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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you looking at today? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stand still, don’t move, for some reason i trust you. anna is a medium, watch it first in the app or on the website. hello, dear friends, the fifth studio is on air, we are talking about the main international events, of course, the situation in europe is very annoying for us. koit, europe
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again remembered that it does not like the east, everything that is not in the garden, blooming and fragrant, but european everything is bad, to varying degrees, at times it seems like nothing happens, but today for the last few years everything has been bad, but nevertheless, this european garden, as it is called, somehow a lot of weeds have grown there lately, and there are problems, problems, they do not clean it well, it seems. but if we get away from any images, then we understand that they are trying to to incite russia again, this is, of course, done by europe’s strategic partners overseas, as usual, or somewhere else nearby, but on the islands, it’s always safer to hide there, as it seems, but nevertheless the situation is very difficult, recent conversations that the europeans may already openly send troops into ukraine. now
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they are haunted, and this is probably the main problem, because on the one hand there has already been a statement from our leadership that they will be a legitimate target in ukraine, on the other hand there are many questions that give rise to this is an escalation of the conflict, and this is a new level of conflict, but it is still unclear whether the european authorities will agree to this, or rather, will they be able to somehow, so to speak, get rid of those?
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some kind of fatigue, as everyone says, it’s not me who says it, many people say it, fatigue is felt, some of our sensible partners say, we are already tired of this, one thing we can do is not go, you can already guess who will say what, these are the main results, but the situation is escalating, especially on the eve of the elections, it was escalating, two of our diplomats were expelled, and then they began expel from others... some, they even
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praised us in quotation marks, they said, this is what the delegation is doing here, which is ... paris or tanks in berlin, but i really wouldn’t like to bring it to this, honestly, maybe somehow... then therapeutically, this is a surgical method, maybe some kind of therapeutic actions, so now we
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will discuss something else, this is just news and for which today the news agencies over the belgorod region were destroyed. shells from duty air defense systems, for a moment, these are czech weapons, modernized, as i understand it, on the basis of soviet ones, but nevertheless, a very serious weapon, and we need to remember that the czech republic, czechoslovakia, at one time, was such a forge of weapons for europe, and hitler in his time was precisely a plant. skoda, who produced weapons, when he captured this partition of poland, then the capture of czechoslovakia and allowed him to very powerfully increase his capabilities. now the czech republic, accordingly, is such a leader, unfortunately,
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of russophobia in the sense that he probably wanted to be more active than the pope, americans, i mean, are looking for weapons all over the world, but... they don’t keep official records, they do it all illegally in violation of all the provisions and standards that were adopted here, at least here in the osce, by them themselves, of course, the flow is not the same as it used to be and...
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weapons and equipment, look at the rate at which western equipment is turning into rubbish, in fact there is no ukrainian equipment left, former soviet equipment, the ukrainian army is practically demilitarized, now it is actually demilitarizing nato, here we go flows are of course smaller, but this does not need to be a blessing and this issue they, they will increase, they will increase us... this time must be fully used to achieve the goals of the special operation, well, here is confirmation of your words, information that the bundestag allowed sending obsolete planes to kiev, we are talking about a tornado, and here colleagues from the news
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give a lot of arguments about what other weapons can arrive, as i understand it, they are generally going to waste all the rubbish, but he shoots this rubbish he... kills , to unfortunately, our guys, it’s not the case, that they sent some kind of nonsense and nothing significant, but is there any other information that this, for example, topic, is somehow being discussed seriously, or for now too here they generally avoid discussing these topics, you understand, when we raise specific questions, it hurts them, it is unpleasant for them, but they only say that this is propaganda, nothing happens, although these newspapers themselves are the media, that is, the most. .. in spain they write that they now have about 50 or 60 leopards and four, which were disassembled for spare parts and which have turned into something unknown, they want to restore and send there, well, you can imagine, this is the century before last, well , they will send it and the ukrainians complain that
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they are supplied with left-handed leopards and left-handed abrams without protection and so on, so they lose, but that’s not why they are losing, yes, yes, konstantinevich, our guys, scouts, got close to one. perhaps they will discuss or are already discussing in europe, that’s what we are talking about, it is clear that
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macron went on a rampage and so on, napoleon marks, this is all clear, but to consider that a politician of this level, no matter what he is, makes some simply empty statements, it would be very naive, it is obvious that he is trying to test the waters and so on, there is a lot about this already said, but i want to provide some data. at the russian academy of military sciences they talked about the creation of a buffer zone by the west, our colleagues will now show this around kiev, western countries intend to organize a buffer zone around kiev from the newly maneuvered nato forces, our experts write about this in the national defense magazine, corresponding member of the academy of military sciences, expert of the league of military diplomats, alexander bartash and doctor of technical sciences, professor of military sciences, anatoly.
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everything doesn’t exist here, they don’t even touch on it, here on the sidelines you can exchange opinions with someone, they do not rule out that the french really want to now jump into the first role in the european union, given that, apparently, they are already preparing for that trump can win, and this is heard on every corner, so maybe the french are preparing for the role they want to take as leaders. here i heard a french expert
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say, but if we don’t cope, we can use, so to speak, unusual weapons, so they give, well, well, it’s interesting, what kind of weapons she won’t accept, unusual weapons , nuclear means, well, that’s not said , this is unusually unusual, what is this?
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how they collected the coffins and sent them, now what, how to explain all this to the french , they will be destroyed by garrisons, well, now the people, and there are protests in france , goncharenko, the well-known crazy ukrainian deputy, spoke about this, like that they will set up garrisons in separate places , well, let them stand, they will still be compact, and there will be enough iskanders for everyone, but there is another one
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to guide them, but the fact that they will try, they understand, it ’s not just about us that we will or will not, this is exactly what we are talking about for them, this is not a walk for them, this is the whole system on which this vampirism existed, actual slavery, the colonial system, the sucking of resources from other countries, undeclared wars throughout, same everything is at risk, now they won’t be able to.
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heads, the backs of their heads and think whether it is necessary to begin the last success, then they will scratch the negotiations now, that’s when it will happen, and konstantinevich, well, you already said about the summit, it seems like it should be convening today, and you still do you think that they will seriously raise this question about transferring the economy to war realities, again, what do we mean by this? a bit of a separate topic, but nevertheless, today the press came down and reported that they will still gather, and we are talking about about emergency additional assistance, today data came that canada is transferring 1.5 billion dollars, but this is for ukraine as a whole to support the pants, apparently completely, and not only for weapons, but in general the country must function somehow, and i i understand that,
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after all, do you think they will allocate this emergency aid, well, in billions? they have already promised a lot there, but now, quickly, they will allocate in portions, they will allocate in tranches, as i heard, 4.5 billion, i think they will allocate, they have already planned, i don’t think it will be urgently, it is planned, another thing is that the canadians, the germans, again, are trying, the americans are scraping together 100-150 million shells and there and so on, the main thing for them now is not even weapons, for them now the main thing is shells hunger in ukraine, so they are trying. somehow close it, and, well , they will be some kind of drops, everyone is waiting for biden to convince congress to approve it, but this is not a near prospect, it is not clear.
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hang in there, as i understand it, you are actively promoting our policy, at least so that they understand that there is some kind of alternative source of information, yes, and this
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is what we will do, now we’ll go on a break and will continue, until our next meetings with you, okay, okay, konstantinevich, thank you very much, i’ll remind you that we talked with konstantin gavrilov, head of the delegation of the russian federation in vienna on issues of military security and arms control. this was the fifth studio, all the best, alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. let's do this again, what about now? i have another idea, of course, let 's pay the bills, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also
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is native.
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away from militant shelling, evacuation from the areas bordering ukraine in the belgorod region. rescuers are trying to get through to the gornyaki gold mine stuck in the gold mine and are planning to drill a second one. well like is the rescue operation progressing? humanitarian aid from russia delivered 25 thousand tons of wheat and 20 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers to zimbabwe. in the zaporozhye region , the russian military took an unusual prisoner, he allegedly decided to escape and walked on foot across the entire front line. how did he do it? powerful
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explosions occurred this morning and at night in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local publications in kiev, the roar of detonation was heard three times in 20 minutes. city authorities report air defense work, and also that two enterprises were damaged in one of the areas. explosions were heard in the zhitomir region, and earlier the same information came from kharkov. the air raid alert was announced several times during the night, and by the morning its effect had spread throughout the entire area. territory of ukraine. 10 multiple launch rocket system shells destroyed air defense systems over the belgorod region and timutro. this was reported to the ministry of defense.


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