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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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us citizens and the administration with the families of those killed in this attack, what is important in his statement is that, according to him, the united states did not have advance information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow, or rather in the moscow region. in addition, he said that the united states sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainian citizens are involved in this terrorist attack. there is no evidence that the terrorist attack is somehow connected with ukraine or ukrainians, we will still look into it, but i can say this in advance.
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embassies, which have warned both their citizens and their staff to avoid places public gatherings, and concerts were also separately mentioned , that’s what was unknown, and we know that maria zakharova has already stated that the united states is obliged to hand over all the information that they had or have about whether they were preparing or any information that could help identify those responsible and quickly solve these terrorist attacks. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. so, what is known about the terrorist attack in krokuli? by this moment, vladimir putin was reported on the progress of the investigation, this was done by the heads of law enforcement agencies, in turn, the head of the ministry of emergency situations reported, what is being done to save people, the president also had a conversation with deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova, head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko and governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. they reported on helping the victims of the terrorist attack. the investigative committee reports that according to preliminary data there are more than six victims. the list is published
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on the department’s website, the majority are residents of krasnogorsk, khimki and moscow, nine people are in extremely serious condition, 60 are in serious condition, the majority are in moderate condition , more than thirty victims were helped on an outpatient basis, among the injured, at least eight minors, ambulances took those in need of hospitalization to the hospital in krasnogorsk. there are 115 people in medical institutions, including five children, almost all the operations they needed have already been performed, serious patients are in intensive care, deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova reported. the fire in kropus sitikholi, according to the ministry of emergency situations, has been localized; before that it was reported that the fire managed to cover almost 13 m2. part of the roof has collapsed and more than 300 rescuers are on the scene. firefighters, in their
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over 130 pieces of equipment are at our disposal, including three helicopters. by this hour , the terrorists started shooting at the spectators right in the hall before the start of the concert. eyewitnesses said they shot people at point-blank range and threw incendiary bombs. two explosions were reported. all necessary actions to search for the arrest of criminals are taken by special forces units of the fsb and the russian guard. the terrorist attack was reported to vladimir putin in the very first minutes, according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the head of state receives i have already given all the operational information and all the necessary instructions. the investigative committee qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, and a criminal case was opened. at the site of the terrorist attack in crokuhall, national guard officers are searching for the criminals, the department's press service reported. special units of the russian guard are at the scene of the terrorist attack.
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assistance in evacuating citizens from the building; a search is underway for the criminals who carried out the shooting in crocus. officials from the leadership of the russian national guard are also at the scene of the emergency. in st. petersburg, after the tragedy in crocus cityhole, security measures have been strengthened, especially in crowded places. governor alexander beglov announced this. he noted that all entertainment events in st. petersburg will be canceled over the coming weekend. due to the terrorist attacks on crocus cityhole , other regions are also canceling sports, cultural and other public events. governor of the nizhny novgorod region gleb nikitin announced the cancellation, including sporting events, until further notice. the head of dagestan, sergei, also announced a similar decision. melikov. the list of regions that have canceled mass events is long. it included the perm territory, the chechen republic, the kursk region, leningrad, saratov, zaporozhye, ulyanovsk, voronezh and other regions.
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the maximum third level of security operates at transport facilities, the russian ministry of transport reported this in connection with the additional measures being taken; passengers are asked to arrive in advance. to train stations and airports, and also to be understanding about the conduct of inspection activities. security measures strengthened at transport infrastructure facilities in crowded places in the moscow region. avtodor has also strengthened security measures throughout its road network, with enhanced checks taking place at the mikinino metro station. the capital's department of transport reported that it was working normally. in connection with the tragedy in korokuli, our media holding vgtrk, also the first, changed its broadcasting network. channels of gazprom media holding, mass entertainment events at federal cultural institutions are cancelled, there will be no performances at the bolshoi theater or the moscow theater oleg tabakov, chekhov moscow art theater, satire theater, russian academic youth theater, mayakovsky theater and many others.
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a message appeared on the website of moscow state university about the cancellation of the open day; it was scheduled for march 24. most universities have switched classes these days to remote mode. the ministry of emergency situations has opened a hotline for information support of psychological assistance in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi phone number 8 800 775 17 17. now on the screen you also see now let's try show on the screen the telephone numbers of emergency services, which may be needed primarily by the relatives and friends of the dead victims, these are the hotlines of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, including the center. emergency psychological assistance and the psychological assistance hotline of the russian red cross, which, in connection with the terrorist attack, it was decided to switch to round-the-clock operation. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko said that the families of those killed and wounded in crocus city hall will be provided with
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all possible assistance, and those who are behind this crime will receive a well-deserved and inevitable punishment, she wrote about this in her telegram channel. speedy recovery to the injured. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in crocus city hall a terrible tragedy and said that retribution will inevitably come. patriarch kirill prays for the repose of the souls of the dead and the injured people, he wrote about this in his telegram channel. synodal department for church relations with society and the media, vladimir ligoida, head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh kharavil gainuddin expressed his condolences to the families of the victims of the inhuman attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall. he expressed hope that
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the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will soon be found and punished. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, wrote in her telegram channel that the departments are now receiving calls from around the world from ordinary people, they condole over the terrible tragedy and strongly condemn this bloody terrorist attack that occurred before the eyes of all mankind. all the people who have a heart, all the people who have a mind, all the people who have a conscience, call this a monstrous crime, a bloody terrorist attack, a terrible battle, we are literally the very first, the very first minutes when... videos began to fly around entire planet, began to receive words, condolences and unconditional condemnation from people all over the world, these are ordinary citizens of various countries, these are our fellow diplomats
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who are accredited in moscow and who work in the ministry of foreign affairs, write, call, ask to convey words support, we are already recording the official... reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs and heads of state around the world, huge questions were raised by the reaction of the office of the secretary general, the united nations, which stated, i mean the signature, its representatives that they were saddened by the reports of the shooting, all adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to such things had the same words. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev sent a letter about horror, shock, shock, unconditional condemnation, righteous anger, compassion for the victims condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attacks at crocus cityhole. this was reported by the press service of the azerbaijani leader. aliyev
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strongly condemned the terrorist attack, emphasizing that the entire azerbaijani people mourned the victims, and also wished patience and strength to the relatives of the victims and a speedy recovery to all the victims. president of uzbekistan shavkat merziyoyev also sent condolences and support to vladimir putin. he condemned the terrorist attack against civilians and wished recovery to the wounded.
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roman, hello, unfortunately this is indeed, they continue to work, there is an investigator, forensic investigators, employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb, now inside the publication, they are examining the bodies of the dead, they continue to evacuate. the investigative committee does not confirm that ieds were found on the bodies of the dead, but they say that it is already possible to declare more than 60 dead people, and all the necessary examinations are being carried out now, this will take a lot of time, both ballistically and fingerprinting.
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victims, unfortunately, we must say that the number of deaths as a result of a terrorist act is increasing, at the moment we can already talk about more than 60 dead, and this figure may increase, in addition, investigators are seizing weapons from the crime scene, ammunition, which is currently being examined, has already been assigned promptly. ..
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genetic, fingerprinting, and ballistic examinations began to be carried out on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence. in addition, investigators and specialists have already begun to study recordings from surveillance cameras. at the moment, this is all the information about the progress of the investigation. unfortunately, the numbers. are changing dynamically in a negative direction , literally every second, according to the ministry of health , 115 people were hospitalized, taken to hospitals in the moscow region and moscow, 60 in serious condition, they continue to take people away in ambulances, in intensive care units, hotlines are working, organized the operational headquarters is here, and representatives of law enforcement agencies, and representatives of the ministry of emergency situations. very they are working here in a coordinated manner, and let's give the floor to the official representative
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of the ministry of internal affairs. we will come back and definitely listen to what irina volk told us, i want to say that it’s hard to see, of course already... it’s now in the dark, but the crocus cityhall building continues to smoke, you can see a column of such black smoke, and despite the fact that the fire is localized on a total area of ​​1,300 km, now inside obviously some rooms continue to burn locally, so with the help of a special tower they are spilling the structure, the ministry of emergency situations employees are working in quite difficult... the conditions inside are very acrid smoke, carbon monoxide, people are also
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hospitalized with etchings, carbon monoxide, hospitalized with gunshot wounds and burns, and i want to note that this is not official, again information is received that terrorists could use only firearms, but also flammable liquids, could use molotov cocktails in order for the fire to spread as quickly as possible throughout crocus city hall, this is confirmed, among other things, the representative also confirms.
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people were obviously hiding, the roof was completely burned out, structures collapsed , now every room is being carefully examined, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, representatives of the security unit are inspecting, taking out the bodies of the dead and injured, evacuating them, we have the opportunity to listen to what
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the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs is saying. minister of internal affairs of the russian federation. vladimir kolokoltsev immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhall. now in real time. vladimir kolokoltsov receives reports on the situation at the scene. the search for the same white car in which the terrorists allegedly could have escaped is now ongoing. i want to say that they continue to work on site. more than 300 specialists from the ministry of emergency situations, more than 130 units of all kinds of equipment , helicopters are no longer visible, but this does not mean that they will not continue their work, helicopters that, with the help of special drainage devices, extinguish the fire, it is very possible that if the fire breaks out again, this
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it cannot be ruled out that they will start working again. i i want to say that all over the world words of condolences and solidarity are now being heard at the embassy, ​​at our consulate, all over the world people are bringing flowers, including in minsk, in belarus, in the united states, and there are people who express words of support, let's listen, we are from khabarovsk, i really left there at the age of 9, but i lived for a long time in korea, but never...
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competitions were held here today, the participants of which were children, and they also tried to evacuate them very quickly, someone... then literally in dance costumes today ran out into the streets, and of course a big thank you to those adults who helped...
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people are grieving in this situation, people are grieving, of course, all over the world, expressing words of condolences, many embassies, we talked about this on air, of course, but there are also those who are completely intractable logic and explanation of statements, like the statement of the lithuanian foreign ministry, which ask not to shift the focus of attention, well, of course, no logic, no, no common sense. statements are not amenable, lists of the dead, lists of the injured will appear on the official website of the russian ministry of emergency situations, hotlines work, psychological services work. support for those who suffered and for the relatives of the victims and victims, but we continue to monitor the developments of events here on the spot. roman
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, yes, egor, you said that at crocus city hall, in addition to the concert, there were many other events, literally on tuesday of the week i was at crocus city hall, i noticed that it seemed like a weekday evening, i noticed there were so many people there, that is, it was a kind of center of attraction. egor, thank you for direct communication. from corkus cityhall was our correspondent egor grigoriev. but now the message is marked urgent. vladimir putin wished recovery to all those injured in the terrorist attack in crocus and expressed gratitude to the doctors. this was announced by deputy prime minister tatyana golikova after a conversation with the president, during which, together with the head of the ministry of health and the governor of the moscow region, she reported to the head of state about the condition of the victims and their assistance. russian ambassador to belarus boris gryzlov compared. holly with the tragedy in khatyn, memorial day, which was celebrated on march 22. he told reporters about this at the embassy building, where in minsk people are already bringing
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flowers and candles as a sign of condolences in memory of those killed in crocus. thank you to the belarusians who came at this late hour to express condolences to those families whose relatives died, to those victims. society in the fight against international terrorism, on behalf of the entire kyrgyz people, sadar japarov conveyed words of deep sympathy to the relatives of the victims.
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condolences and words of support in connection with the tragedy at crocus cityholi are coming now from all over the world. members of the un security council strongly condemned the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack at the concert hall in krasnogorsk. they stressed the need to hold perpetrators accountable. organizers sponsoring these criminal acts of terrorism and bringing them to justice, and also called on all states to actively cooperate in this with the government of the russian federation. french president emmanuel macron strongly condemned the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the statement of the elysee palace was quoted by the largest french media in addition, the ministry of the fifth republic expressed solidarity with the russians in connection with the tragedy. the government expressed sincere sympathy and condolences to the people of russia. peru and ecuador. hungarian prime minister viktor orban expressed his deepest condolences to the people of russia in connection with the heinous terrorist attacks. he added that
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hungarians are praying for the families of the victims of the tragedy. germany and canada have expressed their shock at the horrific attack on innocent people at crocus city hall. the german foreign ministry added that it is necessary to carry out investigation into the circumstances of the attack. the turkish ministry of foreign affairs and the country's ruling party also expressed this. deepest condolences to the russian people. turkish politicians and diplomats called the incident a heinous terrorist attack on innocent civilians . the official representative of the ruling party, omer chilik, wrote on social networks that he shares the pain and grief of the russian people. italy strongly condemned the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. prime minister giorgia miloni called it an unacceptable massacre. the european union condemned the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi, wrote about this on his own. page of the eu foreign policy representative, peter stano. he added that europe is shocked by what happened and the thoughts of europeans with the injured russian
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citizens. the head of mitmalta and osce chairman-in -office janborg condemned the terrorist attack at kroku city hall and expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims. according to borg, malta is shocked by what happened. venezuelan leader nicolas maduro condemned the brutal attack and offered condolences to the families of the victims. he. expressed confidence in the unity of the russian people at this difficult moment. the austrian and swiss foreign ministers expressed condolences to the russians and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the spanish foreign ministry said it was shocked by the news from russia; it expressed solidarity with the families of the victims and condemned any form of violence. tunisia, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, poland and portugal condemned the terrorist attack. words of support were expressed by the french foreign ministry and...
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had a large amount of cartridges and ammunition, in the footage that disseminated by the press service of the investigative committee, it is clear that the security forces seized from the crime scene a so-called tuned kalashnikov assault rifle, a large number of cartridges and ammunition for automatic weapons, as well as an unloading of loaded clips that the terrorists used. another message from the news agency news feed of a moscow hospital. moscow, the victims were taken to several moscow and regional hospitals at once, several wounded were brought to the sklifosovsky research institute of ambulance, there my colleague alexandra bystritskaya is working, alexandra, hello, the main question is, what is the condition of the wounded, what do the doctors say? yes, roman, hello, we are now working at
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the institute named after. here, as victims are being brought to dozens of hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, we have just received a new comment from deputy prime minister tatyana golikova and minister of health mikhail murashko about the current situation. now the numbers have not changed, we still have 115 patients in inpatient departments, of which 110 are adults, 60 severe children, five of them, one of them is severe, some of the patients will be transferred. federal institutions, we are already seeing this, we reported to the president about the situation, today the main task of providing assistance upon admission has been completed, work is now continuing to stabilize patients, for patients who have lost blood, blood transfusions are underway, everything is available in sufficient
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quantities, plus... oh head sergei sergeevich petrikov spoke about the condition of the victims. well, in fact , the admitted patients are in different states. eat a patient who is in a serious condition, there are patients who are in a milder condition, well, somewhere it’s
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50/50, yes. therefore, those patients who, of course , went through the operating room there with severe burns, yes, they are in a more serious condition, there are milder ones, so they are distributed, some in intensive care, some in the diagnostic department. on the way, on the way to sklyve, we passed croca city, there is no longer an open fire, but there is a heavy smell of burning in the air, so rospotrebnadzor advised, recommended to residents of nearby areas. do not open windows and do not go outside; in conclusion, i will remind you that you can donate blood for victims at the blood center of the fmba of russia tomorrow saturday from 8:30 am. roman, thank you, my colleague alexandra bystritskaya was from here and from klifosovsky, where the wounded were brought.
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so, what is known about the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole at this moment: vladimir putin was informed about the progress of the investigation, this was done by the heads of law enforcement agencies, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and the russian guard. in turn, the head of the ministry of emergency situations reported what is being done to saving people. the president also listened to the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, and deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova, they informed vladimir putin about helping the victims. gollikova noted that the president wished all the victims recovery and thanked the doctors. the investigative committee reported that according to preliminary data, the victims of the tragedy are more than 60 people, and this number may increase further. according to the ministry of health of the moscow region, there are 145 people injured. the list is published on the department’s website, the majority are residents.


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