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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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explosion at many infrastructure facilities, what are the consequences? medical facilities and residential buildings were damaged, there were dead and injured in the ssu, which again shelled the belgorod region. what is the situation at this time? inflation forecasts. the central bank is due to make a decision on the key rate today. what are investors' expectations? we are following the meeting of the regulator’s board of directors. the work does not stop. for a minute , several hundred more cubic meters of soil were removed from the mine where the miners were blocked. how do you assess the chances of salvation? fsb employees seven residents of moscow were detained who are supporters of the ukrainian terrorist organization recognized in russia , the russian volunteer corps. they were going to create a criminal group to carry out violent actions. tas was informed about this at the public relations center of the fsb of russia. during the searches
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, bladed weapons and communications equipment were confiscated from the detainees; an agent of the ukrainian military intelligence was killed in berdyansk, who was preparing a terrorist attack in the city, as the fsb reported, on the eve of the presidential elections, aid terrorists tried to remove weapons from the cache. when detained, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during a search at his place of residence, an explosive device was discovered, as well as a mobile phone for secret communication with a curator from the sbu. this morning and at night there were a series of powerful explosions in the program. happened in several regions of ukraine at once. one of the blows hit the prohpp day. it is among the largest in the country and is located in the kiev-controlled zaporozhye region. it is reported that the object has been removed from building. judging by the footage from the scene, at least two units of the station in the western part of the turbine hall are in need of serious repairs, if not completely destroyed. no less extensive damage may occur in the eastern part of the hall. this led to a massive blackout. it is also known that critical infrastructure facilities in other regions were hit. these are
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lodyzhinskaya tets in the vinnetsk region, as well as tets-3 in the kharkov region. almost all of kharkov was left without electricity. there were interruptions in water supply and internet access and mobile communications. local authorities say there are at least 15 cases of detonation. reports of strikes also come from other cities in the country. khmelnytsky, shipyativka, krosilov, kirovograd and starokonstantinov, where the military airfield is located, are de-energized. strikes were also recorded in kiev. there are no details about the consequences... no. the fact of the explosions was confirmed by the administration of krivoy rog. a critical infrastructure facility was damaged. there, in the dnepropetrovsk region, the sounds of detonation were heard in the capital of the region. the situation is similar in summa. russia will continue act in such a way that ukraine’s military potential cannot threaten the security of its citizens on its territory. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in an interview with arguments and facts also noted: ukraine.
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actually occupied part of russian territory, he drew the attention of journalists to how the special military operation had changed over time. essentially, after the collective west entered, it turned into a war for us, this is not associated with any legal changes, this is a special military operation before the jurassic, but de facto, in fact, for us it turned into a war after the collective west increasingly directly increased the level of its involvement in the conflict. now in the belgorod region , the ukrainian armed forces shelled them again today, there are dead and injured, three medical institutions and residential buildings were damaged. uh, when the debris fell , several cars caught fire. my colleague igor pikhanov gives the details. now utility services are working to eliminate the consequences of the morning strike. firing with a rocket multiple launch rocket systems. vampire, ukrainian militants committed at 7:30 in the morning, hit civilians, as a result a woman died, at that time she... went out for a walk with her
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dogs, a ukrainian shell exploded almost 2-3 m from her, the woman had no chances to survive, she and her pet died , another woman also received a shrapnel wound, now she is receiving all the necessary help, in addition , another man asked for medical help, ukrainian militants shelled belgorod this morning, the suburbs of the regional center also came under attack, as a result, there is damage to residential buildings, there is damage.
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in towns, villages, they remain under fire, employees of local administrations persuade people not to risk themselves , to leave the dangerous territory, food, medicine, water are delivered there by the russian military, as well as members of the territorial self-defense of the belgorod region, if a request appears, they promptly they are taking people from there to temporary accommodation centers, the tape flew into the yard, well, an apple tree was cut down there, four windows were broken, but it’s like it’s not very scary, it’s good that my wife... the children were there in the room, but the glass didn’t fall on them , but then, well, it’s impossible to sleep, because there are explosions and explosions all night, and my daughter is afraid, we wouldn’t have left, but my daughter is afraid, for my daughter’s sake we left, people are in temporary accommodation centers, where they are provided with all the necessary assistance,
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including humanitarian assistance, and the day before they began to give people food packages, for example, in the village of borisovsky a large number of residents of border areas were accommodated, residents of the village... igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokonova, news of the belgorod region. in
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the southern donetsk direction, the russian military liquidated an important object in the ssu, a precision strike on the equipment that the enemy had hidden in deep tlu was carried out by a combat crew of self -propelled howitzers 100. the artillerymen were helped by scouts, not... the first salvo was a sighting salvo, after which a quick reload. the drone operator adjusts the target coordinates. a couple of minutes later there was another shot. aerial reconnaissance confirmed that the shell hit the target. the mechanic turns the car around at maximum speed and drives back to the shelter. in this
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mode, artillery works around the clock. we carry out the following fire missions - defeating enemy personnel, fire weapons, and strongholds. we also work on technology. the enemy is active, but not as much as before, he rarely snaps, the car is reliable, indeed, there are moments, of course, but we eliminate everything instead and return to battle. howitzers keep the enemy in constant tension, prevent the transfer of units and destroy the most important defense units. these protective nets were installed on each gun; soldiers also call them barbecues; it certainly doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, but in fact it is a very useful thing, since these barbecues protect the crew from drones. this installation came under return fire many times, but not a single kamikaze drone was able to disable it. the drone was flying right in the center of the car, we caught it with small arms and partially damaged the grille, but there was no significant damage, that is, the car is in service and in service.
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msta howitzers can fire at a distance of about 30 km; crews usually work from closed firing positions, but if necessary, they can fire directly. as a rule, high-explosive shells are used, which... will also hit concrete defensive structures. the enemy significantly weakened their ability to carry out contour-battery combat, and thus, motorcycle units began to carry out artillery tasks more effectively. fierce fighting is currently taking place at the front, artillery is here plays a vital role, long-range howitzers help infantry to hide powerful fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, news! south donetsk direction. over the zaporozhye and kherson regions, russian air defense created a layered defense. it covers troops, as well as civilian industrial facilities. tora's anti-aircraft missile batteries and the latest buk m3 work together to protect the skies from aircraft, ballistic missiles, drones and ukrainian armed forces' rocket fire systems. on distant
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approaches to air defense provide s-300 complexes. they shoot down targets at a distance of up to 200 km. pantsir s anti-aircraft systems, one of the divisions, are operating at close range. these systems helped repel a massive attack by enemy drones on targets in crimea, and also shot down 12 targets in the zaporozhye region with precise salvos. they were on combat duty. they discovered air targets, they were massive, that is, a massive accumulation of air targets, using all available means and anti-aircraft guided missiles and anti-aircraft guns, they worked on air targets, oh which was promptly reported by 12 anti-aircraft guided missiles, 12 targets were hit, plus there were also targets hit by anti-aircraft guns. the minister of defense noted the courage and heroism of the military personnel in the zone. svo sergei shaigun sent telegrams to the distinguished formation, he thanked the personnel for
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their loyalty and oath to the successful completion of tasks. for example, the liberation of the village of tonenkoye in the dpr, in which soldiers of the thirty-fifth guards motorized rifle brigade participated. noted and units of the thirty-eighth guards brigade, the military personnel managed to take control of the village of mirnoye. the soldiers of the 114th guards brigade showed courage and dedication during the liberation from neo-nazis in orlovki and krasnogorovka. he also distinguished himself personally. the composition of the grom cascade unmanned aviation brigade, it performs important tasks in the most difficult areas, now military personnel ensure advancement in the kupyansky, lugansk, yuzhnodonetsk and kokhovsky directions. and the thirty-first air defense division effectively destroys enemy aircraft, large missiles ranges and other targets over the crimean peninsula. sergei shaigu expressed confidence that the military will continue to fulfill their duty with honor, ensuring the security of russia. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. a deposit, the best
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you will receive a 2% bet back in bonuses from ber. thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. perez prime is more profitable. in a special military operation zone, ambulance drivers will receive additional pay for rescuing the wounded. in the front-line regions they hope that such measures will help attract more specialists to this complex profession. today there is a shortage. tatyana dubovaya will tell you how they save lives by risking their own. here before leaving. let's check the oil level and antifreeze level. ambulance team assistance has just returned from the front-line territories and is going to leave again. there is a lot of work, so the car must always be fully prepared, serviced and in good working order. we call it swallow among ourselves. and officially the gas is 2250. each brigade works in the front-line zone according to a schedule of 10 shifts per
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month, the rest of the time there are calls around the city, sometimes up to 50 per day. 305, terekhovo. 305 third city hospital, the work is not easy and sometimes dangerous, not everyone will decide to put their life at risk, there is a catastrophic shortage of drivers, they left so good, they left, they are already such a well-tested team, because the salary is low, they just left, the question is about the drivers’ salaries.
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ambulance drivers have a great responsibility in helping to save lives; most of them are ideological people who agree to this job. igor leshchin, for example, 4 years ago saved his neighbor and promptly delivered her to the hospital. breaking all the rules, i flew to the emergency department of the second hospital, her sugar rose, ended up on the shirt, well, everything was brought to life in order, everything, well, simple and after that’s all, i really wanted to work on speed, defibrillators, oxygen, ventilators and even... in the evening, when the body is extremely vulnerable, during rush hours and a flurry of calls, often early in the morning and late , it’s more difficult to get there, there are those who give in,
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but there is simply not even a reaction. and the pioneer do not stop for a minute, the main task in the coming days is to get to the voids where people can be. everything is complicated by the influx of groundwater, which is pumped out with powerful pumps. there is also the possibility of another mine collapse. specialists install concrete jumpers that will ensure safe work for rescuers. in addition, three technological wells are being drilled, through which
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air will be supplied to the depth. the emergency situation remains under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations and is connected. associated with a rock collapse at the pioneer mine in the zaisky district of the amur region. the fate of thirteen miners still remains unknown. an operational group of the russian ministry of emergency situations is working at the scene of the emergency. please inform me about the progress of work every 3 hours. when changes situation report immediately. let me remind you that the collapse at the pioneer gold deposit occurred on march 18th. a team of 13 people was underground at that moment. they didn't make contact. the search and rescue operation involved 226 specialists and 29 pieces of equipment. a self-service baggage check-in system for passengers has been launched at yekaterinburg airport. she will be comfortable. for those who register online. the system will automatically weigh your luggage, determine its size and issue a tag. there will only be place the suitcase on the belt and then pick it up at the arrival airport.
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palbert musin studied the instructions for use. scan the ticket, a couple of clicks and after 20 seconds the luggage is checked in for the flight. passengers can now do all this at koltsovo airport on their own without outside help, even put it on the belt and escort the suitcase on board. and i fly very often. and this service is very convenient for me, i don’t need to stand in lines, i walked up, checked in my luggage, everything is very clear, easy to use and quickly convenient. pilot self-service kiosks bx id completely replace the check-in counter; the device itself reads the weight, dimensions and even color of luggage, thanks to a 360-degree video surveillance system. probably the main convenience of this box is that the passenger is not given a long, inconvenient adhesive and tape, but a small luggage... sticker that can be attached to any place in the suitcase, and in any case it will be recognized by the check-in system. the project is 100% domestic, from
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materials to software. by the way, it helps your luggage not to get lost, the automation remembers the appearance of the bag and always knows where it is. modern technologies, artificial intelligence, and computer vision are used, which help to re-identify luggage along the entire path of this luggage. flight. through bax id are now possible for four airlines, the only limitation is that self-service baggage kiosks are only available during online check-in for a flight. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov and elena goleeva, vesti ekaterinburg. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% of your bet back in bonuses. sber thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback , it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, deposit, better interest rate, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online, we
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any other ideas? of course, let's pay the bills. yur, it’s been a long time without a qr code. with vtb-on, the camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? certainly, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb. everything will work out together. the european union's initiative to limit grain imports from russia and belarus is another striking example of unfair competition. presidential press secretary dmitry. skov also commented on the eu’s position regarding frozen russian assets. we heard a statement from brussels that the income from our assets does not belong to anyone. this is wrong. they belong to the asset holders and believes that they do not belong to anyone, well, this is at least absurd. what concerns the possible, these media reports, possible fears of banks, well, the legal service of any bank accepts the catastrophic consequences of such actions.
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expropriation of assets for the bank, and for the country as a whole, and for the european economy , and so on and so forth, if such decisions are implemented, this will entail very serious consequences for those who made them and implemented them. and now it’s time for economic news: cargo transportation along the northern sea route since the beginning of the year has exceeded 7 million tons , 3.5% more than a year earlier, this was reported in ministry for the development of the far east and arctic. they recalled that at the end of 2023 , supply volumes through the snp reached a record 36 million tons, more than half of the cargo was liquefied gas, significant volumes of raw materials were redirected to the eastern directions of gazprom neft, look oil and norilsk nickel. at the end of the year, x5 group increased its net profit by 73%, the company earned more than 90 billion rubles. this is data from a reference according to international standards. revenue is up 20%, totaling more than 3 trillion. now under control
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x5 20. 4,500 stores, these are the pyaterochka and perekrestok retail chains, as well as the chizhek discounter. chanel is reducing the number of stores in russia. the company has begun to refuse to lease space for its retail outlets, kommersant reports. at the same time, chanel did not officially announce its withdrawal from the russian market. experts believe other luxury brands will follow the same path. western countries previously imposed sanctions on the import of clothing and accessories worth more than 300 euros into russia. i. apple's capitalization decreased by $113 billion per day, shares collapsed after numerous lawsuits from american authorities and companies. so microsoft, spotify and the social network x went to court . they all disagree with the corporation’s plans to charge a 27% commission for purchases in the app store. this will harm consumers and developers. in addition, the department of justice and the authorities of 16 states filed a lawsuit against capple for monopolizing the smartphone market. it
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was news. economics in short.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change.


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