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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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today, the central election commission summed up the official results of the russian presidential election. based on the results of counting all ballots, vladimir putin received 87.28% of the votes. and not only 87.28 is important here.
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their children, and the significance of this event was understood by the absolute majority of voters who came to the polls. once again, i thank everyone who took part in the voting, regardless of who you voted for. the main thing is that you have proven that you respect your civic duty, value freedom of choice and your voice. and, i repeat, each of your votes did. of great importance, dear friends
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, thank you for your support, for me this is more important than a formal victory in the elections, it is support for the political and economic course of our country, our common results, which, of course, should be greater, but today they are making russia even more strong and independent, i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything that... depends on me to justify it, i understand that such a level of trust also increases responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people requires even greater commitment and efficiency from me personally and from our entire team. we will do everything to ensure that the large-scale national projects and programs that i recently spoke about in detail in my message are implemented.
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word zhizhik - you seemed to fall out of the intellectual field in general, such a powerful philosopher, he didn’t make an impression on me, now i won’t go into detail , but this is how i heard him live, i only saw him for the first time, that’s when you made an impression now , i was amazed, first once you’ve seen it, oh well, here’s the performance, how can one still be a toragladite and wear a world crown. this is of course amazing,
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well, let us show it once again especially for you, well, rather for the general public, a conservative, religious fanatic, so i, in order to provoke people, said: give ukraine nuclear weapons, i say this as a leftist, we must do everything for this, but i think it’s cool, mind you, the tip of his tongue has a life of its own.
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i don’t know people who wouldn’t like it, what alexander grigorievich said, having in i mean, the staff needs to be fucked from time to
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time, the idols also need to be fucked, in the sense of shaking up, changing, i don’t know what your meaning is anymore. you need to listen to what people say, people say - this is somewhat more than the team that worked in the elections, people who have access to all kinds of platforms, broadcasts and everything else, but the voting was brilliant
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in terms of the result, but that's it received trust, of course, credit will receive trust, but... must be destroyed, the existence of a long the state is impossible without bureaucracy , with all its shortcomings, nevertheless, it also has many advantages, thanks to which, in particular, governance is not lost, it is restored after unrest, and so on and so forth, so, but there
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is a lot of bad stuff there , so i claim that the people advise putin to do this.
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a choice, a historical challenge has been thrown, we are to blame for something, russia is bad, it’s not bad somewhere, they want to, first, destroy us, this has been proclaimed.
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write, people who once, sometimes they are those the same people, with the same last names, they
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are known to have been involved in the introduction of the bologna system in russian education, now they are carrying out anti-balogna, anti-balogna reforms, but excuse me, i didn’t believe in their sincerity then, because it was pure money, well, that is, you they agree with me , we need to change, that is, russia needs to be changed, otherwise you propose to leave the polonian system, the eg and so on, i don’t let’s not change the whole of russia, especially something, let’s change several layers responsible for certain areas . so, social, humanitarian, the whole bush that we have, academic, special, and this also concerns this culture, educational, we need to change radically, radically, well, okay, let’s fire all the deans now, what will this give us, the dean again. just yesterday, no, well, this is a bush - this is exactly the bush you are talking about, vladimirovich, i’m telling you again that it’s not
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the deans who control education, the dean can be a freethinker - within his faculty , at most, it’s terrible, yes, this is a voltarian, so what are you asking me, of course, or maybe maybe the people voted for putin because the very bureaucracy that you say works well, because excuse me, but they love this eternal phrase... they don’t give it, i’m just saying, it’s somehow real to me it’s a shame for the deputy ministers, i ’ve now seen a lot of guys on the front line, i ’ve seen how people are now traveling to provincial officials of all different levels, how they work , but the huntsman doesn’t like it, now these are exactly the figures for the deputy ministers of defense of the russian federation, how the deputy ministers work industry like the whole team of sergei kozhugetovich works, how the whole team of denis valentinovich works, i see how it works, i can continue. look at how shadayev’s team works there, how it doesn’t work, well, this is serious, we
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’re just taking it now, there’s all the bureaucracy there, the second, third level, there are a lot of young guys who came, who plow day and night, on whose shoulders victory lies in these two economic years of the most difficult war, if in the specific area in which you work, i agree, there is probably problems, i don’t know this area, i have nothing to do with it, but put yourself in order, arrange a small one for yourself. maybe i, so, i said, the social and humanitarian bush, i didn’t talk about the ministry of defense, i didn’t talk about just this small bush, it’s not so small, because the education system is a total system, one of the most universal systems in the country, well, in this total system, i can now immediately name you several brilliant university institutes that work and i can. yes please, mountainous, well , mountainous st. petersburg, the best technical school in the world, i
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’m talking about humanitarian education, humanitarian, okay, you take the humanities, please, i’ll take it for you, military humanitarian education, great, this is a personal merit, by the way, of the minister of defense, this is one military university located on the garden ring, but it is there, well, okay, you don’t like it, suppose it’s moscow state university, why don’t you like your almamatar?
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expression: leader of the diaspora, it sounds, tell me what kind of legal status this is, what what kind of legal entity is this? why should i or anyone else listen to him? is it in the law in the constitution, what law says that there is a leader of the diaspora? if this is the leader of a community, then
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questions also arise about what the community can do and what it cannot do. and i constantly hear complaints , i don’t know a single leader of the diaspora, in fact i don’t know the title, well, i haven’t seen anywhere that they gathered the leaders of the diaspora, if anyone tries to influence the decision of, say, the investigative committee, the prosecutor’s office, everything else needs to be planted, it all happens locally, well, locally, that means, well, well, it should be planted locally, what places, places are all the same, please, so far only one has been planted, there must be an absolute difference.
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well, excuse me, if there is a violation of the law, it is a violation of the law, but if we try to equate the fact of nationality with a violation of the law, what is that anyway? well, i lived at one time and we were forbidden to practice karate, so what helped? what law do people break by going in for sports? fine, are we going to ban jewish gatherings at the chess club? necessarily.
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every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. what is this training of fighters? of course, in your opinion, is it a sport, do they go out there, kiss, or what? well, if it's boxing, it's training fighters, it's judo, samba, the same the most, it’s possible, it’s possible, i
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’ll stay, but you can stay no matter what, i never called for this matter, i called for listening to the opinion of society, the people, a total of 150 million, let’s now take a vote, who is in favor of banning everything, let’s not do everything ban, and fight clubs, what... i’m not sure now the migration system needs to be changed in the feed, and i only named a couple of points that are the most striking, but what needs to be changed
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in the migration system? i listened to patriarch kiril, just name who to ban, who to expel, we will expel all the armenians, some small ones provocation, but wait a minute, what’s worthy , expel all the azerbaijanis, well, what’s worthy , the germans, the americans, who, the kyrgyz, the tajiks, the uzbeks, will we move on to ethnic coloring, or will we talk about something completely different, about what politics implies quality of people, passing the exam, knowledge of the russian language, compliance.
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russia is scary to say that i was born in tallinn, so i felt, i felt something so close, close, yes talin, mikhail mikhailovich had never been, the audience understood what i wanted to say, even if he said that, let them go organize pogroms, dachas, well, excuse me, should i leave or what, you don’t have a problem with the pogrom, while the pogrom is being organized, violence from these people is going on, what are they complaining about?
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