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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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that’s why, it means, whoever is not with us is against us, so in such discord, it means that france now exists, therefore, it means that everyone supports macron there, this is completely wrong, there are many speeches that people say that he’s gone crazy, he’s generally thinking, so to speak, the same, by the way, sarkozy, when he presented his book, it was somewhere in the fall of this year, that means last year, he... so to speak, wondered, you
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in general, so to speak, somehow you must have some kind of sense of reality, because you you are faced with a nuclear power, the largest nuclear power in the world, what are you running into , what are you running into, what do you want , that’s why it’s true, sarkazy put forward this idea that it is necessary to carry out this, which means that the donbass is busy, which means under the control of russia in the regions of zaporozhye and, therefore, kherson , there are referendums, but for some reason, under the control of the eu. by the way, this is a strange position. it's better for brix to control paris. yes yes. here. well, actually, when we think about what will happen next, i think that macron, with these, that means, ambiguous, as he said, strategic ambiguity in his, that means, it’s like. screwed
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up the generals themselves, the officers , the french, because more than 60%, in no case, i even think, i have such a suspicion, you know, that the french military is not on fire, the generals, because here, here, especially if you listen to military retirees , they look at things more realistically, but it seems to me that, speaking of
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guidelines, some more realistic ones appear , but permanent things, which means putin is for us i read the french press, well, occasionally, maybe he threatens with nuclear weapons, when putin threatened someone in europe, but, but why invent such things, well, inexplicable. in my opinion, which really, well, say that western leaders, firstly , have become smaller, not to mention others, and don’t understand, have not lost their sense of reality, but in my opinion, this is a dangerous thing, and it is necessary somehow, in general, so that the western establishment comes to its senses a little, now it’s advertising, after that we won’t continue with a new composition, loud scandals between loving people happen...regularly,
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at first he beat me, and then i hit him with roses and found out that i was better at it, in fact, i killed my husband, i killed him, but it’s a pity. even celebrities find themselves in the role of a victim , it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me with my head flying into this corner, the sweet life turned into cotton wool, i open my eyes, i understand that i am lying on the floor in a red puddle, he has this drool is flying out of his mouth, he’s drunk, he’s not in a state of passion , he’s already... stabbed his stunned husband to death with a knife, why victims of family conflicts , as a rule, are silent, jealous, which means they love, beat, respectively, which means they love, and how to fight back a domestic tyrant and not end up behind bars, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, there are a lot of nuances, we are now... in such
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an interesting time, when in fact all the traditional ideas, legal norms, they have disappeared somewhere, all these, as they used to say... it must be destroyed, and it doesn’t matter what is he called, a frenchman, a ukronazi, for us they are all germans, and the place, which they will find for themselves, of a very specific size and will fertilize the black soil, our black soil, we will not give it to anyone, the ukrov had a chance to create their own state, only one thing was required of them: to fulfill the condition that was originally laid down in the very existence of this states, neutral status, preservation of all the rights and privileges
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of the russian language and the russian-speaking population, betrayed both the first and the second, that’s all, period, so all these attempts, but how can we, well, just a little ground, let’s throw a cap. there let's stay, no, no, because as soon as it turns out that you have a place for a heel, there is macron in stiletto heels, you cannot be trusted in anything, and it has reached the point where you are not even asked, you are not asked, there they say, we’ll come to you , it’s just a matter of thinking about it, we’re an independent european country, we’re a democracy, they don’t even say, at least invite you formally, they decide for you anyway, so...
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mixed, that is, along the dnieper around kiev . i think that these two options could be to bring in french troops to say to the russians: don’t go further, otherwise you risk
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coming under our fire, including our unconventional fire, unconventional fire, he’s carrying a nuclear bomb with him, he repeated several times. that is, they will directly shout to each other oh so far away and move quickly, quickly, so that god forbid they do not fall under their fire, which they will arrange from what 200 km, there are 2,100 km, 20,000 soldiers per person per kilometer, and he runs around screaming, don’t fall under my fire, is his
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heart on fire, or what? these are the same french who got their ass in africa, couldn’t do anything and left there, i just want to understand, the same ones who got it in the twelfth year, no, these are not the same as those in the twelfth year. they understood everything, in 1414 in paris they led themselves away quietly, then, well, later they really tried to screw us in crimea, and then they tried to screw us in odessa, but then everything was fine. hunt, it will be like, the european came won’t have time, because it’s clear that they will be a fool, he brought a bunch of goodies on himself, but his will be captured for happiness, 1,100 km, between ukraine and belarus, 1,100 km, 20,000 soldiers running fast, terrible french fire. lord, where are these idiots
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found, it’s clear why, now the men have a hobby, yes, they burned the fourth abram, killed five petrits, as many leopards as you like, french garbage, they don’t even count their wheeled tanks at all, they’re crazy, as much as you want, vladimirovich, you have seen the french national football team, i think the military contingent will be the same, it will be difficult to find them there difficult. that is, they merge with the area , since other problems arise there, it is unlikely that they will want to die in the ukrainian fields for macron’s cockerel, the gali cockerel, i mean, although in general, therefore, of course, today, when the minister of defense of the russian federation, army general.
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in the event of desertion in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces , looting against civilians is rampant in ukrainian-controlled territory. the kiev regime carefully hides the real situation on the battlefield from citizens, passes off terrorist attacks against russians as successes, and increases forced mobilization. the us and its satellites are extremely concerned about the successes of the russian armed forces. it is becoming more and more difficult for them to argue with the west. community the need for further financing of supplies of the ukrainian armed forces, weapons and ammunition. against
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this background, the ukrainian command is forced to throw its remaining reserves into battle using the most expensive models of foreign equipment. however, this did not change the situation in the special operation zone in favor of the enemy. since the beginning of the year , four abrams tanks and... during this period, that is, since the beginning of this year, the armed forces of ukraine exceeded 71.00 people and 11 thousand units of various weapons, this is almost three times higher than the same figure. period of last year, the combined group of troops will continue
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to build on the successes achieved and increase fire impact on enemy targets. in less than 3 months we destroyed three armies of france, which they are going to send with half, so what? break down right away, please, you know, for
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the last 2 days i’ve been following the results of the presidential elections, the announcement these figures, behind the reaction that our compatriots replicated on social networks, to agents living abroad speaking now, and this...
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and less dependence on kiev, and then under pressure, when they began to disconnect from the voter register, blocking accounts, when the ukrainian military was developing a landing operation. was scheduled for march 1, they were supposed to land in the crimea, which means there, to tear apart the kerch in a narrow place, or rather, block in a narrow place, cut off the kerch ledge, well, in general, everything suggests that the more pressure is put on us, the more consolidated we are, and
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today i took part in the meeting of the president with the group. yes, and i remembered the words of one of my acquaintances, who said that well, after the twenty-second year, we turned from a population into a people, and i realized that there was nothing like that, we were a people, that’s the population, or rather that part of it , who always felt more accurately declared that the people, in fact the population, she left herself in the twenty- second year, today... i saw a huge the number of people who understand that the people are now facing, as the president said, actually, so to speak, victory in the elections is only a prologue, a prologue of new victories, the people are facing new challenges, to begin what began in the twenty-second year, and this is not only
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the destruction of nazism, this is much more serious, well, this is kind of what the french want, that we... wait a little while, we’ll soon come and i realized that these are the ones, but first i need to go through berlin, and through coma, no, no, first berlin, then, and then coma, but what, what i’m a jew, if i’m... i’ll just take it and leave it, no, not all of it will have to be returned, i just realized that in such moments of crisis, just like these, there are major referendums, but in essence, this is a vote for putin, there was a big referendum of confidence, they cement the people, turn them into a serious historical force, well, in general, yes, but what
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options do we have, that is? just as there were no other or any other options in crimea in the fourteenth year, in the fourteenth year there were many options, for crimea it seems no, no, no, well, let's remember, well , if we say so quite seriously, because vladimir vladimirovich was very serious about what the indicators would be, yes, of course, that is, this was a real situation of people's democracy, that is, it was very important, so that people really express their attitude, in an interview with andrei kandrash, vladimirovich says that it was important for him. he was waiting for numbers, but for the crimeans, what about korshen shevchenko, when the crimeans were killed, when these buses were smashed, friendship trains, when they buried the guys from berkut.
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the russian president was immediately detained by the police, and so seriously , the women with bruises were harshly received, well then through holland, well, that is, to the question of yes,
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the elections are russian, well, so you understand, but those who came there to delay the processes, but they are actually against russia and the russian flag and russian citizens of russia as such, so that there are no illusions about this, as for these makronovsky cards. yes, that is, it was no coincidence that our national guard gave him a set of soldiers, but you saw how macron boxed, well, yes, yes, also, well, well, i think he and gordon, by the way, will make a good sparring, who will win who, i liked it, i still want it, that is, this is what, that is he wanted to gore his nose, well , he could get, well, in principle, any person who has been boxing for more than 15 seconds, well, this is all just anecdotal, well, i’m a man, that is, he wanted to bite, well...
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he published this humorous weekly picture, there it turns out that the french army is overweight, but here they drew a picture of french soldiers with a michelin guide trying to figure out where the three-stars are? there are no restaurants left , so what is there to protect, so in this regard , the french also treat this idea, of course, some with humor, some actually discuss it in shock, so to speak, but when they are completely serious , who in all seriousness, like this general, or whoever he is, colonel, colonel, then i looked at him, tried to find a military biography, found that he... wrote several books there about the tactics of the germans , rommel, that means, in north africa and something else, so that, apparently,
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the colonel served in the regiment has something to do with the military history, that is, it makes no sense, but well, it seems to work in the ministry of education, he worked or is working, but the fact is that i didn’t find his combat experience, but you see, rassura really speaks in all seriousness, this again reminds you of the intervention of 1919. it was, and, well, the villagers of southern russia, yes, yugoslavia otaman grigoriev, who served to the ukrainians, as usual, he betrayed them, went over to the bolsheviks, that is, at that moment he was
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advancing as a bolshevik unit, then he betrayed the bolsheviks, but why, because they were afraid of this cavalry, yes, poorly armed there with machine guns and they scurried like that, they are 48, poorly armed or with machine guns, the machine gun is no longer poorly armed. no , wait, they and the french have tanks, well, you compare , yes, well, those tanks, what kind of tanks are these, oh, the french had much more of everything, but they abandoned everything they could, they betrayed again, those russian white guards who fled to them there in odessa , a bunch of intelligentsia and so on, everything, and they felt normal, he went to odessa, kherson came out, that’s how they are, which means now they want to repeat it, i know , i’m still looking at the reaction. ukrainians, but the ukrainians still believe that now, in all seriousness, all sorts of gordons are discussing the tactful issue, and the constitution of ukraine, which means nothing,
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prohibits something written about foreign ones. russia will pay for everything with smelyan oil and continues to sell clothes in our markets, yes, maybe, i don’t rule it out, by the way, by the way, if we started talking about how the french and
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finnish troops. either under macron, or without him. and british troops will enter ukraine. did you mean scholze? scholz? with scholz or without him? right. when everything is included there , maybe by agreement, maybe without the armed entry of troops of a number of
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european states into ukraine. that is, by the end of the year all this will happen, they will all enter, and he also forgot to say that luxembourg decided to support his entire powerful army, how many there are 800, i am sure that the decisive factor will be, of course , the presence of estonian troops, this is estonia, yes, yes, everything will be in this regard, every time their army gathers, i worry which elevator to call, if they are with an orchestra, then the load factory, if there is no orchestra, then they will fit into the passenger compartment, well, yes, all armies are like that.
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it’s scary, i say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she’s a combat veteran, we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we didn’t want to run away from our own, the arrival was just here, and here’s the car burned down, compensation is being issued, we have already received 180,000, well, of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are working in the private sector on... apartments, houses, roofs, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything is here native.


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