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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian armed forces carried out preemptive strikes against enemy drgs near the belgorod region. the ministry of defense on thursday shared footage of the work of aviation and artillery of the western group. troops,
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they show how fire is applied exactly to the trenches of the militants, the enemy is defeated, buildings are destroyed, in which equipment was apparently hidden. the militants who were involved in the shelling of belgorod were destroyed, this was reported by the military correspondent of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company evgeniy podubny, in the video from his telegram channel, the burned hail, the same one that hit the belgorod region. after our fighters discovered him, the target was struck with a lancet, an accurate hit. and the combat vehicle instantly bursts into flames, then its ammunition detonates. and in the belgorod region , a russian was detained who was preparing terrorist attacks against the russian military on instructions from the banned rdk. fsb officers found an explosive device on him and planned to detonate it remotely. in belgorod itself today there are five wounded. the following is a report from the scene of the event by alexander rebunov.
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air raid signal cannonade again destruction in residential areas of belgorod air defenses responded to a volley of ukrainian vampires, but there are consequences on the ground; more than thirty residential premises were damaged in six apartment buildings. one battered ukrainian shell detonated on the technical floor of a belgorod high-rise building in a residential area. explosive experts have already examined this area, all dangerous elements have been removed, and now builders here are starting to eliminate the consequences of the shelling. armored. the belgorod arena sports complex mostly withstood the blast wave, but holes from metal fragments disfigured the front façade, at the time of the explosion only the guards of the sports facility were inside, they managed to take cover behind the columns in time, our siren went off, all the evacuation downstairs began such popping sounds, not very strong, but then it got stronger and stronger, then in general there is such a strong explosion here. lighting, air conditioner to be
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replaced. the belgrade arena was opened just a couple of years ago, it was built using funds provided for by the national project, at a cost of 4 billion rubles. my office, the secretary's offices, they're not there, that's it. it was broken, but the damage to the glass was about 20 percent, this is one of the most expensive pleasures, well, the equipment, the equipment is very expensive, rocket debris fell on the roadway, there was traffic. temporarily closed. the explosion damaged a power line. 5.00 belgorod residents were left without electricity. an on-site team of repairmen was able to quickly restore the power supply. about ten cars were hit by shrapnel. here the house swayed so unchildishly that the sheet began to move with the peripois. five residents were wounded as a result of the morning shelling regional center. they were taken to the hospital with shrapnel wounds. operational teams continue to work at the arrival sites. services,
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a special commission has already begun recording the damage caused, some of the enemy missiles were shot down over a cottage community in the suburbs of belgorod. the crater from the detonation of high-explosive fragmentation ammunition has already been filled up. the blast wave distorted the fence, left marks on the brickwork, and this is what the wall of the house looks like now. the deadly fragments went towards the playground. fragments of ukrainian ammunition fell on training establishments, but from today early holidays began in the region. they're shooting and they'll hurt you there. a neighbor feeds the piglets, the piglets remained, meanwhile, food packages began to be distributed to residents of sixteen border villages and hamlets of the grayvoronsky district who temporarily left their homes. canned food, sugar, cereals, and vegetable oil are given to those who decide not to move to temporary accommodation centers. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, alexandra berezkina and mikhail shum. news belgorod region. every day the ukrainian armed forces lose hundreds of their military personnel all areas of special operations. only in donetsk per day. reported, as well as two
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tanks, three armored fighting vehicles and seven vehicles. russian troops inflicted defeats with the formation of the ukrainian armed forces in the belogorovka area, where ours were at work. mikhail andronik observes under the cover of two house cars, which can create such a dense curtain, for almost 4 hours in a row, our troops are moving to the starting line, from where the attack aircraft will attack belogorovka, but as you know, there is no smoke without fire, and this is in the troops fully confirm radiation chemical and biological protection, crews of heavy flamethrower systems are working as part of the southern group of troops. we carry out tasks every day, sometimes several times a day, we support the offensive of our offensive groups, assault troops; in just a week and a half we have already fired more than a hundred shells. the enemy turned belogorovka into one large
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fortified area with a large number of underground communications, but for shells that use the sun, this is not an obstacle; the burning aerosol, when detonated, penetrates any shelter. this. well, it’s indescribably cool, i understand that it’s as if the enemy will be warm now, after shooting the car goes into the capanium , it is carefully camouflaged, and the crew goes to a cozy dugout, i caught a rat, i was wounded, i got an eye, but i managed, the atmosphere here is almost homely, we arranged everything ourselves , we got a cat, we cook on the stove, today for lunch we have fried potatoes in lard, it’s not difficult, i cut the potatoes, cut them, and fried them. the crew is always in combat readiness, the task can arrive at any moment, then within just a few minutes, the deadly sun is sent to the firing position. mikhail andronik, anton musyakyan, lugansk people's republic. the central election commission approved the results
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of the past elections. vladimir putin received more than 87% of the vote, officially won and was re-elected as head of state. after the results were announced, the president. addressed the russians and thanked everyone who came to the polling stations, regardless of who they voted for. thank you for your support, this is more important to me than a formal victory in the elections is support for the political and economic course of our country, our overall results, which, of course, should be greater, but are already making russia even stronger and more independent today. a few words about the work of election commissions at all levels. as always, you acted clearly, competently, on the principles of transparency and in strict accordance with the law, in our historical territories,
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members of election commissions were an example for voters, showing courage and courage. dear friends, thank you all for confidence. i will do everything that depends on me to justify it, i understand that such a level of trust increases responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, and requires even greater dedication and effectiveness from me personally and from our entire team. the inauguration of the head of state, according to the law, will take place on may 7, vladimir putin will serve as president until 2030. and also official. figures from the central election commission. 87.5 million voters took part in the last vote, both in russia and abroad. record turnout. for vladimir putin more than 76 million russians cast their vote. the results of the past campaign from egor grigoriev.
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final results. the final figures for the presidential election campaign are in this red folder. and in just a few minutes , representatives of the central election commission will sign the protocol. documentation. of all 89 subjects of foreign sections , the turnout was almost 77.5%. this is more than 87 million votes. vladimir vladimirovich putin was elected president of the russian federation. a victory that has never happened in russian history. 87.28% votes voters for vladimir putin. in second place. including abroad, but also remote voting and not only at polling stations, including electronic voting, full control over
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transparency, video recording of the process at polling stations, the work of observers, including foreign and third, constant feedback from candidates, there are no significant complaints from them it was like... clearly expresses an anti-russian position. didos attacks on the deck portal, attempts to hack
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cctv cameras at sites. in the desire to discredit elections and candidates the provocateurs used the most sophisticated methods. vladimir putin's headquarters encountered dirty fraud, and they tried to paralyze the activities of his election fund. it was carried out with unprecedented pressure on a special election account, they spam one kopeck at a time. it was difficult, it was hard, on one day before closing we had 600 payments of one kopeck, in accordance with the law we must issue a separate payment order for each payment order for return, so the work a lot was done, we were under quite a lot of tension, ukraine terrorized both voters and election commission workers on election days, attempted raids by the drg, shelling of the armed forces of ukraine in our border region, zaporozhye and kherson regions.
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egypt congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election as head of state; in a telephone conversation, the leader of the arab country noted vladimir putin’s great personal contribution to strengthening friendly relations. between moscow and cairo. the heads of state also considered current issues of international agenda, including the situation around ukraine in the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict. at defense industry plants in the nizhny novgorod region, fap-300 is now being mass-produced. the explosion of such a bomb completely destroys all structures within a radius of 35 m. not a single ukrainian opornik can resist. the minister of defense was informed about production today. according to. sergei shaigu, the production of components for artillery ammunition has been increased almost 22 times.
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anastasia efimova will tell you more about how the state defense order is being implemented. 45,000 m2 reconstructed, modernized and put into operation build, and this is for the last two years. and therefore , the production volume of modern artillery aviation weapons has increased fivefold. about this to the minister of defense. reported at one of the enterprises in the nizhny novgorod region, where sergei shaigu came to check how the state defense order was being fulfilled. thirty-millimeter fragmentation kugas ammunition 3 million according to the year of the case. artillery and tank shells of various calibers, as well as aviation weapons , as reported to sergei shaig, the production of fap-500 has been increased many times, fap 1,500 doubled, fap 3,000 from february. are produced en masse, this is essentially the weight of an aerial bomb, that is, 500, 100 under 500 or
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300 kg, and indeed a 500 kg bomb can withstand, few shelters can withstand the precise strike of such a bomb, a one and a half ton or three ton aerial bomb leaves no chance for almost anyone type of fortifications, field fortifications, and you know gamechanger, that is , a thing that changes the rules of the game, here is a fab for the current conflict - this is classic... in parallel with increasing volumes production is expanding the range of ammunition produced, around the clock in three shifts, working seven days a week and holidays, the girls work a lot.
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the production of components for artillery ammunition increased 22 times, a figure that the minister of defense announced at a working meeting, as sergei shaigu recalled, enterprises were tasked with expanding capacity. then for the restoration of components for this ammunition, the volume has increased almost 22 times, which means that the tasks that we set have been completed, new ones have been built the workshops, the workshops have started
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working, they are working at full capacity, especially since 75% of the components are being restored, which allows... us to maintain at a sufficient level the supplied shells to the zone of special military operation, but also at those commissioned facilities that have begun their work, we actually have here an almost 2 and a half times increase in production volumes, i hope that upon completion we will reach the planned indicators that should be achieved in the twenty-fourth year, while sergei shaigu emphasized these same planned indicators were expected in the third. quarter , we reached them at the end of the first one, seriously ahead of schedule, this was done not least thanks to the dedicated work of the employees of each of the enterprises, everyone who works in three shifts without days off, the minister of defense thanked, adding such time, anastasia efimova, anna pogonina, lead. ukraine is forced to make the difficult
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decision to withdraw troops from several areas due to a lack of assistance from the united states. this was stated by pentagon spokeswoman sabrina sinks. about white house national security council coordinator john kirvey previously said that the ukrainian armed forces were retreating due to a lack of ammunition. the contact group on ukraine, which was convened by the us secretary of defense, once again stated that washington would not allow kiev to be defeated, but was unable to influence congress, which will once again vote on the allocation of assistance only in mid-april. and so far i am inclined to give money to ukraine exclusively in the form of a loan. sending french or any foreign troops to ukraine could lead to irreparable consequences. this is how the press secretary of the russian president , dmitry peskov, commented on the new round of discussion launched on the initiative of emmanuel macron. according to the politician, the french president is trying to convince european leaders that without increasing the number of troops, ukraine
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will fall, and the financial times writes that macron is convincing the european union to radically increase defense spending. with details elizaveta khramtsova. macron's attempts to flex his muscles , literally and figuratively, did not give his image the expected effect. photo from gym, quite possibly edited, have already been dubbed an imitation of the image of vladimir putin. the discussion about helping kiev with troops is at best irritating. ukrainians must fight for ukraine, they insist in paris. today zelensky is not asking for western troops on ukrainian territory. ukraine today has not mobilized all its citizens, and this is proof that it does not need ours. but who needs help, says the former head of the republic’s military intelligence, is the french army itself, there are not enough gunships, tanks and
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ammunition, new aircraft and frigates will not be superfluous, but this requires additional funding, about where to get the money yourself. europe's large-scale rearmament since the cold war, macron plans to speak at the eec summit in brussels. according to the financial times, the french president will promote the idea of ​​issuing joint defense bonds. and the ultimate goal, the publication cites diplomatic sources, is to cope with a resurgent russia, which paris considers an existential threat. and society is increasingly tired of macron looking at france, as a business project, by heading which he can earn himself the glory of success, what would that be? only
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people who, like macron, are not used to being responsible for their words, are ready to talk in detail about where french troops might be sent. the statement of the ukrainian nordep goncharenko that the europeans can strengthen the border between belarus and belarus was confirmed, but it still caused a certain discussion in the kremlin, calling for any information to be treated responsibly. so far, as far as i understand, nothing. exact on this account is not, in any case, we have repeatedly said that sending some foreign military contingents to ukraine is fraught with very negative, even irreparable consequences. french television has always loved to talk about irreparable consequences, including the nuclear threat, and now i was simply forced to dissect tolstoy’s quotes. the deputy speaker of the state duma called the thing on bfm in excellent french. in their own names, said that the french, with their plans to send soldiers to odessa, were provoking the third world war, but ukraine will never return to the borders in which it was before the start of the special military
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operation, even if thousands of foreigners rush to help it, and pyotr tolstoy directly said things that still do not seem obvious to the hotheads in paris. today there are 13.00 mercenaries present in ukraine, of which 367 are french citizens, of which 147 have already been killed. that is, 147 french citizens were killed, and we will kill everyone, don’t worry, russia can feel confident not only in comparison with france, but with everything the european union, writes wol street journal , citing the international institute for strategic studies, the publication writes: the community will need at least 20 years to create european forces capable of resisting russia without american participation. europe , in this case, faces the choice of building up defense or fulfilling social obligations. elzeta khramtsova and evgenia zemtsova. news.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views
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changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on march 22, 1829, a new young country, greece, which a few years earlier had declared its independence from the ottoman empire, acquired its clear borders. on that day, the london protocol of russia, england and france was signed on the autonomy and borders of greece. played a decisive role in the creation of the greek state. it was russia that won the russian-turkish war. in the list of conditions of the treaty of andrianopol, signed following its results, russia, among other things, it also stipulated the autonomy
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of greece, for which the greeks had fought for centuries. the greeks became the first of the peoples conquered by the ottoman empire to gain independence. this is where the history of modern greece began. the new state was headed by count ioan kapadistria, a diplomat of greek origin in the russian service, who was at one time even. russian minister of foreign affairs, however, he was the president of greece for only 2 years; as a result of a conspiracy, kapadistria was killed in the city of napflion first capital of independent greece. monuments to the first president stand not only in greece itself, but also in st. petersburg and even in swiss lasagne. on march 22, 1943, topographers of the turkestan military district, during an aerial survey, discovered a new peak on the kokshaal tau ridge in the central tien shan. today known as victory peak. the history of the development of this peak is not simple. back in 1938 , a group of soviet climbers visited here. they
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were able to climb this peak, but determined its height at 6,930 m, calling it the peak of the twentieth anniversary of the komsomol. now it turned out that the peak is half a kilometer higher than 7.439 m. researchers called it the peak of military topographers. and finally, after the victory over fascism, it was renamed the peak of victory. it became the second highest peak in the soviet union, after peak communism. in tajikistan. the newly discovered seven-thousander immediately aroused great interest among climbers, among the highest peaks of the world. peak pobeda occupies the sixtieth place and today is located on the territory of kyrgyzstan. on march 22, 1951, by decree of the ussr council of ministers at the base a central television studio was created at the moscow television center on shablovka. this is the country's first programmatic and creative
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television organization. she prepared and broadcast her own programs, ordered the filming of television films and television plays. at first , one channel broadcast daily from this studio to moscow and leningrad. after 5 years there were two of them and soviet television could already be called multi-channel, and after 10, all-union. in 1956, the “last news” program appeared, soon renamed news. in the sixty-fourth center on shablovka received a television broadcast via satellite for the first time. the olympics were broadcast from tokyo. programs began to emerge from the central studio that became the flagships of soviet and even russian television, the travelers club, kinopanar, blue light and even kvn. television developed, there was not enough space on the block, and in 1967 the country had a new main television center, astankino. today the complex on shablovka belongs to the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, where a division of the kultura tv channel is based. march 22
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, 1990 in leningrad on the initiative academician natalya bekhtereva created the brain center of the ussr academy of sciences. today it is a human brain institute that bears her name. the first positron mission tomography center in russia appeared here. this is nuclear diagnostics that allows you to evaluate metabolic processes in organs and tissues. here they study the physiological mechanisms of higher mental functions of a person: thinking, speech, attention, creativity and develop new diagnostic methods for treating the brain. natalya bekhtereva noted that when studying the brain of a healthy person, by understanding how it functions, we can find new methods of treating the patient’s brain. the institute has eight laboratories. today , the institute of the human brain ras is the only organization in our country that can conduct multimodal psychophysiological studies of non-experimental animals and healthy people, mainly using modern methods. this is
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how this day in history was, we did not lose or give up, our struggle continues here and there, almost everything.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project staff free. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop russia.


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