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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the russian armed forces carried out preemptive strikes against enemy drgs near the belgorod region. the defense department on thursday shared footage of aviation and artillery operations. western group of troops.
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they show how the fire is applied precisely to the trenches of the militants. the enemy was defeated, the buildings in which apparently the equipment was located were destroyed. the militants who were involved in the shelling of belgorod were destroyed, voenkor vgtrk evgeniy podubny reported this, in the video from his telegram channel the burned grad, the same one that hit the belgorod region. after our fighters discovered it, the target was struck with a lancet. an accurate hit and a combat vehicle instantly. flares up, then its ammunition detonates, a russian was detained in the belgorod region, who was preparing terrorist attacks against the russian military, on instructions from the banned rdk. fsb officers found an explosive device on him, he planned to detonate it remotely, but in belgorod itself today there are five wounded. the following is a report from the scene of events by alexander revunov.
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mostly survived the blast wave, but holes from metal fragments disfigured the front façade. at the time of the explosion , only the guards of the sports facility were inside; they managed to take cover behind the columns in time. sergena worked for us, that's it, evacuation down, these pops started, not very strong, but then everything got stronger and stronger, then in general there was such a strong, uh, explosion, expensive equipment and frames were damaged.
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sites. fragments of ukrainian ammunition fell on educational institutions, but the deadly fragments went towards the children's room today, early military operations began in the region holidays. they shoot terribly, there is a neighbor feeding piglets. it's still drizzling. meanwhile, distribution of food packages began for residents of sixteen border villages and hamlets of the grayvoronsky district who temporarily left their homes. canned food, sugar, cereals and vegetable oil are given to those who decide not to move to temporary accommodation centers. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, alexandra berezkina and mikhail shum. news: belgorod region. every day the ukrainian armed forces lose hundreds of their military personnel in all areas of special operations. in donetsk alone there are up to 250 militants per day.
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under the cover of two house cars , which can create such a dense curtain for almost 4 hours in a row, our troops are moving to the starting line, from where the attack aircraft will attack belogorovka, but as you know, there is no smoke without fire, and this is fully confirmed by the radiation troops , chemical and biological defense, crews of heavy flamethrower systems are working as part of the southern group of troops. we perform tasks every day, sometimes several times a day, we support the offensive of our offensive groups, assault troops, in just a week and a half we have already fired more than a hundred shells, the enemy turned belogorovka into one
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large fortified area with a large number of underground communications, but for the sake of it, we managed, the situation here is almost homely, we arranged everything ourselves, got a cat , cooking on the stove, potatoes for lunch today. fried lard, it’s not difficult, i cut the potatoes, cut them, fried them, that’s it, everything is ready, the crew is always on alert, the task can arrive at any moment, then within just a few minutes the deadly sunshine is sent to the firing position. mikhail andronik, anton musyakyan, lugansk people's republic. the central election commission approved the results of the past elections. vladimir putin received more than 87% of the votes, officially won, was re-elected as head of state, after the results were announced, the president addressed the russians and thanked everyone who came to the polling stations , regardless of who they voted for. thank you you for your support, for me this is more important than
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a formal victory in the elections, it is support for the political and economic course of our country, our common results, which, of course, should be greater, but... are already making russia even stronger and more independent today. a few words about the work of election commissions at all levels. as always, you acted clearly, competently, on the principles of transparency and in strict accordance with the law. and in our historical territories, members of election commissions were an example for voters, showing courage and courage.
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will be until 2030. and also official figures from the center of the electoral commission. 87.5 million voters took part in the last vote, both in russia and abroad. record turnout. more than 76 million russians voted for vladimir putin. the results of the past campaign from egor grigoriev. the final results, the final figures of the presidential election campaign are in this red folder. and within a few minutes, representatives of the central election commission. will sign the protocol. documents from all 89 subjects foreign sites processed a turnout of almost 77.5%. this is more than 87 million votes . vladimir vladimirovich putin was elected president of the russian federation. a victory
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that has never happened in russian history. 87.28% of the votes. for vladimir putin, in second place is nikolai khritonov with 4.31%, 3.85 for vladislav dvankova and 3.2% for leonid slutsky, legitimacy of elections, three components, multi-level, voting not only at polling stations, including abroad, but also remote and electronic voting, full control over transparency, video recording of the process at the polling stations, the work of observers, including foreign ones, and third, constant feedback from the candidates, there were no significant violations for them, like violations at the polling stations in general. there were 41 cases of spoiled ballots recorded across the country. but western ill-wishers managed to slander the unique results and purity of the process. degraded, high-ranking western officials
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hastened to declare: the elections are undemocratic, the elections are not free, the choice is illegitimate, and so on, the whole set of lamentations. what in in this context, the word “independence” means in their understanding, it must be a candidate, so, say, fueled by western material and financial resources, which clearly expresses an anti-russian position, deed attacks on the dec portal, attempts to hack cctv cameras at polling stations, in the desire to discredit the elections and provocateurs used the most sophisticated methods of candidates, they encountered dirty machinations at the headquarters of vladimir putin, they tried to paralyze the activities of his election fund, it took place with unprecedented pressure on a special election account, they spammed one kopeck at a time, it was difficult, it was hard, on one day before the closure we had 600
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payments of one kopeck, in accordance with the law, we must issue a separate payment order for each payment order for return , so a lot of work was done, we were under quite a lot of tension, on the part of ukraine they terrorized both voters and election commission workers, on election days, attempted raids by the drg, shelling of our armed forces... they said that it would never be possible to manipulate us, that we have our own position,
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that we will develop and will do it in the way we think is right. provocations, confrontation between opponents of enemies within the country and abroad, only united the people and candidates. we have one goal - a great russia, this is complete trust in our candidate and faith in the work that has been started for many years. ago will continue, from each candidate for the position of president today proposals for improving the electoral process, ideas will soon be developed, digitalization is being asked to expand, for example, allowing candidates to submit documents electronically. egor grigoriev, dmitry vaskoboynikov, yuri lepatnikov, diana makurina, news. at defense industry plants in the nizhny novgorod region , fab-300 is now being mass-produced. the explosion of such a bomb completely destroys all structures. 35 m, not a single ukrainian supporter can resist. the minister
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of defense was informed about production today. according to sergei shaigu, the production of components for artillery ammunition increased almost 22 times. anastasia ifimova will tell you more about how the state defense order is being implemented. 45. m2 reconstructed, modernized and put into operation, and this over the last two years. and therefore the volume of production of modern... artillery aviation weapons has increased fivefold. the minister of defense was informed about this at one of the enterprises in the nizhny novgorod region, where sergei shaigu came to check how the state defense order was being fulfilled. 3 million according to the year of the case. artillery and tank shells of various types caliber, as well as aviation weapons , as reported to sergei shaig, the production of fap-500 has been increased. many times, fab 1500 doubled, fab 3,000 since february,
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mass produced, this is essentially the weight of an aerial bomb, that is, 500, 100 under 500 or 3.00 kg, and indeed a 500 kg bomb can withstand, few shelters can withstand the precise strike of such an aerial bomb, one and a half a ton or three-ton aerial bomb leaves no chance at all for almost any type of fortifications, field fortifications, and you know, that is, a thing which changes the rules of the game, here is the fab for the current conflict - this is a classic game changer, in parallel with increasing production volumes, they are expanding the range of produced ammunition, around the clock in three shifts, working without weekends and holidays. here the guys get up to 80, approximately those who are successful get 140. at this enterprise they produce and repair ammunition for the gecint artillery complex. we collected
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338.122 millimeter charges and 152 and 138. for this, new equipment was installed here, and we also reconstructed technically re-equipped the liner repair shops. this is just a copy we keep for ourselves. he does the right thing. forty years old, repaired three times at our company. the production of components for artillery ammunition increased 22 times, a figure that the minister of defense announced at work.
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would have been made in '24. at the same time, sergei shaigu emphasized that these same planned indicators were expected in the third quarter, and were achieved at the end of the first, seriously ahead of schedule. and this was possible to do, not least thanks to the dedicated work of the employees of each of the enterprises. the minister of defense thanked everyone who works three shifts without days off,
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adding such time. anastasia efimova, anna pogonina. news. european countries once again called for new sanctions against russia and intensified the fight against their circumvention, according to a statement published following the first day of the summit on ukraine, the middle east and security in europe, the european commission may also prepare restrictive measures against belarus, iran and north korea . in addition, the document it is indicated that at a critical moment for ukraine , the eu will accelerate and intensify the supply of military assistance to kiev. and as for the use of frozen russian assets. here the leaders of the states failed to come to a common decision. nato recommends that ukraine continue mobilization, although this sounds less like advice and more like a direct order from the owners. the task was set by the head of the alliance's military committee, rob bauer, during a speech at a security forum in kiev. he also added mockingly, saying that in a democratic
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it is not easy for the state to convince people to go to slaughter, but it needs to try. however, just in... to be taken by surprise, sometimes they don’t even allow the objects of their attention and the thought of escaping, as here, they raided a construction site, were not too lazy to climb to the very top of the building under construction, and there were just a couple of applicants working there trip to the front, i had to agree, at an altitude of 30 m there is not much choice, call the police, they
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are constantly trying to find justice for them, but the police have long chosen a side, there is no hope, here are the military commissars, together with the level of public discontent and indignation, which only increases when, in response to any argument against, the tetsekhniki issue their own, undeniable one. poltava, levada microdistrict, this is crime. observing the most enthusiastic mood of the public, kiev seemed to begin to loosen its grip. and then the prime minister suddenly, in an interview with... one journalist, hinted that no one is going to mobilize half a million people, they say, you can get by with a little bloodshed, and what zaluzhny said about general mobilization, it’s all empty, and where is zaluzhny now, and this people’s debater said live on air that the methods of the military commissars are, in general, the subject of a lawsuit in the international court of human rights. men are not motivated enough to fight when
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they are forced onto buses against their will. former speaker of the rada razumkov made the money so happy, he says. there is no mass conscription in the ukrainian budget, there is nowhere to get money, because the way this is happening today will lead to the fact that we will fall into a huge abyss, you and i already have a budget deficit, our deficit is 47%, when the budget for this year was adopted, he also called the mobilization bill a sabotage, one harm, no benefit, and it seems that many in the current ukrainian parliament think so, and therefore the second reading of the draft has already been postponed and will probably continue will be transferred to...
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and generals, as well as samples of edged weapons and medals, these exhibits are presented in moscow, where an exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capture of paris opened, in the panorama museum. the battle of borodino was organized in such a way that visitors could imagine the event of 1814 one day at a time during the day. the most interesting details of the exhibition are in the material of zinaida kurbatova. it was actually a knight's move. while napoleon was with his army in the north-east of france, the allies bypassed him and took paris. napoleon was an excellent tactician, but not a strategist. this exhibition was conceived even before the moment when the current french president macron erupted.
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representatives of a civilized nation, the parisians are demolishing the statue of napoleon with a vendôme column, here is a french plate, a column without a cast iron doll, napoleon’s name is helpful covered up, here in the engraving is a solemn maleben for all the allied troops. in 1814 , parisians expected with horror that the russian bears would avenge moscow and defeat paris, but everything was different, count ostensakin was appointed military governor of the french capital, who monitored... the discipline of our appointments, not without wit, the count under emperor paul was in french captivity. they expected to see barbarians, because when russian troops had just crossed
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the rhine border and entered french territory, the french press was actively the story was spread that barbarians were coming from the north, they were wild, they had arms and legs because of human current, and in general they were decorating the cossacks. from human ears, and they feed on babies, so what they told them and the reality was completely opposite, selected guards units entered, and this is almost a farce, napoleon is trying to poison himself, but the confusion, the poison does not work, he ordered the poisonous substance to be prepared for 2 years before that, when he was almost captured at maloyaroslavl, what else in 1812 did he receive... the news that the french occupied moscow, admiral fyodor ushakov said: there is no need to despair, these formidable storms will turn to the glory of the fatherland. zeneta
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kurbatova, mikhail verdiev, ramil batyrov, news. the friendly atmosphere among the fans is a real show on the field. a friendly match between the national teams of russia and serbia took place in moscow at the dynamo stadium. all tickets for the game were sold out with more than 23 thousand people in the stands. but the score on the scoreboard is for russian fans. could not please. danilo makhalin will tell you how it happened. for the first time in 2 and a half years, the russian national team will play match with an opponent from europe. the meeting against the brotherly national team of serbia opens the third year of performances without international tournaments. the excitement was no match for a test match; the fans clearly missed big-time football and did not plan to miss such an event with a bright sign. ours were not alone, they were in moscow especially for...
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close ones, but we have very good ones, individualists, very good ones, but the crews are not as good as they could be, both serbian and russian team, a status rival and a rare opportunity to see the team in action, as a result, the dynamo arena was sold out, accommodating just under 30 thousand spectators. before the start of the match, the fans
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of the russian football union prepared a colorful performance, taking these flags of different colors, the central stand was painted with the russian flag, i really liked the surroundings, the warm atmosphere, good support and i was glad to see everyone and return to...
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the final score was 4:0, russia's crushing victory over serbia. daniil mahalen, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh, alexander, stalmashevsky, lead. we didn't lose.
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just names, as long as we remember them, they are immortal.


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