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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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we were left without electricity, the internet was not working somewhere, problems arose with the water supply, explosions occurred at many infrastructure facilities in ukraine, what were the consequences? medical facilities and residential buildings were damaged, there were dead and injured in the ukrainian armed forces , the belgorod region was again shelled. what is the situation at this time? inflation forecasts. the central bank today made a decision on the key rate. how did investors react? results of the meeting of the board of directors. the work does not stop for a minute ; several more were taken out of the mine where miners were blocked. hundreds of cubic meters of soil, how do they estimate the chances of salvation? let's start with the economy, the board of directors of the bank of russia kept the key rate at 16% per annum; as stated in the official commentary, inflation pressure is gradually weakening, but still remains high. domestic... demand
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is outpacing the possibilities for expanding the production of goods and services, the return of inflation to the target this year and its further stabilization near 4% imply a long period of maintaining tight monetary conditions. next council meeting directors of the bank of russia, at which the issue of the level of the key rate will be considered, is scheduled for april 26. now in the belgorod region the ukrainian armed forces shelled them again today, there are dead and injured, and medical facilities were damaged.
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highways to residential buildings , as a result of damage, four medical institutions, medical institutions, as well as a residential apartment building were damaged; among the measured residents there was a dead person, this is a woman who at that moment went out into the street to walk the dogs, as well as shrapnel another woman was injured, and a man suffered a traumatic brain injury, all victims are provided with the necessary...
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igor pikhanov. in the belgorod direction , the russian military destroyed an american m37 howitzer and its crew. this is the footage released by the ministry of defense. the artillery of the western group of our troops coped with the task. once the drone operators have identified the target, bye.
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to prevent the missiles from being intercepted, after clear hits a fire started, dneproges stopped work. i thought it was a dream, light in there is no area. according to ukrainian online publications, all or almost all of the machine rooms and lifting airlock devices have been destroyed,
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which will definitely not be restored quickly. the head of ukrhydroenergo gives disappointing forecasts for kiev. under threat, we don’t know to what extent and with what power it can operate, two missiles for ges-2, one missile for the support. ges-2 in critical condition gs1 also does not work. dneprogs is a peak regulator, that is, it distributes electricity in an amount of up to 10% of all electricity consumed in ukraine. the conclusion is not progress out of order is a violation of the stability of the energy system, which may now not be able to cope during peak hours. power outages are coming across ukraine. the station also supplied the industrial enterprise. zaporozhye, who worked for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. the external dneprovskaya overhead line, which supplies the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, was switched off. and today, march 22, at 6:10 am , the 750 kv dneprovskaya high-voltage line switched off at the zaporizhzhya ac. this time the outage was short-lived, unlike in the past when
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the 330 kv fiber alloy line was disconnected for more than 3 weeks. the 750 kv dneprovskaya line was put into operation 4 hours after the shutdown at 11:02. threat. there is no security at the station at the moment. the morning strike hit kharkov, explosions were also heard in the ivanovo-frankivsk, khmelnitsky, vinnytsia, lviv regions, kiev, kharkov, krivoy rog, sumy. power outages are now observed in krivoy rog, kirovograd, khmelnitsky, dnepropetrovsk, sumy, poltava regions in odessa, the head of the odessa administration lists name of means of destruction. winging, missiles, shaheds, cruise missiles, geraniums, several dozen geraniums.
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managed by ukrenergo. damage to energy facilities in many regions, especially in kharkov. there will be restrictions on energy supplies while energy workers eliminate the consequences in different regions. we can get technical assistance, electricity from europe. and we will use this tool today. it is no coincidence that the head of ukrenergo singles out kharkov. there is now a large concentration of contingent there the ukrainian armed forces, from there, strikes at the russian border. now it is obvious that the transfer of troops, the repair of equipment and its production for the needs of ukrainian militants will be extremely difficult. egor grigoriev, irina zaborskaya, news. russia will continue to act so that ukraine’s military potential cannot threaten the security of its citizens and territory.
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov also noted in an interview with arguments and facts: ukraine has actually occupied part of russian territory. he drew the attention of journalists on how the special military has changed.
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the consequences of such actions to expropriate assets for the bank and for the country as a whole and for the european economy, and so on and so forth , if such decisions are implemented, it will entail very serious consequences.
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accumulate faster, this is ivanov, the average russian family, in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could turn out to be 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort waste, give things new life, today we are testing our birthday, you made a wish, of course you did, a good discount, how much you made, up to 50%. mvideo and eldorado, the main expert in technology, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not
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pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on vladimir putin awarded prizes for 2023 in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth. their honored foundation president. support for creative gifted children and youth, white steamship, nikolai tidenko, director of the ryazan puppet theater konstantin kirillov and head of the moscow state academy of choreography marina leonova. prizes were also awarded to young cultural figures. the names of the laureates were announced by advisor to the head of state vladimir tolstoy. for his contribution to preserving the development of the traditions of the russian realistic art school, artist alexey alexandrovich kryukov. a young artist, he is a graduate of the russian academy
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of paintings, art and art ili glazunov, for his contribution to the preservation, development and popularization of the cultural heritage of the tuvan people, and the prize will be received by mingi vasilievna andar, deputy director of the center for the development of tuin traditional culture and crafts named after andar, her father. third prize for contribution. vialanchilist alexander alexandrovich ram will receive educational activities in the development of domestic musical art. jews are preparing for one of their most significant holidays, purim, which comes this weekend. the purpose and traditions of this holiday, let's talk with the president of the federation of jewish communities of russia, alexander boroda, he is in direct contact. alexander maseevich, hello. hello. tell us what the history of this holiday is about and where it is described. the history of this holiday is detailed. written in the book of esther, which is part of a general collection, one might say, of the old
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testament, which includes all the prophets, all the writings. the history of this holiday dates back to the 5th century bc, when the first jerusalem temple was destroyed, and this was the time when the first jerusalem temple was to be rebuilt after 70 years, this is the time of the beginning of the account of the second temple of jerusalem, this is... during this period of time there is a story connected with the holiday, with the holiday of esther, with the holiday, which is a holiday in many ways, the cause of which was, which was, one might say, one of the leaders of the jewish people, who was the wife of king achashvirosh. if we are talking about the history of the holiday itself, then the jews then lived in the persian empire, which... which essentially then captured the bulk of the world space in general, one might
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say so, the overwhelming majority of jews and so, all the jews lived on the territory of the peresian empire, and there was a king , i remember his wife, who was esther, and there was a prime minister, haman, who hated the jews and hated his cousin, esther mordechai, who was an official, a dignitary at court. hashvirosh and because mordechai did not show signs of attention to oman, hatred that was a priori. haman’s hatred towards mordechai, towards the entire jewish people, reached its maximum, as if the peak of hatred, and he signed a decree from king hashvirosh on the destruction of all jews. after this, when the jews found out about this, mordechai tore her
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clothes, said that he asked esther to come to her husband, to the king and... asked to cancel this decree, she said that she was ready, but she asked that all jews fast and pray 3 days that she would also fast and pray for 3 days, and after that she would come to the king, and so it happened, she came after fasting and prayer and came to the king, the king was in a good mood and forgave, as if not only as if he had heard her, but also allowed the jews to defend themselves from enemies, which was fundamentally important, protection from the wars allowed the jews to essentially defeat oman and all of their wargs. when achashvirosh realized everything that oman had done, he ordered that he be hanged on the gallows that was intended for mordechai. alexander vasilyevich, yes, tell me,
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how is the date of celebration determined, when exactly does purim occur? the date of the holiday is the fourteenth day of the month according to the jewish calendar, according to the gregorian calendar it is approximately always in march, but these are calendars that do not intersect, it is the fourth number, the fourteenth day, after new moons, jewish lunar months, so after the beginning of the month of adar, this is the fourteenth day, approximately this, by the way, is the full moon, this is the date when, in general, the jews won - defeated the enemies, this is when - oman, all of his close associates, those who actually planned to beat the jews when they were all punished for it. how long does it take to celebrate? uh, the holiday of purim is celebrated on one day, in particular this year the holiday begins tomorrow evening, after the end of shabbat purim begins, and
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continues until the evening, sunday, uh, you need listen. the scroll of esther is read twice in all synagogues on saturday evening, after the end of shabbat the evening prayers are read from the scroll of esther, also on sunday morning the scroll of ster is read for the second time, the second commandment of the holiday of purim is to help the poor, it is written: everyone who is in need, everyone extends his hand, you have to help him, we smoke, the third is to give gifts to friends, these are food gifts, there should be a queue for holding holidays, including there should be at least three types of food, drink and the fourth, arrange such a holiday you can say a feast and this is held at the end of the holiday this year it is sunday evening when the day after tomorrow evening when it is customary to have a large meal and have fun
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drinking alcohol - this is a carnival celebration.
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including products, and what culinary traditions? there is a common, one might say dessert dish called. are there any differences between celebrations in russia and israel and in different countries in general? there are no differences, this holiday in... israel in the diaspora is one day, carnivals are everywhere, the reading of the certificate of esther is everywhere, same holiday. alexander makeevich,
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this year, as noted in israel, there are some peculiarities in the celebration, given the conflict that has flared up and the situation that is now developing. well, the laws, customs and traditions of purim, of course, are unshakable, but the situation in israel is definitely hostages, that is. of course, as it were, in many ways, all the actions that will take place in purem, they will, of course, be associated with prayer, with prayers for the release of the hostages, for the healing of the wounded, for the general cessation of faster than this conflict for , among other things, victory over the enemy, because after all, hamas, which does not recognize the state of israel and... as if openly declaring its goals of destroying israel, is an unconditional enemy for israel, for the jews, and how it will be in israel
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be mentioned, i think, not only in israel, but throughout the entire diaspora, because well, such a number of seemingly innocent people who died on october 7 is a big, big wound on the heart of the entire jewish people, and of course, these events cannot, as it were, ...don't not appear neither in the minds nor in the hearts - such a cheerful, even such a joyful holiday as porik, until all the hostages returned home. alexandrevich, i thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the questions, let me remind you that we spoke with the president of the federation of jewish communities of russia, alexander boroda. on other topics, a self-check-in system for passengers’ baggage has been launched at yekaterinburg airport; it will be convenient for those who check in online. the system will automatically weigh the luggage and identify it sizes. and will issue a tag, all that remains is to put the suitcase on the belt and then pick it up at the arrival airport. albert mosin studied the instructions for use. scan the ticket,
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a couple of clicks and after 20 seconds the luggage is checked in for the flight. passengers can now do all this at koltsovo airport on their own without outside help, even put it on the belt and escort the suitcase on board. and i fly very often, and this service is very convenient for me, i don’t need to stand in lines, it’s fine. checked in luggage, everything is very clear, easy to use and fast comfortable. pilot self-service kiosks bex id completely replaces the check-in counter. the device itself reads the weight, dimensions and even color of luggage, thanks to a 360-degree video surveillance system. probably the main convenience of this box is that the passenger is not given a long, inconvenient adhesive and tape, but a small, magnetic luggage sticker that can be attached to any place in the suitcase. and in any case it will be recognized by the registration system. the project is 100% domestic, from materials to software. by the way, it helps luggage not get lost. the automation
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remembers the appearance of the bag and always knows where it is. modern technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine vision are used, which help to identify luggage along the entire path of this luggage. flights via bex id are currently possible for four airlines. the only limitation is the kiosks. self-service baggage service is only available during online check-in. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov and elena goleeva, vesti ekaterinburg. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons. russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that
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russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the exhibition forum. russia, well now some footage from novo ogorev. dear colleagues, good afternoon. as a first issue, we will look at measures to combat the spread of ideas today. neo-nazism, i won’t go into detail, we are aware of what it is and how important it is in the context of today's events, let's start
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working. please, we have two speakers, let's begin. these were footage of the security council meeting, which vladimir putin held via videoconference. well, now the latest data from the russian ministry of defense, today the armed forces launched a massive strike with high-precision long-range airborne sea-based ground-based weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on energy facilities of the military-industrial complex. nodes, arsenals, places of deployment, formation of the armed forces of foreign mercenaries. as a result of the strike , the functioning of industrial enterprises producing and repairing weapons, military equipment and ammunition was disorganized. in addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to ukraine from nato countries were destroyed. disrupted transfers to the front line of enemy reserves hit mercenary units of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​restoring
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combat capability. retaliation for shelling the kiev regime of belgorod and peaceful settlements in new regions. now let's take a break for a few minutes and then continue, don't switch. we did not lose or give up, our struggle continues here and there, almost everything remains as it was that very night, here the announcers recorded the sound, journalists worked, now there is emptiness here, several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom of speech is -natorovsky, there were few russians, but with their help a radical turning point in this war took place.
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hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future, well now back to attacks on energy facilities in ukraine, most of them provided power for the military-industrial complex and the country's army. let's ask maria slobodyanskaya about economic damage; she joins the
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broadcast. maria, hello. what consequences has this attack already led to? yuri, hello, ukraine cannot balance its energy system, in particular, we are talking about front-line cities. a large-scale blow to the energy sector of ukraine as a result of an attack by russian armed forces. several areas were left without electricity, and internet outages were observed throughout the country. the strikes, which were carried out in response to ukrainian actions, affected critical infrastructure. according to the head of the country's ministry of energy, these are generation facilities and electricity transmission systems. among them are the kharkov transport engineering plant. two were damaged urban tets: dnieper hydroelectric power station ladyzhinskaya gres and some other objects in ivano-frankivsk.


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