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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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that almost 13,000 km of the building area was engulfed in fire. in addition, part of the roof collapsed. there are 320 fire rescuers and more than 130 pieces of equipment, including three helicopters, working on site. according to preliminary data, a group of terrorists fired machine guns at people right in the hall before the start of the concert. according to ocheevites, they shot people at point-blank range and threw incendiary bombs. two were reported. all necessary actions to search for and apprehend criminals are taken by special forces units of the fsb and the russian guard. the first terrorist attack the same minute it was reported to vladimir putin. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the head of state receives all operational information and has already given all the necessary instructions in connection with the incident. i repeat once again, the investigative committee qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, and a criminal case has been opened accordingly. article. let's return to
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what is happening now on the scene, our correspondent, evgeniy nipot, is in direct communication. hello again, what is the latest information at the moment? sasha, hello, here, let me remind you that after a short break , firefighting aircraft have resumed work, helicopters continue to shed roofs, for now. now we see two helicopters working on the spot, to say that, the ministry of emergency situations reported that the fire was localized, and i would like to remind you that its area was 13,000 km, now the place near crocus city hall has been detached by representatives of the police and the national guard, the matter is that they continue to land in the parking lot, they continue to land from the parking lot...
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minister of internal affairs of the russian federation vladimir kolokultov immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack at the city hall campus, now in real time, vladimir kolokolskikh receives reports on the situation at the scene. it should also be noted that for liquidation.
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hundreds of more than a hundred pieces of equipment were involved in the fire, as well as more than 300 personnel, they are now continuing their work from video footage that comes from inside the building, you can estimate the scale and indeed the fire seriously damaged the buildings inside the partition inside, and of course it should be noted that the fire was spreading from the roof. spread along the entire perimeter of the building, but it should also be noted that from the very beginning of the development of the event , researchers continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack; in relation to the incident today, the main investigative department of the investigative committee of russia has opened a criminal case under article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this terrorist attack, the scene of the incident has already...
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been given - their work and it is reported, well, and also that, what i can observe is that for now , the security zone is like this, it is in no way decreasing, that is , the entire space here is cordoned off, let me remind you, due to the fact that air ambulance helicopters continue to land here and fly away, well and also to ensure security and also so that investigators can establish all the circumstances of this terrible terrorist attack. alexander, i give you the floor. yes,
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evgeniy, thank you, about what is happening at these moments at the scene of the emergency in corokus cityhole, evgeniy nipot said, well, now more about the latest statements. those who gave it must be said right away that there are children , by this time five minors are known, doctors are fighting for the lives of everyone, the minister of health mikhail murashko took full control of the provision of medical care to the victims of the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall, today he, together with the deputy prime minister of russia tatyana golikova, visited
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krasnogorodsk city hospital, they talked with doctors here, saw the victims themselves, here is some information about the number of victims to this. mikhail murazhko said an hour ago. as a result of the terrorist attack, we have hospitalized 115 people to date, of which five are children, one child is in serious condition, of 110 adults, 60 patients are in serious condition, more than 30 people have sought outpatient treatment. more than 50 ambulance teams were simultaneously present at the site during the provision of medical care . patients are provided with all necessary blood products, and medications continue providing assistance.
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helicopters were also used to evacuate patients. the minister of health for... the russian government is now working in other medical institutions that are also receiving victims of the crocusekhole terrorist attacks. this is what tatyana golikova says about this work. we are now all together assessing the situation in medical institutions in moscow and the moscow region. we are constantly in touch with colleagues from moscow, here in the moscow region we are assessing the situation with the victims. if there is any. the need to route patients to medical institutions of a higher level , federal, then accordingly this transfer will be carried out, as for the work here, colleagues, qualified doctors, help is being provided, at the moment
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, almost all the patients who are severe have undergone operations, have been transferred to intensive care and are being provided medical care for all... regarding donor points, it is worth noting that tomorrow, saturday, march 23, all of them will be accepting donors of blood and its components from 8:30 am, as already they said, mikhail murashko and tatyana golikova, there is enough blood, but still this does not mean that
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there is no need to donate blood now, this action, as you already heard, they supported, this is the information for this hour, alexander, stanislav, thank you, stanislav. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in the city hall a terrible tragedy and stated that retribution
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will inevitably come. patriarch kirill prays for the repose of the souls of the dead and the injured people. about rescuing those who may be at risk from a fire in the crocus sitijo building. about this in my the head of the synodal department for relations between the church and the media society, vladimir, wrote on the telegram channel. ligoida, head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin, expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims of the inhuman attack on visitors to the kroku city hall concert hall. he expressed hope that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will soon be found and punished. csto secretary general imangali, tasma ganbetov. in a telegram to vladimir putin, he condemned the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. he also expressed
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expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims, calling the incident a cruel, unjustifiable crime. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, called what happened in crocus city hall a terrible terrorist attack. in her telegram channel, she wrote that the department is now receiving calls from around the world from ordinary people with expressions. condolences in connection with the terrible tragedy with words of strong condemnation of this bloody terrorist attack that occurred before the eyes of all mankind. all the people who have a heart, all the people who have a mind, everyone people who have a conscience call this a monstrous crime, a bloody act, a terrible battle. we are literally the very first minutes when the videos started.
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uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev. he strongly condemned this terrorist act against civilians. the leader of uzbekistan also conveyed words of support to the relatives of the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery to all those injured. alexander lukashenko was one of the first to express condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku city hall. the president of belarus spoke. confidence, that the attackers will be identified and will be punished. the turkish foreign ministry and
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the country's ruling party also expressed their deepest condolences to the russian people. turkish politicians and diplomats called the incident a heinous terrorist attack on innocent civilians. the official representative of the ruling party, amer chilik, wrote on social networks that he shares the pain and sorrow of the russian people. italy strongly condemned the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole by the prime minister. jorja meloni called it an unacceptable massacre. the european union condemned the terrorist attack in crocusiholi. the representative of the eu foreign policy department, petr stano, wrote about this on his page. he added that europe is shocked by what happened and the thoughts of europeans are with the injured russian citizens. the head of mitmalta and osce chairman-in -office janborg condemned the terrorist attack at kroku city hall and expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims. according to borg, malta is shocked. what happened. venezuelan leader nicolas maduro condemned the brutal attack and offered condolences
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to the families of the victims. he expressed confidence in the unity of the russian people at this difficult moment. the austrian and swiss foreign ministers expressed condolences to the russians and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the spanish foreign ministry said it was shocked by the news from russia. there they expressed solidarity with the families of the victims and condemned any form of violence. they condemned the terrorist attack. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, poland and portugal. words of support were expressed by the foreign ministries of france and armenia. the israeli foreign minister expressed condolences to the families of the victims. and one more urgent message: french president emmanuel macron strongly condemned the terrorist attack in croc city. earlier, the french foreign ministry expressed solidarity with the russians after what happened in krasnogorsk. let me remind you that earlier the un security council also strongly condemned the terrorist attack in kroku city hole and stressed that
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it is necessary to hold accountable all its perpetrators and organizers. let's return to the foreign reaction, the committee of chiefs of staff of the us armed forces is aware of the terrorist attack in kroku city hole, but at the moment does not plan to contact its russian colleagues about what happened. this was the comment they gave to real news; the fbi told the news agency that they do not comment on possible contacts with russian intelligence services regarding the terrorist attack in the moscow region. what statements were made? from the white house, our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, will tell you. washington did not condemn this bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region. the white house reports that president biden is being briefed on events in the moscow region, and us authorities are monitoring what is happening. the only official reaction at this hour from the white house speaker on national affairs
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security john kirby at today's daily white house briefing, at the beginning he said that the us had seen. horrifying video footage from moscow showing brutal shooting, that these images are terrible, that they are hard to watch, and he said that at these moments the thoughts of us citizens and the administration with the families of those killed in this attack, what is important in his statement is that , that according to him, the united states did not have advance information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow, or rather in the moscow region, in addition, he stated that the united states sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainian citizens are involved in this.
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emphasized concert halls, and also follow further news on the state department website , while, as we remember, on march 8, it was the united states and great britain that were the first foreign embassies to warn both their citizens and their employees to avoid crowded places, and were also separately mentioned concerts, that’s what was unknown, and we know that maria zakharova has already stated that the united states is obliged to hand over all the information that they had or have about tom, we were preparing and... any information that could help identify the perpetrators and quickly solve these terrorist attacks. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the russian national guard is searching for the criminals at the site of the terrorist attack in kroku sitikhola, the department’s press service reported. special units of the russian guard
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are at the scene of the terrorist attack, providing assistance in evacuating citizens from the building, and searching for the criminals. who staged the shooting in crocus, officials from the leadership of the russian guard are also on the scene of the emergency. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov held a meeting of the operational headquarters at crocus. according to him, the authorities are now collating data on the victims. some of the victims were hospitalized in moscow hospitals, some in institutions in the moscow region, vorobyov said. we held an operational headquarters, all services are in place, everyone is doing their own thing, accordingly, our task is to provide complete information on those who are hospitalized, these are moscow, the moscow region and federal clinics, and four we have cities in the moscow region, dolgoprudny, khimki, odentsovo and krasnogorsk, where those who were respectively
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delivered to our clinic were hospitalized; we will publish the lists in the near future via a direct line. we are opening now, this is 122.0, in order to obtain the necessary information for those who are looking for their loved ones and relatives. let me remind you that the list of victims of the terrorist attack in sitikholi was published on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region. there are currently 145 people in it, most of them are residents of krasnogorsk, khimki and moscow. nine people in extremely serious condition, 60 in serious condition, most in moderate condition. at least eight minors were among the victims. the wounded were taken to hospitals in krasnogorsk, odintsovo, dolgoprudny, khimki and moscow. because of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. regions and cities are canceling sports, cultural and other public events; the governor of the novgorod region , gleb nikitin, announced the cancellation
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of sporting events until further notice. a similar decision was announced by the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, a list of regions that mass events were cancelled, long. it included the perm territory, the chechen republic, kursk, leningrad , saratov, zaporozhye, ulyanovsk, voronezh regions, as well as st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod and others. meanwhile, the maximum third level of security operates at transport facilities, the russian ministry of transport reported. in connection with the additional measures being taken, passengers are asked to arrive at airport stations in advance, and also be understanding about the conduct of security checks. events. security measures have been strengthened at local transport infrastructure facilities. crowds of people in the moscow region, the avtodor company has also strengthened security measures along its entire road network, enhanced checks are being carried out at the
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mikinino metro station, and the capital's debtrans reported that it is operating normally. mass and entertainment events have been canceled at federal cultural institutions. information about this was reported by the russian ministry of culture; planned events in libraries will not take place. halls, theaters, circuses and museums. the ministry of emergency situations has opened a hotline for informational support of psychological assistance in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. phone number - 8 800 775-17-17. and now on the screen you also see emergency phone numbers that may be needed, primarily for the relatives of the deceased victims. these are the hotlines of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, including the center for emergency psychological assistance and the psychological assistance hotline of the russian red cross, which, in connection
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with the terrorist attack, it was decided to transfer to a 24-hour service operating mode. and again to personnel from the investigative committee, the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, is working on the spot. a criminal case of terrorism has been opened following the shooting in krokul, investigators reported. committee. the department also said that an investigative team from the central office of the investigative committee went to the scene of the incident. based on the incident today, the main investigative department of the death committee of russia opened a criminal case under article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation. this is a terrorist act. in place the incident, the investigative and operational group of the main investigation has already arrived and began its work. management, as well as criminologists and experts of the investigative committee, coordinates the work of the investigative and operational group on the spot, the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation,
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alexander ivanovich bostrykin. vladimir klakultsev also promptly arrived at the scene, here is the comment from the ministry of internal affairs. the minister of internal affairs of the russian federation, vladimir kolokoltsev , immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack in mole. and something more urgent message: condolences are pouring in from all over the world, peru strongly condemns the crocus city hall attack and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims. ecuador expresses condolences to the government and the people of russia in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole.
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dog handlers with dogs, despite the fact that they have already repeatedly checked the territory, they continue to walk again, patrol, inspect the cars that are now parked here in the street parking lot, we saw that the national guard employees... are now entering the building, they continue to inspect the premises, it is known that they have not inspected the parking lot of the first part of the second floor, well, it is clear that the access
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is... m2, that is how much the premises have been heated, they continue to spill, because the structures are obviously smoldering, well, it is worth saying, that literally in a few hours, in such an area, a fire broke out, this suggests that it is possible, while according to preliminary versions, those who carried out this terrible, this terrible terrorist attack, they could have
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used some... means to stop the fire this one is so quick to light because once again, 13,000 km flared up almost instantly, of course, as eyewitnesses report, and the terrorists began firing literally immediately, they did not make any demands, and i will remind you once again that a concert was supposed to take place today, the hall was 6,500 spectators, and several literally dozens tickets were not sold out for the concert, and of course... a colossal number of people had to come, some were late, some people immediately, as soon as they heard the shots, slowly began to leave the hall, but not everyone, unfortunately, immediately understood and realized that it was really automatic bursts, people, these shots, of course, many are on the internet , many cannot be shown, they tried to quickly leave the premises, now they continue
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to evacuate, continue ambulances... there are more than 70 of them taking people to medical institutions, the russian national guard is working on the spot , the minister of internal affairs kolokoltsev has arrived, and let's listen to what the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs says. the minister of internal affairs of the russian federation, vladimir kolokultsev, arrived immediately to the scene of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall, now in real time. vladimir kolokoltser receives reports on the situation at the scene. now traffic police officers, now police officers, representatives of the russian guard, as a fortification, continue to search, perhaps the car in which the terrorists were able to escape is a white renault logan, but this is not confirmed
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information, in any case. publishes video footage and photos on the internet, eyewitnesses saw before the concert how this car stopped at crocus city hall and as soon as they got out of it people in military uniform , automatic fire has already begun to be heard, these video frames are there, now the interception plan is working, this car is being searched on the spot, the head of the investigative committee of russia is also working, let’s give the floor to the official. representative, in connection with the incident today, the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia has opened a criminal case under article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is a terrorist act. she has already arrived at the scene and has begun her work. the investigative and operational group of the main investigation department, as well as criminologists and experts of the investigative committee, coordinate the work
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of the investigative and operational group on the spot. chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, alexander ivanovich bastrykin. of course, literally right away an operational headquarters was organized here, which coordinated the work of all agencies on the spot, including ambulances, rescue vehicles, and coordinated the work together with law enforcement. the governor came here moscow region andrey vorobyov, let's listen to what he said, we held an operational headquarters, all services are in place, everyone is doing their own thing, accordingly our task is to provide complete information on those who are hospitalized, these are moscow, the moscow region and federal clinics, and four cities near us in the moscow region, dolgoprudnye.


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