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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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powerful explosions occurred today in several regions of ukraine. russian troops are striking at the critical infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine. from the areas bordering ukraine in the belgorod region today he goes on vacation. other regions - 1200 children, they are expected in penzi, tambon and kaluga. the board of directors of the central bank will meet today for the next meeting on the key rate, and the decision will be announced in the afternoon. what are the analysts' forecasts? the rescue operation in pryamurye does not stop even for a minute; the path to the stuck miners mine takes two brave stop. friendly atmosphere, devastating score. how did the friendly match between... national teams of russia and serbia. and now
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the latest news: an agent of the ukrainian military intelligence who was preparing a terrorist attack in the city was killed in berdyansk. according to the fsb, on the eve of the presidential elections, an accomplice of terrorists tried to remove weapons from a cache. when detained, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during a search at his place of residence. explosive device, as well as a mobile phone for secret communication with the curator from the sbu. this morning and night , a series of powerful explosions occurred in several regions of ukraine. one of the blows hit the dneproges, one of the largest in the country. the facility is reported to be out of commission, resulting in a large-scale blackout . it is also known that critical infrastructure facilities in other regions were hit. these are ladazhenskaya gres in the vinnytsia region, as well as zmeevskaya gres and tets-3. in
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the kharkov region. almost all of kharkov was left without electricity. there were interruptions with water supply, internet access and mobile communications. local authorities say there are at least 15 cases of detonation. reports of strikes are also coming from other cities in the country. de-energized khmelnitsky, shepetivka, krasiliv, kirovograd and starokonstantinov, where the military airfield is located. strikes were also recorded in kiev. there are no details about the consequences yet. the fact of the explosions was confirmed. and the administration of krivoy rog, a critical infrastructure facility was damaged, and in the dnepropetrovsk region, the sounds of detonation were heard in the capitals of the region, the situation is similar in amounts. defense minister sergei shaigu sent telegrams to five formations that distinguished themselves during a special military operation, these are the thirty- fifth, thirty-eighth and 114 motorized rifle brigades, the 31st air defense division, the gromkaskad brigade. the head of the military department thanked the personnel for the success. fulfillment of combat missions and
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loyalty to the oath. shaigu expressed confidence that military personnel will continue to fulfill their military duty with honor, reliably protecting national interests and ensuring the security of russia. now belgorodskaya region, the region was shelled by the ukrainian armed forces again today; when debris fell, several cars caught fire in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings. governor glotkov said there were dead and injured, three medical institutions and residential buildings were damaged. and today from those bordering ukraine. 1,200 children will go on vacation to other regions; they are expected in penza, tambov and kaluga. igor pikhanov will continue. today, ukrainian militants shelled belgorod at about mid-morning. the strike was carried out using a multiple launch rocket system. vampire made in czech republic. all shells hit the residential sector. shells struck highways and landed near residential buildings. some components. shells even hit
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apartment buildings, it is reported that there is damage to the roof of the building, social institutions were also damaged, as the head of the region vyacheslav glatkov reports in his telegram channel, there is one dead, there are also injuries among the local residents, everyone is wounded necessary medical care, from the morning at 8 am, it’s like at the same time, here constantly, for about six days now, like this. well, mainly along the kharkov mountain , here there is damage, well, here there are two fragments, and that’s all, i haven’t looked further yet, the situation is especially difficult in the border territories, especially in the grayvanovsky district, the day before the head of the region visited this territory, it is reported that local residents continue to leave there, places have been prepared for them in temporary accommodation centers, but there are still those who refuse. from evacuation
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, local representatives are working with people administration, they are convinced that they do not need to risk themselves in dangerous places, since ukrainian militants are shelling these territories with the help of cannon artillery. well, it is impossible to sleep, because there are explosions, explosions all night, and my daughter is afraid, we would not have left, but my daughter is afraid, for the sake of my daughter we left, since yesterday in the belgorod region they began to give food packages to people who left dangerous territories, people are being provided with all the necessary assistance, and
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places have been prepared for people in temporary centers accommodation, so in the borisov urban district it is reported that dozens of local residents have begun to provide their own housing to forced migrants, they can stay there. and belgorod began today to travel to other regions of russia; they will spend their holidays in sanatoriums and recreation centers. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, vesti belgogorod region. the united states threatened kiev with a refusal of support in the event of negotiations with russia. american journalist seimar hirsch reported this on his blog. according to
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publicist, the dialogue on resolving the russian-ukrainian conflict could have begun several months ago, but washington gave the zelensky regime an ultimatum. if ukraine sits down at the negotiating table, the american... will stop allocating money for non-military needs, while, as hersh writes, western leaders understand that ukraine has little chance of success in this conflict. the summit of european union leaders did not approve the decision to seize income from frozen russian assets. bloomberg reports that most eu members have expressed skepticism about about this proposal, and representatives of western banks are completely lobbying for a complete rejection of the idea of ​​confiscating money. alika komarova will tell you what else is known about the results of the first day of the summit. zelensky demands ammunition and russian billions. the german press is full of such headlines today. journalists note that the head of the kiev regime talks to western politicians as if they were his pawns. however, he still doesn’t get what he wants in response. instead of specifics, there are only vague formulations about membership in the european union.
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recently, all our negotiations on ukraine have been extremely productive. therefore , i sincerely hope that ours is the first intergovernmental meeting between the eu authorities and ukraine. will take place during the belgian presidency until the end of june, we will stand shoulder to shoulder with ukraine until the very end. however, in writing, no one approved the dates for the start of these negotiations, they only stated that kiev’s progress is welcome, continue the reforms. in europe they are still busy, they think the russian money may be taken away. reported on progress in this matter ursula vonderen. i am glad to have such tremendous support in the issue of using profits from confiscated russian assets. this step will allow. to ensure new supplies of military equipment for ukraine, as far as i know, we now expect to collect about 3 billion euros in this way in 2024 and similar amounts in subsequent years. however , in the end, the eu summit did not make the scandalous decision to seize income from russian
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assets. the document has been sent for revision. but kiev will receive a new loan from the international monetary fund of 880 million dollars. the head of the imf noted, despite the huge economic moment of approval of the proposed senate the only viable option for the current us congress bill, or speaker mike johnson will put the proposed senate to a vote tomorrow.
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at the same time, the pentagon is officially talking about a retreat to the armed forces of ukraine; the american department of defense called it strategic decisions to withdraw from certain territories, while the head of the department openly stated: kiev is rapidly losing ground while the russian... opportunities, because every month you will receive cashback from sber - this is even more return to the 2% rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, sbis prime is more profitable, the deposit is the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online, one of my friends has become very popular on social networks, try it, try jaga jaga, try it, i need it, i need it. the internet is over, you are not yet
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rate. it determines at what interest rates banks will give loans or accept deposits and what prices will be. so in this case, the stake, although not greater than life, is most directly related to it. it is worth recalling that last year, in just a few months, the rate was raised by more than twice from 7.5% in june to 16. in december and now it’s also 16, that is, they raised the rate well, it’s good for those who have deposits and not so much for those who are going to take out loans, but if we’re talking about... the growth rate of the loan portfolio, it’s still worth it note that now they are significantly lower than what we observed at, for example, at the end of last year, we see that the pace of corporate lending has finally slowed down, which, let’s say, reacted rather weakly to the increase in the key rate, we had a decline last year fontanel lending, in this we see that corporations have actually begun to borrow
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less, which serves as a positive signal for inflation to begin to decline, well , now we can say that inflation has really begun to slide, at least in the first weeks of march, rosstat sees about zero rising prices, there is some progress in annual inflation, which , nevertheless, is now still more than 7.5%. all this is quite far from the central bank’s target of 4% and from its own forecasts by the end of the year. experts do not rule out that the mega-regulator will have to correct these forecasts. forecast for 2024 at the end of 24 years.
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according to social surveys, citizens' inflation expectations are always higher than official statistics, but they are gradually decreasing, that is, people believe that this is exactly how prices will rise in the near future by 11.5% per year. a similar trend in the observed inflation for those price changes that ordinary buyers see, from a formal point of view , you can already begin to think about a gradual reduction in the rate, but directly reduce it over time it hasn’t arrived yet, and about this in one. all the analysts we interviewed told us that most likely both the rate and the rhetoric will remain unchanged, because the central bank took a break to assess the effect of the decisions that were made from summer to december, we expect that the rhetoric will most likely be softened in april or june, at meetings it depends, among other things, on the dynamics in
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the economy and on decisions on budget policy, and most likely the first rate cut will be in july. if inflation is very strong, inflation expectations will decrease, then maybe in july. so, without waiting for a meeting of the bank of russia, the experts immediately told everything, and even named the day for the rate cut, but still we will wait for the decision of the central bank and the press conference, let’s not forget that our mega-regulator knows how to surprise. in the zone of a special military operation, ambulance drivers will receive an additional payment for saving the wounded in the front-line regions... they hope that such measures can help attract more specialists to this complex profession, today there is a shortage of how to save lives, i’m risking my own, tatyana dubovaya will tell you, before leaving i checked the oil level and antifreeze level. the ambulance team has just returned from the front-line areas and is about to leave again.
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there is a lot of work, so the car must always be fully prepared, serviced and in good working order. terekhovo, 305, third city hospital, the work is not easy and sometimes dangerous, not everyone will decide to connect their life with risk.
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the first funds for ambulance drivers in new regions and the rostov region, where things are also not calm, should arrive before the end of this month. not only to turn the wheel, but to help doctors and save lives. an ambulance driver has a lot of responsibility. in the majority , ideological people agree to this job. igor leshchin, for example, saved his neighbor 4 years ago and promptly took her to the hospital.
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they give in, and some simply don’t even respond to any special signals, some don’t know the rules of the road, some follow an incomprehensible principle, but the patient’s life directly depends on the speed of receiving help, so doctors urge road users to movement to be friendly and treat doctors with understanding. tatiana dubovaya, egor pavlenko, alexander khvastov, conduct lugansk. in the amur region, where miners are blocked in a mine, the rescue operation does not stop for a minute, the fourth day of assistance. 13 people are waiting underground, the situation is complicated by the influx of groundwater, it is being pumped out by powerful pumps, the possibility of the mine collapsing again remains, experts
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are preparing to install concrete lintels that will ensure safe work for rescuers. we plan to start by evening to the filling of the first lintel, the flow of water and mining oil from the bowl of the underground mining quarry is also controlled , and the same happens. over the course of the night, several hundred cubic meters of soil were removed from the mine; experienced mine rescuers are clearing away the rubble in order to get to the place where the miners are blocked as soon as possible ; to do this, the walls are detonated in those places where water is leaking out, this is necessary so that... the rescuers, who work there and the equipment that works there are not trapped if more collapses behind them once this skog. overnight today , a specialized design institute
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calculated the thickness of the walls and the corresponding reinforcement that needs to be carried out to guarantee the safety of the work. at least 11 palestinians were killed as a result of israeli airstrikes in the southern gaza strip, al jazeera tv channel reported. eight people were killed after a residential building was hit. three more during the bombing of a neighborhood in ahan yunis. doctors set up a field hospital to provide emergency care to the wounded. meanwhile, international the community talks about the need for a ceasefire in the enclave. the leaders of the european union stated this. they called on israel not to carry out a ground operation in rafah. the idf’s upcoming offensive was also called a mistake in washington. us secretary of state antony blinken made a statement at a press conference in egypt. a major military operation in rafah would be a mistake, we do not support it, it will not affect hamas in any way, it is simply not necessary.
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next week we will have the opportunity to share this perspective in detail with our israeli colleagues and outline our views on how the problem could be solved differently. meanwhile, the israeli army announced the detention of more than 500 hamas fighters during the military operation. the operation at the shifa hospital continues, during the operation we detained the largest number of opponents during the entire war, at the moment we have more than 500 suspects, 358 of them are hamas and palestinian islamic jihad fighters, they surrender and we interrogate them, they provide us with very valuable intelligence. the case of dzhakhar tsarnaev, who carried out the 2013 boston marathon bombing , has been returned to a lower court. the decision was made by the us court of appeal. this may lead to
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a reconsideration of the terrorist's death negotiations. tsornayev appealed the verdict on four counts, one of which was the bias of two jurors. if the judge concludes that this is indeed the case, he will likely overturn the decision on the death penalty and launch a new trial. i will remind you as a result. carried out by dzhakhar tsarnaev and his brother tamerlan, three people were killed, including a child, more than 200 others were injured. norway complained of damage from nato exercises; the damage was estimated at $750,000. according to the journal of the norwegian armed forces, the department received more than 100 stings targeting residents of the country. people talk about broken cars, fences, even buildings on private land. the excrement of nato soldiers was also found there. there is a lot of debris left in the snow. in addition, the exercises affected a significant part of the reindeer pastures. the norwegian army promised to compensate for the damage caused. in the museum
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borodinsk. opened a unique exhibition dedicated to the triumphant entry of russian troops and allies into paris in march 1814. the exhibition includes engravings, weapons, awards of military leaders and more. all exhibits are selected in such a way that events more than 200 years ago can be traced literally day by day. zenaida kurbatova will share her impressions. this was actually a knight's move, while napoleon was with his army in the northeast of france, the allies went around him and took paris. napoleon. was an excellent tactician, but not a strategist, this exhibition conceived even before the moment when the current french president macron burst out with a historic statement about sending his soldiers to ukraine. napoleon, this is napoleon - this is napoleon, so macron is far from him, he’s very far away, a dangerous adversary, this is a man who united, some voluntarily, some forced, almost all
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europeans. one can imagine the event of 1814 day by day. on march 30, the assault on paris, where the russians play a decisive role in the actions of the allied forces, is the first to enter paris, the second infantry corps under the command of lieutenant general prince eugene of württenberg. the state secretary of the russian ministry of foreign affairs is going to nasalirode for negotiations on the morning of march 31 with minister taleran. taliran throws herself on his neck, as if to his best friend, covered with powder, after all.
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the story is that barbarians are coming from the north. they
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are wild, they have arms and legs made of human flesh, and in general the cossacks are decorated with necklaces made of human ears, and they feed on babies, so what they told them and the reality was absolutely on the opposite side, selected guards units entered, and this is almost a farce, napoleon is trying to poison himself, but there is confusion, the poison does not work, it is a poisonous substance.
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we did not lose or give up, our struggle continues here and there, almost everything remains as it was that very night, here the announcers recorded the sound, journalists worked, now there is emptiness here, several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom of speech is -nato, there were few russians, but with their help there was a radical turning point in this war, forget what they did.


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