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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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almost everything remained as it was that very night, here the announcers recorded sound, journalists worked, now there is emptiness here, several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom of speech is, in nato style. there were few russians, but with their help a radical change occurred in this war. we can never forget what they did to us, these are not just names, as long as we remember them, they are immortal.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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it was you who stole a dirk from your grandfather at the age of 7 , it was you, the men from the yard said you were a fighter, it was you who was never afraid of a fight, it was with you, she was calm everywhere, it was on you, friends can always rely on you, it was you who could not stay away , it's you, and here you are! among our own , it’s great, everyone is delighted with coffee at a delicious point, favorite cappuccino, as well as raf, flatwight, hot chocolate and desserts in a cafe, we take out loans, it’s easy to get one, in sovcombank, we take out loans,
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service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. tatyana petrova is with you. operatives of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb. igor khranovsky. the official is suspected of embezzlement of budget funds. in the near future they plan to send him to the north caucasus, where a criminal case is being investigated. how is this
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operation connected with another detention of the former chairman of the government karachaev-cherke, and now academician vladimir kaishev. report by andrey romanov. special service soldiers. in camouflage and people in civilian clothes, in the middle of a cramped office, they tightly surrounded the workplace of an official in a snow-white shirt and ties. the main character of this video is the director of the department economic development of the north federal district igor khranovsky. he intensely reads the documents and raises his eyebrows in surprise. the occupant of the bright office seemed unable to believe that armed security forces had come to detain him. according to our information, igor khranovsky was detained in moscow at his workplace , and from there he was taken for the first interrogation. it is known that the appointed official in the ssc is suspected of embezzling budget funds. the security forces have not yet disclosed the details of this case, he heads the department of socio-economic development of the north caucasus federal district, thirty-seven-year-old igor kharanovsky since 2021. before that, he served as deputy chairman of the government of ingushetia, worked
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in commercial structures and headed the department of strategic and investment development of the north caucasus federal district. here is one of khranovsky’s rare public appearances, he calls on the residents of the north caucasus. pay attention to the bank, which received subsidies from the state treasury worth a billion rubles. i ask the business community to respond, study the capabilities of the bank’s product line today, and use the tool based on the that funds are provided to reduce the cost of final funds for market participants. judging by the fact that the security forces eventually came for igor khranovsky, he was not only in charge of money. flows that flowed to the development of the economy of the north federal district, but probably also knew how to direct them in his direction. an interesting detail: shortly before the visit of law enforcement officers to khranovsky, it became known about the detention of another respected statesman, a former prominent official, and now an academician of the russian academy of sciences, vladimir kaishev.
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kaishev received honorary status in 2022, after that, he was solemnly welcomed back to his homeland in the stavropol territory. the newly minted academician was offered bread and salt, and he told his fellow countrymen about upcoming scientific breakthroughs. this obliges us to work on new innovative technologies. today my colleagues and i have created a laboratory for creating innovative products. but what brought vladimir kaishev much wider popularity among the people was not scientific research, but a conflict with local businessmen. a few years ago, kaishev and his husband. came into conflict with stavropol mineral water bottling plant, the academician and his relatives allegedly categorically did not like the fact that the businessmen wanted to transport water along the road, which they considered their property. we probably need carbon dioxide for production, but so that in the end, we probably
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wouldn’t be able to start production and run a machine with carbon dioxide in any way, equipment arrived and destroyed not only the store, but also destroyed the passage to the plant. as a result, for the plant. built a new road, academician kaishev continued scientific research and this year celebrated his seventieth anniversary on the pan website on this occasion they posted a personal congratulation for... with a list of his merits, it was march 18, and a couple of days later the scientist was detained, then they came for igor khranovsky. according to media reports, their criminal cases may be related; possible clarity will appear in court when a preventive measure will be chosen against the detainee. andrey romanov, mikhail shirin, conductor, duty department. arithmetic of murders. the primorsky regional court sentenced igor kovalchuk, who is considered full-time killer of the organized crime group trifonovsky to 14 years in prison. strict regime. the prosecution proved that kovalchuk specialized in contract crimes. in total, he has
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seven victims. killer himself did not deny his guilt. report by vladimir bazov. a brooding man in an iron cage at the primorsky court, igor kovalchuk, a full-time killer of the trifonovsky gang, better known as an american, has been a fugitive from justice in the united states for a long time. apparently, he is just beginning to realize that he took the lives of seven people, and for this he will have to answer to themis. at the beginning of the 2000s , he... dealt with undesirables, killed competitors of his alleged owner alexander yasin. so in 2002, a killer eliminated oleg sidinka, a well-known media magnate in primorye, owner of the new wave television and radio company. explosives were planted at the entrance to his house. when sidinko entered the room , an explosion occurred. the outer door of the entrance, the inner one , was stitched with a metal sheet, onto which, well, at about this distance , i attached a large device to a magnet. like this. another businessman, co-owner of the nautilus nightclub evgeniy kirgintsev, was killed in this way; his car was blown up in 2001
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. during the entire meeting, kovalchuk did not utter a word; a year ago he was quite talkative. in an interview with our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program , the man did not hide anything with a grin on his face and said that he was personally involved in these crimes. are you related to the murder of oleg sidinka? well, let's just say, yes, i have. fine. you are involved in murder kirlintseva? yes, did you admit to committing what crimes? yes. in addition to a sincere confession, investigators had enough other evidence of killer’s guilt. he committed all the incriminated crimes both independently and as part of a gang, as well as by hiring third parties. during the investigation, the defendant admitted his guilt in full. contributed to the investigation of crimes. the primorsky regional court rendered a verdict against the killer of the
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trifonovsky gang, igor nikolaevich kovalchuk, he was found guilty of participating in an armed gang, illegal weapons trafficking, and the murder of seven people. the court decided that the trifonovsky killer will spend the next 14 years in a maximum security colony, and he will also have to pay a fine of 1 million rubles. however, this is only the beginning of the investigation into the group’s crimes. several other cases are pending in court, including against the alleged ringleader. before the trial, the trifonovsky case can be considered closed. vladimir bazov, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department.
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people will learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists. the program to conduct the duty unit is included in many regions of our country. my colleague ekaterina loskutova will tell you what topics interested our colleagues in the tomsk region. hello tatiana. my colleagues and i have been closely following events in the region all week. the most. significant incidents in our materials. sale of drugs on an especially large scale. more than fifty bags of so-called synthetics were seized from two tamich residents. the police detained one of them right at the moment of handing over the dose. a botched robbery. tamic not only failed to steal a case of alcohol from the store, but also broke several bottles in the process of escaping, as the desire to drink led to a criminal case. the general director of the tomsk company will answer. court for non-payment of taxes on an especially large scale, the company ultimately failed to pay taxes by
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more than 108 million rubles, what punishment now faces the thrifty manager? tomsk duty department will talk about all this and much more in the new episode of the program. tatiana, thank you very much, it was ekaterina loskovs from the tomsk region, do not miss the release of our colleagues. well, we continue the program. in kamchatka , the mayor of the city of elizov, artyom goglashvili, was detained in his office after a criminal case was initiated against him for hooliganism. according to the investigation, we are talking about the beating of a person at a recreation center in the village of poratunka, elizovsky district. by the way, the scandalous head of the city has come to the attention of operatives more than once.
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alexander ostakhov has all the details. investigators are now carefully studying this footage. late in the evening at the recreation center. in kamchatka, men are having a conversation, when suddenly one of them, who is identified as the mayor of the city of elizva, artyom goglashvili, jumps up and moves from diplomacy to a fist fight. in one of the versions , the conflict began due to the fact that the employees of the recreation center tried to convince the debashir to go to bed and not disturb other guests, but gaglashvili’s soul demanded the continuation of the banquet, and he decided to ensure it with the help of his fists; out of hooligan motives, he struck multiple blows with his hand . ...on the head of the man who was stopping his violation of public order , the person involved is currently detained, a suspect of hooliganism was detained right at his workplace, gaglashvili recently moved to the mayor's chair from the deputy seat in november 2023, then a black streak began in the life of the politician, this is how he commented on local radio, scattered on social networks , footage of a brawl that took place
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last summer, when your family is insulted, insulted, then any man probably did just that... admire another video with his participation, the mayor is not visible on the recording, he is either in his tinted mercedes, or in the official car of traffic police inspectors, he refuses to undergo a survey, he has just returned from thailand, but here again the alleged tricks of spiteful critics. the mayor claims that he was a coward, someone persistently tried to set him up. initially, the traffic police officers began
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to treat me with disdain, so i saw that it was just some kind of person. circus and decided to go through this whole procedure on my own. in the near future, gaglashvili will be chosen as a preventive measure. not it is possible that more articles will be added in the gaglashvili case. recently, marya elzova became a participant in yet another scandal. he was able to hide income for two years ; an amount that was four times higher than official earnings was transferred to his family’s accounts. the mayor himself traditionally assures that this is also the work of ill-wishers. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. and now. he is charged with receiving a bribe on an especially large scale; the maximum penalty under this article is 15 years in prison and a fine of one hundred times the amount of the bribe.
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the vostlabinsky district of the krasnodar region is awaiting the release of a criminal authority for. kalashova , cars with moscow license plates have already been spotted near colony number two in the village of dvubratsky. officially, kalashov , nicknamed shakro the young, will be released on march 23, that is, he can leave the gates of the correctional facility at night. kalashov was once called the patriarch of the criminal world. this position came to him after another, so-called thief in law, aslan usayan, also known as grandfather hasan. koloshov served more time half the sentence, even though the labinsky court released him due to serious health problems. well, you will learn more about the story of the king of the underworld and his path to freedom from the final episode of our program, it will air tomorrow at 18:15. here are some other topics that await you: theft of a billion without the sound of dust, st. petersburg police detained a daring
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a thief who robbed a local bank of a record amount, how did he manage to do it? data of other people's bank cards. in what modest home did the criminal hide the stolen goods? wealth. only our film crew used the entrance to the institution to get into the storage facility, where the bags with billions are now located. according to whose instructions the attacker acted, who may be behind the organization of a high-profile abduction from st. petersburg. report by dmitry akimov. a new twist in a terrible accident with a beauty and an official. financially, you can’t stop, then of course you can’t pull off rehabilitation now , you’re slowly rolling back, why did the influential culprit of the incident remain on
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freedom and why does he refuse to pay money? i don’t earn that much, do you want to resolve all issues at the expense of the nave? is it true that a former official in the nineties was associated with criminals and survived an assassination attempt, for which the ex-official was nicknamed the chicken king, chicken on a bottle, let's celebrate every day, we talked with... with all the participants in this high-profile case from chelyabinsk and yekaterinburg investigation of olga zhurenkova from a premium car to jail in the volgograd region, the daughter of a famous racing driver was accused of fraud, is it really she built a financial pyramid with the money of gullible men, i had nothing left, roughly speaking, it was a competent project that she developed while the deceived clients of the glamorous diva sought to initiate criminal proceedings. the alleged swindler posed in expensive fur coats and exchanged five thousand dollar bills on napkins, where does such permissiveness come from, what
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the arrested beauty and the people who suffered from her cunning plan told us, the story of love, money and deception from maxim akhmetov. the marathon of desires has come to an end, the author of the personal courses growth elena blinovskaya, who is now in pre-trial detention, was finally charged. the marathon queen received enormous income from the sale of her training courses and, according to investigators, did not pay more than 700 million rubles in taxes to the state treasury. in addition, she is charged with illegal circulation of funds. the blogger’s husband is involved in the case; mrs. blinovskaya only partially admitted guilt, but her husband completely denied his involvement in the crimes. the criminal case contains about 30 volumes, documents will be available soon will be taken to court. the underground casino was hidden in a small room in a village near moscow;
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community activists and our film crew discovered an illegal mountain club. there were computers in full swing, extracting money from clients. how long has the illegal business existed? our correspondent daniil sukhoruchko managed to expose the casino. come here, an ordinary residential building in a wedge near moscow turned out to be a secret, social activists entered this premises so quickly that the illegal mountain club appeared in all its glory, this time the administrators even we didn’t have time to turn off the slot machines, but so much the better for the investigation, by the way, this is how people lost money, look, we press, the fruits spin, the money is lost, the casino hid in a small room, but, as it turned out, it brought big profits to the owners, although the establishment underground, but nevertheless well organized.
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they have fun, every person has the right where to spend their money, even on a casino, yes, it’s a harmless activity, they tried to play with you, it’s not interesting, it’s not interesting, i’m interested in a doggoneer, many visitors to this kingdom of fortune, the so-called stockolm syndrome, they are ready to defend those who rob them completely, what have you done here, i came to visit, i just came in , i just came in, to drink coffee, that you can’t drink coffee, but pour coffee here ? i’m pouring, yes, just like that, just like that, what a good organization, well, you played, just tell me, admit it, i didn’t play, just ask the guys,
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that is, you didn’t play, i don’t want to play, you don’t want to anymore, yes, that’s it leave me alone, it seems to me that i should have played them before, it’s sad, but among the players there are many elderly people, this really doesn’t bother the organizers of the establishment at all, but yours know that you are playing, can you tell your relatives that you are being treated for the same thing now depending on everything? we can handle it ourselves, well, how do you cope, if you are now sitting at 8 pm in a gaming club, well, it looks like the visitors have lost track of minutes and hours, the club owners made sure that people were not distracted from the game, by the way, they were still pouring drinks in this establishment gambling addict, he is amazed by the vastness of the local bar, there is beer, liqueurs, strong alcohol and even absinthe; in our country, mountain clubs can only operate in a few regions in a specially designated area, but it’s tough.
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based on the results of which a decision will be made in the manner prescribed by law. the investigative committee joined the investigation. the investigative bodies of the state investigative directorate of russia for the moscow region initiated a pre-investigation check into the fact of illegal organizations and gambling. to date , forensic investigators have inspected the site. incident, the necessary documentation was confiscated. so in the near future the courtyard of this house will obviously be calmer, and maybe at least a few old ladies will keep their pensions. danial sukaruchka, timofeev fleleev, danil prokudin, sergey klinkov. news. duty department. crab king. dead
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or not? the prosecutor general's office believes that fugitive businessman oleg kan faked his death. where is the billionaire now, who lost his fortune in the production of seafood delicacies? what other crimes is he accused of? journalist eduard petrov studied everything gray schemes of a smuggler. don't miss the big investigation, crab trap 2. this weekend on russia 24 tv channel . illegal hunting of kamchatka crab continues to bring in fabulous profits.
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and why are these crimes still not solved, are you not ashamed to wear the shoulder straps of the investigative committee, i am not ashamed, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. a real crime thriller with the participation of an mma fighter unfolded in yekaterinburg. twenty-seven-year-old alexander onegov, nicknamed klyopa, whom he accuses in essence. report by galina hungureeva. from such blows, even the tiles on the landing platform trembled, and those who hid behind the door hid under impression. but people in camouflage are persistent people. this is how the detention
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of yekaterinburg athlete alexander took place. a part-time mma fighter, investigators say, a citizen with multiple convictions. having laid his comrade on the floor, they rushed to find the culprit of the special operation. however, the heavyweight’s nerves turned out to be sensitive, and he jumped over the balcony railing due to the pressure jumped from the third floor. the second one is below, where he was already caught by the second group of sobra fighters, not in the literal sense, of course, so there were some injuries. the video surveillance footage shows how, having landed on the asphalt, a man takes a couple of clumsy steps and immediately falls. understand? what will delay, the men broke their legs, well, you jumped yourself, from a risky jump literally into the hands of special forces onegov will have to forget his martial arts skills for a long time, but poor health is not the only reason. alexander onegov was convicted of theft, robbery, fraud and forgery of documents. over the years of vigorous activity, he was nicknamed klepa. however, the list of criminal merits may soon be replenished. according to investigators , onegov stabbed his friend with a knife and took away
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his iphone. gold chain and 100,000 rubles. however, these accusations are not the whole list: an mma fighter with a criminal past managed to teach martial arts to the younger generation. according to investigators , he decided to use not his stronger minds, but his stronger muscles, for his own benefit. and negov allegedly, together with his comrades in the fight club, decided become a pimp. it is known that he persuaded girls to engage in prostitution, filmed videos of an intimate nature, which he then used to blackmail him, now on video himself, but of an operational nature. mockingly talks about a conflict during which he took out a knife, to compensate the victim to cooperate, during the conflict he stabbed the victim in the leg with a knife, while a criminal case has been opened against coach onegov under the article of robbery, however, it is possible that soon a couple more points will be added to it from criminal code. currently regarding of the detainee , a criminal case has been initiated and is being investigated under part three of article 162
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of the criminal code. mikhail shir


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