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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special powers. who are you all looking at? well, there’s a girl standing scratched, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. mid-hour news briefly:
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belgorod region residents bordering districts in ukraine are being evacuated to safe territory, reception centers are providing people with everything they need, such as food, help with documents and pensions, and volunteers are working with children. in the amur region, investigators are finding out the causes of the accident at the gold mine, at the site of the collapse, today they began to drill a second well, it should lead to the main... tunnel. there is no contact with the blocked miners yet. the rescue operation has been going on for 3 days. the kiev regime received one and a half billion dollars from canada. the money will go to filling the budget deficit. meanwhile , the us congress is in no hurry to help zelensky. legislators go on vacation without even tackling this issue. a criminal case was opened in kamchatka after the death of tourists during an avalanche. the organizer of the trip and the leader of the group are under suspicion. there were two victims. people, the bodies of the victims
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were taken out from the scene of the tragedy today. forecasters warn of a sharp cold snap and icy conditions in siberia. there was abnormal heat in the region for several days, but now it was replaced by the arctic invasion, how long it will last and how the weather situation will develop in the european part of the country, we will tell you after the advertisement. credit sbercard. beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and maintenance and notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card sbercard is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want, a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% interest back sberbank bonuses, thank you, if you want to get
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one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. buy gifts at the megamarket, pay for them with a card from any bank, and receive a select thank you bonus for each one. buying a megamarket, a house where the family is, in the house of the russian federation bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. spring intensifies the onslaught. siberia - the russian plain is again in the hot embrace of the atlantic air. how much will it warm up in the european part of the country by the end of the week and why will it get colder in the asian part? when
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climate april returns to the urals. current weather analytics on channel russia 24. i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist in centrophobos. hello, atlantic warmth from the russian plain. country of cyclones from europe. and gradually this air makes its way from the western regions of the country to the east. it has already covered the urals. in in chelyabinsk the day before it was +8. in yekaterinburg during the week the temperature rose to +11. and
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here on the roads there are literally drowning buses and people floating on wakeboards. and the snow has only just begun to melt. since the beginning of the week , all the snow cover has settled in these cities. only 7-9 cm, about 40 more remain on the streets. that’s it, the room is completely flooded. well, this is a video from altai, where the abnormal heat came through last weekend. in biysk, for example, the temperature went above zero on sunday, this week it warmed up to almost +9, the result is a real flood, due to which on one of the routes. the truck carrier even refused to leave, and water began to flood residential buildings. in the coming days, altai will have to freeze a little. most of the russian plain is now located in the region of a vast anticyclone. as for cyclones, they continue to throw
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warm air into its area, but they themselves are forced to go around the center of high pressure along the periphery. one of them has now dived into siberia, throwing a portion into the asian part of the country. arctic cold, but the cold snap here will be in the coming days, the air from european russia, warmed under the bright sun, will again begin to make its way beyond the urals, so that a huge territory from baikal to the baltic will be in the area of ​​anomalous warming. it will reach its peak at the beginning of next week in the middle zone of the russian plain in southern siberia it will be +5-10°, and there will even be a thaw. in the middle reaches of the ob and enese in altai , severe icy conditions are expected today and tomorrow. in barnaul, for example, the temperature will go below zero, the temperature will become positive only on the weekend. in sunday in the city up to +5 - this is more than 3 degrees above the climate norm.
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but in european russia there are no weather swings. it’s already warm here, but it’s going to get even warmer. in moscow today it’s +6, then up to... the mood of russians. the corresponding index in the first quarter of this year increased by six percentage points, amounting to -7%. this means that russians are willing to spend more. at the same time, those who positively assess the upcoming changes in the russian economy have become more and more neutral. but
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the share of negative expectations has noticeably decreased immediately by eight percentage points. the use of frozen russian assets to finance the kiev regime is fraught with prosecution. for many decades for those who make such a decision, the press secretary of the russian president warned about this. this is how dmitry peskov commented on the statement of the head of european diplomacy, who proposed to direct the income. from russian assets to purchase weapons for ukraine. according to joseppe barrel, we are talking about 3 billion euros per year. the european commission approved yesterday proposal on the use of revenues, but it still needs to be considered by the eu countries at the summit, which begins today. because the european union has already spent too much on ukraine, and because all the austrian agreements on the stability of the country’s growth have been violated there. the european union has colossal debts, and the problem in the economies is even more serious than the debts, then they want to find any other
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source of money in order to continue financing ukraine, as washington demands of them. the european union has lost its attractiveness for german business, bloomberg points out. according to his data, more than half of german companies believe that over the past 5 years the business climate in the eu has worsened, but somehow they have only seen an improvement. 7% of enterprises. entrepreneurs are particularly dissatisfied with economic conditions. they complained about excessive bureaucracy, as well as the need to raise wages due to high energy prices. and this is a direct consequence of anti-russian sanctions. actually, because of them, despite the initially high starting positions, europe and managed to lose its competitive advantages. the us economy is becoming less and less like the market economy that has been imagined for so long. implanted by washington around the world. well, here you go, intel will receive
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$8.5 billion from the american authorities to develop semiconductor production in the country. in addition to direct financing, the ministry of trade will provide loans in the amount of $11 billion. state support will allow intel to increase capacity in several american states. washington's goal is to more than double national chip production, increasing its global market share to 20%. recognized as a matter of national security and asian dominance in this area is no longer satisfactory to the united states. and at the end of the issue about currencies: the dollar today is at around 92.68, the euro costs 100 rubles. 61 kopecks and that's all the economic news for now. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever.
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the pension of russians made up of, how is length of service calculated, what are the coefficients and how much can you get in the end. after a long career , you are entitled to a well-deserved rest; how much money you can count on is a question that worries many. in this issue of instructions, in 5 minutes we will tell you what a pension is made up of and how to calculate its size. the most common type - an insurance pension - is a monthly payment, it compensates for salary or other the income a person received while working. to get an insurance pension. it is necessary: ​​firstly, to reach retirement age. in 2024, it will be 63 years for men and 58 years for women. the second point is the length of service, it must be at least 15 years, thirdly, the individual pension coefficient must be at least 28.2. our pension consists of two parts, this is an insurance pension and a fixed payment,
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respectively, our insurance pension is the sum of the product of individual pension coefficients citizen, multiplied by the cost of one pension coefficient. the cost of one pension coefficient a from january 1, 204 , is 133 rubles 0.5 kopecks. and the amount of the fixed payment, respectively, which is added to the insurance pension, is 8,134 rubles 88 kopecks. how to calculate the insurance pension? let's? let's do the math: take the individual pension coefficient, for example, take the minimum 28.2, then multiply it by the cost of one pension coefficient, in 2024 it is 133 rubles and 5 cop. and add a fixed payment, in 2024 its size will be 8.134 rubles and 88 kopecks.
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we get 11,886 rubles. 89 kopecks the question arises: what to do if there are not enough pension coefficients or length of service, and there are two ways: the first is to continue working in order to accumulate the necessary coefficient and length of service, the second is to form these indicators through voluntary contributions, how to do this? join the compulsory pension insurance system to pay. the social fund will take into account the amount of insurance contributions when determining the individual pension coefficient, and payment periods will be included in the insurance period. how much will you have to pay? the amount of contributions, minimum and maximum, is established by federal law no. 167. what are these amounts and what will they give? so, in 2024 you can pay at least 50,798 rubles. 88 kop. then your individual pension coefficient will increase by 1.37. if
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you pay the upper limit, that is 406,391 rubles and four. it is issued 5 years later than retirement age. a special, so to speak, independent payment that can be added to the insurance pensions are funded. our funded pension is formed from funds.
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pension savings, well, firstly, for working citizens born in 1967 and younger, for whom employers paid insurance contributions to finance funded pensions until 2014, these are men born in 1953-6 and women born in 57-6, in whose favor from 2002 to 2004 , employers paid insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor... pension, and you can also form the funded part through additional contributions or by directing it to her maternity capital and increase pension savings in such ways. by the way, they can grow due to investment income, the social fund and non-state pension funds invest in securities, but how can you use savings?
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the following payments can be established from pension savings funds: this is a one-time payment from pension savings funds, it is established in the case when the calculated funded pension amount is less than 5% than the funded amount. pensions and insurance pensions, otherwise a funded pension or a fixed-term pension payment is always paid, while the fixed-term pension payment includes additional contributions paid by the citizen, a co-financing contribution, the funded pension is paid indefinitely, a fixed-term pension payment for 10 years, accordingly, 10 years are included in the calculation in the amount of calculation of this payment. point: if a funded pension can be paid by both the russian social fund and a non-state pension fund, in depending on the person’s choice, the insurance company pays exclusively the sfr. let us repeat the most
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important thing: an insurance pension is assigned to a person who has reached retirement age and has accumulated a sufficient individual pension coefficient and length of service. if the coefficients and experience are not enough, you can either work for a few more years or buy additional experience. a person can receive a funded pension; it is formed on a special personal account of the employee, starting in 2002, at the expense of insurance contributions from the employer or voluntary contributions of the future pensioner himself. you can save in a social fund or in one of the non-state pension funds. if you have any questions, if you want to know other details about the pension insurance system, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will contact the relevant departments and we will definitely tell you about everything in our next one. instructions. and then on air is a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now.
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hello. exactly 220 years ago, march 21 in 1804, the napoleonic code was adopted, a grandiose set of laws that became the fundamental legislative act of france and served as the basis for the legal systems of dozens of countries. on the territory of france in all areas were different, combining roman law, royal decrees, and some court rulings, this is how voltaire described this mess. isn't it an absurd and terrible situation when what is right in one village turns out to be wrong in another? the napoleonic code, also known as the civil code, legislatively removed all class differences in society and their privileges. now it was not religion, but the civic basis that consolidated family relationships for the first time. the inviolability of private property was proclaimed. in france, of course, with changes and additions, the napoleonic code is still in force today. bonoparte himself called this document
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his main achievement and wrote prophetic words about it. my true glory is not that i won 40 battles. waterloo will erase the memory of all these victories, but what cannot be forgotten, what will live forever, this is my civil code. on march 21, 187, in the ninth year, at an evening in the hall of the noble assembly in st. petersburg , the karamazov brothers read dostoevsky’s new novel for the first time. fyodor mikhailovich has already written four chapters and the russian vestnik magazine has begun publishing them. among the listeners that evening was the critic semyon vengerov, and this is what he wrote: dostoevsky has no one equal as a reader. and never since then have i observed such dead silence in the hall, such complete absorption of the spiritual life of a crowd of thousands, moods. one man. the brothers karamazov is the writer's last novel, in which he raises topics that have always worried him. all permissibility, adultery, humiliation, struggle with one’s own passions.
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dostoevsky finished writing the karamazovs in november 1880. he conceived this novel as the first part of an epic called the history of a great sinner. but the continuation was not destined to appear. after 2 months, fyodor mikhailovich died. on march 21 , 1920, the first year in soviet russia a decree was adopted on the replacement of food appropriation in kind tax, the country switched to the new economic policy (nep) , the economy was almost completely destroyed, the first world civil war, the young republic urgently needed to be saved, the population areas decreased, factories stopped working, the agriculture of a huge agricultural country was simply destroyed during 3 years of surplus appropriation , systems, when sometimes everything that was grown was taken away from the peasants, the np returned it. market relations, began to abolish state monopolies on various goods, the peasants were even allowed what today we we call small business, that is, working for oneself, the authorities managed to attract foreign
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capital, the concession results of the nep were amazing after 7-8 years, but the party leaders decided that they still needed to live differently, and the ussr economy again began to be rebuilt from a market one to a centrally planned one, setting a course for accelerated industrialization and collectivization. legally, nepa was put to an end in the fall of thirty-one, when a law was passed completely banning private trade in the ussr. half a century later, nepa's ideas inspired deng xiaoping's reforms. soon who showed the world the chinese economic miracle. on march 21, 1981, members of the kuklocks klan in alabama brutally murdered african-american donald michael. he became the last known victim of lynching in the united states. the term wedding refers to the killing of a person suspected of a crime or a serious violation of social norms, without a trial, and most often by a crowd. the name, according to one version, is given
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by the name of the judge. charles lynch, who organized this during the american war of independence, or by the name of captain william lynch, who introduced corporal punishment without trial in pennsylvania. the real madness began after the civil war in 1860, most often white people lynched black people, not only for robbery or murder, but for violating unwritten rules, for example, a black person riding on a white bus. even judges and city mayors sometimes participated in lynch trials, and the place and time of execution was reported. in advance, american society was able to give an unambiguous assessment of this lawlessness quite recently; only in 2022, both houses of congress approved a law that recognized lynching a separate criminal offense designated it as a hate crime. this is what this day in history was like.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what’s going on with production in general, raw materials and exports, like...
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invest rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable? replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off , is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, russia , russia, russia. russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia 24. explosions in kiev. among the targets are two enterprises, they are damaged, the air raid alert is in effect countrywide. away from militant shelling, evacuation from areas bordering ukraine in the belgorod region. rescuers are trying to get through to miners stuck in a gold mine and are drilling a second well. the money is canadian, the tanks are spanish, what kind of help is promised to zelensky’s regime , why are the americans in no hurry with it?


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