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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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it is reported that there were deaths as a result of the emergency and the wounded. we are following developments and, of course, we will return to this topic of the issue more than once as the issue progresses. yes, there is also evidence that special services are already working on the spot, that special services are actively working, and i think that the security services, yes, are trying. liquidate, it looks like
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militants, like a terrorist attack, the event that we see, of course, we will give all the assessments later, but it is obvious that this is a well- planned action that could not take place spontaneously, well, we will monitor the development events, and it is clear that once again, this is most likely a pre-prepared operation, but we are waiting for our colleagues to join the scene of events, and we will inform you about what is happening there now in krasnogorsk. what is happening in crocus cityhole, of course, some people were evacuated, there is evidence that some people have not yet managed to evacuate, so it is still very early to talk about casualties, the number of casualties, but one thing is clear , that there will be, unfortunately, a lot of them. european authorities, we continue the release, all week tried to agree on the terms of continuing military assistance in ukraine, summit. the eu, which
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was held on thursday friday, did not solve the problem, which greatly annoyed the president of ukraine; mr. zelensky even in his hearts called the actions of european officials a disgrace, that is, they are trying to bite the hand that feeds. well, this is, of course, his business, it is clear that somehow the europeans will continue to pump ukraine with weapons, but the very fact that the eu countries are not in agreement at the moment raises questions, why is this happening? we will ask the acting permanent representative of russia pirilla logvinova. kirillo mikhailovich, i greet you, these are the events that are happening here in moscow, i can personally say for now that this is clearly a terrorist attack and clearly it was prepared somewhere abroad, we will give special assessments about this from the special service, but unfortunately we should have expected something similar in the sense that ukraine’s losses in... the battle infuriate their western
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curators, and i think that this action, which is now taking place in the moscow region, was most likely sanctioned by them, but again we haven't yet we will draw conclusions, get ahead of ourselves on this issue, but nevertheless, if we return to diplomatic work, to the work that you are carrying out, and the first question is still about the eu summit, yes, i apologize, kirill mikhailovich, they appear our... colleagues who are now working at the scene of the events, now we are returning again to the situation in kroku sitikholi, krasnogorsk near moscow, there was shooting - it is clear that there are now a lot of messages in telegram channels from krasnogorsk, now our correspondent vitaly is in direct contact karmazin, and vitaly, hello, what is happening, what do you see now in short city hall, how many dead, injured, what is known at this moment? yes, hello, well
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, it’s too early to talk about the dead victims, this is all not official information yet, at about 20-15, that is, about 50 minutes ago, the first reports appeared. about the shooting in crocus city it was reported that a concert of the famous rock band picnic was supposed to begin there, but right before the start of the performance shots were heard, it is known that the shooting began at the entrance, in the footage, which eyewitnesses managed to film, at least four people in camouflage, three of them with automatic weapons, one with a heavy backpack, these people were shooting at unarmed people with machine guns, the footage showed that several victims, their condition unknown, were at the entrance into the hall , into this... in the hall itself, and the visitors, judging by the footage, at least several hundred of them, having heard the sounds of gunfire, began to leave, some through the emergency exit, some through the stage, some spectators tried to close the doors and reported attackers this concert hall was set on fire, and several explosions were also reported, i note that
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the fire actually spread to the roof of the building, black clouds of smoke can be seen quite far away, it is worth noting that most of the spectators immediately left the building and headed to the nearest mykinina metro station. and the alarm was raised by the special services of the ambulance brigade, rescuers, law enforcement officers are already on the spot, now the death toll is being reported, but i note once again that so far all the figures are unofficial information, now at this time minutes, i emphasize once again, the roof of the exhibition center is on fire, there is a threat of collapse , someone is already reporting that the roof has partially collapsed, and the specialists - at this moment , have two main tasks - to save people, and those who may still remain indoors. there could be up to 100 people, and of course , one way or another to deal with those who attacked unarmed citizens, colleagues, yes, vitaly, there are a lot of questions now, clearly this is a prepared action, it is clear that the roof of such a building could not quickly would collapse if they hadn’t
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worked with it first, apparently, or what they brought there, some kind of incendiary thing, i’m probably not an expert in this matter, but it’s clear that these are not spontaneous things, vitaly kormazin was with us - connections and sergei sobyanin today a terrible tragedy occurred in the crocus city shopping center, further, there are no comments yet, we will definitely return a little later, but we continue to talk about safety, about extremely important things, and for now i will continue our release and we return to the performers duties of a permanent russian representative's arrival kirill logmin, kirill mikhailovich, i apologize, this is the situation we have now. in the capital , but the issue of security, it is extremely important, in such tragic moments that we are now witnessing, it is extremely important to understand what is going on in europe, because hotheads there are ready to send troops, supposedly, and so on and so forth, but let us calm down a little
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and try to assess the situation cold-bloodedly in this situation, but as i understand it, the summit ended in nothing, eu, yes, good evening, alexandrevich. the summit ended in nothing, but probably more in terms of ukraine, but before talking about ukraine, i want to say that the main result of this two-day summit is precisely that the once peaceful integration association has firmly taken the path of militarization of the economy , this is the most important thing, this transition to a war economy regime, it is pathetically called the birth of... political europe, that is , in other words, such panic is now being consciously and demonstratively spread in brussels or there are defeatist sentiments, and not among the local population, namely among those who make decisions today in brussels in
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the member countries, and many of the summit participants picked up these sentiments, with rare exceptions, what we call the herd instinct prevailed here, with the majority of statements that were made by the eu members, they show the degree of insanity into which they have fallen, so, probably, in such a hit parade , the statements of the prime minister of estonia are certainly in the lead, who literally stated the following: that if russia tolerates defeat, then the european union will be able to avoid the third world war, that is, as you understand, for many european countries for a variety of reasons, including historical ones, over the course of decades, this very posing of the question that europe will militarize, it was a taboo, but now everything is simplified and does not come down to the fact that if we talk about helping ukraine,
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then we should not impose any restrictions on ourselves, regarding ukraine, yes, that is, on the one hand, the yesovites signed up to what russia owes. should not fail to win, and accordingly, the eu members set their sights on expanding this entire arsenal, the counteraction of our country, but on the other hand,
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to be used to finance purchases for the ukrainian military, it still, as i understand it, has disagreements, some say, give them bonds let’s release , our assets will go, others say, we don’t need it, so i understand that... that this is such a serious problem for the european authorities, yes, this is not a problem, you know, i even said two problems, that means one problem - this is what, that the european capital suspects that this will backfire on them and will cost them dearly, and this is not so much and not only and not so much about the image of the european union in the world, well, in principle, the image continues to fade in the world even without obvious signs of a tendency to theft , they are afraid here. reactions of foreign investors here are afraid of serious consequences for
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the european single currency, that is, but in principle all this talk about the use of income, and they are also important from the point of view that it confirms that the european union is really going into disarray, that is, it is in such a mode of self-destruction and is losing self-control, for example , the prime minister of belgium, the other day he, well, at... within the framework of this summit, that means he supported the work on confiscating income, but at the same time belgian, a well-known belgian depositary, yes, euroclear, he warns that the use of frozen funds threatens him with lawsuits, may lead to his bankruptcy, for a moment you need to understand what is stored in this belgian depositary from all over the world, about, if i’m not mistaken, 37 trillion euros. yes, that is, if something happens to the depository, including bankruptcy, then this
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is not far from the global financial crisis, this is the first problem, the second problem, which came as a surprise to many european capitals, this is how these incomes from our assets are collected distribute, which means that the european commission has proposed a scheme, the head of european diplomacy has already called it... banknotes for weapons, so simple, it means that it is assumed that in a year it will be possible to receive income of 3 billion euros, and 90% of this of the proceeds will be used to purchase weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, the remaining 10 will go into the eu budget for the purpose of restoring ukraine, it’s clear here, voices have begun to be heard in some european capitals. that we did not agree this way, although in fact this is not true, because it was initially agreed that the european capital
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would chip in, and the european commission would already distribute it, and then the same prime minister of belgium also distinguished himself , this is the country that now presides over the eu council, which means he agreed before, he told everyone explained, yes, that until that moment, and how russian money can be used to restore ukraine, it, well, ukraine, it can simply. from income, from our assets, which means it can be available by the beginning of july
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of this year. kirill mikhailovich , i thank you, thank you for taking the time and talking about what is happening in europe, and how they are trying to solve the problem of financing the ukrainian army, but we will watch the development of events, thank you very much, all the best, i will remind you, we spoke with the acting one. permanent representative of russia pirill logvinov. and again, in response to an emergency in kroku city , it is reported that special security services have arrived.
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in camouflage they opened fire from automatic weapons, then threw a grenade or incendiary bomb, as a result a fire started, it is reported that as a result of the emergency there were dead and wounded. we are monitoring developments and, of course, we will return.
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this week, the ukrainian authorities continued to engage in terror against the population of our country. let me remind you that not long ago kiev justified attacks on donetsk and other cities donbass and zaporozhye, because this is supposedly ukrainian territory, they are simply putting things in order there. however, belgorod, kursk and other territories of our country, even according to ukrainian concepts , have always been. ancestral russian territory, and the western curators of the kiev regime justified the supply of long-range missiles precisely by the fact that kiev would not shoot at ancestral russian territory, so what do we see now? in fact, belgorod became a front-line settlement. this is exactly the question we are trying to convey to the world. public through the un structure. russia
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has requested an urgent meeting of the security council to discuss terrorist activities in kiev. we talked about this with the first deputy permanent representative of russia prion in new york, dmitry polyansky, and we urgently have the opportunity to communicate directly with ours a little later, a little later , vitaly kormazin will be there and we will definitely be involved in the scene. so, vitaly appears. we are waiting, waiting for our correspondent to turn on, he is working at the scene, vitaly karmazin - has already joined us , told us what was happening there while we are waiting , and let me remind you once again that moscow mayor sergei sobyanin gave orders to provide all necessary assistance to everyone who suffered
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during the incident at crocus city hall, he wrote about this in his telegram channel , the mayor named everything that happened, he gets in direct contact with us, connects, vitaly, yes, hello, now we, well, i’m looking at the crocus city building, it’s already clear that open burning has begun on the roof, flames are bursting out above the roof , pillars of black smoke...
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weapons, one with a heavy backpack, who started shooting at unarmed people with machine guns. the footage showed that several victims in unknown condition were at the entrance to the hall. at this moment there are visitors in the hall itself. judging by the footage, well, having heard the sounds, and there were at least several hundred visitors there, they began to leave, some through the emergency exit, some through the stage, some spectators tried to close the doors, according to some
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reports, the attackers set fire to this concert hall, it was also reported that several explosions i note that the fire has indeed now spread to the roof of the building, a black open burning, we now see, but it’s worth noting that most of the spectators immediately left the building, headed to the nearest metro station mikinino, and were raised by alarm. and the special services of the ambulance brigade, rescuers , law enforcement officers, immediately went to the place, now it is reported about the dead victims, but for now all these numbers are not official information, we need to wait for official information, now in i’ll emphasize these minutes again, the roof is on fire, there is a threat of collapse, and of course, now the specialists have two main tasks: to save those people who may still be inside the building.
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it is reported that special security services have arrived and are working on the spot. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov also went to the site. he wrote in his telegram channel that an operational headquarters had been created. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin ordered to provide all necessary assistance to everyone who suffered during the emergency at crocus city hall, calling the incident a terrible tragedy. information is received that more than thirty regional officers have been sent to rokus city hall. and twenty moscow ambulance brigades, this was reported by the press service of the ministry of health of the moscow region. according to operational services, from
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two to five people took part in the attack on crocus city hall. according to eyewitnesses, before the concert in kroku sitikhule, people in camouflage opened fire with automatic weapons. then they threw a grenade or incendiary bomb, which started a fire. it is reported that as a result of the emergency there is died. message, the fsb is just now coming, there was a shooting in the city hall building, a fire broke out, the details are not being discussed yet, i think
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they will come a little later. so, we continue our release. russia has requested an urgent meeting of the security council to discuss terrorist activities in kiev. we talked about this with the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un in new york. unpleasant, we reveal some ins and outs, some facts that they hide from their
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public when they hold a meeting, we say things that westerners naturally hear and avoid this topic, and today we voiced a lot of inconvenient points for them with regard to the supply of weapons, the kiev regime, with regard to threats, the transfer of the ukrainian conflict outside. a database of well-known scandals with wiretapping of german officers, outrageous statements by macron and so on, the western public will not hear all this, if not from us, then from no one else, so it is very important to convey this live, without any cuts, actually advice security - this is the most convenient platform, probably for this, which is why our speech today was quite long , it was replete with just such facts that the western average person... most likely would not hear if it were not for us, but for dmitry alekseevich , you mean, this is the bombing of belgorod, our other historical regions, and i am like that. i realized that
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vasily nebenzia’s speech emphasized this, that the weapons that are supplied are not even used so much for the military goals, how many, well, including for attacks on civilians, on civilians, that is, initially not military targets, we consistently place this emphasis on all our latest speeches, both those that the westerners request, and those that we request , of course, we open the eyes of the public to where we are. the weapons that are supplied to it are being used, in particular, for the second meeting in a row, we are focusing on the unseemly role of the czech republic in all this, from whose weapons, as is known, belgorod was fired upon in lately. dmitry aleksevich, is there still one? i repeat once again, we are returning to crocus city hall, what happened there, i repeat once again what is known by this hour. it is reported that special
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security... services have arrived and are working on the spot, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov also went to the place, in the telegram channel he wrote that evgeny nipot, our correspondent, evgeny nipot works there, there is an opportunity to talk to him , evgeny, can you hear us, tune in, hello, i hear you, now i’m at the point where you can see that the fire is spreading and
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spreading through the blood, it is believed that representatives of the security forces are working, for example, it was reported that the special forces of the national guard have already arrived at the scene, it is also known that helicopters are also involved in extinguishing the building in order to shed roof, this is also reported, so i look now, but we really are here
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from here. and it is also known that the neighboring shopping center has been evacuated, but this is what is visible from this point from the site of the overpass where i am now, and the fire continues to rage it is in the area that there are roofs, now cars continue to arrive, i see a lot of fire service vehicles, and indeed a lot of ambulances, this is what is visible from the point where i am now, when i drove up here, it was already visible, that in the direction of medical institutions, apparently with victims, evacuation is also reported, continues, what else can i say, it is now cordoned off, yes, this, this can be seen from here, the area is cordoned off, and traffic police representatives are now working to divert the flows. yes, traffic
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is indeed difficult, this has been reported already half an hour ago, through the moscow and moscow region authorities, so alexander, this is what i can tell you now, now i’ll come closer, we’ll definitely get involved in order to give even more information. alexander, i give you the floor. yes, evgeniy, thank you, evgeniy nit was on direct line. message from the fsb central command center there were dead and injured as a result of the attack on crocus cityhall. i repeat once again, this is a message from tsos fsb. and one more message from the fmba institution.


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