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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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according to russian standards, they plan to pay more than 125.5 billion rubles, or 49 rubles per share, the company reported: the register for receiving dividends will be closed on march 26. sibur is the russian leader in the production of polymers and rubbers. its products are used in construction, medicine, agriculture and other industries. and boeing will lose up to $4.5 billion in the first quarter due to problems with the 737 max, it said. the company's financial director, brian west, reports the businessman. the corporation's problems began after incident in january, when the airliner's emergency exit door fell off during a flight. the planes were also found to have problems with the fuselage and dozens of violations in production processes. all this led to a reduction in the production of aircraft supplied by them. it was economic news. short. it is clear to everyone
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that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product?
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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in the border area of ​​the belgorod region , our military destroyed a concentration of manpower and equipment of ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups. execution frames. the ministry of defense publishes its mission: high-precision strikes on temporary deployment points were carried out by aviation and artillery groupings of the army west. the railways of the donetsk people's republic are facing serious modernization, with plans to restore existing tracks. in addition, construction of a new branch has begun. it will not only connect rostov, mariupol, berdyansk and melitopol, but will also open a direct road to crimea. read more, vera yatskova. 10 years. donetsk
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is virtually cut off from railway communications. the path remains, but it is in the zone of constant ukrainian shelling. now it is dangerous even just to be in the area of ​​the donetsk railway station. to to get from donetsk to rostov you either need to go by road, or from the small station mushkketovo, through ilovaisk to uspenka and change again. the new railway line will connect new regions and greater russia, will increase cargo exchange and will remove some of the load from the land route. mobile corridor to crimea. the construction of the new railway track is being carried out at an accelerated pace, while all technological stages are being followed. and here is one example: the height of the earthen rampart under the railway track, depending on relief, in some areas reaches 6 m in height. the project will affect both the donetsk people's republic and the zaporozhye region. the railway line will run from rostov to mariupol, then along the coast of the azov sea to berdyansk and melitopol. this
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railway will today become an alternative to the crimean bridge. today, logistics with new territories of the russian federation is being established. the new railway will supply goods from other regions of russia, the industry of new regions will be connected by logistics, new production and factories will be launched. after the liberation of avdeevka, it became possible to restore the integrity of the railway transport network in the republic and rebuild a significant junction station. options for transport communications are being developed that will allow connecting the railway transport route of the donetsk people's republic.
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communication routes, now it will be much easier to get there, the transport network will be improved , more people will come here, everything will be restored faster, the enterprise will be faster it will work, everything will be fine. the new railway line will simplify the railway transportation scheme not only for residents of the southern regions, but also for the entire republic. modernization of the railway network of the donetsk people's republic will allow connecting not only new regions and greater russia, but also reaching further to crimea.
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now in technology news, the most famous developer of generative non-grids, open all, has been accused of not fighting fraud and
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copyright infringement right now, details. the most famous generative the tool from openai is waiting for a big update, according to some users, they have already received it. test access to the future fifth version of the chatbot, we are talking about large corporate clients of open ai, according to their reviews, the new model is much better than the current one, which is already considered one of the most advanced on the market. it is expected that chhat gpt50 will receive new capabilities, for example, it will be able to access other tools developed by open ai, and most importantly it will be more reliable in the sense that current generative networks, in particular charge g54, tend not only to hallucinate, but also to be lazy. degrade over time and answer questions worse, in fact, it is believed that the release of the chhat g5.4 turbo version was supposed to solve this very problem of laziness. however, laziness and hallucination are not the only things that open ai has to fight with; it is overtaken by problems of scale, in particular
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, the recently launched store of third-party chatbots built on the solutions of this company, along with gaining popularity, was filled with rather dubious programs, like showed a small study of the publication. many tools distributed through this platform openly violate copyright or the principle of academic ethics. some, for example, directly promise to edit the text of a future publication in such a way as to hide its neural network origin and bypass the authentication systems that work in serious publications. others offer the creation of images and characters in the disney or marvel style, while others are trained on popular films, games and tv shows. so what should we do about it for now? not good it's clear. amazing antics of hackers live, the game studio respond intertainment of electronic arts , the developer of the popular shooter apex legends, after a preliminary investigation admitted that the computers of a number of professional players were hacked
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by hackers, and hacked in the literal sense of the word live, during the finals of a big tournament with a prize fund of $125,000, all this in order to install and run on... compromised computers four programs that allow gain an unfair advantage in games. this is how it looked from the point of view of one of the affected players with the pseudonym genburton, who... is not only an esports player, but a streamer, that is, he broadcasts his games on the twitch platform. in the middle of the battles , the aimbot settings window first appears on his screen, and this is a program that actually takes aim for the player, avoiding misses or even ensuring hits at certain points, and after a couple of seconds the volhak is launched, which allows him to see the marks of everyone opponents on the map through textures. what’s interesting here, of course, is the reaction of the player himself , he instantly informed his partners about the hack, that cheats had started and that he was immediately out of control... and he almost immediately removed his hands from the gamepad, reflexively or on purpose, to show that he had nothing to do with it, unknown,
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here you need to understand that being caught cheating is a disaster for an e-sports player or even just a game streamer, such cases have happened and usually meant the irrevocable end of a career, but there is something to hold on to, the same genburton, only he earned about 350 thousand dollars in prize money at tournaments over the last couple of years, and he also has half a million subscribers on... twitch, and this is also a significant income, here the settings of evens pop up in plain sight in his stream, but on he was not the only one who suffered from his happiness, the fact of hacking was officially confirmed, the tournament was postponed for an indefinite time. but what exactly happened and what goal the hackers were pursuing is still unknown. officially , nothing is reported about possible ways to hack players’ computers, and this has already given rise to assumption that the vulnerability was in the module of the game apex legends itself, which... is precisely for the fight against cheats, the fact is that antichis systems are becoming more and more complex,
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some even launch along with the operating system and intercept all processes that seem to them suspicious, even if the game itself is not running, that is , there are more and more opportunities and, accordingly, potential vulnerabilities in such modules, while there are still no multiplayer online games without dishonest players, because cheat developers too... improves his decisions. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period is 120 days, starting every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and
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truly appreciated. psb is a bank for the present. more and more passengers will choose to travel by rail, russian railways predicts, with an increase of approximately 100 million people by 2030, largely due to the renewal of suburban transport. how to modernize and electric trains are being developed in the regions, a special report by vera moroz about this. the vladivostok railway station, the terminus of the trans-siberian railway, which stretches from moscow, is the key transport hub
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of vladivostok, every sixth passenger leaves here, last year alone the station received 1,300. for charging the phone, it’s comfortable, of course , more comfortable than it was, it seems to be more peaceful here, cleaner, yes, more careful, softer, more comfortable, very, i travel by train every day, well, there’s a comparison, the main thing is that it’s good in the summer , otherwise it can be stuffy in the old cars, now it will be uh, the air conditioning will be nice
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to sit here and ride to the end of the trip, the new trains have everything for a comfortable trip, soft chairs, there is a place to charge your phone and park your bike. barrier-free environment - place for securing wheelchairs. information signs are duplicated in braille, enlarged toilet rooms with special handrails and lifts for low platforms. it is convenient not only for those who travel in the carriages, but also for those who are at the head of the train, it is much more comfortable, much more cozy. nikita botrakov, a driver from vladivostok , has been in the profession for 12 years, has been driving such electric trains since 2018, when they began to appear in the region, he says that every year the trains are being improved more and more, a lot of light has been added, this is very comfortable for the eyes. , here the driver can completely track which door was not closed, which carriage was not in
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traction, again, the stop valve was activated, in which carriage, everything that was scattered, all in one monitor in one computer. large panoramic view glass, they conveniently made a large remote control for the driver, that is, where you can comfortably write both the schedule and the backlight, that is , all the instruments are in sight, everything is done in a rounded way, the driver works, gets tired less , less fatigue, again traffic safety, of course, from this is better, these modern electric trains traveled from a plant near moscow for 10 days, or rather they were transported on a trailer in order to launch all the systems on site in the far eastern conditions; first, specialists conduct testing at the depot. check how the systems all work, brakes, traction , so that all signals arrive at the driver’s console , every car needs to do this like this, yes, and before they go on a journey with passengers, new trains undergo test drives and run-in for several months, we we drove it through all the different areas, use it in its various degrees of operation and in traction
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in recovery, during braking, that is, we tested it completely, so we are confident in the electric position that it will not let us down. 100%, this is the best we have today there is in the russian federation on alternating current, this is all here for us here in the far east. 27 different innovative solutions, 11 of them are for improving the comfort of working with passengers, six for ergonomics, six for improving technical reliability and four solutions for improving safety conditions. the electric train of the ep-3d series is assembled in orekhovo zvuevo at the demikhovsky machine-building plant along with other electric trains. new generation, future cars are cut out of sheets of metal here, as if in a giant’s workshop, then welders sew together spare parts, which are gradually overgrown with fittings, all the parts are transferred from one workshop to another... huge cranes, the area here is almost the size of six football fields, 47 hectares. after welding, the car is insulated,
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the interior lining and floor covering are installed, then it is filled with electrics, the interior is equipped and the train is given a recognizable look. we once again restyled the exterior of the electric train, which means we applied a new mask that will provide. better visibility for the driver of the work of the locomotive crew, the train is equipped fire alarm system, the train is equipped with a video surveillance system, which is located outside inside the electric train, and has storage recorders that provide storage of information on the electric train cars, including in offline mode. crash elements have been used on electric trains since 2016, we applied them in accordance with the introduction. rules of the technical regulations of the customs union, it is designed, that is, both the head coupling and inter-car couplers have crash elements, in the event of a collision the electric belt some kind of obstacle, dampening the impact forces,
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prevents serious damage to the electric train and injuries to passengers. electric trains of the new generation ep-3d and ep-2d alternating direct current are completely russian developments, but if previously 30 percent of train components were imported, then... now almost everything is domestic, suppliers of components and materials for new electric trains are from almost all of russia, more than 80 enterprises from st. petersburg to vladivostok, for example, lifts for the disabled from rostov, control system - these are cheboksary, and the transitions between the cars are ulyanovsk and the moscow region. the production and repair of one car from domestic components also increases the investment demand of the participating enterprises, the plant calculated. just last year. almost 530 cars were produced here, one of the main customers is russian railways, this year they plan to increase production volume. this year we are
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growing by about 10% compared to last year. i'll start with orders for today, we have 700 cars, and this is a full load of our our capacities. moreover, this year we have increased orders by... two times compared to last year in the repair area, and we are developing it this year, new electric trains are being repaired after 960 thousand kilometers, this is about seven years later, and the guaranteed service life has also increased , instead of the old 28 years, such trains will be able to last at least 40. at the beginning of march , four trains were added to the far eastern fleet; now 28 electric trains run by rail in the region...
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the region. travel by rail is chosen more and more residents of the khabarovsk territory. over the past 2 years, the historical maximum has been updated in the neighboring year, the volume of commuter traffic has grown by more than 100,000 people with a population of approximately 1,300 in 2023, approximately 7,000 . various soft chairs were exhibited for testing at the kazan station in moscow, the option that received the most approval and was used in electric train designs were assessed in khabarovsk. if the imported one is no different, i remember all these electric trains near moscow, but nothing is
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even better, completely renew the far eastern fleet of modern trains is planned until the end of 2030, these are the new trains, of course attracting new passengers, we are growing, last year there were 700,000 passengers.
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this work will continue; by 2030, we expect the appearance of new types of rolling stock in eleven more regions. 26 trains produced by the demikhovsky machine-building plant will enter the regions before april 1 of this year. dc electric trains have been carrying passengers to belgorodskaya in the kemerovo regions for several weeks now. tyumen region is at a low start, which will replenish its fleet with two more trains and several trains will leave for the western one. 16 electric trains operating on alternating current began to run in the primorsky and khabarovsk territories, next in line are the irkutsk region and the north caucasus railway, where some trains already run to the rostov region, and the gorky railway is awaiting speedy replenishment, where three of the four trains are already running in the nizhny novgorod region , and from the second quarter of this year, russian railways will supply even more electric trains to the regions, 24 passenger trains at mennogo
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current, trains will go to the saratov, rostov regions, the republic of dagestan, krasnodar, altai territories, the far east, khabarovsk, primorsky territories and the jewish autonomous region. nine direct current trains will begin running in novosibirsk, chelyabinsk, sverdlovsk and omsk regions. also in some regions , locomotive-hauled cars, which are also intended for suburban passenger transportation, will be updated. 25 of these cars will go to the perm and altai regions. as well as to the republic of udmurtia. this year rzjud will receive 10 more import-substituted swallow trains, the finist electric train. currently, 12 such trains run on four routes in the sverdlovsk region. it should be noted that the results of last year are actually the appearance of four national trains, these are ep2dm, ep-3d, the ivalga 4.0 electric train, and in fact,
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i repeat again. all this great work makes it possible to not only maintain the existing rolling stock with its components, but actually develop new types of rolling stock, realizing that this is already maybe the development is not just evolutionary, but we will receive completely new innovative rolling stock that has not previously been used on the russian railway network . all this will affect the choice. passengers in russian railways believe that travel by rail will be chosen more often, for example, last year about 1.200 million passengers left the railway stations and stations of the uao russian railways network, the majority went to the suburbs, almost 90%. by 2030, at least 1,300 million people will use trains, predicts russian railways, general director, chairman of the board oleg belozerov emphasized that this will become
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possible thanks to the update... the new rolling stock means a modern level of comfort, speed, and high dynamics of growth in traffic volumes. the renewal program is formed in the amount of about 100 cars per year. we have made it a rule to annually offer passengers new models with a public discussion of their consumer properties. when creating samples, the modular principle is implemented. interior with the possibility of transforming it and replacing outdated elements , taking into account feedback from passenger ratings. our the target is to reduce the average age of a carriage from 12 and a half to 10 years. and this is all coupled with an increase in the speed of commuter trains, infrastructure development, and digitalization. people are confident that this will change the culture of travel and the entire
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passenger landscape. transportation in the coming decades, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you , do you hear, the central committee summed up the final results of the presidential elections in russia, they marked by record turnout in the country's recent history.


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