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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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arrival of artillery, these ukrainian gangs are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, we were under heavy fire. it’s scary, i say right
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away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran, we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we didn’t want to run away from our place, the arrival was just here, and our car burned down, they give out compensation, we have already received 18,000, of course there are more people, at the moment we are working in the private sector... apartments, houses, roofs, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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sergeina's news in short: in the belgorod region, residents of areas bordering ukraine are evacuated to a safe territory, in temporary accommodation centers people are provided with everything they need, such as food, help with documents and pensions, volunteers work with children. in the amur region , investigators are finding out the causes of the accident at the gold mine, at the site of the collapse, and will begin drilling a second well today. she must lead to the main tunnel, there is no contact with the blocked miners yet, the rescue operation has been going on for 3 days. the kiev regime received $1.5 billion from canada, the money will be used to fill the budget deficit, meanwhile the us congress is in no hurry to help zelensky, legislators go on vacation without even taking up this issue. in kamchatka , a criminal case was opened after the death of tourists during the avalanche descent, under suspicion of the organizer of the trip and the leader. groups,
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two people became victims, cases of the victims today we were taken out from the scene of the tragedy. 25,000 tons of russian wheat were delivered to zimbabwe; the humanitarian aid shipment also included more than 20,000 tons of mineral fertilizers from the ural chemical company. the event was held with the assistance of the un world food program. details in the report by our special correspondent georgy podgorny. when they talk about majestic africa with its inherent simplicity, they have. in sight of zimbabwe, the country overcomes the turn to the east announced by the official program and turns away from the west, which forces her to his will, by force. in search of its own path, a sovereign strong one, zimbabwe has partners with similar foreign policy principles. zimbabwe is hosting two events at once that reflect the friendship between moscow and hararo. for example, the wheat in these bags is part of that twenty-five thousand batch that was canceled in russia. and these bags already contain fertilizers, which were donated by the ural chem ural potassium group. they have been
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blocked in european ports for a long time, but they are finally in a place where they can help. helping those who really need it. the ceremony of transferring fertilizers and grain to farmers is an event of presidential attention, local leader emerson on glagu. cooperation with russia is not new for us. zimbabwe was once a british colony, in our struggle for liberation from the british, russia supported our desire for independence, therefore. relations with russia are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. both supplies of grain and fertilizers are the implementation of vladimir putin’s initiative for free assistance african countries. the russian president spoke about it at the russia-africa summit. today, zimbabwe is not the first country where grain has been sent. we are ready to help those who need our support. russia keeps
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its word, and you know that the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, took the initiative back in 2022. with the assistance of the un, they were delivered to mozambique for zimbabwe, picked up from belgium and latvia, and from there they were sent to zimbabwe by land transport. thanks to the interaction of private
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business with the un, free russian fertilizers are already used by farmers in kenya, malawi, and nigeria. and our corporate motto is because everyone needs food. and when we... we connect something else: the unprecedented and essentially illegal sanctions regime of the united states and its satellites was carried out back in the early 2000s, when the authorities decided to give the land to their citizens rather than pay alien managers, who would be more accurately called colonialists. the result is multi-billion-dollar inflation, economic destruction and a decline in the quality of life.
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western countries must have dreamed of the same effect when they introduced sanctions against russia. the west has always been wrong to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. this. began in 2000, when we returned our land back and were able to use it ourselves, they were not happy about this, especially the british and mobilized the entire western world, the eu, the americans to impose sanctions on us, we are still opposed to this, any step that what they are doing to ease the sanctions does not matter to us, we want the complete lifting of sanctions on zimbabwe. these are the different approaches: the west, which is accustomed to forceful rhetoric, and russia, a reliable partner, who comes to the rescue will continue to provide support. and podgorny igor belagurov, yulia sokolova. news. harara, zimbabwe. forecasters warn of a sharp cold snap and icy conditions in siberia. there was abnormal heat in the region for several days, but now it has given way to an arctic invasion.
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vadim zavodchenkov will tell you how long it will last and how the weather situation will develop in the european part of the country. spring intensifies the onslaught. siberia, the russian plain is again in the hot embrace of the atlantic air. how much warmer will it get in the european part of the country until the end of the week and why it will get colder in the asian part when climatic april returns beyond the urals. current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist of centrofobys. hello, atlantic warmth from the russian plain is breaking through to siberia. spring in the european part of the country began right off the bat. 3 weeks of march are behind us. almost all this time, snow was actively melting in the region, with all the consequences, i apologize for the pun. great sea, here it is, here from mine at home it starts, the depth is, well, somewhere around knee-deep. thank you for the very warm weather, it is worth saying to the atlantic air masses
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, which are thrown into our country by waves of cyclones from europe, this air is gradually making its way from the western regions of the country to... it has already covered the urals, in chelyabinsk the day before it was +8, in yekaterinburg this week the temperature rose to +11, and here on the roads buses are literally drowning, people are floating on wakeboards, the snow has only just begun to melt, there has been snow cover in these cities since the beginning of the week the donkey has fallen only 7-9 cm, about forty more remain on the streets, everything is completely... she sang into the room. well, this is a video from altai. abnormal heat made its way here last weekend. in biysk, for example, the temperature went above zero on sunday, this week it warmed up to almost +9, the result is a real
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flood, because of which a truck carrier even refused to go on one of the routes, and water began to flood residential buildings. in the coming days, altai. will have to freeze a little, most of the russian plain is now in the area of ​​​​a vast anticyclone, as for cyclones, they continue to throw warm air into its area, but they themselves are forced to go around the center of high pressure along the periphery. one of them has now dived into siberia, throwing a dose of arctic cold into the asian part of the country. however, the cooling here will be short-lived and the air from european russia, warmed under the bright sun, will again begin to make its way beyond the urals in the coming days, so that a huge territory from baikal to the baltic will be in the area of ​​anomalous warming. it will come out at the beginning of next week in the middle zone of the russian plain in southern siberia it will be +5-10°,
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and the thaw will make its way even into the middle reaches of the ob and yenisei. heavy ice is expected in altai today and tomorrow. in barnaul, for example, the temperature will drop below zero and become positive again only on the weekend. on sunday in the city up to +5 - this is more than three degrees above the climatic temperature. here in european russia there are no weather swings, it’s already warm here, and it will become even warmer in moscow today +6, then until saturday +7-8°, on sunday under the influence of another whirlwind it will rain, and the thermometers will show plus de, such indicators have not yet been seen in the center of the country this year, that’s all for me, goodbye, after advertising we’ll talk about fuel prices in russia and more. news block. a credit
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into sleep-deprived, into gloomy, then my cosmetics bag is replenished, look, you can try on cosmetics first, we wanted to be loved, we remain loved, megamarket, it’s beautiful and profitable to please alphabank. for business, register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best. bank for business, now economic news, konstantin, russian consumer sentiment is improving. yes, roman, according to rosstat, more and more people are positively assessing changes in the economy. rosstat noted an improvement in consumer sentiment among russians. the corresponding index in the first quarter
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of this year increased by 6% points, amounting to -7%. this means that people... are ready to spend more, while those who positively assess the upcoming changes in the country’s economy have increased, as well as those who are neutral , here is the share of negative expectations significantly decreased by eight percentage points. retail prices for motor fuels in russia remained virtually unchanged from march 12 to 18; according to rosstat, the increase was only 4%. the national average cost of a liter of ninety- second and ninety-five gasoline increased by 2 kopecks. and diesel fuel has fallen in price by the same 2 kopecks. in general, as noted, the increase in consumer prices for gasoline in russia this year turned out to be slightly lower than general annual inflation. using frozen russian assets to finance the kiev regime is fraught with prosecution for many decades for those who make such a decision, the press secretary
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of the russian president warned about this. this is how dmitry peskov commented on the statement of the head of european diplomacy, who proposed to direct income from... colossal debts, and the problem in economies is even more serious than debts, then they want to find any other source of money in order to continue to finance ukraine, like this washington demands of them. us oil inventories unexpectedly fell by almost 2 million last week. barrels. this is reported in the report
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of the american department of energy. the forecast included growth. gasoline reserves fell by 3,300 thousand barrels. forecast for a decrease of one and a third million, only in tens of tens there was a noticeable increase, although analysts expected a reduction. meanwhile, the us department of energy plans to restore the strategic oil reserve during this year, a significant part of which the biden administration sold off to curb the rise in world prices. previously, they planned to replenish the storage at a price no higher than $72 per barrel, but apparently they decided that they wouldn’t wait, which means that oil prices will be provided with an additional incentive to grow. and the us economy is becoming less and less like the market concept that washington has been propagating to the entire world for so long. well, here you go, intel received, or rather, will receive , $8.5 billion from the american authorities for the development of semiconductor production in the country. in addition to direct financing, the ministry of trade will provide loans in the amount of $11 billion.
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government support will allow intel to increase capacity in several american states. washington's goal is to more than double national chip production, increasing its global market share to 20%. microprocessors are recognized as a national security issue and the us is no longer happy with asian dominance in this area. at the end of the issue about currencies, the same dollar, which is the united states. today at around 92.68, the euro costs 100 rubles. 61 kopecks and that 's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. in the region , residents of border areas are being evacuated to a safe territory. ukraine regions. at temporary accommodation centers, people were provided with everything they needed, food was provided, and they were helped with documents and pensions. volunteers work with children. in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation , anti-aircraft gunners cleared the sky of ukrainian armed forces drones. the task was carried out by crews of the bukh missile systems. this system is capable of
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destroying both low-flying objects and missiles at an altitude of tens of kilometers. investigators are finding out. reasons for rock collapse in a gold mine in the amur region. the rescue operation has been going on for three days. today they started drilling a second well, which should lead to the main tunnel. there are 13 people under the rubble, there is no contact with them. in the novosibirsk region, populated areas are protected from spring floods. specialists from the strategic missile forces blew up the ice in dangerous sections of the ob river. before the operation, the required number of wells and the amount of explosives were calculated. the largest infrastructure project in tula, the bridge across the upu river is almost half ready, construction is proceeding at an accelerated pace, the structure is being erected from both banks at once. will connect several districts of the city and will significantly relieve congestion on local highways. vitaly motorin will tell you how the work is going when it will be possible to cross the new bridge.
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here we can already see the outlines of the future bridge. now the reinforcement frame is being built and concrete will be poured. the construction of a bridge across the upa is carried out simultaneously from both banks of this river. from the zarechensky district of tula the overpass itself grows like a surface surface, on the contrary from... the structure itself is complex from an engineering point of view, so it is also located in the center of the city's infrastructure. where we are standing now is an embankment, intermediate between the bridge and the overpass. this development corridor contains a large number of networks, which complicated both the design and construction of structures. today we have completed the ramps to the pavshinsky bridge, it fell out. work on this facility began in december 2022, and should be completed this year; the timing was discussed during the visit of the country's president vladimir
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putin to one of the tula enterprises. at the moment, the construction readiness of the facility exceeds 40%. and the progress of work is kept under control by the head of the region, alexey dyumin. this is a fairly serious road infrastructure investment project - about 4 billion rubles in federal money. as well as the regional budget, this is also a serious infrastructure road construction over the past, probably 10-20 years in the regional center, first of all , of course, this is unloading traffic in the regional center, increasing safety, the total length of the entire structure will exceed 1,100 m. the width of the bridge is enough to organize movement in four stripes, two each. side. the bridge across the upa, on the construction of which about 20 units of special equipment and more than 200 people are currently working, is already called the largest infrastructure project in tula in
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recent years. it will connect two districts of the regional center and solve the transport problem in three of its districts at once. oktyabrskaya street, mosin street, lunacharsky street will be significantly relieved, allowing morning commuters to get to the city center more quickly in the evening hours, respectively. we still have a second branch, north-south, yes, yes, that is, this is the northern entrance to the city. this project is so important for the weapons capital that the regional government decided to monitor the progress of construction online. for operational control, we have five video cameras installed at the site , located at the social center, and we can monitor the entire progress of construction online. moreover, this project will entail the development of the nearest road infrastructure. repair of the adjacent embankment and another nearby street in as part of the national project, safe and high-quality roads are planned for this year. vitaly motorin and alexey chichvadze, host tula. on
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the streets of chelyabinsk , a new transport vehicle, the latest generation tram, is being tested and produced at the ustkatav plant. production is entirely domestic, which means the cost is significantly lower. in addition, the use of modern technologies has made it possible to make smart cars and control systems. and traffic is even safer. the new product was appreciated by kirill bortnikov. this meeting of trams of different generations can radically change the public transport system of chelyabinsk. at the end is a new three-section machine with the cosmic name caster in honor of the brightest star in the constellation gemini. and today this star of electric transport is going for a run-in on the streets of chelyabinsk. the completely low-profile three-section tram will be convenient for passengers with limited mobility. in total, there are more than sixty seats, comfortable handrails, and familiar usb sockets. an important feature is the information board,
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where you can monitor in real time for the movement of a tram on a specific route. vadim staretsin, a driver with more than thirty years of experience, has experienced the entire evolution of ustkotav trams. this model is praised, the carriage has become more comfortable and smarter. the adaptive assistance system is responsible for. smooth acceleration and braking, and the driver is monitored by a security system. if i fall asleep or get distracted, she will remind me that i need to look at the road and not sleep. the creation of even the smartest tram begins with basic operations. in the workshops of the ustkotav carriage plant of the state corporation roscosmos, first cut the profiles into parts, then assemble entire segments from them, which make up the body of the car. now there is a single-section tram on the assembly line. the car arrives on the main conveyor , one might say, bare, it is a painted body and only a floor covering, then the most interesting and, perhaps, labor-intensive part begins, here
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we still have to install: the casing, under which, for example, there is hidden a little, no less, almost 3.00 m wires, then stage by stage, the car is placed on a bogie, traction equipment is installed, they are equipped with seats from the beginning of the conveyor to the end, assembly takes only a few days, shipment is already on the sixth day and the conveyor is increasing its speed, we are striving for 20 cars per month, today we reach 15, well, we accept people, train and... the goal is to produce 20 cars per month, well , this works out per car per day, the trams are completely domestic, moreover, 70% of the components are produced by chelyabinsk enterprises, pride is the new trolley, without which it is impossible to create a low-floor tram, here the maximum possible the equipment, while in a regular high-floor trolley all this is concentrated inside, in the track, here the gearbox is moved out, the traction motor is made as flat as possible,
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in this model they did not reproduce someone else’s. experience , we found our solution, improved the components so that reliability was higher and maintenance was easier. as a result, we managed to create a tram that will fit into the infrastructure of any russian city. it is the shortest, 25 m, unlike our competitors there, which will allow stopping points not to be particularly modernized, this tram will fit into the infrastructure that exists throughout all cities. another advantage is the autonomous range of up to thirty. that is, the tram will be able to move even in areas without a contact network, while three-section caster cars promise to be 25% cheaper than competitors. kirill bortnikov, makssa pargeldeev, gennady lugunov and lengalyaeva, conduct chelyabinsk ustkataf.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war. you understand what i have for you no rations, no weapons , get ready to go to moscow, we're listing your brother as a missing person, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin's hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him , that he didn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, yours was theirs, and then? then i don’t
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know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the whole paintings. chasing views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do.
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in the belgorod region, residents of areas bordering ukraine are evacuated to a safe territory; in temporary accommodation centers people are provided with everything they need, such as food, help with documents and pensions, and volunteers work with children. in the amur region, investigators are finding out the causes of the accident at the gold mine, at the site of the collapse, today they began to drill a second well, it should lead to the main tunnel, there is no connection with the blocked miners yet,
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rescue operation.


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