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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. massive attack on infrastructure, kharkov is without power , interruptions in water supply, a similar situation in many other cities, with an accurate strike on the nationalists’ equipment, our msta e howitzer reaches the enemy deep in the rear. for now
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they refrain from stealing. the european union itself did not approve the decision to seize income from frozen russian assets. i work day and night. rescuers in the amur region are making a way to miners stuck in a mine. two installations are currently drilling wells. an honest , poignant story. call sign passenger became the best new product in domestic film distribution at the start. friendly atmosphere, devastating score. how did the friendly match between the russian national teams go? and serbia. ukrainian kharkov was almost completely left without electricity. there were interruptions in water supply, internet access and mobile communications. this was the result of powerful explosions at critical infrastructure facilities. local authorities say at least 15 cases of detonation. reports of strikes are also coming from other cities in the country.
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dnepropetrovsk is also partially without power. explosions occurred in another city in the region, in krivoy rog. a critical infrastructure facility there was damaged. in kiev-controlled zaporozhye, the roar of detonation was heard twice in recent hours. similar data comes from the vinnytsia region. in khmelnytskyi they report damage to an infrastructure facility. two series of explosions were heard in the region. several settlements were cut off from power. khmelnitsky, shepetivka, krasilov and starokonstantinov, where the military airfield is located. another city where the light was partially lost is krapivnitsky in the kirovograd region. the strikes were recorded in kiev. there are no details about the consequences yet. the situation is similar in sumy; an air raid alert is now in effect throughout ukraine. the russian military has destroyed an important facility in the isu. the combat crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer delivered an accurate blow to the equipment that the enemy had hidden deep in the rear. the artillerymen were helped by scouts, they adjusted the fire from
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air. through drone cameras, our war correspondent, eduard punigov , will tell you how it happened. we walk through the forest belt to the forward positions of the artillerymen of the vostok group. any vehicle can be detected by a reconnaissance drone; the front line is very close. the msta self-propelled howitzer leaves for the next combat mission; the crew has received a new target, a hangar with equipment hidden deep behind enemy lines. the first salvo is a sighting salvo, after which there is a quick reload. the drone operator adjusts the target coordinates. after a couple minutes a second shot. aerial reconnaissance confirmed that the shell hit the target. the mechanic turns the car around at maximum speed and drives back to the shelter. in this mode, artillery works around the clock. we carry out the following fire missions - this is the defeat of enemy personnel. fire weapons, strongholds. we also work
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on... technology, the enemy is active, but not as much as before, he rarely snaps, the machine is reliable, indeed, there are moments, of course, but we eliminate everything on the spot and return to battle. howitzers keep the enemy at constant tension, preventing the transfer of units, destroying the most important defense units. these protective nets were installed on each gun; soldiers also call them barbecues; it certainly doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, but in fact it is a very useful thing, since these barbecues protect the crew from drones. this installation came under return fire many times, but not a single kamikaze drone was able to disable it. the drone was flying right in the center of the car, we caught it with small arms, and it partially damaged the grille, but there was no significant damage, then there is a car in service, yes, in service. msta howitzers can fire at a distance of about 30 km. crews usually operate from closed firing positions, but if necessary, they can fire directly. as a rule,
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high-explosive shells are used. which can strike, including concrete protective structures. the enemy has significantly mastered the possibility of carrying out a contour-battery fight; theirs has therefore decreased, and thus more. motorcycle units began performing artillery tasks more effectively. they're at the front now fierce battles. artillery plays a vital role here. long-range howitzers help infantry to open powerful fortified areas in the ssu. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin. news: south donetsk direction. in the belgorod direction, the russian military shot down drones and missiles of the ukrainian armed forces, and crews of torm2 anti-aircraft systems cleared the sky.
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the equipment allows. it was our experience that they destroyed and then hid, because they walk in pairs, so you need to quickly change position, tactically raket. we were shot down, we have a count of six of them pieces, they worked on the rszzo, i no longer count them, such as alha, vampire, and there were also a lot of hail. the summit of eu leaders did not approve the decision to seize proceeds from frozen russian assets, as bloomberg reports, most eu members expressed skepticism about it. this proposal, and representatives of western banks are lobbying for a complete abandonment of the idea of ​​confiscating money. alika komarova will tell you what else is known about the results of the first day of the summit. zelensky demands ammunition and russian billions. such
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the german press is making headlines today. journalists note that the head of the kiev regime talks to western politicians as if they were his pawns. however, he still doesn’t get what he wants in response. instead of specifics, there are only vague formulations about membership in the euro. i am glad to have such tremendous support in the matter of using profits from confiscated russian assets. this step will ensure new supplies of military equipment for ukraine. as far as i know, we now
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expect to collect about 3 billion euros in 2024, similar amounts in subsequent years. however, in the end, the eu summit did not make the scandalous decision to seize income from russian assets. the document was sent for revision, but kiev will receive a new loan from the international monetary fund of $880 million. the head of the imf noted that despite the huge economic costs of ukraine, kiev’s competent policy - quote, helped maintain economic stability for the country. however, even washington does not agree with this. democratic congressional minority leader said: ukraine is dying without american funding. the only viable one. option at the moment is approval of the bill proposed by the us senate, either speaker mike johnson will tomorrow put the bipartisan bill proposed by the senate to a vote, or after the recess in april, congressmen
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will have to consider all available options, but by this time the situation in ukraine will change radically, and the whole the progress we have made together will be lost. at the same time in the pentagon they are officially talking about the retreat of the ukrainian armed forces. the american department of defense called this a strategic decision to withdraw from certain territories, while the head of the department openly stated: kiev is rapidly losing ground while the russian army has actually made a breakthrough. alika komarova, lead. the united states threatened kiev with a refusal of support in the event of negotiations with russia, said american journalist seymour hersh. he wrote about this on his blog. according to the publicist, a dialogue on resolving the russian-ukrainian conflict could begin months ago. but washington gave the zelensky regime an ultimatum. if ukraine sits down at the negotiating table, the american government will stop allocating money for non-military needs. at the same time, writes hersh. western leaders understand that ukraine has little chance of success in this
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conflict. norway complains of damage from nato exercises; damage is estimated at $750,000. according to the norwegian armed forces journal, the agency received more than 100 complaints from residents of the country. people talk about broken cars, fences and even buildings on private land. the excrement of nato soldiers was also found there, and there was a lot of garbage left in the snow. in addition, the exercises affected a significant part. deer pastures. the norwegian army promised to compensate for the damage caused. at least 11 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes in the southern gaza strip. this was reported by al-jazeera tv channel. eight people are killed after an elderly house in rafahi was hit. three more during the bombing of a neighborhood in khanyunis. doctors set up a field hospital to urgently provide assistance to the wounded. meanwhile , the international community is talking about
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the need for a ceasefire. hello, what is known at this moment? yes
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, roman, good morning, day four, how is it going - the rescue operation after the emergency at pioneer, more than 80 hours without a break, rescuers are doing everything possible to rescue 13 miners from stone captivity, specialists are working in two directions, one of them is preparation exploration wells, the first is already half drilled, this is 133 m out of 262 required, the second is about 10 m out of 200 also specialists have begun installing another machine, the installation will speed up the work and go to different points of the mine to determine the state of the mine workings and places where people may be located, also a high -performance pump is on the way from novokuznetsk, this is 750 km/h with a head of 350 m, this is also ongoing during the night, specialists removed 214 cubic meters of soil during the mine itself. for this purpose, the walls are detonated in those
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places where water flows out, this is necessary so that the rescuers who work there and the equipment that works there are trapped, if this cattle collapses behind them again, during the night today a specialized design institute calculated the thickness of the walls and the corresponding reinforcement that must be carried out to guarantee the safety of work, yes, in general the situation remains complicated, more than 200 people are doing everything possible to detect the rescue of thirteen mountain workers, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian ministry of emergency situations from the amur region, khabarovsk and primorsky territories of yakutia, as well as professionals from kusbas. we are planning to start pouring the first lintel this evening. also, further control of the flow of water and rock mass takes place, and now the underground mining quarry is also cleared. the masses to
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promote the claim to the people who stood for it. meanwhile , relatives of the miners who are under the rubble of the pioneer mine continue to arrive in the veseya district. now there are five such families in the district center, psychologists are working with them, a round-the-clock duty of doctors has been organized, and a decision has also been made on daily operational informing these people about the current situation during search and rescue operations. that 's all for me, roman, you have the floor. thank you, our correspondent alexey cherbakov reported on the rescue operation at a collapsed mine in the amur region. in the center of saratov that night, a large fire was extinguished in a five-story residential building, the fire broke out on the roof, the building burned for 800 km, the residents were evacuated , three people were reportedly injured, one of them received severe carbon monoxide poisoning, he was sent to the hospital. it took firefighters more than two hours to put out the flames. the causes of the fire now. find out.
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economic news. konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. the central bank will decide on the key rate today. what are the forecasts? raman, hello, no one is expecting a rate increase, but a decrease is also unlikely. so, the bank of russia will make a decision on the key rate today. market participants agree that the regulator will keep it at 16% for the second time in a row. experts see no prerequisites for further developments. tightening monetary policy. inflation according to the central bank's methodology slowed down, and the population's inflation expectations decreased. on the other hand, consumer price dynamics are 3.5% ahead. the bank of russia's goal, so the chances of a rate cut are essentially zero, analysts say. is it possible that the regulator will pause any actions in the near future? from the upcoming meeting of the bank of russia, we expect that bank russia will leave the key rate at the current
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level of 16%. the reason for this is inflation, in our country it is still not decreasing, it is in our country seemed to have stopped in march at a level of about 77% per annum. we also see that there is a decline in inflation expectations, but to say that now we have signs that inflation is steadily going down is still premature, so for now the regulator does not have such compelling reasons to return to the rate cut . now about international affairs, the main topic of the second day of the eu summit, it is just today, russian, belarusian and ukrainian grain. the european commission has conceived a brilliant, or there is no other way to put it, combination. step one. enter protective duties on grain from russia and belarus in the amount of 95 euros per ton. step two: create an artificial deficit in the internal markets of the eu. and step three: the authorities of european states will have to independently suppress the protests of their farmers and meekly buy ukrainian grain. the problem is that in
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riot-ridden eu countries, this is causing concern, to put it mildly, including in belgium. first of all, we need to make sure that the russian economy cannot destabilize ours, but another priority is to ensure that those who need the grain still have access to it, this will be a very difficult balancing act. and about the fragile balance, western countries are still purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars of russian titanium, lamented the washington post, the mouthpiece of the us democratic party. according to the newspaper, the volume of exports of this metal from russia in the twenty-second year amounted to 307 million dollars, and, despite all the pressure, the figure last year decreased slightly by 25 million to 345. titanium is indispensable in the aircraft industry. russia supplies approximately a third of the world's volume of high-quality metal, so even large western businesses did not hesitate to make bold
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, rational statements. for example, the head of airbas, back in the summer of 22, said that sanctions against russia in this area would become sanctions against themselves. and at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is 91.94, the euro costs 100 rubles. 36 kopecks and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue. the russian guards worked on eliminating militants in training sessions that were as close as possible to the real situation. to begin with, they were deprived of the opportunity to escape, and then they stormed the building. drone operators played a huge role at all stages of the training. stanislav vasilchenko
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will tell you how to do it. only four are close to the real criminals, but even in such an operation more than ten drones of different types and purposes are involved, at least two are conducting surveillance from the external sides of the building, while the operators see through a thermal imager where the enemy is and inform the assault group, guys, when they are working , they don't see what they have behind them, what they have above them, we observe it all, report everything, control it, eliminate the target without risking the health of personnel, the task is for kamikaze drones, this is exactly how the criminals’ car was destroyed. these drones carry explosives. while one group is distracting the enemy's attention , a second group enters the building from the other side. this trio is also accompanied by a copter. a small and maneuverable fpv drone is the eyes of attack aircraft. his task is to detect the enemy who has ambushed him.
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fighters. drones help us preserve the lives and health of our employees. that is, where before we used other various technical means and took greater risks with the health and lives of our employees, here we can use technical means such as fpv drones, observation drones and minimize the risks of using our units and our employees. such exercises are carried out regularly by the special forces of the main directorate of the russian guard of moscow and the moscow region, the main emphasis today is on the drone. at the operator training center and uav technicians, training begins with simulators, and deputy pilots study for several hours a day on special computers; they will be allowed to take a real flight only after an exam. our people fly for at least 5 hours every day, 70 hours is the minimum flight time, like the first, so
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to speak, admission to the exam. today, drones are actively used in many departments and special forces, law enforcement agencies use copters for reconnaissance, pursuit and elimination of enemy targets, the ministry of emergency situations - to search for missing people, and doctors drones can help deliver medicine to hard-to-reach places. uavs that were originally created. as a toy for lovers of beautiful photos and videos, they can save lives; their scope of application is expanding every day. stanislav vasilchenko, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov, news! now footage from belgorod is on your screens, the consequences of new shelling of a peaceful city by the ukrainian armed forces, when rocket fragments fell, several cars caught fire in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings, now you can see these footage, local residents even tried some time. look , they put out the fire on their own with the help of fire extinguishers, nothing worked, but an ambulance and a fire brigade quickly arrived,
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the firefighters are now approaching the place, the information of the victims is being clarified, but in addition, in the capital of the region and the belgorod region, a missile danger regime was introduced in the morning, the ministry of defense reported that eight missiles of the nato vampire system were shot down in the sky above the region, now the missile threat has already been canceled, sports news, and reported in which part of the opening ceremony athletes from russia will be able to participate in the games. armande, the french sports minister, said that athletes from russia who will take part in the olympic games in paris will be able to join the rest of the athletes at the opening ceremony of the competition after the completion of the team parade on the seine river. the friendly atmosphere among the fans is a real show on the field. in moscow, at the dynamo stadium, a friendly match took place between the national teams of russia and serbia. all tickets for the game were sold out, and more people gathered in the stands. another scoreboard of russian fans i was pleased with how it all happened, says danilo makhalin. for the first time in 2 and
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a half years, the russian national team will play a match with an opponent from europe; the match against the brotherly national team of serbia opens the third year of performances without international tournaments. the excitement was no match for a test match; the fans clearly missed big-time football and
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did not plan to miss such an event with a bright sign. hit, so it was probably a penalty, that is, everything is obvious there, i think yes 100%. penalty kick scored by anton miranchuk, conversation after the match with lukich , well, of course, a friendly game, yes, but probably they could have given a yellow card, i think, yes, a penalty is good, but i think a red card probably shouldn’t have been given, well, that’s my personal opinion, so he is the main referee on the field, he decided so, maxim osipenko, who was oriented in time, allowed another standard. russians lead 2:0. matvey safonov helped out effectively and efficiently in goal, well, the quintessence of the brighter confident play
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of the russian national team was a beautiful combination mironchuk, golovin, put the finishing touches on ivan sergeev’s cross at the far post, the final score was 4:0, a crushing victory for russia over serbia. daniil makhalin, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. the russian youth team beat the uruguay youth team in a friendly match with a score of 1:0. let me remind you that last summer uruguay became the world champion among youth teams for the first time.
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in the first half, the teams exchanged dangerous chances, but were unable to capitalize. a cross system is used, within in which teams from the western and eastern conferences play against each other. moscow spartak closed the gap with
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metalg in the phl series, the red-whites beat. the team with a score of 5:2 set an attendance record for home matches among moscow clubs. this game was attended by 11,128 spectators. spartak forward ilya kovalchuk took part in the game. he appeared on the ice for the first time this season in two games in a row in the playoff series . metallurg goes into the series up to four wins with a score of 2:1. artemi panarin's head trick helps the new york rangers this morning beat away boston 5:2.
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the russian scored the first two goals in the second period. and highway, in the moscow derg the mba turned out to be stronger than the rune. in the central match of the week , unix beat zenit on their home floor 91/90. during the match, the hosts played the role of catching up; three times during the match, unics made up a double-digit gap in the score. a minute before the end, zenit was ahead by a modest two points, but 20 seconds before the end, thomas ertel from the penalty line could remove all questions about the winners, but one of the best the penalty kick takers of the current season were inexplicably smeared on both sides. in the response attack, louis labaree put the hosts ahead with an accurate shot from beyond the arc. the zenith had 5 seconds left; during this time they were unable to score . thanks to the victory, unik secured the first line of the tournament table, and zenit became the last team in group a to lose in the second stage. it was sports news,
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