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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the facility, which was called the eastern exit, is almost 14 km long, and its cost exceeded 40 billion rubles. one of the largest infrastructure projects not only in the republic, but throughout the volga federal district. it was possible to implement it within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads, and this is one of the successful examples of an effective government project. from a private partnership to a passenger car, the fare will be 100 rubles. this is approximately the middle of the new route, from here to the central part of ufa is about 6 km, the same before exiting the m5 federal highway. previously, it took about 40 minutes to cover this entire path, but now you can do it in 10. the implementation of the project became possible , among other things, thanks to the support of the russian government and a set of measures to advance the development of regions. the launch of the eastern exit will not only increase transport accessibility and relieve congestion on the streets of ufa. but it also opens up new prospects
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for housing construction in the city, we are working on this so that water, gas, electricity, so here the urban planning potential is somewhere around 5 -6, this our first estimates are 5-6 million square m2, well, consider this, about 20 thousand people can easily live here comfortably, and this is only the first stage of construction, the next one is planned to connect the eastern exit with another federal highway m7 volga. murat zaripov, abzalov, ufa news. vladimir putin has officially been re-elected president of russia. the electoral commission center approved the results of the presidential elections. putin has been elected president of the country for the fifth time. according to the official final data of the cec 87.2 votes were given for putin. let me remind you that
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the russian presidential elections took place from march 15 to 17. during a meeting of the election commission center dedicated to summing up the results of the presidential campaign, as required by the law on presidential elections, members of the central election commission took turns signing the final protocol. according to the law, the inauguration of the head of state should take place on may 7. vladimir putin will be president until may 2030. the newly elected president addressed the citizens of the country.
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and responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, requires even greater dedication and efficiency both from me personally and from our entire team. so, what data was approved by the cec? so, according to the uzbercom center , there was a record turnout in the elections - 77.49%. this includes online voting. a total of 87,576.75 people voted. before. the highest
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figure was in the ninety-first year, when 74.66% of voters came to the presidential elections of the rsfsr. abroad , 388,791 voters took part in elections in 144 countries. and as for the results, the results were also announced today in the cycle. so, second place occupied by candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov. he scored 4.31%.
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this has never happened in history, in terms of turnout, almost 77.5% of people came to the polling stations or voted electronically, and of course, the result with which vladimir putin won. 87.28%, this has never happened before, but of course, as expected, the west began to call the elections illegitimate, changing all the facts in its own way, pomfelova said. high-ranking western officials hastened to declare that the elections are not democratic, the elections are not free, the elections are illegitimate, and so on, the whole set preferences, which in... the context means the word independence in their understanding, this should be a candidate, so to speak, fueled by western material and financial means, who clearly expresses an anti-russian position to please his
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western, well, i don’t know how to say them, masters or puppeteers, tried... to attack the electronic electronic voting system with the help of didos attacks, hack the video surveillance system at polling stations and even block the work of the financial block of candidates' election headquarters, here in in particular, this happened with the team of candidate vladimir putin, the authorized representative for financial issues told us about this, it took place with unprecedented pressure on the special election account, they spam one kopeck at a time, this would be
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complete trust in our candidate and the belief that the work that was what started many years ago will continue, we have one goal - greater russia, this is a huge, wonderful
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moment of unity. the central election commission has work ahead to analyze proposals from candidates and political parties, in particular to expand the possibilities of electronic voting and document submission. in electronic form, egor grigoriev, news! deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. this have not happened before. russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try the real russian cold ice cream. great, incredible taste, let's do it this way, and now it's a beast, there's another idea, of course, let's count the payment, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself counts everything, well, how did it happen, of course, also 10 % cashback
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prime more profitable. sergei shaigu inspected a military-industrial complex enterprise in the nizhny novgorod region, the head of the military departments checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled at factories that are engaged in the production of aircraft, artillery and tanks. shaigu noted that the situation in the field of ammunition production has improved, due to
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the commissioning of new facilities, enterprises are working ahead of schedule. according to the minister, this is a great merit of the employees who work three shifts without days off. a number of important, serious tasks were set to multiply the amount of ammunition and equipment of the entire configuration. so if talk about equipment, artillery. of these ammunition, then the volume of restoration of components for these ammunition has been increased almost 22 times, and that is , the tasks that we set have been completed, new workshops have been built, the workshops have started working, they are working at full capacity, residents of the belgorod grivoron are advised to leave their homes because for threats of shelling, the ukrainian armed forces are making new attempts to strike civilian infrastructure, this morning our air defense systems. managed to intercept 10 charges of multiple launch rocket systems over the belgorod region, cars, residential buildings and social
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facilities were damaged, and there were civilian casualties . our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation on the ground. the situation in the belgogorod region bordering ukraine and remains difficult. today, a missile warning signal was sent over the grevoronsky district; it borders closely with a neighboring state; ukrainian militants regularly attack populated areas. territories are also fired with rockets, cannon artillery hits, and kamikaze drones are used against civilians. besides, today at 8 am, ukrainian militants, using shells from a multiple launch rocket system , hit civilians, residents of the city of belgorod, as well as the suburbs of the regional center, came under fire. the shells exploded in the residential sector, in the middle of residential courtyards, on highways, as a result of which five people were injured, including shrapnel injuries. now
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the regional authorities are reporting all this, now repair and restoration work has already begun on site, according to the mayor's office, 30 apartments in six apartment buildings, we were sleeping at home , we live just across the street, we were sleeping, a siren started banging, as if as usual, we ran out into the corridor, and it was banging so hard that the bedroom doors almost flew off, then we started reading the news, we saw the arena, so we went out to look so. fragments flew all over the area, just fragments all in fragments, cars were smashed by shrapnel, windshields were all knocked out, well, look, all our frames were taken out, some of them remained here, the frame was crippled. the balcony itself, well, the apartment this is the second time she has been suffering from shelling, on february 15, we had windows on the other side, she also took out everything in the bedroom, in the living room, in the kitchen, she took out everything, this is not the first time. schoolchildren in the border areas, as well as in belgorod, have started their holidays, around 9.00 children will be sent to other regions of the country so that they spend 2-3 weeks on vacation,
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they will accept children from holiday camps, as well as sanatoriums, they will ensure that children are provided with everything they need workers. on behalf of igor krasny, the regional prosecutors took personal control over the observance of children’s rights for safe conditions of stay, food, proper medical care, and education. for round-the-clock communication with employees of the supervisory department , hotlines have been organized in the kaluga, moscow, penza, tambov regions and stavropol territory. in addition, in order to respond effectively and timely. mobile reception centers provide comprehensive assistance to minors. participation in the activities of regional operational headquarters. after the shelling in belgograd the line was damaged power transmission, at the moment the light supply has been restored. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, maya alyonova, vesti belgorod region. the law on strengthening mobilization in ukraine has not yet been adopted, and the document has already caused fierce debate among local parliamentarians. kiev's plans to conscript
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half a million people were called sabotage. meanwhile, in the rada they started talking not only about the shortage of personnel in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. ukraine does not have enough funds for mobilization; there is simply no money in the budget for this. denis alekseev will continue the topic. while ukrainian people's deputies are discussing, complement and amend the bill on mobilization, adopted in the first reading, the tetskashniks are carrying out the plan, after all, they need to gather 500,000 men throughout the country, zelensky set this task, and men avoid such meetings in every possible way. the security officers send a summons to the boys. in budovina, military commissars like to take people by surprise, sometimes they don’t even allow the objects of their attention and the thought of escaping, as here, they raided a construction site, were not too lazy to climb to the very top of the building under construction, and there were just a couple of applicants for a trip to work there. front, i had to agree, at an altitude of 30 m there is not much choice, call the police, they
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are constantly trying to find justice for them, but the police have long chosen a side, there is no hope. shmygal suddenly, in an interview with western journalists , hinted that no one is going to mobilize half a million people, they say you can get by with a little bloodshed, and what zaluzhny said about general mobilization is all empty, and where is zaluzhny now, and this nardeb is literally air stated that the methods of the military commissars and in general the subject of the claim in international court of human rights, men
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do not have sufficient motivation to fight when they are pushed into buses against their will, the former speaker of the razumkov rada and... everyone was happy about the money, he speaks about the mass conscription in the ukrainian budget, no, there is nowhere to get money, because that the way this is happening today will lead to the fact that we will fall into a huge abyss, you and i already have a budget deficit, our deficit is 47%, when the budget for this year was adopted, he called the mobilization bill a sabotage, one harm, no benefit, and it seems that many in the current ukrainian parliament think so, and therefore the second reading of the draft has already been postponed.
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assembly line for the production of microcircuits in plastic casings. this will allow us to expand the production of chip modules for mir bank cards, as well as produce more than forty different products for consumer and general industrial electronics. margarita semenyuk will tell you all the details. count: 3, 2, 1, let's go, this is a new product from the largest russian manufacturer microelectronics. the assembly line of microcircuits in a plastic case gave rise to the internal vector of industry development, large-scale import substitution in russia. completely new, practically, but there is no such production on the territory, there is no mass production on the territory of the russian federation. historically, we produced microcircuits exclusively for the export market, that is , wafers with crystals were made here, sent to southeast asia, and there
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the process that you will see today was organized there. now everything is here from growing crystals to creating chips, production is cyclical and automated, for this they even completely updated all the equipment, the functionality of the new installations is superior to the previous ones. this is cleaning the contact pads, if there are any errors, that is, roughly speaking, old equipment. it may not cope, but it is our new one, it copes because of these new functions, that is, it uses a capillary, cleaning with a capillary this place where it should be welded, thereby improving the stability and quality of work. priority industry for the country is rapidly developing under conditions of restrictions, the launch of new production is the replacement of foreign components with domestic ones, a response to growing demand among consumers of russian products. the production volume of chip modules for mir bank cards has doubled, almost 56 million units per year. the launch of a site for the production of chip modules will make it possible to fully ensure the issuance of bank cards for our banks within
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the country, and even with a small reserve for now. meets all existing annual needs, and the launch of the production of plastic cases and packaging, the launch of packaging microcircuits in plastic cases is also quite a serious step; it will extend the micron technological chain and increase the added value of manufactured products. the products are widely used in smart home systems, work equipment, electricity meters, and medical equipment. the assembly line capacity is about 18 million microcircuits. the cycle is very long, to be honest, that is, we do not have time to change the reel, that is , to be honest, we just stand here, change, change, that is, we will provide for the whole country, here is the company a reliable and stable supplier that will relieve russian electronics manufacturers from imports; they plan to package 40 integrated circuits, including contract assembly on this line. we provided the project with more than a billion rubles, with a total budget of 350 billion, and today
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production has started. support throughout russia. the ministry of industry and trade of russia, the industrial development fund and the all-union russian federation helped to implement the project. the launch of new production forces will solve the problem of technological sovereignty in the field control of critical end-to-end technologies. margarita semenyuk, dmitry malyshev, pavel varbuzov, conduct the moscow region. now it's time for economic news. since the beginning of the year, the federal customs service has transferred almost one and a half trillion rubles to the budget. this was stated by the interim acting department ruslan davidov. he noted that this year the service is recording a decline in the dynamics of foreign trade. this is due to the fall in world energy prices. let me remind you that the federal customs service's contribution plan for this year is more than 7 trillion. rub. the ministry of finance called it ambitious, but feasible. fez this year launches transportation between russia, saudi arabia and the uae. this was stated by the chairman of the board of directors andrey severilov. he noted that the company will continue to develop transportation with
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the african continent. the group also plans to acquire an airline with its own fleet of aircraft. as for the russian container market, fezka predicts growth of 4-5% this year. the turkish central bank raised its key rate to a record 50%. this is already the ninth promotion contract. according to the regulator, tight monetary policy will be maintained until inflation is overcome. in february it exceeded 67%. this affects the turkish currency. its exchange rate is at historical lows against the dollar; now it costs more than 32 liras. and in germany they said that the proceeds from frozen russian assets do not belong to anyone, they can be spent on military assistance to ukraine. german chancellor olaf scholz made this assessment of the eu summit. according to him, funds should be used primarily for the purchase of weapons and ammunition. let me remind you that the use of income from russian assets was approved the day before
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by the european commission. will be considered in brcel on march 21-22. it was economic news. short. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion. so is he a belly? nobody knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you need to go there. this is war. vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you. moscow. no, that will not do. i came for him.
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i have to find him. nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him , alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. we will expose all fakes.


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