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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 9:30am-9:49am MSK

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sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger , a militiaman, a passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, we will expose all the fakes.
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railways of the donetsk people's republic. serious modernization is ahead, there are plans to restore existing tracks, in addition, construction of a new branch has begun, it will not only connect rostov, mariupol, berdyansk and melitopol, but will also open a direct road to crimea. read more vera etskova. 10 years, donetsk is virtually cut off from railway communications. the path remains, but it is in the zone of constant ukrainian shelling. now it is dangerous even just to be in the area of ​​the donetsk railway station. to get from donetsk to rostov you need either.
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the new railway line will connect new regions of greater russia, will increase cargo exchange and will remove some of the load from the land road corridor to crimea. the construction of the new railway track is being carried out at an accelerated pace, while all technological stages are being followed. and so one example: the height of the earthen rampart under the railway track, depending on. rostov to mariupol, then along the coast of the azov sea to berdyansk and melitopol. this railway will today become an alternative to the crimean bridge. today, logistics with new territories of the russian federation is being established. there will be new railways.
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not only for residents of the southern regions, but also for the entire republic. modernization of the railway network of the donetsk people's republic will connect not only new regions, but also a large russia, but go further to crimea. vera yatskova, denis vedyaev, daniil zaretsky, victor voloshin, irina efremova, dmitry rud and anton khobotov. news donetsk, donetsk people's republic. and on the streets of chelyabinsk they are testing a new transport product - the latest generation tram. they are produced at the ustkhkatov plant, production is entirely domestic, which means the cost is significantly lower. in addition, the use of modern technologies has made it possible to make the cars smart and the control and movement systems even safer. the new product was appreciated by kirill bortnikov. this meeting
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of trams of different generations can radically change the public transport system of chelyabinsk. at the end there is a new three-section machine. with the cosmic name castres in honor of the brightest star in the constellation gemini. and today this star of electric transport is going for a run-in on the streets of chelyabinsk. the completely low-profile three-section tram will be convenient for passengers with limited mobility. in general, there are more than sixty seats, comfortable handrails, and familiar usb sockets. an important feature is information a board where you can monitor the movement of a tram on a specific route in real time. acceleration braking, and the driver is monitored by an adaptive assistance system responsible for a smooth safety system, if i fall asleep or get distracted, it will remind me that i need
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to look at the road and not sleep. the creation of even the smartest tram begins with basic operations. in the workshops of ust kotavsky. plant of the state corporation roscosmos, first the profiles are cut into parts, then whole segments are assembled from them, from which consists of the car body. now there are single-section trams on the assembly line. the car arrives on the main conveyor, one might say, bare, it is a painted body and only a floor covering, then the most interesting and, perhaps, labor-intensive part begins, here we still have to install the casing, under which, for example, a little, no less, almost 3.00 m of wires are hidden , further... stage by stage, the car is placed on a trolley, traction equipment is installed, equipped with seats and from the beginning of the conveyor to the end, assembly takes only a few days, shipment is already on it’s the sixth day and the conveyor is increasing its speed , we are striving for the figure of 20 cars per month,
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today we reach 15, well , we accept people, we train the task to reach 20 cars per month, this is achieved per car per day, the trams are completely domestic, more... moreover, 70% of the components are produced by chelyabinsk enterprises, the pride is the new bogie, without which it is impossible to create a low-floor tram. here the equipment is carried out as far as possible; if in a regular high-floor trolley, all this is concentrated there inside, in the rut, then here the gearbox is carried out. pulling two, snow, blizzard, wind gusts up to 17 m/s, reduced visibility to 400 m. the state traffic inspectorate warned about restrictions on the movement of passengers and cargo. transport due to bad weather. at the same time, in the mountains of dagestan at altitudes up to 1500 m , positive temperatures remain even at night. there is a lot of snow, in such conditions it loses traction with the slope. in just two regions of the republic, a total of four avalanches occurred in one day. today, road services
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began clearing blocked roads. there is still a lot of snow in the capital region in in the village of vlasikho near moscow, under the weight of this snow, the roof of a barn fell on a man. mosoblspas staff. dig it out from the snowy rubble. well, now about what atmospheric processes determine the weather today. so, the south, the far east is still under the influence of the anticyclone, so here... russia and the urals are gradually anticyclone, between this anticyclone and warming up under the rays of the spring sun in the siberian cyclone, a new vortex arose, now we will see how this happened. let's remove it from the map for a while. so, the boundaries between the cyclone and the anticyclone run along the banks of abi. the cyclone sends cold here, and warm air heated by the sun comes from the south. having met, the air currents
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began to swirl, forming a new atmospheric vortex. and this morning a new cyclone appeared, which now independently influences the weather. and soon this whirlwind will bring warming to khantemansiysk. today the maximum temperature in the capital of ugra is no higher than -8°, cloudy, and snowing at times. tomorrow night it will be -13, and during the day it will be warmer to 0°. in night on... saturday only -4, during the day +1, on sunday at night around zero, during the day the temperature will rise to +2°, and then the cyclone will go east and the city will be under the influence of the cold top part of the vortex and the daytime temperature will drop to - 4-7°. on the european territory of russia, atmospheric processes continue to contribute to gradual warming. the anticyclone allows the sun to warm the earth, and the approaching cyclone will bring a new portion of the atlantic to the russian plain. in moscow it is now slightly cloudy, during the day the air will warm up to +8°, ​​at night
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on friday it will freeze to -5, tomorrow it will be warm again, +7. on saturday in the capital the clouds will thicken, even at night the temperature will be above zero, but rain is possible. the chance of precipitation will also continue on sunday and monday, but it will also be warm. what are the predictions? yes, thank you, ekaterina grigorova told us about the weather. we continue. 25 thousand tons of russian wheat were delivered to zimbabwe; the humanitarian aid shipment also included more than 20 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers from the uralchem ​​company. the action was carried out with the assistance un world food programme. details in the report by our special correspondent georgy podgorny. when they talk about majestic africa, with its inherent simplicity, they mean zimbabwe. the country is overcoming the turn to the east, announced by the official program, and turning away from the west, which coerces. her to her will, by force. in search of its own path, a sovereign strong one, zimbabwe has partners with similar
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foreign policy principles. zimbabwe is hosting two events at once, which reflect the friendship between moscow and hararory. for example, the wheat in these bags is part of that twenty-five thousand batch from the mensilkhoz of russia. and these bags already contain fertilizers, which were donated by the ural chem ural-kaliy group. they have been blocked in european ports for a long time, but they are finally in a place where they can help those. who really needs it. the ceremony to hand over fertilizers and grains to farmers is a presidential event for local leader emerson nagwagu. cooperation with russia is not new for us. zimbabwe was once a british colony. in our struggle for liberation from the british, russia supported our desire for independence. therefore, relations with russia are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. both supplies and fertilizer grains are the implementation of vladimir putin’s initiative
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to provide free assistance to african countries. the russian president spoke about it at the russia-africa summit. today, zimbabwe is not the first country where grain has been sent. we are ready to help those who need our support. russia keeps its word. and you know, that the president of the russian federation vladimir. as part of humanitarian aid, that is , free of charge, it transfers about 300,000 tons of mineral fertilizers to developing countries,
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most of which have long been released from european ports. gradually , some of the cargo was released from sanctions; 23,000 tons for zimbabwe were taken from belgium and latvia, with the assistance of the un they were delivered to mozambique, and from there they were sent to zimbabwe by land transport. thanks to the interaction of private business with the un , free russian fertilizers have already used by farmers in kenya, malawi, and nigeria. our corporate motto, because everyone needs food, when we say everyone, we mean absolutely everyone, including and especially those who are most acute. needs it, and today's delivery was made possible thanks to our joint efforts , collaboration with the united nations world food program, thanks to their comprehensive support, zimbabwean farmers will receive 23. tons of fertilizers produced by uralchem. zimbabwe and russia
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have something else in common. unprecedented and the essentially illegal sanctions regime of the united states and its satellites was carried out back in the early 2000s. when the authorities decided to give the land to their citizens rather than pay alien managers, who would be more accurately called colonialists. the result is multi-billion-dollar inflation, economic destruction and a decline in the quality of life. western countries must have dreamed of the same effect when they introduced sanctions against russia. the west has always been wrong to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. it started in 2000, when we returned our land and were able to use it ourselves. they were not happy about this, especially the british. and mobilized the entire western world, the eu, the americans to impose sanctions on us. we are still struggling with this. any step they take to ease sanctions does not matter to us. we want the complete lifting of sanctions on zimbabwe. these are the different approaches. the west, which is accustomed to forceful rhetoric, and russia, a reliable partner who will come to the rescue, will continue to provide support. georgy podgorny, igor
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belogurov, yulia sokolova, news. harara, zimbabwe.
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away from militant shelling, evacuation from areas of the belgorod region bordering ukraine. in a precedent with completely unpredictable consequences, the european commission approved a scheme for using income from
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frozen russian assets. what will be the answer? rescuers are trying. to reach the miners stuck in the gold mine, they plan to drill a second well, as...


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