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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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social bloc, and we carefully, immediately after the message in the federation council , worked, worked with the regions, like the chamber of regions, on what can be immediately included in the work on behalf of the president, we understand that those measures, namely the national project family, which has appeared, now will be filled with meaning and content. of course, this is a very big job and i would like to note that the number of people who are increasing to 35,000 also brings with it a whole series of amendments to regulatory documents and legislation that needs to be worked on, i can’t help but note the layer that concerns healthcare, because the president...
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almost the entire population in groups will give the opportunity to systematically work out certain issues that are related specifically to this category, because we sometimes had some cross-programs, now it is important for us to understand that not a single category of citizens was left without attention, the president paid great attention to the national project family and...
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within the framework of this, not only issues of demography, but also issues of social security of large families, so that a large family had a sufficient level of income, incentive measures such as a tax deduction when there are two or more children in a family, and of course we understand perfectly well what is very important to us. now from the point of view of demography, from the point of view of having more children in families, it is important now to take such breakthrough measures, starting from the culture in a family with many children, and so that it is both fashionable and so that families feel comfortable , when there are many children and do not need anything, and here the state plays an important role. because it should
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to provide adequate support measures , at the same time it is very important that there is an opportunity to provide full-fledged education and development, in this vein, of course, there will be a lot of work, the next national project is personnel, and often in this studio you and i we talked about the problem we have with personnel, that there are a whole... number of specialties that are simply in short supply, now it is very important that there is targeted training, it is not so nominal, yes, which makes it possible to enroll in priority order , and then not return to the place where they received the target direction, so that the state receives a ready-made specialist and a guaranteed specialist in the required production. absolutely true,
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so it is important that those targeted people who went for training, that they return to where they are needed, as well as those programs that are... related to work in the countryside, now we also have a zemstvo doctor, zemstvo assistant, it is very important that the program for rural cultural workers also works and gives an influx of new personnel to rural clubs so that our villages also grow in number of people, and not die out, like...
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which now require major repairs, that they be reconstructed, and also that all social institutions meet modern requirements and regardless of , in what region and how remotely these facilities are located, and we discussed the problem of paramedic and obstetric centers, and i want to note that... in the healthcare sector it is very important that in any corner of our country there is the opportunity to provide high-quality medical care, now there is such an opportunity, thanks to telemedicine technologies, to quickly receive
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qualified advice, and of course, it is very important for us what the president said in his message, so that, regardless of location, every citizen of the russian federation feels the care of the state, the attention of the state and receives the assistance from the state that he specifically needs, so the issues are both the targeting of assistance and programs that are aimed specifically at the family. improve material position and provide a permanent income for thousands of families... starting from this year it can be collected. for these purposes, the budget provides for the availability of this measure to expand, including residents of new regions. by the way, about 100 billion rubles.
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oksana pottorkina will tell you who can count on such support from the state, as the president noted in his message to the federal government, and how to get it. yulia shadrina from moscow is a mother of many children and works in a kindergarten, which is located in her own apartment. from 8 to 4 o'clock she is an assistant teacher only after this. mom, when i heard that you can sit at home and receive a salary, at first i didn’t believe it, and to many , when i explain that i’m sitting at home with my children, i have a family garden, they say, you have a private garden, i say, no, yulia was able to open a family kindergarten thanks to her participation in the social contract project, but the lack of pedagogical education prevented her from getting a position as a teacher, the woman has five children, three of whom are preschool age, this, by the way, is an important condition for organizing a preschool institutions, a parent, a mother in particular, yes , who wants... to organize a kindergarten, she either comes to our kindergarten, writes an application, and we already review, collect a commission if she does not have enough children to open a family kindergarten, because a family kindergarten is opened from three preschoolers, and we offer to enroll a child in need, and from the general queue, who is in kindergarten
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. in addition to the mother, to whom the employer sends a schedule and curriculum for the month, a teacher from kindergarten. its visit is also included in the program, for example, when there is a thematic or musical event. ferrari is an electric car with a load capacity of up to 100 kg, that is, not only children can ride there, but also parents with children.
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the maximum amount of payments from the state under a social contract is 350 thousand rubles. the money can be spent, for example, on equipping or renting premises, and then providing reporting documents. mikhail kutuzov from the kostroma region. already self-employed invested these funds in equipping his workshop, thereby significantly increasing productivity. there is a desire to even expand the premises, as if the social contract had already helped a lot, it’s great, of course, this one... well , orders have started to flow, summer just flew away without any days off, even for myself i can’t do anything, also within the framework of the social contract you can get an additional 30,000 rubles for training, this support measure is practiced in a number of regions, and kazan is one of them this year. in kazan , as part of a social contract, people open small beauty salons, manicure salons, hairdressing salons, craft shops, workshops for production, furniture, clothing, confectionery or natural cosmetics. the most important thing here is to work to increase family income through entrepreneurial activity. almost 250
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thousand social contracts were concluded in russia last year. most of the project participants asked for help in finding a job or starting their own business. each region has its own support measures within the framework of the social contract and the conditions for its provision. in moscow, for example, you need to contact the “moya” center career." to submit an application, you only need a passport. next, we fill out the form and wait for a response from the center staff. the contract is for six months with a possible extension. the project does not provide for cash payments; its participants are offered to improve their level of education or qualifications in order to ultimately find a job. the most our popular programs in 2023 were internet marketing, accounting, purchasing, programming, office work. for the period of study, non-working citizens are paid a scholarship. in other regions the social contract is concluded after a personal application to the mfc or social security at the place of residence, from this year the application is accepted.
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yes, indeed, the presence of a systematic program for the development of secondary vocational education in our country remains one of the priorities for us, as for the chamber of regions, since during the hour of the subject in the federation council, almost every region of the russian federation raises this issue. we have already had time in the committee, together with the relevant department, to specifically discuss it. main approaches to the implementation of this order president, the first is that today
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the professionalism program is developing with great success in the priority cluster, in our opinion, if it involves improving the educational and laboratory infrastructure, then it is precisely those secondary vocational educational institutions that participate in the professionalism, in order to publish the hostel bring them into proper condition, they could, as a matter of priority... who have not curtailed their programs, despite the double effect, support those entities,
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with the fact that now federal funds will stand out, then we would solve this problem much more quickly, i would like to remind you that today in our country there are 3,500 institutions of secondary specialized vocational education, in which more than 3.5 million students study, and of course this is a long-awaited program, i am sure...
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to say, this academic year has completely switched to a new project, it provides for serious changes at the only university, and we are implementing it not in a revolutionary, but in an evolutionary way, that is, in fact, the main disciplines that were given before, they have been modernized to meet the new tasks of the state, and the new tasks that we are solving within the framework of our pilot project are the main task: the goal of our, our activities is to ensure not just the training of a professional engineer with qualifications and so on, but took into account those things that the main thing any university needs to take into account is that they were created, are being created and exist for the sake of the tasks of the state, and this is the task that we are implementing within the framework of our pilot, the guiding goal of our entire pedagogical
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activities to prepare not just a good specialist, but a production engineer who should come. for an enterprise, an indicator of our activity should be the number of specialists who will come and work in production. the main topic of the meeting was the implementation of the decree of the russian president on the launch of a pilot project to change the levels of vocational education. instead of a bachelor's degree in a specialty , a basic basic education will appear in universities, and a master's degree will become a specialized level for in-depth studying the selected profile. the third level is postgraduate study. in the discussion of intermediate this.
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which is given to a specialist, a specialist who comes to the enterprise, he already has a certain practice at the enterprise, but it would seem, four years, that’s all higher education, but the same mining engineers, the same mining of minerals on a drilling rig, for example, in the sea, which stands and produces oil, they won’t hire a person who has only completed a bachelor’s degree, they won’t even insure him, they won’t let him in, but our task is first and foremost all these are engineering personnel in order to... so that as many hydrocarbons as possible are explored as much as possible and, accordingly, it all goes to the market and the state will become rich as well. now let’s talk about an industry that employs thousands of people and is of particular importance for the country’s transport and logistics system and economy. construction of civil courts. the share of imports for civil shipbuilding orders remains very high, which
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affects both prices and construction times. situation in this area needs to be changed and we’ll talk about it. with senator konstantin dolgov. konstantin konstantinovich, hello. good afternoon. until recently, a significant share of foreign equipment was used in civil shipbuilding. what is the situation today, how is the import substitution program being implemented in this area. well, indeed, you have just outlined one of the main pain points of our shipbuilding, by the way, not only shipbuilding, it applies to aircraft building, machine tool building, and many other industries.
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shipbuilding is a strategic area , undoubtedly, both military and civilian, and of course, here import substitution is of particular value, as for the overall dynamics, it is positive, i will give only one figure: in 2023, a total of 108 ships were produced and launched , we are now talking about civil shipbuilding. in the twenty-second year, for comparison, 82, this is the dynamics that is evident, this trend continues, there are a lot of ships now.
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you know, now ultra-modern icebreakers are being built, there are not many like them in the world there is nothing even close that is similar, this is such a miracle of domestic technology, russian
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technology and they are completely domestic, well , practically, that is, almost 100%, there is the entire fatherland, this is the standard for our entire shipbuilding, well, by the way , the situation is exactly the same in defense military shipbuilding ...
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in the good sense of the word, to bring together customer manufacturers so that they know each other, this will undoubtedly contribute to more active, more active interaction between manufacturers, well , by the way, manufacturers are also of different types equipment, they should also know each other well, and we also help them interact, we work together here.
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state-owned companies, in what direction are purchases under 223 - are purchases for the most favorable conditions for domestic producers? this is what we are, we are preparing additional proposals now from the federation council, which we will now be working on with the government, will be introduced in the prescribed manner, this is the traditional direction of our work, by the way, this is what we have already done for improvement of these two key laws in the field of procurement; in fact, these measures are working for us. manufacturers simply tell us that the amendments to these laws that we, senators, introduced are really in demand, support measures that
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have already helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, those who are just starting their business and those who have long made a name for themselves. the development of small medium-sized businesses is one of the most important priorities of the state in the field of economics. federal measures apply to all russian entrepreneurs, and regional are valid only on the territory of a specific subject. svetlana temerbulatova will tell you what tools work this year and who can apply for them. yes, the country does indeed have a whole range of measures to support small medium-sized businesses, and it can be provided in various formats. this includes cash assistance, subsidies, grants, as well as preferential loans and leasing. and now about everything in more detail. the loan incentive program continues in 2024. borrowed money is issued for any purpose: investment, business development, replenishment of working capital and refinancing of old loans. loan amount up to 2 billion rubles. for medium-sized businesses the rate is 19%, for small businesses - 20%, for micro-businesses - 20.5. and the hotel
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business as well. microbusiness. the importance of state support in modern conditions is very important, taking into account the challenges that the economy of the russian federation as a whole is experiencing, the role for medium-sized businesses, 9% for small and small-medium businesses has increased, the number of newly created enterprises has only been in 23. in general, if we talk about the share of gross domestic product, it also became a record for the last 5 years, 21%. small businesses can also count on free subsidies and grants, for example, individual entrepreneurs or organizations founded by persons from 14 to 25 years old inclusive can receive a grant for the development of their business. there is a payment program for beginning entrepreneurs.
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for entrepreneurs, for example, this is an individual entrepreneur up to 350,000 rubles. entrepreneurs who are engaged in agricultural activities up to 200,000 rub. another measure to support entrepreneurs is to reduce the tax burden on small medium-sized businesses. tax holidays for first-time registered individual entrepreneurs on a simplified taxation system or patent have been extended, that is , this category of businessmen who have registered in a region where tax holidays apply. has the right not to pay income tax for two tax periods. the regions compile the list of industries in which holidaymakers work independently. as a rule, this is a production social, scientific spheres. i note that this benefit applies only to income tax. you will still have to pay insurance premiums. also in 2024 , the benefit for accelerated vat refunds without providing a bank guarantee will continue to apply. to do this, you will need to submit an application for application of the application procedure
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and a declaration to the tax office. amounts to be refunded. organizations and individual entrepreneurs that are not at the stage of reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy will be able to take advantage of the benefit. this is just a small part of the measures support for entrepreneurs, work aimed at improving legislation regarding the development of small medium-sized businesses continues. legislative initiatives also relate to expanding opportunities for industrial mortgages, as an example of revising the criteria for classification as a small medium. business, additional tax preferences similar to those made for the it industry are experiencing serious growth and need special support. in order not to get lost in the variety of support measures, the state also provides information assistance entrepreneurs. the main source today is the sme digital platform; the online service provides targeted selection, approval of support measures, as well as the provision of services that are required at
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a time. not businesses, self-employed people and citizens who are just about to start their own business. next week, senators will consider the construction and reconstruction of medical and obstetric stations. they will discuss the development of methods for managing the common property of owners in complexes of individual residential buildings. the topic of implementation will be touched upon constitutional guarantees for the protection of the rights of citizens in respect of whom guardianship or trusteeship has been established. see you in a week.
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see you on the senato program.


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