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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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more, many are returning, at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing , the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is native, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, the national guard, in exercises that were as close as possible to the real situation, practiced eliminating the militants; first, they were deprived of the opportunity to hide, then they stormed the building where the enemy was hiding. at all stages, training played a huge role drone operators. will tell how
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this task was carried out, the enemy is driven into a dead end to deprive him of the opportunity to hide, the blocking group destroys the attackers’ car with a kamikaze drone. the enemy retreats into the building and returns fire. amon’s fighters often encounter similar situations, so the procedure has been worked out to the point of automaticity. the special forces unit proceeds to the assault. this is a teaching, but the conditions are as close as possible to real ones, there are only four criminals, but even in such an operation more than ten are involved drones of different types and purposes, at least two conduct surveillance from the external sides of the building, while the operators see through a thermal imager where the enemy is and report to the assault group, guys, when they work, they don’t see what’s behind them, what’s on top of them, we observe all this, we report everything , we control everything, to eliminate the target without risking the health of personnel is the task for kamikaze drones, this is exactly how...
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the car of the criminals was destroyed. these drones carry explosives. while one group distracts itself from the enemy's attention in the second person enters the building from the other side. this trio is also accompanied by a copter. a small and maneuverable fpv drone is the eyes of attack aircraft. his task is to detect the enemy who has ambushed the fighters. drones help us save. the life and health of our employees, that is, where before, well, we used other various technical means and took greater risks with the health and life of our employees, here we can use technical means such as fpv drones, observation drones and minimize the risks of using our divisions, our employees. the special forces of the main directorate of the russian guard of moscow and the moscow region conduct such exercises regularly.
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frozen russian assets, as reported by bloomberg, did not approve the decision to confiscate income, most eu members expressed skepticism about this proposal, and representatives of western banks are completely lobbying for a complete abandonment of the idea of ​​confiscating russian money. alek komarova will tell you what else is known about the results of the first day of the summit. zelensky demands ammunition and russian billions. the german press is full of such headlines today. journalists note.
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no one approved the timing of the start of these negotiations, they only said that kiev’s progress is welcome, continue reforms, europe is still busy, they believe russian money can be taken away, they reported on progress in this matter... i am glad to have such colossal support in the matter of using profits from confiscated russian assets. this step will ensure new supplies of military equipment for ukraine. as far as i know, we are now we expect to collect about 3 billion euros in this way in 2024 and similar amounts in subsequent years. however, in the end, the eu summit did not make the scandalous decision to seize income from russian assets. the document has been sent for revision.
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called strategic decisions to withdraw from certain territories, while the head of the department openly stated: kiev is rapidly losing ground while the russian army has actually made a breakthrough. alika komarova, lead. the board of directors of the bank of russia maintained
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the key rate at 16% per annum. how according to the official commentary, inflationary pressure is gradually weakening, but remains high. domestic demand is ahead perhaps. the movement of trucks, which was completely blocked on february 20 during the farmers' protest, has been unblocked; now, according to border services, trucks, buses and cars are passing through both countries as usual, while three more checkpoints remain closed. the agrarian demands to limit or completely
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ban the import of cheap products from ukraine and strengthen support for national agricultural producers. the day before, protests by farmers completely paralyzed all entrances to warsaw. tractors blocked roads in almost all voivodeships. however, the agrarian union suggested that a protest of this scale was the last. meanwhile, farmers in france continue their actions of disobedience; in the commune of pégueux, in protest against untimely payments of financial assistance, the administration buildings were bombarded with tires and garbage. a similar picture can be observed in the city of pau. after a week of siege of the headquarters totalia energy police dispersed the rally around the clock. now the city needs a major cleanup. world premiere of the documentary film belgrade. this joint documentary project of the rossiya tv channel and the tas information agency will take place in the russian house in the capital of serbia. the screening will take place on march 24 at 18:30, precisely the twenty-
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fifth anniversary of the first nato bombs falling on serbian soil. in the film , serbian president aleksandar vucic, president, will tell about the events of such a time. and uh russia of course no one remembers, we know about we remember this. let me remind you that this sunday, march 24, it will be exactly 25 years since the nato military operation against the federal
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republic of yugoslavia began. the main goal of the nato air offensive operation was then said to be the alleged prevention of genocide of the albanian population in kosovo. according to the alliance, the operation continued. 78 days, during which time nato aircraft flew 38,000 sorties. according to research by military experts, nato forces fired more than 3,000 cruise missiles. 2/3 of which are civilians. as a result the actions of the united states and its satellites killed thousands of civilians. together with our colleagues from the state duma, we have prepared. in it, we express indignation and
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deep alarm at the attempts of the collective west to consign to oblivion the victims of bloody nato crimes and to blame the serbs themselves for starting the war. on the eve of the anniversary , a conference opened in belgrade at the russian center of science and culture, russian house.
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without the consent of the un security council, which is the highest body of the world community, responsible for international security, the western military alliance began criminal bombing and aggression against a sovereign and independent state of nations. the serbian spirit, which, while bombs were falling on buildings and bridges , took to the streets to firmly tell the aggressor that there is no fear of him, today. defends its independence, fights for its kosovo and metohija, and refuses to impose sanctions against russia, despite daily threats and pressure. the ministry of emergency situations spoke about the progress of rescue work at the mine, where 13 miners are trapped. the situation is under the personal control of the head of the department , alexander kurenkov. the concentration of equipment at the pioneer mine has reached its maximum, groundwater has stopped flowing, and the pumps have stopped working. the main task in the coming days. to get to the void where people may be, specialists install concrete lintels that will ensure safe
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work for rescuers. in addition, three technological wells are being drilled, through which air will be supplied to the depth. the emergency situation remains under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations, associated, associated with the collapse of rock at the pioneer mine in the zeya district of the amur region. the fate of the thirteen miners still remains. unknown, an operational group of the ministry of emergency situations of russia is working at the scene of the emergency , please inform me about the progress of work every 3 hours, if the situation changes, a report will be sent immediately. let me remind you that the collapse at the pioneer zolotorodnoe deposit occurred on march 18, a team of 13 people was underground at that moment, they did not communicate. in search and rescue operations 226 specialists and 29 pieces of equipment are involved. what can negatively affect
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the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. it’s easy to imagine an ideal home, so just imagine, and the rest will be done by a house-click, from a dream to a home, one house-click, your back gets tired on your feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle and exercise on a daily basis, but how can i protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneu helps support joint health. artneo: just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine.
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afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. contribution. the best interest in savings is a simple way it’s profitable to invest money online, just one button the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank sberbank prime is more profitable. planting will protect potatoes from the colorado potato beetle and wireworm and guarantee an excellent harvest, so when planting the potatoes are in order, the company august is number one in plant protection, cheers, we finally arrived, how you grew up and now to the point, this is your granddaughter keep this for you from where it’s all already in retirement,
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symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. against prostatitis. at ekaterinburg airport the self- check-in system for passengers' baggage has been launched. it will be convenient for those who register online. the system will automatically weigh the luggage, determine its dimensions and issue a tag. all that remains is to place the suitcase on the belt and then pick it up at the arrival airport. instructions for use.
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the device itself reads the weight, dimensions and even color of luggage, thanks to a 360-degree video surveillance system. probably the main convenience of this box is that the passenger is not given a long, inconvenient adhesive and tape, but a small, magnetic luggage sticker that can be attached to any place in the suitcase, and in any case it will be recognized by the check-in system. the project is 100% domestic in materials. software, by the way, it helps luggage not to get lost, the automation remembers the appearance of the bag, always knows where it is, modern technologies are used, artificial intelligence, computer vision, which helps to identify luggage along the entire path of this luggage. flights via bex id now possible for four airlines, the only limitation is that
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self-service baggage kiosks are only available during online check-in. albert musin, nikolai starostin, dmitry komov and elena goleeva. vesti, ekaterinburg. the period of sunny weather in the center of russia is coming to an end. how will the arrival of clouds affect the temperature? let's ask the leading specialist of the fubus center, evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniya, i greet you. well, the heat is over. good afternoon. nature has been pampering us with april fools' warmth for 3 days already, but alas, in the coming meteorologist's day awaits the curse of the weekend. let's start with some striking shots from crimea. i’ll return you to the mountains of the peninsula. in winter , a temporary snow cover of 4 cm high formed on aipetra; on the angara pass there was half as much snow. however, in the morning there was still work for the snow removal equipment. in st. petersburg on thursday there was wet snow, but by the evening the precipitation turned into drizzling rain. today in the northern capital it is cloudy and damp; there has been light rain all day,
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so light that there is no point in opening umbrellas. petersburgers are hiding under their hoods. some people are in a very spring mood. despite the frost, three merrymakers perched on one electric scooter. for violating the rules of using the service, they will no longer be able to ride a two-wheeler. the northern half of the european territory of russia will be under the influence of a cyclone of atlantic origin. on saturday in the west and in the center of russia there will be mostly rain, in the russian north there will be snow charges, and sleet will hit certain areas of karili, the leningrad region, the vologda region, the upper volga and volgovyad region. at the same time, in some areas of the upper volga, up to half the march volume of moisture is predicted. at the same time, in crimea, donbass, kherson region, chernozem region, lower volga region. and orenburg the day will be fine. localized precipitation is possible in the southernmost regions of the country. the forecast map shows that over the coming weekend the temperature background on
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the russian plain will noticeably drop and from the area of ​​april warmth will return to the climatic framework of march. the isotherm characteristic of the last ten days of the month will be +5° pushed out by the cold front to the south 400-500 km from the vologotchina to the moscow region. in the black earth region and between the volga and don rivers. during the day it will be +5-10, in the south of our country it will be slightly above 10 degrees. in the north, the cold will intensify to -3-8, in the nenesky autonomous okrug it will be real winter, frosts will hit -15-20. in st. petersburg on saturday the weather will remain cloudy and rainy, with up to 6-7 mm of precipitation falling. taking into account today's four, this is a bucket of rainwater per square meter in two days, in the morning +2.5, in the daytime the maximum thermometer. will show +3 +6. on sunday, the intensity of precipitation will decrease, but the rain may be mixed with sleet in some places, and it will become another degree colder. next week
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the weather will gradually clear up. today is the last fine day in moscow, the thermometer now at vdnkh again shows +8.8. in the center of the capital in balchik it is exactly +10°. on saturday, with the approach of a north atlantic cyclone, the skies will darken in the early hours of the morning in the city. 1:4 it will start raining in the north-east of the moscow region in the sergegiv area posada, possibly mixed with wet snow. precipitation will continue throughout the weekend. on sunday the rain will turn into downpours, with the possibility of sleet in some places. up to 13 mm of precipitation will fall in two days, or about a third of the march norm. due to such inclement weather , daytime temperatures in the capital are unlikely to exceed +5. the final seven days of march will bring improved weather. warming, the real legend is immediately visible,
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a new underground horizon was discovered at the kirovsky mine at a depth of 380 m. thanks to it , next year it will be possible to increase ore production to 25 million tons. the start of the mine's work was given by deputy prime minister yuri trutnev. report by shallega posobin. the name of the horizon is + 10 m, because it is. its height above sea level is a working, its width is 5-6 m, there are several such floors, and above the untouched mountain range 70 m, and then the next horizon, there are four such layers, from the surface to this point almost 400 m, this is the lowest horizon in the kirov mine for the extraction of appatetnifilin ore, due to the lack of space during its preparation it was impossible to use the usual truck cranes, new technology solutions appeared,
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and rails for the train were laid to the horizon. human life. at the grand opening of the horizon, the center of attention was a massive cone into which ore is poured coarse fraction and crushed. then the apatite-nifilin raw material is transferred to the surface to be delivered to the processing plant. entrepreneurs spent 36 billion rubles on the development of this horizon alone. in total , 80 were invested in the kirov mine. and, of course, this will affect the growth of production. next year
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they are counting on it. to receive 25 million tons of ore, we have plus the tenth horizon, which we put into operation today, this is currently our lower mark of the kirov mine, and it is unique in that it will provide ore to our production facilities for many years to come, and of course will allow us to increase the volume of mineral fertilizers that we supply to the domestic market, entrepreneurs have invested billions in the environment, built stadiums, now khibiny... this is one of the leading ski resorts with ideal slopes, restaurants, hotels, spa airport within walking distance. the partnership that we have with large businesses, in this case with the flosagro company, is very important for us, because in addition to investment in production, it an investment in the resort, and this is the quality of life for those employees who work at the enterprise, for the entire murmon region, and for those who come to visit us, and that social partnership agreement, when we invest additional money, the company
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invests, it is on...
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the security council to discuss measures to combat the spread of neo-nazism. as a first question, today we will consider measures to combat the spread of neo-nazist ideas. i won’t go into details, we are aware of what it is and how important this is in the context of today's events. let's start working. retaliation: the russian armed forces inflicted one of the most massive attacks on the critical infrastructure of ukraine during the entire period of the svo, this is the answer for belgorod. according to the ministry of defense, attacks were carried out on power plants, railway junctions, a weapons warehouse, the decision-making center of the armed forces of ukraine and places of concentration of ukrainian soldiers of foreign mercenaries, and in almost all regions from the kharkov region...


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