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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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assets of russia. what will be the answer? rescuers are trying to make their way to the stuck gold mine gornyaki and are planning to drill a second well. how is the rescue operation going? smart carriages on the streets of chelyabinsk are rolling out a new product - the latest generation of trams. powerful explosions occurred this morning and at night in ukraine. the messages have arrived. from several regions of the country at once, according to local publications in kiev , the roar of detonation was heard three times in 20 minutes, city authorities report the work of air defense, and also that in one of the districts two businesses were damaged. explosions were heard in the zhitomir region, and earlier, the same information came from kharkov. the air raid alert was announced several times during the night, and by the morning its effect had spread throughout the entire territory of ukraine. the belgorod region is expanding support measures for border residents.
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those who initially refused to leave their homes are gradually being evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. everyone is not only provided with food, but also helped to resolve issues with documents, receiving payments, for example, pensions, special attention given to children. our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, works in the region and is in touch with us. hello, igor, what is the current situation in the region and what is being done for the residents. hello, vera. the situation in the belgogorod region is complex, today , about an hour ago, ukrainian militants again surrounded the regional center, hitting peaceful neighborhoods with reactive fire systems, as a result , there is damage to the residential sector, there is damage to social institutions, local residents report on social networks that there is also injured, now at there are operational services in place, they are all monitoring the situation on the spot, in addition... local
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residents are asked not to approach dangerous places, it is possible that there may be unexploded shell parts there. now this territory is cordoned off, and ukrainian militants regularly shell the devgorod region, especially the border areas are under attack. the day before, as a result of the attacks, there were civilians among those injured and killed . the regional authorities decided to evacuate border residents.
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good accommodation, let's give the floor to the locals residents, there was a direct hit on the neighbor opposite, the house caught fire, there was a direct hit on the neighbor who lived next to me, and there the barn burned down along with the cow, well, in general, it was scary, it was scary, in general, you know, there was such a feeling, that we will not leave there, we will stay there, well, thank you. to everyone who participated in our evacuation, we hope that maybe our houses will return intact, but i, for example, was already leaving, i saw near my balcony, i don’t know what exploded there, but there were no windows from the first to the third floor there were black holes gaping in windows, they say that it completely burned down, only the walls stood and these eye sockets were empty windows.
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spend your holidays there, sanatoriums and recreation centers will accept children, the number of regions that are ready to host small children increases every day, let's give our word. we announced a holiday last week for 2 days, we saw that the situation in belgorod and the border areas had not improved, so the operational headquarters decided to extend it by 3 days, from monday we have another week of holidays, so we, in principle, have minimal losses for the educational process, but with maximum ensuring the safety of children. stop at the regional center. difficult, so the local authorities decided to increase the number of reinforced concrete modular shelters, they will be located at public transport stops in crowded places , in the event of shelling, people can hide there and wait out the attack of ukrainian
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militants, these structures have already saved dozens of people more than once, in addition , the number of controllers in the city is increasing by intercom entrances. in the case of missile warning missiles, they are in automatic mode once and people can also take shelter there. igor, thank you, our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, was in direct communication from the belgogorod region. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military took an unusual prisoner. during interrogation, the grenade launcher's assistant told a story that was similar to the plot of a blockbuster. he allegedly decided to escape while on vacation and walked through the whole place. gray zone near the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. can you call it luck that he wasn't shot at? back are the same militants, or there is another explanation for this. our war correspondent anton stepanenko figured it all out. in the story of dmitry balanda’s incredible escape from ukraine, everything is amazing, simply a miracle.
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he was mobilized, chose a pagan army, held positions in the kupyansk direction, went on vacation and decided to flee. first, i got to zaporozhye. i was ready to go on foot. kilometers to melitopol, but in the end i got up in the morning, found a taxi driver, asked him to take me to the maximum point of control of our troops, the checkpoint, so that he brought me there, then i will go on foot. he was taken to stepnogorsk, then to the front line, which passes through the village of kamyanskoy, he went on foot. i got out of the taxi, approached the area, i saw two servicemen of the ukrainian armed forces, greeted them, said: “good morning, guys, i’m getting ready.” leave the country, since i can no longer be here , they are very strongly affecting me psychologically, morally, i can’t stand it anymore, i’m ready to leave, they told me that there is a checkpoint there, you won’t get through, in response i told them, what am i i will run, and if you are ready to run after me , run, they told me, no, we will
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shoot, but they didn’t shoot until the lbs , about 8 km along the front line, where there are positions, observation points, ambushes along the road that is used as. .. when magat inspectors are rotated at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this is what it looks like from our side. from the enemy side there is little difference. ivan, commander of the bars-10 detachment, whose fighters received dmitry. there, under fog, under enemy fire, there was just a time when there was a heavy raid on the pividro the enemy and the observer looks at the distant post, that there is a man walking, a backpack and two packages with him. in their hands, they reported on the radio, they moved forward, they decided, they decided that there was no need to detain him, that there was no need to shoot, because they saw from binoculars, from a quadcopter, that he was walking unarmed, for the assistant grenade operator dmitry balanda, who safely reached captivity, you can i would be happy, but
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there are a lot of oddities in his story, how an active serviceman passed, without much concealment, all the posts to zaporozhye, and from zaporozhye to stepnogorsk and further through front line
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here are footage of objective control, in which ukrainian soldiers surrender, surrender on the battlefield when there is nowhere to go, and the ukrainian side often tries. to finish off our own people, the main thing is that they don’t get captured, but dmitry balanda was lucky, he walked and got there, just before the presidential elections, he chose a convenient direction, there are a lot of zaporozhye on this side. hello, we are talking about the seizure of income in the form of 3 billion euros per year. experts say
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further actions will depend on the reaction russia and other countries that keep money in europe. what was yours will become ours. europe has come to the last line, which separates it from a precedent with completely unpredictable consequences, and not even for russia, but for the europeans themselves. at the opening eu summit , the proposal approved by the european commission to withdraw income should be considered. from blocked russian assets, a total of 260 billion euros of them are frozen, most of them are stuck in belgium on the euroclear site , 191 billion were placed. the income from this amount is estimated at 3 billion euros, and exactly europe is going to give this 3 billion annually to ukraine. as the european commission clarifies, russian revenues will be withdrawn according to a special scheme: 90% should go to the purchase of shells for the european fund. peace, the name is that and 10% goes to the eu budget, so that later this money, as they say, will go to support the military-industrial complex of ukraine. 3
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billion in this case is a small amount, this is still a trial balloon, but as experts say, everything will depend on russia’s reaction, so far they have decided to take away only the accrued interest, touching the assets themselves, for now they are afraid. they will probably look at russia’s reaction, because they have put such a logical structure behind this that, after all, the assets are the property of the central bank, the central bank is not responsible for the decisions of the russian government, well, that means they won’t rob yet , here’s the interest - this is what would go to the budget of the russian federation, so they may well take them away. the kremlin warned of the danger. legitimate actions of the european union and inevitable damage to europe itself. europeans
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are well aware of the such decisions can cause damage both to their economy and to their image, their reputation as reliable guarantors of the inviolability of property. damage will be inevitable, the persons who will be involved in making such decisions, the states that will decide this, of course, they will become objects of prosecution for many decades. meanwhile, in the united states they are discussing the initiative of senator linsey graham, we have him on the list of extremists and terrorists, it is possible to support ukraine with the help of loans. as a close source said zelensky and kiev must know the conditions under which loans may not be repaid. well, there are also the words of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba, who said that the very idea of ​​​​a loan - quote, is somewhat insulting to local residents. oh, those insulting loans. but that ’s not all; one of the most striking statements comes from the former minister of infrastructure
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of ukraine. if we win, you will receive payment in the form of russian oil, gas, diamonds and fur. if we lose, there will be no question of money, it will become a question of how the west will be able to survive. this is the same legendary minister amelian, whom the anti-corruption bureau of ukraine accused of illegal enrichment of almost 15 million hryvnia. and embezzlement of the budget , the court even seized his property, in general , he is still a thief , there are many of them in the corridors of the kiev government, but there is nowhere to roam yet , the united states does not allocate money, lintsiyren was now in ukraine, and he said that everything is on credit, yes, that is, it should be, let it be a zero rate, but it should be a loan for ukraine, there should not be money just like that, these are the 60 billion that the united states never accepted , so-called military aid from ukraine, to ukraine, of which only...
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experts are not sure that brussels will be able to easily come to an agreement with all 27 states at once, when we are dealing with 27 countries, depending on the united states, we get a very interesting picture, when baral said that they have a beautiful garden there, this garden is reminiscent of the paintings of ironim bogsakh, where there are a lot of different characters, fantastic and not so fantastic, all this adds up to what something like this
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a phantasmagogory, which seems to me to be an art to understand. it’s difficult, but in the end it would be right to show this picture, hieronymus bosch, his famous triptych, the garden of earthly pleasures, written in the era of great geographical discoveries, when the west was just beginning to let the global south enjoy. this is why europe is fighting with russia, it is going to steal our money in order to live approximately as the dutch artist depicted it, but this will not happen anymore, we will win, as they say, god is with us, with them bosch, that makes all the difference, it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and house click will do the rest, from
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rescuers make their way to trapped miners at the pioner mine. there are 13 people in the mine. work has begun on drilling a second exploration well. water is being pumped out to strengthen the rock. our correspondent victoria satenko has all the latest information, she is in touch. victoria, hello, how is the rescue operation going, what news is there up to this hour? thank you, vera, during that night the rescuers removed another 160 cubic meters of soil from the accident site, pumping out water the pulp has been suspended for now, no influx has been observed; in addition, to protect themselves, specialists need to lay a concrete bridge in the mine to prevent the re-entry of water and soil. in addition, one of the successes is that the rescuers drilled the first well fifty meters away, which approximately, well, should lead to people, may lead to people, in addition, that night they delivered another
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drilling rig, which is now being installed on site, and today it should also begin to function, and these wells, let me remind you, are needed in order to conduct reconnaissance in the mine to find out what is really happening there, cameras will be lowered there , which were delivered to the site just yesterday evening... specialists from kuzbass, yesterday urgently from novokuznetsk to blagoveshchensk , and then 30 specialists from the class arrived at the pioneer mine itself, among them engineers, mine specialists, mine rescuers with unique equipment necessary on site, in addition, another large pump with a capacity of 800 km/h, which is needed at the accident site, is still in ways, apparently it is moving towards us by road, now, as the government tells us, it is found... in the krasnoyarsk territory and approximately on march 23 , and the installation should arrive at the site in the zeya region.
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in general, there is about 220 equipment and people there , there is enough on site, but nevertheless for backup, and other regions agreed to provide backup equipment, a list of everything necessary has already been compiled, in addition, to the governors of the male region, vasily orlov expressed gratitude to ordinary citizens, who write to him on social networks and offer: and their help, in addition, from the news, relatives of the baht workers who are stuck in the depths have already arrived in the amur region and all the necessary help is being provided, but in total there are five families, eight people waiting to be accepted into everything is ready in the region, well , 13 people have remained blocked in the mine since march 18, contact with them is still unfortunately not established, but the hope that they are alive is glimmering, the kuzbass specialists who arrived to us, who... and not like that saw, they say that they saved people even a week after the incident, well, while the rescuers are doing their job, and the criminal case opened on the basis of the accident is being investigated
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by law enforcement officers, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, rostekhnadzor, let me remind you that the incident that happened at the mine pioneer for the first time in 25 years befell the male region, vera, victoria, thanks to the rescue operation at the gold mine. in kamchatka , a criminal case was opened against the organizers of a ski trip in which people died, the provision of services is not meeting security requirements, including the head of the tour group, he was detained. investigators are studying route maps and how the instructors were trained. let me remind you that on monday a detachment of eleven tourists began climbing in the krasnoarmeysk area. in the far east
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, russian ships conducted large-scale exercises in peter the great bay, corvettes of the pacific fleet went to sea, the crews completed several tasks at once, practiced naval combat with ships of a mock enemy and hit targets with onboard guns. and then eliminated targets on the shore that imitated artillery positions. at the same time , the ships repelled attacks from drones, repelled attacks from saboteurs, and also tracked down the submarine of a verbal enemy and forced it to surface. a special board of the russian ministry of emergency situations will deliver humanitarian aid to residents of the gas sector. about 30 tons of cargo have already been loaded onto the planes, including bedding, personal hygiene items, and food. all this was collected on the initiative of the government of the republic of ingushetia. in a few hours the plane will land at the airport el-arizh, where emergency situations ministry employees will hand over humanitarian aid to representatives of the egyptian red crescent society,
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who will redirect it all. let me remind you that at the beginning of the escalation of the conflict in the middle east, the russian ministry of emergency situations delivered more than 450 tons of humanitarian cargo to the enclave. let's take a break now and continue later. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a superkick in rubles every month. and also withdraw cash from any atm for free, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! contribution is the best interest in savings is an easy way to profitably invest money online, just one button , the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow at the maximum rate, one button and you
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