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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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it is clear that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are not comparatively original in your questions, what about production, raw materials in general and export , what is it, our product , i would like to ask, children, are you really chasing, really, that you are just a stupid pig, well, if you translate it into russian, it sounds like this: we stole a little money here, we put it in the bank. so now let's have some
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income, it’s like no one’s, i and i just can’t take it myself, so come on, you fools in this in the reichstag or whatever they call it now, and vote for it so that you are all tied up in theft, and not me one, well done, but we need all the german companies, but i want to say, remember?
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european countries as normal partners, including in the economy, they should be considered as terrorist states, put him on the list of terrorists, treat him as a terrorist, and issue a warrant for his arrest. turnover of assets of german state legal entities, corporate legal entities, and in general, individuals, i would also look, among the german individuals who have money here, there are decent people, but let’s look at it.
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let’s not say i’m against raising this money, but if it’s not private, if the interest on this money is no one’s, then let’s invest it in some of our government bonds, the interest, or rather the income from which will go towards restoration new regions, on construction of infrastructure production of ammunition, moreover.
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i remembered that alkhin simply could not help but steal capella, he was terribly ashamed, this is absolutely one on one, you just don’t even need to invent anything, well, such a blue thief just makes himself look like such a simpleton, let’s do it we’ll freeze the whole thing, but in reality this is a much more serious question, what scholz is talking about, of course, in the conditions of today’s world , including germany, when everything is possible...
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financial principles that have always been the basis of the existence of the german state, violation of them threatens not just some problems, mutual sanctions, the selection of some funds from german enterprises, it can destroy in a very short time, all these main, all these pillars on which the german state rested, here this is financial stability, this feeling that it is property, it is impossible... hitler's germany, when the germans can talk about it no less, when well, maybe he is not entirely correct, but they began to take away property from the jews, but there was
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such a period when they did not touch, then they decided this whole matter in their favor, we remember very well, i know this story very well, they took everything away, they took it away... germany was defeated, the victors came and the story of the restoration of germany began, this was especially true, it was the end of the eighties, even the beginning of the nineties, when israel had already begun to make claims, when suddenly they appeared. heirs of those from whom all this was taken away, germany had to settle the accounts of hitler's germany, that is, they had to take themselves responsibility for the fact that at one time, for those crimes that were committed at one time, financial crimes, were committed by the financial bosses of the nazi regime, that is
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, the so-called grundbücher - these are inventory books in which the right to own property is entered, the nazis crossed out from there .
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and he shows volodya something else, that germany is on the path to collapse, at least at the beginning of its government coalition, that is, those misunderstandings and those lack of mutual understanding that exists today between scholz and other branches of power, it is now so great that it has already become you know, when the wife is already screaming out the window there, the scoundrel has gone to his mistress, then in general this already means that further... there will be no life, but here the following happened, so our beloved maria gnes strack zimperman, she once again failed with the fact that she gathered 105 people for a meeting on her committee, discussing the taurus issue, and there , in fact, a total of 38 are included in this committee, well,
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who - from there i leaked some information from them began, a quarrel began between strack zimmermann, who is a member of the liberal party, and the social democrats. the social democrats made a complaint to her, they said, well, you are organizing some kind of bazaar there, they gathered with people there, so the whole shractsinovna began to shout, i won’t say in what words, this is important, spiegel publishes an article, the title, which ... sounds so: the social democrats told strack zimmerman that her words caused them a strong vomiting reaction, these are the words strong vomiting reaction, which were uttered by the same coalition partners, this is the border beyond which in germany the process of the collapse of the coalition usually begins, in this regard it will now of course move, there was also information that sarah wagenknek suddenly began to gain... she began to gain interest very sharply, there, let's say , in thuringia she suddenly took second place after
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the alternative game for germany, so scholl is now, you know, at such a bad point, he just needs to think very carefully about where to go next, where germany will go next, and well, a few words, i’ll just come back to where else he is most likely to turn his attention and with whom he will work is, in all likelihood, the vatican, what is happening now in the vatican has... a direct relationship to germany, and what is happening in germany has a direct relationship to the vatican , no matter what chancellor scholz says today and no matter how he spins and talks about his policy, the words that we need to talk with russia, that we need to talk with russia in terms of what will happen then after the end of the war or special military operation, they come first, here scholz, of course, will try to make full use of the position of the pope, who...
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and the leader of cinctello, the five star movement, giuseppe conte, addresses the current
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prime minister. 2 years later, we ask ourselves, and we ask you, what about the bet you made on a military victory over russia? you see, all the forecasts are for a military victory, for the collapse of the russian economy. they failed at the collapse of putin's regime. what have we achieved with this military strategy? death, destruction, went into debt to send more and more weapons to the bitter end for endless escalation. and you deserve as a prize a kiss on the head for your loyalty.
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the best conditions for ukraine. this is the only way you did not want to admit in our name to avoid the third world war. noble tradition and vocation negotiations about italians do not want a third world war. where are you taking us? well, supposedly this was miloni’s reaction, i’m not sure, i wasn’t present, i didn’t see it, well, that’s what it looks like.
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uh, considering your skill oratovsko, this it’s quite difficult to fight with you, but uh, there ’s a lot of truth there, i understand what he cares about, education, migrants, that ’s all.
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the son of pope alexander vi, a spaniard by birth, lived and worked in italy, which means that dad is a separate story there, alexandra, that’s a separate story, you can talk about him too, but why am i talking about cesare, cesare borgia, well, there is no such thing.
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that is, absolutely phenomenal, but this is some kind of majestic figure as a villain and scoundrel, but why am i saying this, to the question of worldview western political elite, but it was he who became the prototype for another of his contemporary, the writer and politician nicolas machiavelli, in his famous book, sovereign, it was cesar borghi who was, and machiavel, as it were, created this image as a kind of example of political action, that’s actually , this is an example of how a politician, like a sovereign, how
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a political one should act, and he drew it, how he called it subtle...
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that stock of knowledge that, as they say, has been accumulated by humanity, a given civilization, therefore in all these educational institutions ,
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education is purely classical and there are books like nikola makeveli. they study, they read, so the whole point is that we must understand that our enemy is cesara borge, that’s who our opponent is, that’s not scholz, not this biden, not that one, that’s cesarari, cesarari borge, he and there is our enemy, read how he is, what he did, this, by the way, is an endless war, the whole point of actions is endless. the war, it’s true, it ended badly, still, but beautifully, so this, but in a science fiction film, the last scene, in short speaking.
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stalin knew for sure. stalin's book, the sovereign , lay on the table with underlining. khrushchev didn’t know, but there was also, well, khrushchev
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is a human being in general, and brezhiev didn’t know, and i don’t even think vladimorovich andrpov knew, he was banned. for some time, in my opinion, if i remember correctly, this book was banned and returned, by the way, thanks to fyodor mikhailovich burlatsky, who wrote at one time, yes, he wrote, by the way,
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it’s clear that by the way, maybe scholz didn’t even read, scholz himself, these are the ones who rule the world and here is the second question, after all, we need, well , i hear this deep state all the time, the deep state, trump says: i keep thinking, a simple person, but i think, what kind of state is this, who is it, well, tell me, who is it, who these, well, the state, that means there are some people there,
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several people, in fact, among them there must certainly be someone the most important, well, of course, well, it doesn’t happen differently in life. why do i have such a question, uh, it’s such a secret, why no one even tries to talk about it, even approximately, i i think, well, it probably has some kind of fantastic power, then i think who has this power in our world, and this power is possessed by those people who... created a fantastic, perfect financial system, it is so good, it has so entangled the whole world that it is almost
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impossible to fight it. the only one who has challenged her is russia. fortunately, for russia it did not enter this system so deeply. and i must say, i did a lot to get out, but it didn’t come out completely yet, by the way, it didn’t completely came out, but it means. there are all these threads, there, and who needs global peace anyway? and finance needs global peace, if you don’t have global peace, you don’t have the opportunity to make this network perfect, and i don’t want to say that they are internal, internal, people always justify themselves, they always have their own justifications, these people , they are for sure, they are specific with surnames, with simple names.
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saying, well, yes, how many civilians will die, but for people who, like cesar borja, are moving towards their goal, let’s let's look at his biography, for him there were no obstacles at all, and machiaveli , in fact, is talking about this, if you go towards your goal, you can do anything, achieve it, achieve it, and you won, therefore. we need to understand that cesar borge is our main enemy, so we need to find a bunker with daggers in it, we need to find this bunker with daggers in it, we need to find a threat to place it there, that if something happens the daggers will fly here, here in california in the ros valley , advertising, russia traditional. modern,
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technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. we did not lose or give up, our struggle continues here and there, almost everything remains as it was that very night, here the announcers recorded the sound, journalists worked, now there is emptiness here, several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom of speech is -nato, there were few russians, but...
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought together with experts. we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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