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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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mi ćemo razgovarati o tim o situaciji na zapadnom balkanu naravno, ali uh, ta politika dvostrukih standarda u odnosu na srpski narod i na pitanje kosova i metohije je uh upravo i dovela do narušavanja našeg teritorijalnog integriteta.
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na ovom sada novom predlogu da se održi sednica povodom 25 godina od bombardovanja srbije. još jednom na kraju srećan rođendan. once again, to
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sum it up, happy birthday, happy birthday, for many years to come, thank you, thank you, this was a broadcast of the beginning of negotiations between the foreign ministers of russia and serbia.
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look, look in the app or on the website. in the european part of russia, every day is warmer than the previous one; winter has returned to the south of siberia. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, greetings, will the situation in the atmosphere change in the near future? in russian terms, spring
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processes will be increasing, and warmth will soon return to the south of siberia. it’s a little cloudy in moscow; at the main weather station of the city, vdnkh , the air has already warmed up to +8. yesterday at this time. it was about +6, while at the height of the day thermometers in the capital showed +8.1°. on the russian plain continues to open up, rivers continue to open up, thick ice drift on the msta river was observed by residents of the city of borovichin in the urban region. positive daytime temperatures have been observed here for 9 days now. the peak temperature of +12 occurred last saturday. on the middle volga in ulyanovsk the weather has also been frosty for a long time; last night it was -13. there is still a lot of snow on the streets, 63 cm. it is not surprising that while cleaning such snowdrifts, a miniature loader got stuck, and another mini-loader helped him get out. in winter has returned to krasnoyarsk today, now it’s -8, after yesterday’s +2 in the morning there was snow, a blizzard,
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wind gusts down to minus 17 m/s. visibility deteriorated to 400 m. state traffic inspectors warned of restrictions on the movement of passenger and freight transport due to. weather in the berezovsky and kansky districts of the krasnoyarsk territory. the krasnoyarsk territory is today in the rear part of the cyclone, the cold front has already crossed the capital of the region, this is the reason for the cold blizzards. on the european territory of russia, atmospheric processes continue to contribute to the gradual warming. the anticyclone allows the sun to warm the earth, and the approaching cyclone will bring a new portion of atlantic heat to the russian plain. in krasnoyarsk, by this time the snow had stopped, it was getting cold...
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friday night will freeze to -5, tomorrow afternoon it will be warm again to +7, so... in the capital the clouds will thicken, even at night the temperature will be above zero , rain is possible, the likelihood of precipitation will also continue on sunday and monday, it will also be warm, these are the forecasts, depositing the best interest in savings is an easy way to invest money profitably online, just one button, a contribution to the future: your child has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in
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was recorded by an objective control system. the ground electric transport program operates in ten regions of russia, electric buses are entering new routes, infrastructure is being created for them, what industries are they helps to develop and how business participates in this, marina gromova will tell you. the program has a solution. this is an electric bus, residents of many cities have already gotten used to the name of the newest transport, environmentally friendly, convenient, modern, and let’s see what’s behind the beautiful façade from the inside.
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are you scared, are you all crazy? when we presented this electric bus, it turned out that we had set a route along which it was not planned to run electric buses, and the residents were impatient in the hall, now apparently we will have to comply, publicly transport with creates the mood of the city, it’s like... the sun, or something, there is the sun, and there is a mood, you are in a good, in the right sense , crazy to invent in moderation, madness is in deadlines, challenges, we should always do the easiest thing, the most there compact, the most beautiful, modern electric buses are gaining popularity, the most popular segment is large city models. they are now being actively supplied to our regions so that passengers can conveniently move around
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populated areas, construction and the necessary for them, infrastructure is charging stations. it seems that electric buses have been with us quite recently, but the first such transport in russia appeared more than 130 years ago, it reached speeds of up to 11 km/h and could accommodate 15 people . modern electric buses are fast, accelerate to 70 km/h, are maneuverable, and are also comfortable and spacious. year , there were only nine cities where new eco-friendly transport operates, today there are already 22, new routes appear there, along their length, comfortable stops and road lighting, while not only the city, but also business environment, electric buses stimulate the development of domestic industries and pose new challenges. this is a full-cycle joint venture, some are manufactured at a plant
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in belarus, some are here in the nizhny novgorod region, this is, for example, a composite materials workshop, and we are preparing a future electric bus part, work, then once and somewhere in the city an electric bus drives, which i i had a hand in it, it’s nice, the cars that are assembled at this plant have their own name, minin, after the first letters of the cities minsk. and nizhny novgorod, in memory of the hero of the nizhny novgorod militia, the enterprise was launched in 2022 and has already created 250 jobs. the plant is designed to produce fifteen electric buses per month, and they also assemble new generation trams here. can we say that if it weren’t for the project for the development of urban electric transport, your enterprise would not exist, this program , by and large, gave the start to our enterprise, we feel supported from the point of view of project implementation at all levels, on administrative issues regarding subsidies. electric bus frames are welded in belarus, but the enterprise's capacity already allows us to localize this stage of production, the plant
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is constantly conducting scientific work, and improving and optimizing the software for the equipment. does the development of electric transport contribute to scientific and technological progress? of course, these are, first of all, rechargeable traction batteries, and here it is important to understand that the traction battery itself, as a unit, pulls behind it a number of industries, the traction battery, and , of course, this is a product that affects a large number of industries and enterprises, when you ride an electric bus, where it is established...
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they increase demand and interest from the regions, the more electric buses are produced, there are autonomous trolleybuses , there are some electric trucks, the cheaper the components, the cheaper the production cost itself, the cheaper they are for the consumer, again the volume increases. modern electric buses can travel more than a hundred kilometers without recharging, the battery is not afraid of sub-zero temperatures or heat, thermal systems are responsible for this, the batteries themselves have become lighter, more than half, we are probably investing directly into neocra development. we don’t come to the customer there, and we don’t say, take russian, because it’s russian, take ours, because it’s good, and it’s a cool product at a good global level. a large-scale renewal of urban transport is taking place throughout the country, thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads; over the past 4 years , almost 6.00 vehicles,
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including 240 electric buses, have entered regional fleets. in his address to the federal assembly, vladimir putin noted that before... how did you feel when you drove an electric bus for the first time? the first was the desire to steer, no, of course, they didn’t allow it, quietly, silently, something from relatives, i don’t know, some kind of miracle, i still kind of looked at it all as a whole, or something, how convenient, sensible lighting, electric buses have usb
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charging, climate control, a kniling system, this is when the car tilts to a stop, is more economical than conventional diesel buses and is 140 times more environmentally friendly. the state not only stimulates the production of the machines themselves, but helps develop infrastructure. we understand everything that electric cars are our future, an electric car, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a truck , a passenger car, a private one, a public one, in addition to roads, this car needs to be serviced somewhere, charged somewhere, that’s why we have electric buses.
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a world of government support appeared, we started from scratch in this direction, and today it is already a separate line of business there with revenue of more than 2 billion rubles. the life cycle of any technology, its first. very difficult to accept, in the first stages of implementation everything they doubt it, and then it becomes widespread, and then it becomes the only one.
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servicing electric buses is also a whole industry, at this station they take care of the cars, they entrusted me with changing a light bulb, come on small, and not a single electric bus is you... cut without a thorough inspection, oh, i can do it, the equipment is serviced at the lias service company according to life cycle contracts, for electric buses it is 15 years, by the way, twice as long as for buses, the market is interested in highly qualified specialists, an electric bus in fact is - computer on wheels. because they can , as they say, play inside, make some updates, can be disabled programmatically, specialties, this is more aimed at
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maintenance, plus specialists are electronic engineers, plus hammers plus high-voltage workers, we train specialists ourselves, the program for the development of urban electric transport is not only about modern technology, but also about digital technologies, without an integrated approach there is nowhere here. intelligent transport systems are being developed in cities, reducing by 15-20% travel time. in the mobile application, you can plan a trip, view the schedule and arrival time, and smart traffic lights teach you to recognize public transport and give it the green light. the electric bus itself on the line is already the end, or something, of all the actions of all processes. it’s more important to properly coordinate and develop a moshira.
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or even more hours, we spent together a huge number of issues with intelligent transport systems . previously, at the very beginning of their implementation, they were, let’s say, implemented separately without any methodological background something there something there something there. now this is a systemic process, today we are trying to create a truly correct program for training specialists in intelligent transport systems. and this is an example of how systems are already working in the regions. nizhny novgorod is actively implementing digital solutions in the field of transport. how does a smart traffic light react to the approach of public transport? the system is called public transport prioritization. its essence is is that if specific vehicles are lagging behind. lines, green corridor
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efficiency is to increase the speed, well, something like this, designed for the average speed of traffic flow in the city by about 15%. there is an old joke: if you don’t study physics at school , your whole life will be full. miracles , magic, there is always some truth in every joke. high technology for the average person is akin to magic, but behind it there is a very real big work, scientific tests, production, technical progress. electricity, like digital services, cannot be literally seen or touched, but the results from the implementation of new solutions are already noticeable.
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now footage from the presidential press service. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, today the official voting results for the presidential election have been summed up.


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