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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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anna, can you hear us? the dnieper hydroelectric power station was hit, the station was put out of action. today , the russian military carried out retaliatory strikes against energy facilities and places of deployment of the armed forces of ukraine, as reported by the ministry of defense. there are dead and injured. the belgorod region is again under fire from the ukrainian armed forces, medical facilities and residential buildings have been damaged. what the situation in the region will be by this time will tell. our correspondent. inflationary pressure is gradually weakening, but remains high. the board of directors of the bank of russia maintained its key rate on level of 16% per annum. what were the main statements made by the chairman of the central bank, ilvera nabiulina, at the press conference? vladimir putin awarded prizes in the field of literature and art for children's and youth works. three winners. we will tell you who they are and why they were awarded the prizes in the issue.
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the period of sunny weather in the center of russia is coming to an end; we will find out how this will affect the temperature regime and its weather situation in other regions of the country in our section. vladimir putin convened a meeting of the security council to discuss measures to combating the spread of neo-nazism. as the first one. question today we will consider measures to combat the spread of neo-nazism ideas, i will not go into details, we are aware of what it is and how important it is in the context of today's events, let's start working, retaliation strikes: the russian armed forces inflicted one of the most massive strikes on the critical infrastructure of ukraine during the entire special military operation, this is
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the answer for belgorod. according to the ministry of defense, the attacks targeted power plants, railway junctions, a weapons warehouse, a decision-making center of the armed forces of ukraine and places of concentration of ukrainian soldiers of foreign mercenaries, and in almost all regions from kharkov and sumy to ternopil and nikolaev regions. they used both sea-based and air- based missiles, as well as drones. it is reported that it was possible to undermine the work of enterprises ... repairing the production of weapons and ammunition for the needs of the ukrainian army. in addition, foreign military equipment from nato allies was destroyed, the transfer of reserves. in total, according to the ministry of defense, from march 16 to 22, 49 so -called retaliatory strikes were carried out. they were a response to shelling of border zones in an attempt to break into russian territory. and one of the most powerful blows hit kharkov. it was reported that there was in the city.
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at least 20 explosions were recorded, industrial facilities and critical infrastructure were destroyed, in particular workshops for the repair of military equipment, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and drones. according to the mayor of the city, kharkov is completely without power, the work of two people at once. there are interruptions in the water supply. according to reports distributed in telegram channels, ukrainian officers who were responsible for a large group of attacks on the belgorod region could also come under attack. strange mercenaries. the consequences of an attack on the dnieper in zaporozhye may be critical for the energy transport infrastructure of ukraine, which, by the way, is used to supply vysu at the front. it is reported that the station received serious damage and a fire started. one explosion occurred in the turbine room, the second in railway tracks on the platinum ridge. according to preliminary data, plantina station is intact, but almost all machine rooms and lifting devices are intact. as an
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electricity generation facility, are completely out of order, and repair in the near future is most likely impossible. and what does stopping the dnieper gess mean for the ukrainian energy sector and for the front. egor grigoriev appreciated the scale. twenty. wow, that's a hit. twenty second. eyewitness video. the missiles land exactly on the dnieper hydroelectric power station. flashes before impacts are similar to. thermal booms traps, they are made so that missiles are not intercepted. after clear hits , a fire started and dneproges stopped work. i thought it was a dream, through a dream. there is no light in the area. according to ukrainian online publications , all or almost all of the machine rooms and lifting airlock devices have been destroyed, which will definitely not be restored quickly. the head of ukrhydroenergo gives disappointing forecasts for kiev. today e e. that we are losing
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the station. ges-2 is under threat, we don’t know how much capacity it will be able to operate. two rockets on ges-2, one rocket on the support. ges-2 is in critical condition, also not... dneproges is a peak regulator, that is , it distributes electricity in the amount of up to 10% of all consumed in ukraine, putting the non-proges out of action, disrupting the stability of the energy system, which may now not be able to cope during peak hours, power outages are coming throughout ukraine, the station also provided industrial enterprises of zaporozhye, which worked for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the external dneprovskaya overhead line, which supplies the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, was switched off, and today is march 22.
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in kyiv, kharkov, krivoy rog, sumy. power outages are now observed in krivoy rog, kirovograd, khmelnitsky, dnepropetrovsk, sumy, poltava regions in odessa, the head of the odessa administration lists the name of the means of destruction. cruise missiles, geraniums, several dozen geraniums, several dozen ballistic missiles, ballistics flew at targets in zaporozhye in the dnieper, kha-101, kindzhaly, attacks on energy infrastructure. energy announces large-scale attacks on the energy system and is going to ask help from europe. this was the largest attack of all time on the ukrainian energy system. the attack took place in different regions, at power plants, thermal and hydro, as well as at main
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substations operated by ukrenergo. damage to energy facilities in many regions, especially in kharkov. there will be restrictions on energy supply as long as there are power engineers. egor grigoriev irina zaborskaya. news. well, now new data on the progress of the special military operation from the ministry of defense. today the armed forces of the russian federation a massive strike was inflicted by high-precision long-range airborne, sea-based, ground-based
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unmanned aerial vehicles on energy facilities of the military-industrial complex, railway junctions, arsenals, places of deployment and formation of the armed forces of ukraine foreign... as a result of the strike , the functioning of industrial enterprises producing and repair of weapons, military equipment and ammunition. in addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to ukraine and nato countries. the transfer of enemy reserves to the front line was disrupted, and mercenary units of the ukrainian armed forces were hit in areas where combat capability was being restored. all goals of the massive strike have been achieved. from march 16 to 22, in response to shelling of our territory, attempts to break through the capture of russian border settlements, the armed forces carried out 49 retaliatory strikes using high- precision long-range air-launched weapons,
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including aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles, missile systems unmanned aerial vehicles. as a result of the strikes, the decision-making center was hit. forces of ukraine, airfield infrastructure facilities, workshops for repairing weapons and military equipment, warehouses for storing unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats, logistics bases, as well as temporary deployment points for units and special operations forces of foreign mercenaries. in the kubyansky direction, within a week, units of the western group of forces defeated the formation armed forces of ukraine in the regions.
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in a week there were up to 400 military personnel, three tanks, three armored fighting vehicles, 25 vehicles and 19 field artillery pieces. during the week ukrainian.
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belogorovka, krasnogorovka and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses during the week in this direction amounted to more than 1,885 military personnel, six tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles, 41 vehicles, 17 field artillery guns and nine field ones. the settlements
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of orlovka and tonenkaya of the donetsk people's ruble were liberated the manpower and equipment of seven brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were defeated in the areas of the settlements of berdychi, nitaylovo, semenovka, pervomaiskaya, novgorodskoye, umanskoye and ocheretina of the donetsk people 's republic, 42. attacks were repelled by the formation of the forty-seventh mechanized, fifty- ninth motorized infantry, seventy-eighth - airborne assault third enemy assault brigade in the areas of the settlements of leninskaya, novobakhmutovka, orlovka and vodyanoye, donetsk people's republic. in a week in this direction, the armed forces of ukraine lost over 2,195 military personnel, two tanks, 21 armored combat vehicles, 65 vehicles. with 28 field artillery guns in the yuzhdonets direction, units of the vostok group of forces liberated
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the village of mirnaya, zaporozhye region, and improved the tactical situation along the front line. in addition, the formation of the first brigade of the national guard of ukraine, as well as the 127th and 128th military defense brigades in the areas of shakhterskaya, ravnopol and urozhaynaya settlements of the donetsk people's republic, were defeated. reflected.
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shcherbaki, stepnoe, zaporozhye region, ivanovka and nikolskaya, kherson region. during the week in this direction , the enemy lost more than 330 military personnel, 22 vehicles and 11 field artillery pieces. rocket troops, artillery, unmanned aerial vehicles, and troop groups destroyed nine launchers of multiple launch rocket systems, vampire, of czech production, in a week. a battery of the irist anti-aircraft missile system, manufactured in germany, two counter-battery counter-battery stations made in the usa, as well as four ukrainian electronic warfare radio stations, enklav n, nota and bukovel.
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8,490 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 20,057 units of special military vehicles. the belgorod region
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today again came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. there are dead and injured. igor pikhanov. today, the first 1,200 children from the belgorod region and also from belgorod and the border areas of the belgorod region went on vacation to other russian regions. they will spend three weeks in sanatoriums and holiday camps. a rich program awaits them there, this... all games participation in various competitions, by the decision of regional authorities, children in the border region, as well as in belgorod , deserve the situation with daily shelling from ukrainian militants went on vacation, today a large train is leaving for the city of penza, colleagues from the penza region provided the opportunity for the children
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children of the city of belgorod, the belgorod region and young athletes are leaving today to relax in five institutions. children travel accompanied by adults, including medical workers who ensure their condition health, control, hot meals were organized along the way, i’m sure that the guys will have an interesting program and new acquaintances, everything will be fine. in total, about 9.00 children will rest in sanatoriums for about 3 weeks, if the situation at home remains difficult, then perhaps this time will extend, almost... every day the number of regions that are ready to host little guests when i arrive is increasing the camp will probably be very cool and fun, because i’ve never been there before and i want to find out, it will probably be interesting, i’m going with in a great mood, in the mood for some kind of competition , to meet someone, i hope that pinza is very
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beautiful, i’ve never been there, i think it’s cool there, ukrainian militants shelled belgorod at 7:30 in the morning, i myself came under attack the regional center, as well as its suburbs , hit civilians using multiple launch rocket systems, shells exploded in the residential sector on the highway, on residential buildings, as a result of which four medical institutions were damaged, as well as a residential apartment building, among the measured residents there is a dead person, a woman who at that moment went outside to walk the dogs, another one also received a shrapnel wound...
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for this, all services are involved. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, conduct the belgorod region. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business.
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talent in some area of ​​culture or art. and who, through their many years of work, deserve special attention, special, some kind of encouragement from the president, because this is presidential. the prize is, as it were , offered to the president by the council for culture, which includes leading cultural figures in a variety of fields, including music, theater, and cinema, literature. so, the prize for a work for children and youth was awarded to the president of the white steamship foundation, nikolai didenko, for creating a charity festival of the same name for creative gifted children. the idea of ​​the project was born in 2005 . since then, every year more than 100 children from all over the country take part in a free summer vocal and choir school. the prize was also awarded to konstantin kirillov, director
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of the ryazan regional puppet theater. he has been leading the institution for more than 20 years, and the theater’s repertoire includes more than 45 performances, and some of them are awarded a golden mask. among the laureates is marina leonova, acting rector of the moscow state academy of choreography. heads the educational institution. in 2002, in the nineteenth year, the academy became one of the ten leading russian universities, of course, for me this is a huge part, a big advance. as for the children's music festival, next year it will be 20 years old, really 20 years of great work, uh, children from all over the country - in one of the summer months they fly to moscow, do creative work, children are not simple, but united, firstly , by the love of music, and united by incredible talent, i treat it as recognition of the merits of the entire staff of the ryazan puppet theater, our entire team - which makes the theater
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what it is now, a living, emotional theater, which there are a lot of spectators. the names of the laureates of the presidential prize for young cultural figures have been announced. it was awarded to the artist alexei kryukov for his contribution to the preservation and development of the tradition of the russian realistic art school. young painter regularly visited donbass and created portraits. militias, legendary commanders, ordinary soldiers, reflected life on the front line. among the luriat and menge andar, deputy director of the center of tuvan culture. a researcher, she devoted several years to studying the peculiarities of the language of tuvan heroic tales. vialchelist alexander ram was among the winners of the presidential prize for his contribution to the development of russian art. it is noted that ram is one of the most sought-after domestic musicians,
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with... a large repertoire, for me this is a very high award, high recognition, especially the fact that the great musician and great man, vladimir teodorovich spevakov, nominated me for this award, and for my part, i am going to continue to serve music in our country, i was of course shocked, then through which...
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tours for art, works for children and youth have been awarded since 2011 and 2013, respectively. the award ceremony is timed to coincide with cultural worker's day, which is celebrated on march 25. the award can be awarded to either one the applicant and a team of up to three people. the amount of bonuses is 5 million rubles. each.
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at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, glazing blood, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original, we look to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. the national guard, in exercises that were as close as possible to the real situation, practiced eliminating the militants; first, they were deprived of the opportunity to hide, then they
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stormed the building where they were hiding. operators played a huge role at all stages of the training drones.


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