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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. they click enemies, as in tire, a stunning video from sherwood forest under raisins and our unbending german, the story of a sniper who repelled the counter-attack of kiev. he came to the front, like everyone else before him, unexpectedly. betrayal of commanders, western instructors and meat assaults, the revelation of another ukrainian prisoner who chose life. pendulum of relakant sways more and more. those who protested in belgrade are now packing their bags about where the fugitive russians will go and where they will be fed. france flexes
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its drawn muscles. the internet is convinced only thanks to the subtle photoshop that macron has turned into a pumped-up boxer in this photo. what else is wrong with the image of a fighting gay cock? mexican call centers are stealing millions of dollars from americans. drug cartels have adopted the best practices of ukrainian scammers. such is the gratitude to washington from kiev. some silhouettes one after another fall to the ground, soon they are joined by those who unsuccessfully tried to find shelter behind the villages. stunning video from the kupinsky section of the northern military district, where the russian military destroyed an entire group of mercenaries in a matter of seconds. reportedly, the hunt for them lasted three nights in a row. in the end, they spotted it in the famous shervod forest near izyum, and then everything was done according to science. thanks to modern thermal imagers, the fighters were in full view of our guys and immediately lost even their hypothetical chances.
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they are led to believe... that the enemy cannot hide from them literally anywhere - anton potkovenko will confirm. invisible death, that's what a real sniper is. in the zone of a special military operation
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, he was wounded during the summer counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine , arrived with a cluster munition , part-time work, complex wounds, coma, hospital in st. petersburg, he says, his wife and children could not find a place for themselves, the german survived miraculously, a fragment remained under his heart, but despite wounded, he returned to the front, this is a rifle of my favorite caliber 338 raptor, a rifle in good performance, our worthy production is not at all lagging behind... foreign analogues, which in terms of accuracy and range of destruction is right at the proper level. serbian volunteer, sniper dejan biric, who fought for the donbass from the fourteenth year and on the fronts of the northern military district, also until the summer of the twenty-third, confirms that the ammunition, rifles, and equipment of our sniper duos are now at a very good level. and there are more and more snipers in the russian army. we have a lot of snipers now, thank god.
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we were one of the first to meet, pel, a german, shanghai, prisoner, berlin, soldiers of the storm unit of the 291st guards regiment. it’s like our regiment, it has never been on the second echelon, from the very beginning of the northern military district, it has been stepping forward, only periodically we are there, then in the donetsk direction, we were initially, then in zaporozhye, then again in donetsk, near novomikhailovka and sladkoe they recruited, then again on zaporizhzhya, at first they worked. as
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a sniper, then they worked as scouts, and like damn it, attack aircraft, in short, a little bit of everything, but because they are real pros, like a pair of russian snipers, we see. whose work in the so-called sherwood forest, a well-known point in the kharkov direction, was scattered across all social networks, they tracked down, took by surprise and quickly eliminated a whole dozen polish mercenaries, including an officer, once, once and no one alive. i was very pleased to see this video, because the sesharod forest is the place where i and my comrades in our unit were stationed for 4 months. in '22, and what i saw the brilliant, highly professional work of a sniper pair, a russian sniper pair of mercenaries, including a polelian officer, this is simply symbolic, this means that russia will return to the kharkov region, russia will return to the historical russian lands, here
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is a german sniper with three orders of courage says the same thing, almost word for word, our regiment, our entire fifty-eighth army is now also moving forward. everything they captured over the summer, i don’t know, several forest belts, the remains of this damn ruined village, then they all this, as it were , will be returned back and they will run even further, they will run, if their legs do not give up from the horror that somewhere nearby a russian sniper, in whose sight even a bounty hunter, himself turns into game, tonight russian forces stopped the attempt. air raid signals worked in the region this morning, as a result of strikes from the ukrainian country, five civilians were injured , dozens of apartments and private houses, as well as a sports arena, were damaged in belgorod and its suburbs. read more about the situation,
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report by alexander revunov. signal air raid canada again destruction in residential areas. the air defense responded to a volley of ukrainian vampires, but there are consequences on the ground. more than thirty residential premises were damaged in six apartment buildings. one battered ukrainian shell detonated on the technical floor of a belgorod high-rise building in a residential area. explosive experts have already examined this area, all dangerous elements have been removed, and now builders here are starting to eliminate the consequences of the shelling. the armored stained glass windows of the belgorod arena sports complex mostly withstood the blast wave, but... holes from metal fragments disfigured the front façade. at the time of the explosion , only the guards of the sports facility were inside. we managed to take cover behind the columns in time. sirienno , the evacuation downstairs worked for us and such popping noises began. not very strong. well, then everything
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gets stronger and stronger, then in general there’s such a strong one. yes. explosion. expensive equipment, metal detector frames, lighting, and air conditioners were damaged and need to be replaced. the belgrade arena was opened just a couple of years ago and was being built funds provided for by the national project, cost 4 billion rubles. my office , the secretary's offices, they are gone, everything is broken, well , the glass was damaged by about 20 percent, this is one of the most expensive pleasures, uh, well, the equipment, the equipment is very expensive, rocket debris fell on the roadway, there was traffic temporarily blocked, the explosion destroyed the power line of 500 belgorod residents. were left without power, an operational team of repairmen was able to quickly restore the power supply, about ten cars were punctured by shrapnel, here is a house he swayed so unchildishly that the cat came in with a twist. as a result of the morning shelling, five residents
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of the regional center were injured; they were taken to the hospital with shrapnel wounds. operational services continue to work at the arrival sites. the special commission has already begun recording the damage caused, some of it by the enemy.
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uzbekistan diocese of the uoc, that in transcarpathia, father john rozman was previously kidnapped by unknown people in baloklava with weapons, it has now become known that he is at a training ground where he is training militants for the armed forces. ukraine at the kiev regime forbade representatives of the uoc from serving as regimental priests, which means that he may well be forced to violate spiritual canons and take up arms, so no one doubts that we are talking about the vile place of the authorities of the independent, objectionable canonical church, although it is clear that for the sake of fulfilling the plan soul catchers are ready to take anyone to the front line, since the weapons that america gives are at stake, in such simple terms, what is happening...
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stanislav bernwald listened attentively to the next portion of the revelation. he was driving along business, but came for a summons. after a short military training, the mobilized vasily petrovsky was sent to the bakhmud meat grinder by the residents of ternopil. how he survived, he doesn’t know. after the ukrainian armed forces retreated from artyomovsk , they abandoned him. into another inferno, and then they were simply abandoned, he tried to find his people for days, wandering in the forests, but in the end he reached the positions of the armed forces of the russian federation and voluntarily surrendered, choosing life. a large interview with a ukrainian prisoner is published by the public archangel of special forces. in peace in his life, ukrainian vasya was engaged in a completely peaceful occupation, construction, when he returned from work, one fine day he was tied up right at a public transport stop. familiar? picture, i’m standing waiting for a bus , a volkswagen t4 pulls up and loads me up without
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anything, they just took me to find out my identity, i always carry my passport with me, i showed them, they went anyway, they took me to the military registration and enlistment office, first i went through a medical examination , and at the end, when leaving the building, they handed me a summons. it was 9.012, and the summons was served on the 13th date of the same month, be already with things. training before being sent to the front was rapid in 2 weeks in kiev, the instructors gave a basic course in the basis of military affairs. american instructors also came to the military training ground several times to practice. he came to see us four times when we were leaving for training.
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a few weeks later, vasily himself became a scout, he says that the command did not take care of the personnel, literally at all, they threw the soldiers into the thick of it, hoping to take them by quantity, not by quality. vasily's unit eventually lost 20 people a day. the worst thing, as petrovsky admits, was the complete lack of coordination among the units ; a lot of people died from the so-called friendly fire, or in other words, friendly fire, when they mistakenly covered their own. soldier, he himself was wounded by shrapnel and sent for treatment, returned to duty again
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, was wounded on the very first day, was captured while fighting in another direction, carrying out reconnaissance tasks, his group got lost, the command simply forgot about them, as a result, a group of four people reached russian positions and voluntarily surrendered. the most offensive thing, says vasily, is that when he was captured, he didn’t even disappear... didn’t rush to look for him, the unit didn’t bother to tell his wife, his wife was told that he was most likely captured, his colleagues told him, here’s the long-awaited meeting, let bye.
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“i love you very much, i love you, i love you, don’t cry, everything is fine, having gone through a bloody meat grinder, injury, betrayal by commanders and a terrible awareness of the harsh reality, he still chose life, because there is something to live for, for the sake of his wife and daughter, for the sake of his parents, and not die for the one who drowned the country in blood and doomed millions of families to torment." in russia, mass production of fab-3000 began, that is, now three-ton high-explosive aerial bombs, and the production of their one and a half ton predecessors has been doubled, this was reported today to sergei shaig, who inspected the defense industry enterprises of the dnizhny novgorod region. the minister monitored the implementation of the state defense order with regard to the provision of ammunition and highly appreciated the dedication of factory employees, often working three shifts without days off.
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a number of important, serious multiple tasks were set. increase in the quantity of ammunition of the entire equipment, which means, if we talk about the equipment of artillery ammunition, then in terms of restoring components for this ammunition, the volume has increased almost 22 times, and that is, the tasks that we set have been completed, new workshops have been built, the workshops have started working , have earned their full potential, and the results of this work are clearly visible. advanced, for example, on the southern donetsk front, where our artillerymen inflicted massive fire on the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of pavlovka, urozhayny and staromorsky, up to 112 militants were killed. in turn, the enemy is trying to compensate for the long-standing shortage of shells with constant drone raids, but our anti-aircraft gunner managed to clear the sky from the next wave. about how the combat crews of the buk complexes work, report by eduard punigov. on the operator's screen
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is an enemy reconnaissance drone. in a matter of seconds, the crew commander accepts decision to open fire to kill. this is footage of the combat work of a terrorist in the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction. buk complexes protect the skies over donbass day and night.
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flies in, it’s as if it’s not there, because in principle there’s no more of it left, only all sorts of reconnaissance drones, small-sized, of a foreign type. the buk hits like a sniper rifle, it is almost impossible to dodge its missiles, and the complex is capable of simultaneously targeting different targets. according to the soldiers, the vehicle has never let them down during the entire special operation. well it’s a pretty reliable car, in terms of cross-country ability, the ground here is soft, well, the car feels confident. in principle, with regards to breakdowns of the chassis, also , in principle, no complaints, it breaks down extremely rarely, this particular crew has dozens of targets hit, there are also retaliatory attacks, but they never reached the target, anti-aircraft gunners always camouflage themselves in a forest belt, regularly changing locations dislocations, so
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the enemy fails to catch them, the beech is capable of detecting targets at a distance of about 100 km, and the installation sees absolutely everything. duty is carried out around the clock, as soon as one crew’s shift ends, it is immediately replaced by another crew. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. france flexes its drawn muscles. the internet is convinced that it was only thanks to photoshop that the delicate macron in this photo turned into a pumped-up man. boxer, what else is wrong with the image of a fighting gay cock? what is your dream car, the answer is very simple, it should have everything, style, dynamics and first class comfort
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to resolve ukraine will lose non-military funding from the united states. well , they are still in no hurry to allocate new money for weapons to kiev without any misconduct. the bad news is that there will be no aid brought to the ukrainian capital by biden’s adviser personally. details in the material. jake salevan arrived in kiev secretly and in every sense lightly without the 60 billion military aid package that was so stuck in congress, but according to the adviser to the head of the white house, biden literally struggles every day to get money, but when will he find it and give it to him? , didn't say. i am confident that we will get a strong bipartisan vote in the house of representatives for the ukraine aid package, and we will withdraw this money as we must, it is already too much.
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in volyn, the locals wanted to recapture the captured man, but the military commissars began to threaten, grabbing their machine guns, many
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understand that people from... who should you ask the government, there is no government, the security forces, instead of going to the front, are very fond of eating in the offices of ukrainian businesses, but the mobilization by the method of mass capture will clearly continue and even worsen, given that zelensky receives and thanks western visitors, such as the minister of defense of the netherlands, this is the same kaisa olongren who stated, quote: supporting ukraine is a very cheap way to ensure that moscow does not pose a threat to nato. that we have such great
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support from your society, great support from the team of prime minister rutte, instead of negotiations, kiev is still hatching plans to hold a so-called peace forum in switzerland, without inviting russia. according to media reports , beijing, which is making its own diplomatic efforts, is against this format. at the beginning of march , european countries and ukraine were visited by a special china's representative for eurasian affairs, lihui, but instead of gratitude , unheard-of insults rained down from kiev. i don’t understand , i don’t understand, who can take our territories, our lands and throw them away like that, because some hoo, i’m sorry, last name or whatever, or someone else thought that they should decide this, this will decide the people of ukraine, led by the president, in diplomacy it is customary to figuratively say that the ball is on one side or another, in the case of ukraine it is clear where the ball remains, under such the current secretary of the national security council danilov was known by his nickname in gangster circles, his way of thinking and methods.
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the kyiv authorities have not changed since then. alexander khristenko, denis sokolov and kirill volkov, lead. tourists from russia spend more days in serbia than travelers from other countries. these are the latest data from the serbian republican institute of statistics, which recorded that it was the russians who came out on top in terms of the number of overnight stays in the country. the graph shows an impressive figure of 660 65,000 nights per year, moreover, over the past 12 months this figure has increased significantly. from which we can conclude that many russians prefer to stay in serbia longer, not only for tourism purposes, but with an eye to moving. the historically friendly country has a positive attitude towards the trend, but, as it turned out, not all russian relocations suit belgrade. as it became known, some liberal guests decided to impose their understanding of political life on the country that had sheltered them. now, according to arti tv channel sources, serbian the authorities are preparing
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certain sanctions against such characters in the first place. turn, we are talking about deportation from the country, who will have to pack their bags, evgenia petrukhina will explain. the unhealthy political activity of russian relaxants in belgrade now seems to come back to haunt them. where to run from serbia, which clearly does not want to expel them from migrant provocateurs. to bosnia and herzegovina, to bulgaria, to hungary, and maybe to armenia, where there will definitely be work for them now, given the growing number of americans there. ngos, so they'll run to where they can sell their russophobia, because not everyone has a visa to go to europe, but will there be a place at the feeding trough there? they had an idea to buy some island near new zealand and settle there, well, let them go somewhere to the coast of antarctica, they could send penguins there to graze, poisonous spiders, which were simply rejected by russia, they
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started their cocoons there. besides writing on twitter and drawing posters and screaming heart-rendingly, waving american or ukrainian flags, they i don’t know how to do anything, but they’re good for american funds. these american foundations may well deliberately leave protesting relaxants in serbia in order to create political noise and put pressure on belgrade when it naturally cannot stand it. look, serbia is handing over defectors to moscow. what a nightmare? then this will be the perfect reason. for new pressure on serbia, and if serbia gives them, then of course from the european union.


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