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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] humanitarian aid from russia delivered tons of mineral fertilizers to zimbabwe. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military took an unusual prisoner, he allegedly decided to escape and walked on foot across the entire front line. how did he do it? powerful explosions occurred this morning and at night in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to information. local publications in kiev heard the roar of detonation three times in 20 minutes, city authorities reported the work of air defense, and also that in one of the districts two enterprises were damaged, explosions were heard in the zhytomyr region, and earlier the same information came from kharkov. the air raid alert was announced several times during the night, and by the morning its effect had spread to the entire territory of ukraine. 10 multiple launch
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rocket system shells destroyed air defense systems above. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the ukrainian armed forces are not abandoning attempts to strike civilian infrastructure. residents who want to leave the danger zone are provided with active assistance. as previously reported, the governor plans to remove 9.00 children from the region. in belgorod itself it will soon install about hundreds of modular structures where you can hide from shelling. our special correspondent igor pikhanov will tell you what measures are still being taken. he is in touch with us igor. hello, what is the situation now? hello, vera, ukrainian militants fired at belgorod from a multiple launch rocket system, today at 8:00 am, there were a large number of shells, now we are in a village near belgorod, one of the shells fell right between two residential buildings, fortunately at that moment there was no one was not on the street, sounded before the shelling
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an alarm signal, these from... this very minute people managed to hide in their homes, go to shelter, pay attention, this is how the fragments were scattered, they are literally, literally torn up by them, all the surrounding houses, cars, fortunately, here there were no children on this playground at that moment, in total five residential buildings were damaged in this settlement, there were always two hits from a projectile called a vampire, it was made in the czech republic, as the head of the region vyacheslav glodkov reported in his telegram channel, during morning shelling time is five people were injured, they have closed craniocerebral injuries, injuries that were caused by the shock wave, and there are also people who have shrapnel wounds, now all the victims are receiving medical assistance, as a result of the attack
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, more than 30 apartments were damaged, many houses are suffering from... everything is here, part of it remains, the frame is crumpled from the very balcony, well, the apartment is already suffering from shelling for the second time, on february 15 , we had windows on the other side, i also took it out in the bedroom, in the living room, in the kitchen, i took everything out, this is not the first time. as a result of the morning shelling, the building of the belgorod arena sports complex was also damaged; a shell exploded in front of the institution, resulting
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in damage. i also received the façade of the building, i received windows, i received equipment, but most importantly , the staff who were there managed to take cover in time, and people were not harmed at that moment, let's give the floor to the director of the institution, well, there is practically no central entrance, here is the administrative building, my office, secretary's offices, they're not there, that's it broken, well, the damage to the glass is about 20 percent, this is one of the most... their pleasures, well, the equipment, the equipment is very expensive, we have everything like that in europe, there is also a lot of damage, the main thing is that there are no casualties, now they are utilities services are assessing the damage , restoration work has already begun in the city, vera, igor, thank you, igor pikhanov spoke about
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the situation in the belgorod region. there are more and more deserters in the ranks of vysu, humiliation, cold and hunger are forcing ukrainians to flee their hot lives. so in the zaporozhye region in the assistant grenade operator surrendered captivity to our military, whose story. draws on the plot of a blockbuster, he allegedly managed to call a checkpoint and walk on foot through the entire gray zone, not far from the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. can this be considered incredible luck or is there another explanation? our war correspondent, anton stepanenko, figured it all out. in the story of dmitry balanda’s incredible escape from ukraine, everything is simply a miracle: he was mobilized, chose the border troops, gained positions in the kupyansk direction, went on vacation and decided to flee. to begin with i got to zaporozhye. i’m ready to walk 200 km to melitopol, but in the end i got up in the morning, found a taxi driver, asked him to take me to the maximum point of control of our troops, the checkpoint, so that he would take me there, then i’ll go on foot. he was taken to
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stepnogorsk, then to the front line, which passes through the village of kamyanskoy, he went on foot. i got out of the taxi, a klastudi came up, i saw two servicemen of the ukrainian armed forces, i greeted them and said. good morning guys, i'm about to leave the country, since i can no longer be here, they are very strongly influencing me psychologically, morally, i can’t stand it anymore, i’m ready to leave, they told me that you won’t pass the checkpoint there, in response i told them that i would run, and if you are ready to run after me, run, they told me, no , we will shoot, but they didn’t shoot until the lbs, about 8 km along the front line, where there are observation post positions for... along the road that is used when in zaporozhye magat inspectors are being rotated at the npp. this is what she looks like with our side. from the enemy side there is little difference. ivan is the commander of the bars-10 detachment, whose fighters accepted dmitry. under fog, under
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enemy fire, there was just a time when there was a dense raid on the enemy. and the observer looks at the distant post, that there is a man walking, a backpack and... two packages in his hands, they reported on the radio, they moved forward, they decided, they decided that they should detain him, that there was no need to shoot, because they looked at them with binoculars, with quadcopter, the fact that it goes unarmed, for an assistant grenade launcher dmitry balanda, who safely reached captivity, could be rejoiced, but there are many oddities in his story, how an active serviceman passed, without much concealment, all the posts to zaporozhye, and from zaporozhye to stepnogorsk and beyond. across the front line , only one explanation seems logical: how could he bypass the ukrainian posts and enter the gray zone, well , that’s why we first asked ourselves the question, and then when we realized that they were being trained, well, saboteurs will pass, will not pass, how will it
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be, where the first step will stop him, what measures will be taken, they will shoot him, they will not shoot him, even if they shoot him, this will also have an effect, dmitry himself says that he was accompanied by a ukrainian drone on the way, if he is shot, then it is... logical that a quadcopter or a bird is hanging from above, will say that a civilian was killed, yes, that he was walking unarmed and was going to surrender, here it is like a person is going to surrender, and you killed him, and then they will also start promoting in the media that russian military personnel do not take prisoners, in they don’t take prisoners, but kill them, here’s some objective footage control, at which ukrainian soldiers surrender, surrender on the battlefield, when there is nowhere to go, and often the ukrainian side... tries to finish off its own, the main thing is that they do not reach captivity, but dmitry balanda was lucky, he walked and got there, as since before the presidential elections, i chose a convenient direction, on this side of zaporozhye there are many settlements where it’s easy to get lost,
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anton stepanenko, valery vinokurov, lead the zaporozhye front, dad, you’ll be home soon. soon, i won’t be late now, there are many vacancies on avito, it’s not easy to find work work, and our place, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, the planting taboo will protect potatoes from the colorado potato beetle and wireworm and guarantees an excellent harvest, the taboo at the potatoes are planted in order, the august company is number one in plant protection, alfabank
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13 people are still trapped in the mine, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, this will speed up the work and go through various points of the mine to determine where people are. our correspondent victoria svetenko has all the latest information. reinforced by the novokuznetsk landing force, far eastern rescuers continue to conduct an emergency search operation on the pioneer. they began to drill a well to the supposed location of the missing miners. later we decided to make a second one for development. each one will take up to 3 days. the hole will provide additional air supply and will allow the cctv cameras, which novokunetsk rescuers delivered to the depths, to be lowered to depth. the amur region, as well as water and food if miners are found there. one of the installations has already passed 53 m. work continues without stopping, reports the russian ministry of emergency situations. over the past 24 hours, 160 cubic meters
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of soil have been removed from the mine. we brought... it can be used from the surface to a depth of 300 m. we also delivered powerful pumps, pneumatic mechanisms, and mine control devices to priam. our planned design depth is 263 m, at an inclination of 49°. we will need to get into the transport slope to zero. marks - into the working itself. now everything is being done to save 13 people who have been underground since the evening of march 18. the hope of rescuing them does not fade; clearing of the rubble and pumping out water with a powerful pump continues. we have prepared two helicopters from the regional air base, which will promptly transfer additional pumps here; these pumps will allow us to pump out water at a faster rate. to prevent water from flowing in, work is being done to plug the places where
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water will flow from. in addition, experts plan to begin construction of a concrete lintel, which should protect the rescuers themselves from the water of a second collapse. experts from kusbas recommended following this tactic. experts say that there are enough resources at the scene of an emergency, but just in case, with the support of several regions of russia, a reserve fund is being created. victoria sytenko, svetlana dyuzhova, denis lugov, conduct the amur region. tula's largest infrastructure project, the bridge across the opu river, is almost half complete. construction is proceeding at an accelerated pace, erecting the structure in two stages at once. the crossing will connect some. districts of the city and will significantly relieve congestion on local highways. vitaly motorin will tell you how the work is going when it will be possible to cross the new bridge. here we can already see the outlines of the future bridge. now the reinforcement frame is being built and concrete will be poured. the construction of a bridge
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across the upa is carried out simultaneously from both banks of this river. from the zarechensky district of tula the overpass itself grows like a surface surface, on the contrary from the station one. and a stack for it, the structure itself is complex from an engineering point of view, and also located in the center of urban infrastructure. where we are standing now is an embankment, intermediate between the bridge and the overpass. this development corridor contains a large number of networks, which complicated both the design and construction of structures. as of today , we have completed the ramps to the pavshinsky bridge. overpass. work on this site began in december 2022. it should be completed this year. the timing was discussed during the visit of the country's president vladimir putin to one of the tula enterprises. currently under construction the facility readiness exceeds 40%. and the progress of work is kept under control by the head of the region, alexey
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dyumin. this is a fairly serious road infrastructure investment project - about 4 billion rubles. money from both the federal center and the regional budget means serious road infrastructure construction over the last, probably, 10-20 years in the regional center, first of all, of course, it is relieving traffic in the regional center and improving safety. the total length of the entire structure will exceed 1,100 m. the width of the bridge is enough to organize traffic in four lanes, two in each direction. the bridge across the up, on the construction of which about 20 units of special equipment and more than 200 people are currently working, is already called the largest infrastructure project in tula in recent years. it will connect two districts of the regional center and solve the transport problem in three of its districts at once. oktyabrskaya street,
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mosin street, lunacharsky street will be significantly relieved, allowing morning commuters to get to the city center more quickly in the evening hours, respectively, from -
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we still have this. when they talk about majestic africa, with its inherent simplicity, they mean zimbabwe. the country overcomes the turn to the east, announced by the official program, and turns away from the west, which forces it to its will by force. in search of its own path, a sovereign strong one, zimbabwe has partners with similar foreign policy principles. zimbabwe is hosting two events at once that reflect the friendship between moscow and harare. for example, the wheat in these bags is part of that twenty-five thousand batch of abolished agriculture russia. and these bags already contain fertilizers, which were donated by the ural chem ural potassium group. they have been blocked in european ports for a long time, but they are finally in a place where they can provide assistance to those who really need it. ceremony for the transfer of fertilizers and grain to farmers, an event of presidential attention, local
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leader emerson nakwagu. cooperation with russia is not new for us. zimbabwe was once a british colony. in our struggle for liberation from the british. russia supported our desire for independence, so relations with russia are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. both supplies of grain and fertilizers are the implementation of vladimir putin’s initiative to provide free assistance to african countries. the russian president spoke about it at the russia-africa summit. today, zimbabwe is not the first country where grain has been sent. we are ready to help. needs our support, russia keeps its word, and you know that the president of the russian
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federation is vladimir vladimirovich putin. kenya, malawa, nigeria.
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thanks to our joint efforts and and today’s delivery was made possible by joint work with the united nations world food program, thanks to their comprehensive support, and zimbabwean farmers will receive 2300 tons. and fertilizers produced by uralchem. zimbabwe and russia have something else in common. unprecedented and illegal in their essence, the sanctions regime of the united states and its satellites were carried out back in the early 2000s, when the authorities decided to give the land to their citizens rather than pay alien managers, who would be more accurately called colonialists. the result of multi-billion dollar inflation, destruction of the economy and decline in quality of life. western countries must have dreamed of the same effect when they introduced sanctions against russia. the west has always been wrong to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. it started in 2000, when we returned our land and were able to use it
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ourselves. they were not happy about this, especially the british, and mobilized the entire western world, the eu, the americans to impose sanctions on us. we are still struggling with this. any step they take to ease sanctions is of no use to us. meanings. we want the complete lifting of sanctions on zimbabwe. these are the different approaches. the west, which is accustomed to forceful rhetoric, and russia. the exhibition is not open, yes, vera, greetings , well, indeed, the exhibition has already opened, and i hope that all the deputies managed to get to
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their places on time, their assistants, because an absolutely charming dog, i don’t know whether it’s visible behind me or not , but this is a robotic dog, and of course, people came here in a good mood, passing by, took pictures and went to work, and the minister of sports opened the exhibition today oleg matytsin - deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, and igor stalerov, the head of the games of the future, and deputies also took part, naturally, in the opening of this exhibition, which talks about how russia is promoting the ideas of figital sports, this is the combination of e-sports with real sports physical education, and of course, various technological sports disciplines, such as cyber programming, drone racing, etc. etc., naturally, this exhibition could not do without talking about what the international olympic committee came up with new criteria in
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order to limit, force, try to force russia to boycott the olympic games in paris, which starts in just over 4 months, is now being held by the executive committee, but for some reason the international olympic committee is only thinking about russia ,
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they didn’t say a word about paris, but here... they showed the games of the future, which ended in about what sports can be outside the politics of kazan at the beginning of march, more than 2000 athletes from 1006 countries took part in them world, they competed in 21 disciplines, it was
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amazing, grandiose and... at the same time, we are always happy about new trends, because i have already noted that they reflect the real picture of the world today, the digital picture of the world, it is important that sport is so experimental a platform where models of human behavior are developed, and russia in this regard today determines the trends of the new movement, this is primarily the fital movement, but also those disciplines that have already... kazakhstan and uzbekistan at the opening ceremony of the games of the future in kazan expressed the desire to hold the next tournament, that is
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, the format that russia gave to the world, it is definitely. stas, thank you, at the high-tech sports exhibition, my colleague stas radikultsev said. a paralyzed patient with a brain implant from elon musk's company played a game of chess. the broadcast was conducted on the neurolink page on the social network x. twenty-nine-year-old nolan arba said that after an accident 8 years ago he does not feel anything below his shoulders. now a man can use the power of thought to... control the cursor on the laptop screen. despite, because he has to play computer games intermittently to recharge his device, arbo is confident that his life has now changed dramatically. let me remind you that the neuroling company implanted an implant into the human brain for the first time on january 28th. according to elon musk, such technologies will allow a person to become a cyborg, capable of resisting artificial intelligence, and will also help people learn
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to directly control a computer using the power of thought. europe increased purchases of russian aluminum by 66%. in january, import volumes exceeded 26,000 tons. this is eurostat data. the excitement is associated with the risk of new sanctions. local traders fear a ban on the supply of this metal. spain increased imports more than others by four times, austria three times and france two times. brazil, india and the usa became the largest by the end of the year. buyers of russian fertilizers, 18.5 million tons were supplied to these countries, 60% of the total volume of exports from russia, rionovosti reports: indonesia and china also entered the top five, in total 72 countries purchased russian products in the twenty-third year, the total volume exceeded 32 million tons, in money it is 14 billion dollars. sibur allocated all net and
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retained earnings according to russian standards for dividends for the year 23, paying out... more than 125.5 billion rubles or 49 rubles per share, the company reported. the dividend register will be closed on march 26. sibur is the russian leader in the production of polymers and rubbers. its products are used in construction, medicine, agriculture and other industries. and boeing will lose up to $4.5 billion in the first quarter due to problems with the 737 max. this was stated by the financial director brian west company. conveyed by the businessman. the corporation's problems began after an incident in january, when the liner's emergency exit door fell off during a flight. the planes were also found to have problems with the fuselage and dozens of violations in production processes. all this led to a reduction in the production of aircraft supplied by them. it


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