and which is definitely waiting for it. the movement of buses and cars has been resumed at the polish-ukrainian checkpoint medika shygginia. previously, polish farmers blocked a checkpoint demanding a ban on duty-free import of agricultural products from ukraine. the protest against such dumping
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, which is ruining the poles, is one of the main reasons for the nationwide strike organized by farmers this wednesday. i understood the topic. in the tractor siege of warsaw, krakow, poznan, lublin, garwalin, szczecen and other cities, 70.00 protesters and 500 blocked roads. in theory, all these people and equipment should be in the fields for the sowing season, but they went on a nationwide strike of farmers, here is its international symbol, manure at the house of the speaker of the seimas. trava rolnichi protest under garwoline. farmers are protesting for a just cause, they say: we’ve had enough of green agreements, they are protesting against uncontrolled imports from ukraine. having promised to block the entire country, farmers blocked the border not only with ukraine, but with lithuania from russia. on wednesday, the mamonov checkpoint in the kaliningrad region did not work. every first
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car seems suspicious to farmers after repeated detection of ukrainian contraband, and this is in addition to official imports from neighbors. this footage shows a conflict between a heavy truck driver farmers. there was information on social networks that protesters allegedly took away the keys from the remote bolshek. but at the end of the video, the driver, as if nothing had happened, starts his truck. farmers complain that with the help of fakes and provocateurs they are trying to present them as threats to society, while the threats come from completely different people. as for the border, we are closely monitoring this and, of course, it must be unblocked, because from a military point of view we need free corridors.
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kemerovo kuzbass has a relationship with the finals russian championships were difficult: four times the siberian team reached the finals, all four times they lost, and finally, from the fifth time
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, kusbass became the champion of russia in sword hockey, aka russian hockey, aka bendy, gold medals at the championship in kemerovo for the first time in history, this the first victory in history at this level, i think this will be a very significant victory for many, many years. the game itself, it showed that today, these two best russian teams met in the final, a game that they showed that it is worthy of the final. against arkhangelsk vodnik, kuzbas was the favorite of the final, and a clear favorite. bookmakers estimated the championship of keimer's team at a negligible odds of 1.15. the odds for vodnik's championship were almost six. but, as often happens not just in sports, but specifically in bandy, in reality everything turned out to be much more complicated.
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bass scored the golden goal a minute before the end of overtime, my contribution there was 40 percent, artyom gave some kind of brilliant pass, all that was left was to throw the goal, that’s it it just cost us incredible effort, as they saw, but i just think that these same 6,000 people who gathered here are happy, this is the most important thing and so are we, glad to be happy we finished the whole game in 90 minutes, and also played there for 25 minutes they spent a lot of effort, and the waterman was already standing. on our knees and we were already barely breathing there , the boys just fell on the bench, lay there, held the ice, they were already pumping it out, roughly speaking, so it was hard. kusbass
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achieved a treble this season in bandy, the best team of the season won the russian cup, the super cup country and, most importantly, finally became a champion. alexander abramov, alexander makridin and alexander stalmashevsky. vesti kemerovo. zimbabwe delivered. 25,000 tons of russian wheat; the humanitarian aid shipment also included more than 20,000 tons of mineral fertilizers from the uralchem ​​company. the event was held with the assistance of the un world food program. details in the report of our special correspondent georgy podgorny. when they talk about majestic africa with its inherent simplicity, they mean zimbabwe. a country overcomes the turn to the east, announced by the official program, and turns away from the west, which forces it to its own. will, force. in search of its own path, a sovereign strong one, zimbabwe has partners with similar foreign policy principles. two events are taking place in zimbabwe that
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reflect the friendship between moscow and hararo. for example, the wheat in these bags is part of that 25,000 batch that was canceled in russia. and these bags already contain fertilizers, which were donated by the ural chem ural potassium group. they have been blocked for a long time european ports, but yet they are finally in a place where they can provide assistance to those in it. the ceremony of handing over fertilizers and grain to farmers was an event attended by local leader emerson nagwagu. cooperation with russia is not new for us. zimbabwe was once a british colony. in our struggle for liberation from the british, russia supported our desire for independence. therefore, relations with russia are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. both supplies of grain and fertilizers are the implementation of the initiative vladimir putin, about free assistance to african countries, the russian president spoke about it at the russia-africa summit.
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today, zimbabwe is not the first country where grain has been sent. we are ready to help those who need our support. russia keeps its word. and you know that the president of the russian federation is vladimir vladimirovich putin.
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sent to zimbabwe. thanks to the interaction of private business with the un, farmers in kenya, malawi, and nigeria are already using free russian fertilizers. and our corporate motto is because food is needed to each. and when we say everyone, we mean absolutely everyone, including and above all those who most urgently need it. and today’s delivery was made possible thanks to our joint efforts , collaboration with the united nations world food program, thanks to their comprehensive support, and zimbabwean farmers will receive 23,000 tons of fertilizers produced by uralchem. zimbabwe and russia have something else in common: the unprecedented and illegal sanctions regime of the united states and its satellites was carried out back in the early 2000s, when
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authorities. decided to give the land to their citizens, and not to pay alien managers, who would be more accurately called colonialists, the result of multi-billion dollar inflation, the destruction of the economy and a decline in the quality of life, should have the same effect, the western countries dreamed of when they imposed sanctions against russia. the west has always been wrong to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. it started in 2000, when we returned our land and were able to use it ourselves. they were not happy about this, especially the british.
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large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country, 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. and a special gift. yes.


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