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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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today, the central election commission unanimously adopted a resolution on the results of voting in the presidential election. vladimir putin was elected head of state for the fifth time. he received 87.28% of the votes. the turnout was almost 77.5%, setting a record.
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history of russia, after the publication of the official results of the presidential election, vladimir putin addressed the russians. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, today the official voting results for the presidential elections in russia have been summed up. an extremely important election campaign for our country, society, and citizens has ended. u each candidate was
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as always, you acted clearly, competently, on the principles of transparency and in strict accordance with the law. and in our historical territories, members of election commissions were an example for voters, showing courage and courage. dear friends, i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything in my power to justify it. i understand that... this level of trust increases responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, and requires even greater commitment and efficiency from me personally and from our entire team. we will do everything to ensure that the large-scale national projects and programs that i recently spoke about in detail in my message are implemented. the elections showed that russia today is one big, friendly family. and...
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percent - people came to the polling stations or voted electronically, and of course the result with which vladimir putin won was 87.28% of this. it hasn’t happened yet, but of course, as expected, the west began to call the elections illegitimate, and changed all the facts in its own way, pomfelova said. degraded, high-ranking western officials they hastened to declare that the elections are undemocratic, the elections are not free, the elections are illegitimate, and so on, the whole set of preferences, which in this context means the word independence in their understanding.
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they tried to use didos attacks to attack the electronic electronic voting system, hack the video surveillance system at polling stations, and even block the work of the financial unit of the candidates’ election headquarters, this is in particular what happened with the team of candidate vladimir putin, an authorized representative for financial issues, it took place with unprecedented pressure on... it was difficult, it was hard, on one day before closing we had 600 payments of one kopeck, in accordance with the law we must issue a separate payment order for each payment order for return , so a lot of work was done,
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we were under quite a lot of tension, of course, all the provocations and ... ion injections are much weaker than the attacks that were delivered on our border, in the kherson, zaporozhye regions, in the dpr and lpr, they hit the peaceful infrastructure, polling stations, including, but they failed to break either the spirit of voters or the spirit of the whole million of those people who ensured the elections, let's listen to the co-chairman of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin. they said that it would never be possible to manipulate us, that we have our own position, that we will develop and will do it in the way we think is right. did everyone, voters and
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candidates, come together for the future of the country? this is complete trust and faith in our candidate. that the work that began many years ago will continue, we have one goal - a great russia, this is a huge, wonderful moment of unity. the central election commission has work ahead to analyze proposals from candidates and political parties, in particular to expand the possibilities of electronic voting, submitting documents electronically. alexander. thank you, egor. egor grigoriev spoke about the final results of the russian presidential elections. at the end of last year, 38% entrepreneurs rated the business climate in the country as favorable. the head of the rsp, alexander
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shokhin, spoke about this at a meeting with the president. the meeting was monitored by dmitry morocco. dmitry, greetings. how much has positive business sentiment increased? hello, in about a year. 2 and a half times. it is important for representatives of russian business to make plans for the long term, including as part of the implementation of existing and new national projects, noted the head of the rsp, alexander shokhin, at a meeting with the president. according to him, the business community has its own proposals to improve the business climate in the country, the so-called 100 steps to economic leadership. this concept will be presented to the government soon. entrepreneurs themselves assess the state of the business environment in russia more and more positively, if twice. in the second year , 14% considered it favorable, but now, according to surveys, already 38. business assesses the state of the business environment in the twenty-third year to be about 2 and a half times better than in the previous year, that is, if in the twenty-third
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in the second year, 14% of entrepreneurs assessed the state of the business climate as comfortable, favorable, then last year it was 38%. and this, in my opinion, is largely due to the fact that we really actively interact with the government and with the presidential administration, with legislators, we manage to do a lot... taking into account the interests of the state, taking into account the interests of business. work to improve the business environment and accelerate business activity is being carried out in several directions at once: one of them is the return of companies to their native gabana, to the russian jurisdiction, for which it is extremely important to remove unnecessary administrative and financial barriers. in 2023, about 150 companies re-registered in russian special administrative regions, which is twice as many as in 22. another direction is encouragement. business for socially responsible work, this year 14
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companies will receive an award for their activities, this will certainly allow us to show that russian business, despite sanctions and restrictions, continues to implement sustainable development programs, previously, we used the foreign term asg, but the term went away, but the work remained, and we used the most proven indicators, ratings and indices of sustainable development, which have been developed for 10 years, including in the rsp. the business community still faces many problems that need to be addressed, one of them is a shortage of personnel against the backdrop of record low unemployment of less than 3%. the new national project “personnel” should help solve the problem. one of the main solutions to attract investment from business itself in vocational education, in particular in programs such as vocational and advanced engineering. schools, the number of university colleges that participate in such programs needs to be doubled.
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another issue that was raised during alexander shokhin’s meeting with the president was the stability and predictability of the fiscal burden. here , business representatives are concerned about the issue of export push taxes for a number of goods that were accepted earlier for six months. they are tied to the ruble exchange rate and range from 4 to 7%. i would like more clarity here; this is also a topic we would like to discuss. with by the government before all tax decisions are made. as far as i understand, your approach, vladimir vladimirovich , is that after these decisions are made, there will be a certain kind of moratorium on some changes, this approach was largely valid even after the eighteenth year, you declared this moratorium , but we see that sometimes the rates do not change, but the load grows. as alexander shokhin noted, representatives of the business community are ready to make their
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proposals on changes to the tax budget policies even before the end of the spring session of the state duma, so that they are taken into account before work begins on the new three-year budget. thank you, dmitry, dmitry morocco spoke about vladimir putin’s meeting with the head of the rsp , alexander shokhin. residents of belgogorod gray-voron are advised to leave their homes due to... threats of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are making new attempts to strike civilian infrastructure. this morning, our air defense systems managed to intercept 10 charges of multiple launch rocket systems over the belgorod region. however, cars, residential buildings and social objects. there are wounded among the civilian population. our special correspondent igor pikhanov is monitoring the situation on the spot. he is in direct contact with us again. igor, hello, what is the situation at this moment? hello alexander, the situation in
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the belgorod region bordering ukraine and the belgorod region still remains difficult, today a missile danger signal was over the greboronsky district, it borders closely with a neighboring state, ukrainian militants regularly hit populated areas of the territory, also fire rockets, they also hit cannon artillery, use kamikaze drones against civilians, in addition... today at 8 am, ukrainian militants using shells from a multiple launch rocket system hit civilians, residents of the city of belgorod, as well as the suburbs of the regional center, came under fire, shells exploded in the residential sector, in the middle of residential courtyards on highways, as a result, five people were injured, including shrapnel wounds, now doctors are providing all assistance to the victims, for this there are necessary... specialist equipment , regional authorities have reported
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this, now repair and restoration work has already begun on site, according to the mayor's office, 30 apartments in six apartment buildings were damaged, let's give the floor to local residents, we were sleeping at home, we live across the road, we were sleeping , a siren began to bang, as if as usual, they ran out into the corridor, and it was banging so loudly that the doors almost flew off, then they started reading the news, apparently there was a sound, so... they went out to look and fragments flew over there there are just fragments all over the area, everything is in fragments, the car is broken from the fragments of the windshields, look, we took out the frames, all here. schoolchildren in the border areas, as well as in belgorod, have started their holidays, about 900 children will be sent to other regions of the country
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to spend 2-3 weeks on vacation, and the children will be accepted. recreation, as well as sanatoriums, employees of the prosecutor's office will ensure that children are provided with everything they need. let's listen to the commentary. on behalf of igor krasnov, prosecutors of the subjects took custody personal control over the observance of children’s rights to safe conditions of stay, food, proper medical care, and education. organized for round-the-clock communication with employees of the supervisory department in the kaluga, moscow, penza, tambov regions and stavropol territory. in addition, in order to effectively and timely respond and provide comprehensive assistance to minors , the work of mobile reception centers is ensured and participation in the activities of regional operational headquarters. after the shelling in belgorod there was the power line was damaged, but the light supply has now been restored. alexander,
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igor, thank you, igor pikhanov spoke about the situation in the border areas in the belgorod region. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian military liberated the village of tonenkoye from the ukrainian armed forces, and the ministry of defense also reported that near the village of novgorodskoye , our units repelled a counterattack by militants. in the donetsk direction, russian troops liberated the alabastrovaya railway station and occupied more advantageous positions. it also became known about the effective missile attack on the ukrainian armed forces. aerospace tonight. a strike was carried out by high-precision long-range air-launched weapons, including aeroballistic hypersonic missiles "kenzhal", on the decision-making centers of the ukrainian armed forces, logistics bases, temporary deployment points of special operations forces of foreign mercenaries, the goals of the strike were achieved, all objects were hit. at
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a meeting of the cabinet of ministers today they discussed spring field work, like this year, as the head said. they started in the second ten days of february, now they are already running in twenty regions. the country has procured the required volume of seeds for sowing, while the transition to domestic selection continues. the president especially noted the importance of supporting agro-industrial enterprises so that they can continue to increase their capabilities accordingly and offer high-quality, affordable, and most importantly, healthy products. the government is systematically implementing a set of measures for the development of the industry, including preferential lending to agricultural producers, largely thanks to with such assistance, farmers receive a high harvest; in order not to slow down the momentum , we have increased funding this year and will additionally allocate subsidies that will go towards field work of almost 20 billion rubles. preparations
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for the sowing season were carried out as usual , we are resolving emerging issues with the subjects, including at our operational headquarters. if we talk about material and technical resources, at the moment, the required volume of seeds has been prepared throughout the country, while we continue strategic work on reorienting to domestic selection , we expect twenty the fourth year will again bring our country decent harvests for all agricultural crops and ensure the achievement of food safety parameters. 300 contestants will demonstrate theirs.
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colleges: it is no coincidence that the president’s message speaks of support for secondary vocational education in terms of repairs and renovations of colleges, so i am sure that every year more and more schoolchildren will choose secondary vocational education, today more than 65% of ninth-graders are enrolling in colleges today. that project is a professionalism that provides an opportunity for employment, makes it possible to immediately get practice while already studying. in college is also very important and we will expand it, it is very important now that such attention, the president, the government, we are trying to pay specifically to working people. let me remind
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you that by decree vladimir vladimirovich putin awarded the city of ivanovo the title of city of labor valor, and i hope that those of you who are sitting in the hall today, young people, will become worthy of continuing the labor traditions of our glorious region. washington is interfering in domestic havana affairs are distorted by coverage. protests in the media, cuban president miguel diaz canel said in an interview with nbc. in turn, the biden administration's key ally in the region, argentine president javier miley, called on the cubans to continue demonstrating. details from artyom krosulin. the situation is under control; another us attempt to intervene in the internal affairs of the island of freedom has failed, as president miguel diazcanel comments on the mass protests in cuba. official representatives of the us state department, american the governments of their embassy in cuba are rudely interfering in internal affairs and are disrespectful towards cubans and the cuban
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revolution. they are intoxicating the media regarding the rallies. two of the three protests were essentially peaceful, but in virtual reality the united states put forward such a scenario as if serious events were taking place here. the reason for the demonstration was the difficult economic situation of the state. protesters complain about... food shortages and power outages due to cost-saving measures. according to residents of the second the largest city of santiago de cuba, there is no light for 18 hours a day. similar demonstrations took place in elcobra, baymo and matanzas. dozens of police were deployed to the protest sites, but there were no reports of clashes or mass arrests. washington, whose sanctions actually led to empty shelves in stores and blackouts, is, of course, closely monitoring the situation. they rejected accusations of incitement of rebellion and called on the united states not to be behind the protests in cuba; the accusations of this are absurd. i think what we see is a reflection of the difficult situation on the island. we
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call on the cuban government to refrain from violence and unjust detentions, and we call on authorities to respect the right of cuban citizens to peaceful assembly. the oil fire was fueled by the newly minted mouthpiece of the american establishment in south america. argentine president javier miley addressed protesters in... cuba, calling on them to fight for freedom. this message is for all the cuban brothers who are awakening to the ideas of freedom and opposing the regime of this son of a bitch who ruins their life. freedom will bring you prosperity and a lot of happiness, so cuban brothers, don't give up, this is your moment, move forward. yes, long live freedom, damn it. it is curious that in argentina itself the economic situation is far from prosperous. during the first months of the presidency of miley, who refused to join brix. the country was unable to curb record inflation; according to various sources, it reached 250% this year. and the number of residents who found themselves below the poverty line increased by 6 million. saving
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the argentine economy from collapse washington apparently he's in no hurry. experts are confident that us control over local leadership is so strong that they lobby for their interests almost free of charge. the long-standing habit of americans to perceive latin america. the united states and the government, these are resources, these are financial flows, these are competitions. which has unfolded in recent years with the people's republic of china. the day before, cia director william burns arrived in argentina on an unannounced visit. one of the central topics
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of the negotiations is the media presence in region of the shiite organization hezbollah, the united states is allegedly concerned about possible connections between criminal groups operating on the borders of argentina, paraguay and brazil and terrorist cells from the middle east. artyom krosulin, anna pogonina, lead. nova. a high-profile case worth almost 360 billion rubles against fishing companies in the far east received a turn. the prosecutor general's office said that the death of one of the main accused, businessman oleg kan, known as the crab king , was staged. about the fact that he is no longer alive, previously reported, lawyers asked to close the case. it is open to a search by the prosecutor general's office for 31 companies and 29 citizens. the department believes that the defendants illegally caught fish and seafood in the far east. in addition, two criminal cases have been filed against oleg kan. one of them is to organize a murder. the accused is wanted.
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the nplus group will invest about 120 billion rubles in the construction of a wind farm in blagoveshchensk. this is a joint project with chinese partners. work should begin at the end of the twenty- fifth, beginning of the twenty-sixth year, and before 2042 np can invest more than 500 billion rubles in the creation of new hydroelectric power stations in siberia. as stated by the general director of the company, mikhail khardikov, nplus is interested in participating in the competition.
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and now it’s time for economic news: the ministry of finance called the federal customs service’s plan for contributions to the budget ambitious, but feasible. this was stated by finance minister anton seluanov. by the end of the year, the department intends to replenish the treasury by 7 trillion rubles. first of all, by suppressing gray schemes for importing high-margin goods into the country goods. these are cars, equipment, electronics and other products. fez this year launches transportation between russia, saudi arabia and the uae. this was stated by the chairman of the board of directors andrey severilov. he noted that the company will continue to develop transportation with the african continent. the group also plans to acquire an airline with its own fleet of aircraft. as for the russian container market, fezka predicts growth of 4-5% until the twenty-fifth year. lithuania has stopped allowing trucks from kaliningrad region. the country has not accepted
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any more cargo since yesterday evening. about it. the federal customs service reports: as a result , a queue of 140 trucks formed at the chernyshevskaya checkpoint; on the russian side, the checkpoint operates as usual . and the forced bypass of the red sea by tankers increases the demand for fuel in the world by 100,000 barrels per day. it is precisely these volumes that ships additionally need to travel on other routes. this was stated by the ceo of vitol, russell hardy. it was previously reported that due to conflict in the red sea transportation. through the swedish canal fell by half, the reason was the shelling of international ships by the houthis. it was economic news, in a nutshell. buy gifts at the megamarket, receive a bonus and pay thanks. 99% of the cost of
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than that. what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?


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