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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, that girl over there is on salary. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter?
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lloyd austin, yes, who did not leave the hospital for several months, but no one in the pentagon even moved or reported this, well , not months, well, first 2 weeks and then another 3 weeks, that is, well, a little more than a month.
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no, well, it still happened intermittently, then yes, he just disappeared for a while, but the point is that who really needs him, that’s it, yes, even though he was a former retired military man, a general himself, he was still a political appointee, but of course he was not in they didn’t bet a penny, well, here the question arises, if there is still a change of power in washington, trump returns again, how will he change this structure of power , will he be able to do it, and the hole in the fort is tightening, what a wonderful story, yes , a man who has already served 3.5 years. for russiagate, it is quite possible that he will get the position of some adviser, but as the minister of defense, we need to understand that if trump is re-elected, it will most likely be senator tom cotton from arkansas, such an ardent hawk, by the way, a former he’s a military man, so maybe he’ll be able to work together , but it’s far from certain, and as for the internal images there, this is also not a new story, in the last, well, at least 3 years , we’ve seen panicky speeches from democrats about how there are too many trumpists in the armed forces, too many those who don’t consider the january 6
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storming of the capitol an attack on our american democracy, and so on, they even tried to introduce some kind of, like , political information courses on combating extremism, so that people would somehow, well, i don’t know put on a more liberal footing, but it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, well, the main problem, of course, is that the number of people willing to serve in the armed forces of the united states in the american army is falling sharply, malik, this is what confused me, it seems to me that we are not enough noticed. means, the seven gather, and are ready to accept a completely derogatory statement on our elections, they completely agree with it, suddenly there comes a shout from washington, uh-huh, i said, no, no, it’s inappropriate, before that europe is shouting that we don’t recognize the elections, we will appeal to they say to putin from america, no, no, no, in fact the power, the realities are not like that, the president, putin, you like it, you don’t like it, the president.
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tensed up, well, of course, this means that they feel something, they obviously think that this one should be twisted, i would be very upset if i were china china is going crazy now, they can’t afford the luxury of a simultaneous war on two fronts, this is something very, as a rule , these kind of little things are serious looming signs.
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at least since february '22, although before that i wrote a book about how russia is a stronghold of conservative values, so of course it changed its mind very nicely, and there are some european hawks there, and there are the same baltic states, poland, and so on , well... even some french people called for not recognizing the elections, well, well, the americans are like us we see, even sullivan’s official position was that, well, maybe we don’t like something, yes, but we need to negotiate with someone in russia and it is clear that the chosen, victorious president is vladimir putin, well, we’ll see where this all leads, but we understand that these kinds of resolutions, of course, are declarative in any case, but what’s important here is that america has given them their due, of course, of course, if something happens, of course.
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but at the same time, congress is going on another vacation on the 23rd, so for about 12 days until april 9, and only after april 9, all this will all start, and as we see the position of the republicans, they are ready to give money, but in a small amount, about 12 billion dollars, only in the form of not a grant, not subsidies, but specifically a loan and i’m not sure that the biden administration will go for it after all, they will try to put the squeeze on their main project for... $50 billion, but this could all drag on, because even in april congress will only have , well, essentially 10 working days, there from the ninth to the sixteenth, it’s one week, then until the twenty-third 4 days, then they leave again, well, it’s just like an election year, legislators
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spend most of their time in the field working with voters, so it’s like for us a good story, and of course it shows that trump’s influence within the republican party is gradually increasing, yes. and what, by the way, showed today's primaries in ohio, where the republican candidate won, and morena, his name, and he also speaks from an isolationist position, berne morena, he speaks from an isolationist position and criticizes ukraine, so it is quite possible that after november of the twenty-fourth year, agaya will even be represented in the senate by two isolationist senators at once, this is the first jedi vance, whom we know well and we often also quote, well, the second one is bernie morena, so here. of course, yes, this does not make trump a friend of russia or an ally, but situationally there is still a certain benefit from him, trump voted himself too, the main question was, who did trump vote for, and trump said, who did trump vote for? who did you vote for? i
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voted for donald trump. did someone just ask who i voted for? yes, i voted for donald trump. thank you. yes, please. i'm here.
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this is evidence of the understanding in the united states of america that the strategic balance is changing not in favor of the united states, well , the strategic nuclear arms race in moscow, america is losing so far, well, i already talked about this, the russian federation has already has completely updated its strategic nuclear arsenal, the americans still have all this to do, and here they have a fairly serious one.
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with moscow to the idea of ​​the need for dialogue and with moscow with beijing, it seems to me that this opens up certain opportunities for this current cold war to somehow, in a certain future, transform into a new détente. of course, there is this new detente, which will obviously not happen this year, the pre-election year, of course. the americans have statements, but with the new american serious negotiations, despite all these
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, there will simply be no time for it, if the administration, no matter who heads it, will already be able to start this dialogue, it seems to me, why should we, we then need to control, so to speak, this a country that is a nuclear superpower for a moment, but in which... well, let's speak frankly, we cannot exclude the possibility of a very serious intra-flight crisis of civil war . it's good for us to have détente with them, why détente in order to, well, control them in the first place strategic nuclear arsenal for this they need to be occupied and not discharged no for this it can be achieved through negotiations another very important point - we lost every detente.
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discharge is one, well, there is a corresponding one in yes, i don’t even understand theoretically why we need any measurement for us in production cheaper than for them, they have a colossal lag behind us, that is, they overstrain their economy with military expenditures in a colossal way, we can pay for the eighties, they they might just overstrain themselves, especially if we together with china we will build up, then the americans will find themselves in a position where they will beg us.
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well, in any case , as for dialogue with the united states, it seems to me that it is possible, but it is not a fact that it will bring any tangible results, but at least the american side is ready to conduct this dialogue. as for europe, here is
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the most serious difference between this future new detente and the detente that existed for 50 years. ago, then, everyone present here remembers, it was europe that was the initiator in this very détente, yes, it’s a french word, that’s really it, well, well, about the french language i’ll also say, don’t like french, no, why do i really like it, i’m just talking about what’s really in this language there is nothing complicated, you just need to remember classical russian literature, remember alexander sergeevich pushkin. there is also loder, by the way, yes, it’s true that there was a swiss here, in my opinion, loder’s clinic,
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which was located in khilka’s alley, that’s where they went from here, from here lodare is lying, yes, i wanted blow and so on, it doesn’t matter at all.
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spanish, so that the bastard barrel wakes up, i have such a simple question, the czechs are spitting in our faces, why are we selling all czech goods, can someone explain to me, the balts are harassing us, why is everything baltic for us, the main supplier of whiskey, the balts some, this is generally what is happening, we may finally be a little more aware of it. let's come, excuse me, especially for you, citizen lepin, another, niece, not 34, every day i wake up in the eu, which is a digital colony of the usa. economic colonies of china, demographic colonies of africa. and
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islam becomes a religious, cultural colony. this is a member of the french national assembly, marion marechal lepin.
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e means zizek and so on, it seems to me that , although i still want to say a word, this is normal, the evolution of an extreme left philosopher, you know, we know such people -
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the question in general is what happened to macron, because the evolution occurred, from the french or a gay rooster or a cockerel or a dove such as the one that the french pigeon stood up for peace all the time, balance, for mediation in resolving acute international conflicts, suddenly macron transformed in 2 years into such a leader of european hawks, what happened, the french themselves are there experts, so to speak, are guessing and cannot come to a definite, yes, some conclusion, because that there are many different factors, but i simply, if we take
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a small historical perspective, after the start of the special operation, in my opinion, in may 2022, macron, speaking in strasbourg, means, well, naturally, we are condemned, of course, we aggressors, we are not good, but there is no need to humiliate russia, that was the slogan. further, it means that there is an evolution of his position, which means that after this he says, it is necessary to defeat russia, but without fighting with it directly, which means, apparently, so to speak, with the hands of the ukrainians, in this regard, further progress comes again, further progress goes like a mantra, he begins from speech to speech, which means repeating, russia cannot, should not and cannot win, we will do everything so that... that means ukraine won this war, putin cannot win, and so on and etc. then we come to
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modern events, february, february 26, a press conference after the meeting, that is, in paris, there were dozens or about 20 representatives of different, that is, european countries, a conference on assistance to ukraine, and further in during the press conference , macron suddenly declares that:
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they just said, well, i’m not talking about parties, and that means the programmer parties, which then met and discussed with macron, which means that then there was a vote in
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the national assembly, where macron wanted, so that means the deputies approved his agreement with ukraine on assistance, which means they also concluded in paris, they voted against, which means unconquered france by the zhanlyuks. it’s scary, i say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran, we
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had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to leave the city. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what
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exactly does digital help with? on their original and export? what is our product? questions: what about production in general, raw materials , investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people. we
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often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change ? evolution occurs in any structure. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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i came for my brother, here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has been resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i 'll come back for you, you hear, it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it's easy to make a deepfake.
4:00 am
that’s why it means that whoever is not with us is... against us, so in such discord, it means that france exists now, therefore, it means to think that everyone there supports macron is completely wrong, there are many speeches that people say because he is crazy, he generally understands, so to speak, the same, by the way, uh, sarkozy, when he presented his book, it was sometime in the fall of this year, that means last year, he...


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