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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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now machiaveli, the work of the sovereign , the work of the sovereign, how to deal with your advisers, how to behave with liars, how... the leadership of your chapters on
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war and military affairs, everything there, a lot there is of a practical nature, so nietzsche can be read from curiosity, here it is advisable for senior employees, starting from the shop manager and the company commander, to keep the work of the sovereign to themselves, read, be guided, well, probably like this , why, because there are many truths there, well, they have, well, an absolutely unkillable character, you you mean that if it can't.
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“who doubted, i’m happy, i’m also happy with the course of today’s discussion from the very beginning, and the audience will understand why, brief remarks: first, yesterday, standing in this place, dmitry gennadievich illuminated the fact that it has become even more difficult to publish an intelligent article in which “in magazines, increase your scopus, no, but you said this yesterday, i’m saying it.” it has become more difficult to get a bonus, but you can publish it, well, well, the humanities are only satisfied with what is published, but with a bonus, i understand that, you complained, i yesterday it didn’t seem like you scalped, you wanted to use a sledgehammer, this is the first, second regarding migration policy, remember how we still laugh at what is happening to migrants in europe, remember how we all laughed at merkel. who said: all
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migrants come to visit us, we are a democracy, and that we are following the path of the european union, in this sense we need to radically change everything, regarding borgio, what karen said, and you remember where putin started, in addition chechen company, its presidential activities, one of his first steps, then naturally there were several, from the fact that he began to give.
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the third entry of russian troops into paris , unfortunately, a grandiose international conference was not organized, but as you know well due to certain circumstances, the borodino panorama museum recently opened an exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the entry of russian troops into paris, visit this exhibition if you haven’t already were, now let’s continue advertising with a new lineup. loud scandals between loving people happen regularly, first he beat me, and then i beat him once and found out that i was better at it, in fact, i killed my husband , i killed her with a knife, even celebrities find themselves in the role of a victim, it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me with my head flying into this corner, the sweet life turned into wow, i open my eyes , i understand that i am lying on the floor of a red puddle, this drool is flying out of his mouth, he...
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there was no state of passion, he stabbed his already stunned husband with a knife, why are victims of family conflicts, as a rule, silent , they are jealous, which means they love, they beat, respectively, it means he loves. and how to fight back against a domestic tyrant without ending up behind bars? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. i just can’t understand the logic of the ukrainians, for example, 31 thousand died, why are they being called up?
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well, if everything is so good, then why are there continuous sobs, why is ukraine again today talking about how it has messed everything up, and america is bashfully silent and says: guys, stop lying, your stupidity makes even everyone feel awkward, but when some one speaks idiot from these vlasovites and says: no one went vote, in the kurdish and belarusian provinces he says: are you even a cretin there? it was phenomenal, because people specifically went to vote, like you won’t achieve it, or the phrase: we thwarted the russian offensive that putin planned for the inauguration, the inauguration in may, and we continue to push and push, today we liberated the thin railway
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station, macron says in a whisper , which seems like a khan, yeah, if they press you to the river, well, everything is like the movie nikita. one among strangers, a stranger among one’s own, so listening to ukrainians means oneself not to respect, and then who to listen to, the one who shouts that everything is wonderful or poroshenko, who from the podium says that everything was stolen, everything is bad, no, just understand who, mosyachuk, who says that everything is khan, horror, horror, or joyful speakers who come out and say that we have knocked everything down, only the speakers change one by one, because they can’t even... lie that much, well, yes, a security forum, a bunch of people came to say that there is no money, there are no attackers, we can’t help and there are victory criteria, wait, wait, if i
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i understand correctly, in theory they should have all been in crimea by now, of course, already in crimea they should have been drinking coffee there, dividing up russia. and what, something went wrong? it’s not enough, old man barel is already stating in plain text that he will die for donbass? in europe, no one is going to do this, literally, just never, so, well , of course, we hit hard, we hit the targets of the guru, as ukraine says, and the phrase that we didn’t hit anywhere somehow strongly contradicts. to a pig, which is heard from the other side, which means now again it will be necessary to catch obituaries , from which it will become clear where it arrived, how it arrived and which of the scum got it, we have something to please them, it is already known today that our orthodox cast iron continues to be produced
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in large quantities, so we have established the production of new powerful aerial bombs fab 3.000 , so the fabs look... good, healthy , by the way, i don’t want to offend anyone, but actually there are nomenklatura there until 9.00, well the question, of course, is where they are dropped, but let me remind you that the mother of all bombs is the usa , which were dropped on afghanistan, and the father of all we have bombs, here is the minister of defense of the russian federation, a hero of russia, an army general,
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we need to maintain at a sufficient level the supplied shells to the zone of a special military operation, but even with those commissioned facilities that have begun their work, we have here in fact almost 2 seconds position of increasing production volumes, i hope that upon completion we will reach the planned targets, which should be achieved in the twenty-fourth year, it should be noted that we were counting on this in the third quarter. started doing it actually upon completion first quarter and a huge amount of work
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has been done, in fact the enterprise has not just been reconstructed and modernized, it is actually a new enterprise in many components, and here i want to say words of gratitude to those who work three shifts, seven days a week, well, that’s the time, so . .. thank you for this. dmitry antulevich, also medvedev, at a meeting after visiting the gunpowder plant in tambov, said: today we are holding a meeting of our working group in tambov, at the site of the government of the tambov region, we will talk about investments in in particular, we just visited the tambov powder plant, got acquainted with how it works, obviously. at the enterprise here, as at other enterprises
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, gunpowder is produced that is extremely necessary in the conditions of a special military operation, well , here peraxelin in other places there are others for various artillery, rifle systems for other weapons, it is certainly important for us that those investment plans that we have , they pretended to be real, they have their own problems, the most important problem in my opinion, is that we need to work faster, the prospects that exist and the needs that we have today require the most coordinated and fast work, so we work, we produce, and we do it ourselves, we don’t count on anyone’s help, by the way , europe has problems with gunpowder, and the americans are so far only doing well with the promise, but with everything else it’s somehow not so good.
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we produce, we just produce, a lot of things, and some are counting on the french contingent to appear, british, polish, very well said deputy chairman of the state duma pyotr tolstoy in an interview with the french television channel bmf tv, after which the sales of diapers for adults and toilet paper in france sharply increased.
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whoever dares to come to our land will try to kill us, we will kill you all, and those who manage to surrender, let them remember the fate of the french in the twelfth year, the story is known how one lived in the corpse of a horse after the battle of oborodino for quite a long time, so you won’t have such a chance, we’ll kill you, we’ll kill you, and the former director understands this well audio. good evening, mr. president of the republic, after your statements about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, you received a decisive, energetic refusal from almost all european offices, the united states and senior nato officials. but this insatiable need
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to speak, as we just saw in marseille, exposes us to misinformation. silence, discretion. secrecy, so shut up, go for a run, listen to music, swim, but stop saying crazy things and making serious the entire population of france is in danger , but what to do, well, what to do, well
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, you choose, if you think it’s easier for you... to die on the lands of nalosia, well, your choice, but you’d better go ahead of macron with a drum, with a flag , well, first him, then everyone else , so that he answers, he can tear adam’s apple, no, this is gordon, macron can box, the only problem with the photo where macron is boxing, what did people say, why did they photoshop someone else’s hands, where did macron’s matches go , why did they put someone's men's hands.
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a ukrainian report in which it is written: if you heard an explosion and were still alive , you left the first page, where it means run, run, run, you will rest in the next life, this is how they give instructions to ukrainians, you understand, yes, that is, in next life you will rest , what do you need now, yes, run, you have to run, shoot , that’s all, that’s your whole task, here in the open, they say, calmly, but... but we ’re french, they won’t understand you, you have to say let's run and let's shoot, then i won't understand, but you know, pay attention to one statement from salleva, but today...
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which they must sign, it ’s about this institution of strong democracy sallyvan is talking about the institution of the presidency, which since may 20 turns into a pumpkin, yes, well , that is, it turns out that yes, in this way they are going to build democracy, by the way, about democracy and strong institutions, institutions of power, i want to remind you today of a very interesting landmark anniversary, the tenth anniversary of the signing of the ukraine eu association agreement, 10 years ago, on this day it was signed, you remember and are celebrating right now.
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in the donbass, long before the start of the northern military district , they used footage from 1915, filmed by our donetsk journalists, where a child’s jacket is hanging on... which means a tree is a strong shot, indeed, it was shown, just look in mariupol, what a shot was taken in a city besieged by russian troops, and these are children , which poroshenko, that was the name of the film,
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made then toys for poroshenko, but that’s what poroshenko shot these donetsk children, you understand, this is how much of a bastard you have to be in order to win an oscar present and award an oscar to a film that plagiarized footage shot by someone else.
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regarding the personnel, i can’t help but say , in fact, this character, his name, if i’m not mistaken, is mstislav chernov, i think these are his personnel, i’ll explain why, he was with us in the dpr, lpr in the fourteenth year, he told us how to to kill the nazis, that he needed to get to lvov, he took photographs, filmed everywhere, then miraculously met in the far abroad with... with representatives of democratic organizations, his financial situation was dire improved and he became a ukrainian nationalist, so, well, about these shots, let’s find out if it’s possible to show it as if it was filmed from mariupol, no, this is definitely, this is definitely falsification, this is a scoundrel, this just confirms once again that political ukrainianness is such a thing an infection in which there is no conscience, no principles, well, well, he believes that there should be no ukraine, therefore,
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according to the definition of political. french information dumps and was issued to france in a completely different way than what what we voiced, whether it was about the nuclear power plant or other facilities. now regarding the actual situation at the front. thank god, initiative, i’m talking about zaporozhye, first of all, and in general about the entire front, but about zaporozhye specifically, the initiative is in the hands of our guys, clearly, step by step, carefully, the enemy is being crushed, moreover, this is being done slowly for in order to save the lives of russian soldiers, this is a very important point, we
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all hear work in which... does not represent any strategic significance, but in the pr war waged by the zelensky regime, naturally tseparamog, it ’s like achieving the immediate period of events of this counter-offensive, where our guys are still improving the situation in the temporary direction directly, where our guys have achieved heights, yes absolutely true, but next to rabotino, because there is no rabotino, there is also a height there, also on the outskirts in the center, well... thank god they work, they work well, you were right about the blows, well, territory controlled by the zelensky regime , notice how carefully and politely the missiles flew into the warehouse of the marketplace rozetka, yes, this is the largest online store, it’s immediately hysterical, despite the fact that the rozetka and the new post office, well, the new post office, yes, these are two main operators transportation of military cargo in the territories controlled by the zelensky regime,
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moreover, they themselves. boasted even in the western press in the media they showed it all, now it turns out to be a classic ukrainian one, thanks to the german talkers with officers epaulettes that told us how the missiles are transported in which transport, now it’s easier for us to track and destroy them.
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they fired heavily, it was scary , i say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran, they are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia , we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we were arriving, our car just burned down, they are giving out compensation, we have already received 18,000.


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