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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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what is our product like ?
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i thought that one idiot fukuyama was enough for the world, yes, it seemed to me that one fukuyama was enough for idiots in the world of political science, but they found even more idiots, and you didn’t try to find non-idiots, but there are a lot of them, there are so many of them not you, that is, these are the people who are trying, and it’s not for nothing that he compared us russians with the arabs, the fact is that these extreme neoliberals are very worried about traditional societies, which... in addition to the culture of consumption, also preserve what has to do with traditions, to cultural, historical values, well, in fact, these pseudo-liberals or extreme liberals , for some reason this infuriates them, with them, it’s like an icon, maybe it affects them or like holy water, but it seems to work, by the way, about francis fukuyama, yes , indeed, if they started listing idiots, i
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was once with him at one of the conferences in iraq, so small, flabby, puny, but his speech was almost, the arabs did not boo and did not do it only for reasons of oriental politeness, oriental hospitality , because francis fokuyama, for example, he wrote openly that the enemies for him and others like him
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have a place in the liberal society of the future, and they say that such states must be fought and fought, but they are trying to fight traditional societies under the influence partly of these liberals, because it’s not working, now very interesting hearings took place in the us congress, where two generals, two retired heads of the american armed forces, mark mil spoke.
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critical situation and the taliban did not seize the start of the evacuation for several months, in fact, until we found ourselves in first year were a direct result of delaying the country, we had forces in the region back on july 9th, but we couldn't do anything without an evacuation order, they're in prison, some of them died, i think some were killed, afghans, i don't know about the americans , i don't think it was the americans, but i think some of the afghans who were working with us were hunted down and killed. i'm sure some of
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them were killed, i'm sure some of them were killed in pretty brutal ways, some managed to escape by various routes, others simply lay down and hid. ukrainians need to watch this. this is for sure, because the americans stood in afghanistan for 20 years, well, whoever was in kabul or beyond, saw these american fortifications, fortresses that you couldn’t approach, where there was a whole row of fortifications, the americans were afraid to stick their head out of there again, they didn’t communicate at all almost with the local population, if it was necessary to talk with someone, then they were naturally brought to these fortresses, at the peak of the american military... the presence in afghanistan there were more than 130,000 military they couldn’t cope with the talebs, because they didn’t have 20.00 frenchmen, how are they going to cope with the houthis, they couldn’t cope with the talebs, at the same time the american troops were in iraq, that
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is, nothing helps, but what for the houthi terrible slipper they pierced the iron dome, well, there are still two, probably we should divide it, but yes. and the iron dome has already been broken through more than once, this raises questions, just as it raises questions in general about the fortifications that the israelis built on the border with lebanon, on the border with the gas sector, so these questions
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will appear and will be officially asked to benjamin netanyahu as soon as this operation is over, but if we remember the american one. afghanistan , then they definitely won’t defeat the houthis, the houthis are just getting new weapons, and although they use them half-blindly, they don’t have enough radars, they don’t have enough weapons, what happened, well, they never had the technical equipment, they manage to inflict this is the kind of damage that just caused avkhazia, south ossetia may well be helped, half-blind, and imagine if they had a full pro too. equipment, but the afghan experience, it also says another important thing, that the americans, when the heat is on, they run away, without paying attention to who will insure their allies, their partners, translators were left behind,
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local political leaders who collaborated with the americans were left behind , how the military easily surrenders blinkin and his team. there are two black generals who lead very important departments, this is naturally lloyd austin and charles brown, this is
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actually another nerve that will appear very soon, the problem is that part of... the white population of america, including functionaries who are close to the labor force, it has long been colored, but to have two black leaders at once, this, this is the first time, this is being called, there would be three, this causes certain fears, and these fears are among the american elite, they manifest themselves, let them go to britain, there these fears are already fully realized, there if you look at the anglo-saxons, then it... when biden and trump once again or someone instead biden will be locked in this election battle, problems between the black population of america and the white population of america, problems between functionaries of one kind and another, they will still
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come out, in fact, this must be taken into account, and let them crush each other now. a very important inclusion in direct communication with the studio from the belgorod region, military correspondent of vgtrk evgeniy evgenievich podubny. marriage, how is the situation today, how... the day is ending, what 's happening? vladimir rudolfovich, greetings, well, the ukrainian army continues to confirm the title of the army of child killers of cowards, today, again, a resident of belgorod was killed as a result of a terrorist attack from a czech -made multiple launch rocket system, although it is worth saying that the russian army forced the enemy to reduce the number of attacks, today there are fewer of them than, for example. the day before, while our fighters of the group covering the state border
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continue to intensively destroy enemy personnel and equipment, which is located in the kharkov sumy region, near our border, and what is called in the rear areas, our group is working, well, what is called at maximum speed, despite the fact that the enemy has reduced activity, apparently the reserves have run out, in this sense... fighters of the russian army continue to destroy the enemy who is located near the border, the situation is difficult, in the graevororonsky district of the belgorod region, in the groevororonsky direction, in the area a the village of kazinko, in fact, like all the previous days, but now the enemy has stopped attacks on our positions, i mean attacks by raid groups, attacks on the ground, but continues to provide resistance with artillery, and... continues to use a huge number of fpv drones, kamika attack drones
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, they are trying, well, as they say, to complicate our rotation, to complicate the supply of ammunition, and to complicate the transfer of forces in this area, but at the same time the enemy’s actions are unsuccessful, as for today, but today , the enemy’s losses increased, and groups located near the border were also destroyed. armored vehicles were destroyed, now only in the evening the group covering the state border will count the losses of the formation kiev regime, and it is already possible to draw certain intermediate conclusions about the operation that the enemy launched with the aim of destabilizing the situation in the border regions during the presidential elections of the russian federation and, strictly speaking, in the post-election period, it is clear that this is an operation.
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formation of the kiev regime, which implied constant attacks on our positions on strongholds, and especially in those settlements where the border essentially runs through a populated area, i will now say more about this, that’s actually speaking, during this time the enemy lost a huge number of people, equipment, more than 800 people - these are irretrievable losses, killed, hundreds of wounded, the minister of defense named today
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, but strictly speaking, every day the enemy forces are destroyed, destroyed, this is such a constant process, and the enemy in general formed a fairly large group in order to organize combat information provocations, in order to organize these attacks, and the group was formed from combat-ready parts
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of the units, not without reason in this sense... planning and implementation were carried out by officers of the main intelligence directorate, and in fact , trained units also participated in ground attacks, these were not mobilized infantry, which had not been trained, it was clear from the actions of the groups that entered the combat area that the groups were trained, the groups acted in cold blood, calmly, but you know, this expression was born here, the enemy is being killed by ours... this is, perhaps, the most accurate formulation that characterizes the actions of the formation of the kiev regime in all the last few days, i’m sorry, i just want our viewers to understand that for you this is a small homeland, that is, you know every path there, you spent your entire barefoot childhood there, i just spoke with sasha kots this morning, and he said that from evgeny
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evgenievich to his native place and that in a nightmare it was impossible to imagine that war would come there, that is, zhenya knows there, well , just every turn of every road, this is really his homeland, it should be noted that of course, the whole country is now with belgorod and neighboring the provinces are taking people, 9,000 children are being evacuated , the administration is working fantastically, because they are equipped in parking lots, not in parking lots, car parks, no, at bus stops,
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it was monitored, and it is no coincidence that the engineering troops prepared positions several weeks before, and our mutual friend, the general - lieutenant , we won’t say who did what and how, he prepared, prepared and prepared the guys, trained and trained, that’s why the enemy choked, because we were preparing because we calculated the enemy in advance, no, well, here - volodya, standing to say a very important detail, and what does this mean, this is absolutely the thing that should not raise doubts in anyone, but the fact is that destroying the enemy who is striking at belgorod at grayvoron, for example, at shebekin, is now for our military
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a matter of honor, and well, every day we communicate here with comrades, officers, and generals. “we’ve all been friends for a long time, but i haven’t seen indifferent officers here, and for them, well, forgive me, it’s not an informational tone, yes, for them now it’s something very personal, even for those people who, well, of course , were not born and did not live in belgorod, but how did the residents of the region, in general, from the very beginning of the special military operation, empathize?"
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russia is traditional, modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great. so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to
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the international exhibition forum russia, malik, please, yes, well, still a few words about the word zhizhika, of course, for some reason we... love these infogypsies, and despite the fact that yes, as if we had already mentioned one more today such infotsiganovnis fukuyama, yes, but he seems to be more for a liberal audience, well , of course it’s also funny, yes, how 30 years ago he wrote books about the victory of the liberal world order and the end of history, and now he’s already writing opuses somewhere in financial times that american democracy is dying, how can we save it, that is, somehow they retreated a little, they are already trying to save the remains. i don’t know american institutions to butt heads, but god bless them, well, zhizhik - that’s understandable, that’s how francis fokuyama is now for a completely left-wing audience, despite the fact that everything that he just
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said, he repeated it exactly there since january february 22, three or four times i heard from her very harsh criticism of russia, well, of course significant, yes, because in the past the same zhizhik was always associated with criticism of western imperialism, especially american, and we remember desert storm criticized the bombing of libya. opinions, it has shrunk, especially in europe, well, in particular in the united kingdom, because let me remind you that zhizhik although he spends a lot of time there in his homeland in slavia, he is also a professor
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at the university of london, for a second, yes, and because we have two such main icons of the modern left in the west, yes, this is one novomhomsky , in america he works at mit, yes, and the other one is slava dzhizhik, and at the same time chomsk, i remind you, yes, at the beginning of twenty-two, well, he somehow criticized russia for the sake of formality, and then switched back to .. .criticism of american imperialism in general, well, often said things are not bad for us, not to say that they are directly good, but normal, that is, in america there, despite all their problems, also with censorship in the academic environment, but still there is a little more space for such a free discussion of opinion, in europe , in britain, of course, much less , well, it’s indicative what platform zizek chose for his last performances, but god forgive me, talk tv, this is morgan pier, well , that is, so that we understand, yes, this is a rupert murdoch project, last television project.
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the entire media environment, but we see that his latest projects, of course, are not working, and only tv, including, in my opinion, they have already refused, even well, or in the process of refusing the cable promise, that is, they will go completely online with morgan, because all this happiness doesn’t pay off, he ’s such a young guy, he’s 92 or 92, he’s not just a newlywed, he recently married our former compatriot, and peace and love for the kids, everything is fine, it’s clear that he’s handing over the reins its this media. empire to lachlan murdoch, to one of his eldest sons, well, this is kind of a story in progress, well, by the way, murdoch jr. has even traveled to ukraine a couple of times, sun journalists came with him,
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who interviewed zelensky, in my opinion, a few months ago, that is he’s trying to get on this agenda somehow, but to be honest, even sun, and even sky news, with whom he had a relationship, are doing so-so, well, there’s fox news, which has lost a lot, yes, very lost a considerable part of the audience after the departure of tucker carlson, that is, in general, the media empire in general, in the crisis they are already partially sold out there. no, there is a big problem there, because the buyers came who were not ideologically close, well, of course, arab money tried to come in, then the british crown said a minute, here it is already yes, but it’s too late, the guys from the emirates tried to buy the daily telegraph, well, that’s a different family there barclay, but nevertheless they weren’t given it, there they came, and they were told you’re barclay, they say they really need money, well, yes, this is, by the way, another such neoconservative publication, if we say about the tellograph and... it’s also unprofitable, it has more than a billion pounds, they owe the banks , in general, on the verge of ruin, although it’s funny , yes, when the banks owe the banks, considering that the whole bank is called that, well, yes, well there
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it’s just like one brother, he... owns a bank, and the other brother is involved in this media empire, yes, but, but still a problem, here, but of course, there were two brothers in the family, yes, the british are trying to hold on to their soft power , they haven’t given it away yet, because in reality, there may be more except for the special services, they have nothing left and practically nothing is left, all these british have soft, even power, and that’s exactly it, but it’s like a left-wing philosopher chose, well, absolutely such, of course, a wretched neo-conservative platform that no one watches at all , but of course it’s also very indicative and you can see how a person clings to his place at the university of london , that you need to say this, they literally said, go and criticize russia further, here he goes criticizing, he wrote something in the guardian, this is already clear works on the left, but here already, as it were, what else is eternity to do, what is a fishion chip or something to sell on the right , well, yes, and of course morgan pier is a disgrace, which is also impossible to watch, a man ran there in a flak jacket several times around kiev, now he is broadcasting, which no one watches, in general, here is the media decline
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of britain in all its glory. well, that’s okay, but one more thing about the united states of america, yes, today we talked a lot about the crisis of decision-making in the military sphere, well, first of all, you need to understand that how is it did not appear yesterday or the day before, we all remember the wonderful stories of the twentieth year, when the same trump was not allowed to withdraw troops from syria, because, excuse me, the american centcom, this central command decided that they had other priorities, so it’s crazy they were withdrawn, but some were not withdrawn, in general they deceived their own president, well, trump’s latest decrees, and on the withdrawal of troops, in my opinion, from somalia, from sudaan. in general, they boycotted the pentagon, no one made such decisions, but a call to china, yes, yes, which very quickly and directly , although there i, well, yes, a call from mark mealy, who simply promised the chinese general staff, if anything happened, to transmit in advance some data about trump’s decisions, if trump decides something serious regarding to arrange for china, but this is literally treasonable insubordination, that is, treason, well, yes, to imprison you for this, but you see, he then tried to be in
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charge for another 2 years. jokes aside, but both young people there were
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not young for a long time, well, yes, it’s true.
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, here's the girl standing. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter?


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