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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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i would like to propose abolishing the right of veto for permanent members. and the ongoing genocide in gaza is an argument in support of this proposal. because vetoing the ceasefire resolution is completely oralian in nature. at the moment, israel is waging genocide against the palestinian people; in this regard , permanent members of the un should not be able to veto resolutions demanding a ceasefire. thank you very much mr. ho. for your speech, now i want to give
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the floor to state representatives who would like to speak, the floor is to the representative of the russian federation, madam chairman, we thank our speakers, we consider it very timely to gather again in this room to discuss the issue of the ongoing western arms pumping.
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for his independence the ideals of democracy, and the west provides him with all possible support. i put aside the true goals of the kiev regime and its eight-year war of extermination against the population of donbass, which our special military operation is designed to stop. i'll tell you something else: now we can safely state that the scale of participation of the north atlantic alliance, keeping its kiev charges afloat, is much wider than...
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we need more people, no matter what we do, you must fight. end of quote. following these precepts, military registration and enlistment offices continue to catch men of military age on the streets in public places with the aim of their further transfer to the front. some are luckier, they manage to escape from certain death. they leak into the media every now and then. stories of trying illegally cross the border. what is noteworthy is that officials and even diplomats who have such an opportunity are fleeing a sinking ship called ukraine.
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johnson it was then that former british prime minister boris forbade the kiev regime to sign the already initialed peace treaty with russia, dooming hundreds of thousands of young people to death. since then
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, the situation for the bandera junta in political and military terms has worsened significantly. taking into account the fact that the air force has not been fighting with its weapons for a long time, we can say that the goal of our north military district is to demilitarize own ukraine are fulfilled. now the militants survive solely on supplies from nato countries. but even despite the forced transfer to the front of the most expensive western equipment, the russian armed forces consistently continue to destroy abrams, leopards and hymers. at the same time, a new moment was the more clearly realized course of kiev’s western curators to escalate the crisis due to the fact that the war against russia at the hands of ukrainians does not bring the desired results. instead of forcing
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their wards to sit down at the negotiating table, they are still being dissuaded in every possible way from diplomacy. according to leaked statements. they casually discussed the scenario of striking the crimean bridge and other russian civilian infrastructure, and discussed how many long-range taurus missiles would be needed for this. in other words, they were planning a terrorist attack. what is noteworthy is that
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after the conversation was made public, german authorities expressed concern only about the fact of the leak, but not about the content of the conversation. they hastened to block the distribution of the recordings online, clearly trying to hush up the scandal and hide it from the public; they accused us of a disinformation attack, while immediately recognizing the authenticity of the recording. against this background , emmanuel macron’s militant anti-russian rhetoric is not even surprising, although it is very alarming. in recent weeks, he has made provocative statements about france’s lack of any red lines regarding the conflict and its readiness to send troops to ukraine to participate in hostilities . according to some data, speech may go for 2 soldiers for deployment, including
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in the areas bordering belarus. of course, such irresponsible statements can be written off as pr, but here it is.
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they will be considered a legitimate and even priority target for our army. perhaps the time has come to honestly answer the question: what is of greater value to you, the life and well-being of your own citizens or the illusory dream of weakening russia. by the way, literally today marks the 20th anniversary of the entry of the russian army into paris, when france's previous attempt to unite europe in an anti-russian way failed. basis. we advise neither you nor the germans to forget the lessons of history, so as not to bite your elbows later. in general, lately the manifestations of hypocrisy and duplicity of western politicians have simply gone off scale. the story of the leak of german
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generals, macron’s rhetoric, and the recognition of a number of other representatives of the western political establishment clearly shows the direct, rather than indirect, involvement of nato countries in the conflict. it is useless to deny this fact, it is proven by hundreds of other foreign military advisers to mercenaries, whom western capitals are even trying to hide from their own public. at the same time , more and more crafty logic is invented. relatively recently , these same states argued that ukraine should be accepted into nato, because russia would not dare to attack an alliance country. now we hear the completely opposite: we cannot allow kiev to lose, because russia will not stop in ukraine and will attack nato countries. where is there any consistency in your statements.
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do you realize that with your irresponsible rhetoric you are raising the stakes and risk moving the conflict into a new, acute and unpredictable phase. are you ready to fight with russia in your countries? do the general european public understand the consequences of your actions? perhaps the time has come to think about the consequences of your irresponsible actions of words for...
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the ministry of defense, as follows from the report, is also deprived of the ability to track the status
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of supplies after they arrive on the territory of ukraine. in other words, independent control ensuring that the supplied weapons do not spread beyond the independent borders is de facto impossible. the military cannot boast of accurate data on the fate of american products.
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madam chairman, we note the increased number of appeals to us from foreign partners with calls to move on to negotiations to end hostilities, leaving out the fact that the kiev regime, as we have seen more than once, is, in principle, incapable of reaching an agreement. he himself legally prohibited any negotiations with russia, i would like to ask everyone present a question: with whom should we conduct these negotiations, at least hypothetically? after all, the sole decision of the kiev dictator not to hold presidential elections, obviously in fear of losing them, made in violation of the constitution of ukraine, makes it illegitimate from may 21,
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the vacillation in the political leadership of the country continues to intensify, deputies of the verkhovna rada are scattering in all directions, centrifugal.
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held it via videoconference, the president emphasized the importance and relevance topic, as the first question today we will consider measures to combat the spread of neo-nazism ideas, i will not go into detail, we are aware of what it is and how important it is in the context of today's events, let's start working. the russian military, in response to shelling of our territories, launched a massive attack on the critical infrastructure of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense, power plants, railway junctions, arsenals, decision-making centers of the armed forces of ukraine, and concentration areas were attacked ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries. one of the attacks hit the dneproges, which was completely disabled. and repairs in
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the near future are most likely impossible. and in total, according to data from the sixteenth. by march 22, 49 so-called retaliation strikes had been carried out. a week ago , vladimir putin said that shelling of our territories by the enemy will not go unpunished. denis alekseev will talk in more detail about the goals and consequences of the russian response. for a massive strike on the strategic infrastructure of ukraine it was long -range, air-, sea-, and ground- based precision weapons are involved, and of course, jet-powered drones. as a result of the impact. the functioning of industrial enterprises producing and repairing weapons, military equipment and ammunition is disorganized. in addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to ukraine from nato countries were destroyed. the transfer of enemy reserves to the front line was disrupted, and mercenary units of the ukrainian armed forces were hit in the recovery areas
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combat effectiveness. all goals of the massive strike have been achieved. from 16 to 22 march. in response to shelling of russian territory, attempts to break through the capture of border settlements, our military carried out 49 retaliatory strikes. as a result of the strikes , airfield infrastructure facilities, weapons and military equipment repair shops, storage warehouses for unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats, logistics bases, as well as temporary deployment points for units and forces were hit in the decision-making center of the ukrainian armed forces special... russian president vladimir putin spoke at a meeting of the security council with the aim of disrupting the voting process and intimidating people, at least in the regions bordering ukraine. the kiev
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neo-nazi regime is planning to carry out a number of criminal, demonstrative armed actions. this primarily involves striking civilian settlements on russian territory. about 95%. in the direction of kiev, kiev lost more than 3,000 military personnel and militants of terrorist groups. and here are the latest shots from our ministry of defense the west group does not stop
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conducting counter-battery warfare in the border zone. our military identified the artillery crew of the drg. the militants secured a position with an american m-3-7 howitzer. there they were destroyed. along with the installation. western installations for various purposes. over the course of a week , the russian military destroyed nearly two dozen units. rocket troops. artillery by unmanned aerial vehicles of military groups, nine launchers, vampire multiple launch rocket systems, czech production, were destroyed in a week, a battery of the irist anti-aircraft missile system, manufactured in germany, two counter-battery counter-battery stations made in the usa, as well as four ukrainian electronic warfare radio stations, enklav n, nota and bukovelya d. in all main directions of the special operation. the situation along the front line has been significantly improved, several important settlements have been liberated at once, the alabastrova station in the donetsk direction, the villages of
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orlovka and tonenkoe in the ovdeevsky direction, and the vostok group has liberated the settlement of mirnoye in the zaporozhye region. artyomovskoe direction from the last one. our tankers in brand new t-90 vehicles destroyed the drone control center with precise hits. with skillful actions, the russian military does not give the militants room to maneuver in this area, driving them away. 10 counterattacks of assault groups, the forty-sixth and eighty-first airborne brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, krasnohorivka and novomikhailovka of the donetsk people's republic were repelled to a dead end northwest of artyomovsk. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to more than 1,885 military personnel, six tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles, 41 vehicles, 17 field artillery guns. and nine field ammunition depots. this video appeared, not official, but very emotional. two of our fighters, there is no other way to say it, were born wearing a shirt. well, okay, drone, but now
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we have it. it’s probably hard to find words when there ’s an unexploded fpv drone sticking out of your windshield. once again we have to thank luck. our military does not forget about it, but professionalism, like apparently, based on the results at the fronts, it cannot be taken away from them. denis alekseev, lead. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online. with just one button , the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button savings grow with the maximum rate. one button and you look forward with confidence. together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank; in sberbank with prime it is more profitable. a loan with cashback from sber is even more
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the best bank for business. a forum dedicated to the prospects of new regions of russia started today in rostov-nadon. participants discuss how to create conditions for socio-economic development and realize industrial potential using special conditions of the free economic zone. discussion platforms are also about inclusion.
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didn't lose or give up. our fight continues here and there. almost everything remained the same as it was that very night. here the announcers recorded sound, journalists worked. now there is emptiness here. several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom of speech is in nato style. there were few russians, but with their help. there was a radical turning point in this war, we will never be able to forget how they treated us, these are not just names, as long as we remember them, they are immortal.


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