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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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electricity, like digital services, cannot be seen or touched literally, but the results from the implementation of new solutions are already noticeable. a record turnout for the entire modern history of russia, the central committee unanimously adopted a resolution on the voting results. in the presidential elections,
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what did vladimir putin address to the citizens after summing up the final results and what statements were made today in the cycle? the russian military liberated the village of tonenkaya, as well as the alibastrov railway station in the donetsk people's republic, and occupied more advantageous positions. about during the special military operation, we will tell you the situation on the fronts in the issue. after 16:00 moscow time on the iss.
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in siberia, on the rivers of the russian plain, meanwhile, ice drift is in full swing; what temperature conditions are expected in the european part of the country, the weather section will tell you about this. vladimir putin has officially been re- elected president of russia. the electoral commission center approved the results of the presidential elections. putin has been elected president of the country for the fifth time. and according to the official final data of the central election commission for vladimir 87.28% of voters voted for putin. let me remind you that the presidential elections took place from march 15 to 17. during the meeting of the electoral commission center dedicated to summing up the results of the presidential campaign, as expected, according to the law on presidential elections, members of the central election commission took turns signing the final protocol. according to the law, the inauguration of the head of state should take place on may 7. vladimir putin. will be president until may
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2030, the newly elected president addressed the citizens of the country. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, today the official voting results for the russian presidential election. the election campaign, which is extremely important for our society and citizens, has ended. each candidate had his own approach to the solution. specific problems, all constructive proposals, all ideas that resonated with voters, we will definitely use in our common work in the interests of the country’s development. the last campaign was intense and extremely responsible, because by and large we were choosing the path that russia would take next, choosing the future for ourselves and our children. and the significance of this events. understood by the absolute majority
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of voters who came to the polls. once again, i thank everyone who took part in the voting, regardless of who you voted for. the main thing is that you have proven that you respect your civic duty, value freedom of choice and your voice, and each of your votes, i repeat, was of great importance. friends, thank you for your support, for me this is more important than a formal victory in the elections, it is support for the political and economic course of our country, our general results, which, of course , should be greater, but are already making russia even stronger and independent today, a few words about the work of election commissions at all levels, as always you... acted clearly, competently,
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on the principles of openness and in strict accordance with by law, in our historical territories, members of election commissions were an example for... for voters, showing courage and courage. dear friends, i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything in my power to justify it. i understand what this is like the level of trust increases and responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, requires even greater commitment and efficiency from me personally and from our entire team. let's do it. everything so that the large-scale national projects and programs that i recently spoke about in detail in the message are implemented, the elections show that russia today is one big, friendly family, we are walking together along our chosen and historical
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path, confident in ourselves, in our strengths and our future. thank you. so. according to the electoral commission center, there was a record turnout in the elections - 77.49%, this includes online voting. a total of 87,576.75 people voted. before this, the highest figure was in the ninety- first year. then 74.6% of voters came to the elections for the presidency of the rsfsr. abroad , 308,58,791 voters took part in elections in 144 countries. well, as for the results, the results were also announced today by the central election commission. so, second place was taken by the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, he scored 4.31%. third place went to vladislav dovonkov, a candidate from new people. he has 3.85%,
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followed by the leader of the ldpr, leonid slutsky. he received 3.2% of the popular vote. and my colleague egor grigoriev will tell you more about the work of the election commission center and summing up the election results. everyone notes that the elections, of course, united the people, united the candidates, secondly, they declare a unique result, of course, this has never happened in history, in terms of turnout, almost 77.5% of people came to the polling stations or voted electronically, and of course , the result with which vladimir putin won 87.28 hundredths of a percent, this has never happened before, but of course, as expected, the west...
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so, let’s say, fueled by western material and financial means , which clearly expresses an anti-russian position, for the sake of their western, well , i don’t know how to say them, masters or puppet masters, they tried to attack with the help of didos, as well as the electronic electronic voting system, to hack the system video surveillance. at polling stations and even block the work of the financial block of the candidates’ election headquarters, this is in particular what happened with the team of candidate vladimir putin, an authorized representative for financial issues, it took place with unprecedented pressure on a special election account, we were spammed with
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one kopeck, it was difficult, it was hard, on one day before the closure we had 600 payments of one kopeck, in accordance with the law we must for each... the stuffing is much weaker than the blows that , of course, all provocations and information were delivered along our border in the kherson, zaporozhye regions, in the dpr and lpr, on peaceful infrastructure, on polling stations, including, but not managed to break.
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what started many years ago will continue, we have one goal, great russia, this is a huge, wonderful moment of unity. the central election commission has work ahead of it to analyze proposals from candidates from political parties, in particular to expand the possibilities of electronic voting by submitting documents electronically . egor grigoriev, news. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive 2% of the interest rate back in sber bonuses. thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback, in savings from prime is more profitable. what are men silent about?
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passage of a special military operation, let's look at the latest data from the russian ministry of defense. so, tonight the russian aerospace forces launched strikes with high-precision long-range air-launched weapons, including dagger aeroballistic hypersonic missiles. in the vdeevsky direction, through the actions of units of the group of troops, the center liberated the village of tonenkaya , donetsk people's republic. the dpr thinks so. during the day, the group’s units inflicted fire on 350 identified targets of the ukrainian armed forces, including sixteen strongholds, about 60 areas where manpower and equipment are concentrated, more than a hundred field artillery positions. aviation carried out over forty
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strikes in the areas of solovyov, cheretin, keramik, and berdychi. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of troops , as a result of active operations, occupied more advantageous positions at the alibastrovaya railway station in the donetsk people's republic. a unit of the southern group of troops, supported by air strikes and artillery fire, improved the situation along the front line. they defeated the formation of 79 air assault and forty the sixth airmobile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of krasnoye and andreevka. kleshcheevka, novomikhailovka and georgievka. they repelled a counterattack in the formation of the eighty-first airmobile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the belogorovka area. in the kherson direction , units of the dnepr group of troops are also working successfully. in the ssu, up to 50 military personnel lost five vehicles. the m3 seven artillery system, made in the usa, as well as the d-30 howitzer.
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operational-tactical aviation, drones, missile forces and... groupings of troops of the russian armed forces, also affected was a uav storage warehouse, a workshop for the production and repair of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 132 districts. air defense systems shot down 163 ukrainian drones, as well as 20 rockets from hymers multiple launch rocket systems. and in the kupinsky direction, thanks to the work of the units of the western group of forces, the losses in the ssu amounted to. up to 40 military personnel, three tanks and four vehicles; during the counter-battery fight, two rszzo combat vehicles were hit a czech-made vampire, a polish -made crab self-propelled artillery mount, and a d-30 howitzer. and residents of belgorod graivarn are advised to leave their homes due to the threat of shelling. the ukrainian armed forces are making new attempts to attack civilian
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infrastructure. this morning our air defense systems managed to intercept over the belgorod region. charges of multiple launch rocket systems, cars, residential buildings and social facilities were damaged, there were wounded among the civilian population, our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation on the spot. the situation in the belgogorod region bordering ukraine and the belgogorod region still remains difficult, today a missile danger signal was over the gorevororonsky district, it borders closely with a neighboring state, ukrainian militants regularly hit populated areas of the territory, also fire rockets and strikes. using kamikaze drones against civilians. in addition, today at 8 am , ukrainian militants used shells from a multiple launch rocket system to hit civilians; residents of the city of belgorod, as well as suburbs, came under fire regional center. the shells exploded in the residential sector, in the middle of residential courtyards, and on highways. as a result, five people were injured, including shrapnel injuries.
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now all the assistance to the victims is provided by doctors; there are the necessary specialists for this. equipment , regional authorities report this, now repair and restoration work has already begun on the site, according to the mayor's office, 30 apartments in six apartment buildings were damaged, we were sleeping at home , we live, we were sleeping across the road, the siren began to bang, as if as usual, ran out into the corridor, and well, it banged so hard that the doors almost flew off their hinges , then they started reading the news, we saw the arena, so they went out to look, and fragments of it flew all over the area, just fragments, everything in fragments. the car was smashed by shrapnel , all the windshields were knocked out, well, look, our frames were taken out, that’s it, part of it remained here, the frame was damaged from the very balcony, well , the apartment is already suffering from shelling for the second time, on february 15, on the other side of our window came out, also carried out in the bedroom, in the living room, in the kitchen, i endured everything, this is not the first time. schoolchildren in the border areas
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, as well as in belgorod, have started their holidays, about 9,000 children will be sent to other regions of the country so that they spend two... 3 weeks on vacation, will accept children in holiday camps, as well as sanatoriums, ensure that children are provided with everything they need there will be prosecutors. on behalf of igor krasnov, the prosecutors of the constituent entities took under personal control the issues of respecting the rights of children to safe conditions of stay, food, proper medical support, getting an education. for round-the-clock communication with employees of the supervisory department, hotlines have been organized in the kaluga, moscow, penza, tambov regions and stavropol territory. in addition, in order to effectively and timely respond and provide comprehensive assistance to minors , the work of mobile reception centers is ensured and participation in the activities of regional operational headquarters. in belgorod, a power line was damaged, but the light supply has now been restored. igor tikhanov, mikhail vitkin, maya alyonova, news of the belgorod region. and
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in just a few minutes the soyuz ms-25 will be launched to the international space station. a launch vehicle with a manned spacecraft launches from the thirty-first site of the beykanur cosmodrome. approximately 9 minutes after launch it will be launched into orbit. the main crew is headed by the hero of russia, expedition commander, oleg novitsky. interestingly, his team includes the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, as well as nasa astronaut, american tracy dyson. a, i must say that the launch is timed to coincide with the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut of the earth, yuri gagarin. it is noted that his image was applied to the nose . in order to see with their own eyes the launch, which will begin right now, tourists from russia
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and from foreign countries arrived at baikanur in advance. so, who is in the crew of the twenty-first expedition to the iss? so, as i already said, this is the commander of the ship, hero of russia, roscosmos cosmonaut, oleg navitsky, he is the most experienced member of the crew, and it is reported that what is behind him... three expeditions and 531 days worked in zero gravity, the team also included the first female cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya, this is her first flight, as well as board engineer, nasa astronaut tracy dyson. it is noted that novitsky is right now going into space for the fourth time, american dyson is going into space for the third time.
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will be for the entire country that it represents, but the decision is that it will be the representative of belarus who will go into space. literally just now , urgent news came on the news agency's feed that launch of the soyuz 21a rocket with the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft to the iss, the akatsu apparatus, which is a japanese apparatus, translated this name means: and for now on to other topics. the international olympic committee has now created such conditions that almost none of the russian athletes will be able to travel to the upcoming games
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in paris. but if there is such an opportunity, then you need to take part. this statement was made today by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko at the high- tech sports exhibition, which opened in the state duma. my colleague's report stas ridekultsev. even serious deputies cannot resist the charm of this mischievous robot dog. a mechanical dog welcomes guests to the high- tech sports exhibition in the state duma. russia showed what sport should be like in the modern world at the games of the future, without politics and in a new format. sport will also develop as a multipolar phenomenon, and where there is a place for classical trends, classic sports, at the same time we are always happy to see new trends.
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september in moscow and yekaterinburg. head of the roc stanislav poznyakov is sure that the international olympic committee has not only lost its autonomy and independence, but has plunged into the looking glass. could over and over again come up with illegal criteria for non-admission, and the charter, according to thomas bach, is violated by the olympic one. committee of russia. from the very beginning, the international olympic committee openly chose the side of the political conflict, which in itself contradicts its mission, consistently carries out an outwardly political order to isolate russian sports, and has now reached the point where delegates the right to approve the candidatures of participants in the olympic games from one country to the other side, but in this case, according to lausanne, russia is engaged in the politicization of sports. lozania is doing everything to force russia to boycott the games in paris. russia.
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unlike mock, he maintains olympic calm and waits for the movement to cease to be brownian and become olympic again. if i could officially confirm that the conditions under which athletes admitted by international federations must condemn the cbo or refuse homeland, then, in general, i think that there will be no legal obstacles for... athletes to go, but the conditions of the international federation are such that, in general, practically none of us athletes will go there can not. only 12 russians and seven belarusians made it to the olympics in paris through the sieve of draconian criteria, open to the world, the games of the future, the new format of competitions, made in russia with love without political overtones, have already attracted enormous attention, more than 3 billion
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viewings of the competitions themselves.
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arrival artillery ukrainian gangs are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, we were under heavy fire. it’s scary, i say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran, we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we didn’t want to run away from our place, the arrival was just here, and our car burned down, they give out compensation, we have already received 180,000, of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are engaged in the private sector
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for... and now footage of the minister’s working trip russian defense sergei shaiga to a defense industry enterprise in the nizhny novgorod region.


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