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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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they had an idea to buy some island near new zealand and settle there, well, let them go somewhere on the coast of antarctica, they can send posti penguins there, poisonous spiders, which were simply rejected by russia, they began to weave their cocoons there, except how to write on twitter and draw posters and scream heart-rendingly waving american or ukrainian flags, they don’t know how to do anything, well, they’re suitable for american foundations, these american ones... the foundations may well deliberately leave the protesting relaxants in serbia so that create a political noise and put pressure on belgrade when it naturally cannot stand it, they say, look, serbia is extraditing carriers in moscow, what a nightmare? then this will be a perfect reason for new pressure on serbia, and if serbia gives them, then, of course, we will receive an answer from the european union, from nato, from brussels collectively.
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gate tried to set up a tent camp in the center of belgrade. they became direct participants in protests, protests, and direct implementers of policy, the aggressive policy of the united states, including american funds, and mainly a fund to counter russian influence in the balkans. the state department has been created, and billions of dollars have already been sent there through the state department since 2017. it is characteristic that they have a focal point. these activists
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abroad, including in the ngo kovcheg, which is financed directly by khodorkovsky, first settled in turkey and, realizing that they could not find much prospects for shaking the regime there, they moved to serbia. it seems that the american customer really doesn’t like russian-serbian friendship, so they’re trying destroy the sympathy of moscow and belgrade, otherwise suddenly one of the eu countries will see that it is possible with russia... and the most cynical thing is that here in this case the americans are trying to destroy such a last enclave of human relations towards russians with the hands of former russians. trilocanthus, former russians, they act as a kind of trojan horse. the serbs perceived them as their own, but it turned out that there was nothing like these people were not part of their homeland here, but...
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for anti-serbian and anti-russian politics, it just doesn’t work out very well, belgrade rejects them, it seems that a common cultural code is working, like a pendulum that doesn’t swing. a summit of european union leaders has started in brussels today ; they are racking their brains about how to compensate for the huge expenses on supporting the kiev regime, and at the same time arguing about the prospects of sending their troops to ukraine. the idea of ​​direct confrontation with russia is still being promoted by few people, but there are those who are. apparently very interested in it, hoping that the third world war will write off everything economic problems. report by our european correspondent anastasia popova. looking at the holes in the european budget, leaders are wondering where else to find money for military production. one proposal is to issue joint debt bonds, just like they did after covid. then they collected 750 billion, but agreed that this would be a one-time event. germany and the netherlands v.
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it's very difficult to explain to people because in peacetime there are so many things that taxpayers' money can be spent on. i'm committing a political suicide, but i have no choice. the idea to issue bonds belongs to france , whose national debt has already exceeded 3 trillion euros. the ministry of finance is urgently looking for ways to cut the budget so as not to resort to raising taxes, otherwise the country is boiling. here are today's farmers' protests. but in his election program, macron is betting on war, and not... on internal problems, as his main rivals in the upcoming european elections indicate. we are in the pre-election communication phase. we don't joke about war, you don't talk about war with a whiskey in your hand and a relaxed look. i'll have to send several guys to odessa. you don't do
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this because war is something terrible, something serious. french television explains in detail to the viewer where this odessa is and why the french should die for it. of course, today we all think mainly about this large port, which opens onto the black sea. if odessa falls, it will be the loss of the black sea for the ukrainians. in other words, the end of the export of wheat and the end of the influx of foreign earnings. here, where i will mark in red in romania, are exactly french troops with anti-missile systems, ready to fight, this is where we could end up in a war, which emmanuel macron does not want. he doesn’t want to, but he stubbornly pushes his country and nato into an open military conflict. in a private conversation with journalists, politician macron complains that nowadays they talk a lot when in reality real mobilization is required, otherwise ukraine may soon fall, however, what awaits france itself in the event of such an adventure in their language, vice-chairman of the state duma pyotr tolstoy told them. this brings us all closer to the third
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world war. it is you who are talking about the third world war, not us french. do you want to send soldiers to odessa? russian city, you are provoking a war, because after 300-400 french are killed, your president will be trapped, he will have to either increase the presence of troops or withdraw troops. what is the point of europe getting into even greater debt? former italian prime minister giuseppe conte asks a rhetorical question. after 2 years we ask ourselves and we ask you: what about the bet you made on military victory over russia? "see, all the forecasts for military victory, for the collapse of the russian economy, for the collapse of the putin regime have failed, what have we achieved with this military strategy, death, destruction, went into debt to send more and more weapons to the bitter end for endless escalation, the italians they don’t want a third world
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war, where you are leading us, this war is needed by the head of the european commission, ursulli fondelaien, so that she will again be appointed chief among the same ardent officials.” based on this, she determines her actions, she tries to fill out a leadership vacuum that has been formed for quite some time due to the fact that the leaders of germany and france are focused on internal problems. for now, the role of the military mouthpiece is played by the head of european diplomacy , barel, who is against the proposed reshuffles and does not agree with macron. we should not exaggerate; war is not inevitable. who says that war is inevitable, but it is not so, we are not part of this war, we are helping ukraine, we need to prepare for the future by strengthening our defense, but do not scare people in vain, there is no question of going to die for donbass. why finance a war instead
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of solving the accumulated problems of the residents of the european union itself? ordinary europeans are asking themselves this question more and more often; support in society is gradually melting away. leaders also do not have unanimity on this issue; hungary and slovakia continue to oppose arms supplies to ukraine, which irritates their colleagues and makes it even more difficult to find a compromise solution. anastasia popoviya bernadsky ina koshkina, conductor brussels, belgium. well, one more thing about unrestrained desire for escalation contrary to common sense. a tattoo with an anchor on a huge bicep, a pipe in his teeth, sweat flowing from under his cap. this is again emmanuel macron in the image of the cartoonish sailor popeye. what is important is how his own citizens saw him. well, that is, the french, who are now openly ridiculing the sensational photo shoot with the participation of their president. let me remind you, he decided to flex his muscles in the gym, as if illustrating an increasingly aggressive political position.
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they say that he not only threatens russia with sending troops to ukraine, but even if necessary, he is ready to personally deal with someone with his fists, but for now he is training hard on a punching bag. emmanuel macron's strange photo shoot, well , this time the scandal arose around a very tense face, bulging veins and impressive biceps on her arms. a show of strength for vladimir putin, who... political scientists loyal to the president are disgraceful, the audience responds, how pitiful it
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looks, he is immature, absolutely unsuitable for the role of president, it’s scary, we have to endure this swindler for another 3 years. a shame france. we have to admit, our skepticism is justified; something is wrong with this photo. forever young emmanuel macron has always loved to show off his sporting habits. it is known that he periodically boxes and plays football. in general, in his own words, he devotes at least half an hour a day to physical education, but for some reason the strangeness in his appearance does not affect him, real unstaged photos in which macron is topless show the world not a lean muscleman, but a person with a very mediocre body, be especially proud of him nothing, there is also the technique of the blow, extremely strange, as if a person was putting on gloves for the first time, and this one with a photo, as if i were rocky, you can see with the naked eye that... in the photo the blow was placed completely not from below, completely wrong,
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from below, as shown in the photo, it doesn’t hit with blows , it’s more like direct and indirect, this is wrong, it’s wrong to hit from below, that’s how it is in a fight, you can just break your arm like that, as shown in the photo, i’m tired, the strength has run out, well, it’s immediately obvious the guy is not in good physical shape, he needs to improve his physics, he is getting tired. very quickly, so he leans forward, it turns out that macron actually has no boxing skills, but there are jars on his hands that came from nowhere, and for this, thanks should be given to the skillful photographer soazik dela mosanya, who has been working with macron for a long time, judge for yourself how it is correct to photograph a man who wants to seem like a jock, but is not, firstly, black and white photography, it better emphasizes the veins and relief, even if he is no, secondly, the model must warm up. before appearing in the frame, you need the right lighting, the right poses and a little retouching
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, and it’s possible that you captured the moment, yes, it ’s about capturing such an emotional moment, if it’s his photographer, he already knows it and the angles, how to catch it, from what angle angle, this is the work of the photographer, this is not his work, tension, the hand may look like this, it is in the first angle we see it first, because of this it also seems to us that it is larger, and what a shame it must be... happy beckoning shed liters of sweat in response, you will receive cartoons like this, these pointedly mocking headlines in the european media. machu macron, the beefy french president, poses for a cringe-inducing photo shoot as he portrays himself as europe's top strongman in opposition to putin. honestly, there is a feeling that the photo shoot is not for putin, not for the media, but rather for myself. surely ms. macron’s emotional state is far from ideal now. france is in trouble with its economy. someone is always on strike, there is a crisis of leadership in the eu, the media is stifling, they are hitting the very
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to the sick masculine principle, nothing works out for you, even your wife is not a wife, and not some negal rooster, but a plucked chicken, how to turn this public opinion around, you need to convince everyone that you are worth something, start from myself, very funny photographs, naive, boyish , once again emphasizing my narcissism, look, a man, an office clerk, thin arms, legs, waist, but i want to show you from the right angle, i’m a man, i have huge muscles, everyone is afraid of me , but this is such a dissonance if he wanted to produce impression of the match, he got the opposite effect, he completely disgraced himself, parody, parody, who are you imitating, baby, who are you following, don’t disgrace yourself, obviously, the photo shoot did not consist of two photos,
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the best ones were most likely chosen for social networks, take a look at the rest . probably, somewhere out there among the rejected images there is a real macron, pathetically punching a punching bag in the hope of surviving at least a round against someone with whom you are in completely different weight categories. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. from mexico takes away from americans have millions of dollars, drug cartels have adopted the best practices of ukrainian scammers, such is the gratitude to washington from kiev. when it seems like things can't get any better, pinoplex slabs provide double the benefits,
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gradually they gain the trust of elderly people are offered to invest in some profitable startup, then they devastate them. bank accounts and disappears without a trace, but you might think that this is the description of one of the well-known ukrainian schemes, but in reality we are talking about the activities of mexican criminals, which is the subject of a large article in the new york times, the newspaper found out that the well-known jalisca cartel, well-known mainly drug trafficking and raiding, is mastering alternative ways of earning money, formally more humane, but in reality, of course , also very cruel, although not related to murders, among the victims are mainly american... pensioners , out of naivety, are ready to part with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the fbi, allegedly, is not able to help them at all, since they have a poor understanding of the mechanism of such fraud, that is, it is presented. everything is almost a sensational criminal business, supposedly something like this has never been seen anywhere else, but we understand perfectly well who was the ideological inspirer,
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and even in purely technical details the mexicans did not have to invent anything new, evgenia nipot was convinced. the damage is hundreds of millions of dollars, and this is from the call centers of just one drug cartel called the new generation of haliska, which, in addition to trafficking in prohibited substances, raiding and trading in works... there are many owners of the facility, which they use at strictly defined times, for example, in this is such form of ownership, when one is having a velvet season, when residents of the northern regions want to get out to the sea, representatives of the cartel, under the guise of trading... offer to buy out their investments for a significant amount, then they demand up-front payments for everything from advertising to paying government
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fines. the scammers convince their victims to transfer large amounts of money, sometimes up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, to mexico and then disappear. damage in recent years, according to official fbi data , amounted to $288 million, considering that 20% of victims do not seek help, the figure may be. and even more, there are two factors here: well , firstly, when one country is more successful and more, and its citizens already live more richly yes, than the neighboring one, then, accordingly, being located beyond the neighboring border territory, where the inhabitants live more poorly, yes, that is, a motive appears, a desire appears, so to speak, to enrich themselves at the expense of a richer neighbor. the examples described by the authors of the new york times article are similar to those we read in the russian-language press, for example, an elderly couple. on phone calls, transferred several hundred thousand dollars to mexico, selling the house in which the head of the family grew up. another wealthy homeowner
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named james was considering taking out a loan to to cover more and more new amounts, i lost almost a million dollars. when mr. wieland, after transferring another 100 thousand , realized that he was being deceived, he decided to contact the fbi, where he was made to understand that he would no longer see the money, because it had flown to mexico. the scammers posed as sales representatives and officials of the central bank of mexico. emails reviewed by the times show. and they continued to promise that if they were paid at least one more fee, everything would be clean and the money would be returned. everything according to the covenants scammers from square, who terrorize not only russians, but also all neighbors in general, including those who are called allies. if poland can still be explained somehow, for example.
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well, they brought the situation inside ukraine to such a state that ukrainian scammers are simply robbing their own citizens there and trying to make money from it too, well , there really is such a bitter irony in this, it turns out that a country that was supported by the entire western world becomes an example for assorted enemies and foes of this very world, the boomerang effect is clear.
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11:00 pm
welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the russian armed forces carried out preemptive strikes against enemy drgs near the belgorod region. the ministry of defense on thursday shared footage of the work of aviation and artillery of the western group.


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