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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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technology, but at the moment does not plan to contact russian colleagues about what happened, such a comment was given to the novosti agency. the fbi told the agency that they do not comment on possible contacts with russian intelligence services regarding the terrorist attack in the moscow region. our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will tell you what statements were made from the white house. washington did not condemn this bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region. the white house says that president biden is being briefed on events in the moscow region, as well. us authorities are monitoring happening. the only official reaction this hour from white house homeland security speaker john kirby at today's white house daily briefing, he began by saying that the united states has seen these horrific videos from moscow showing brutal shootings, that these images are terrible, that they are hard to look at. and he said that at these moments the thoughts of the us citizens and the administration with the families of those killed in this attack are, what? what is important in his
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statement is that, according to him, the united states did not have advance information about preparations for a terrorist attack in moscow, or rather in the moscow region, in addition, he stated that the united states sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainian citizens are involved in this terrorist attack. there is no evidence that the terrorist attack is somehow connected with ukraine or ukrainians, we will still look into it, but i can say in advance that it is not connected with ukraine. he also said that, of course, this would be a difficult day for... loved ones and for all of moscow, the entire moscow region, and that the thoughts of us citizens are with them at this moment. at the same time , the white house speaker recalled that the state department advises americans in moscow to avoid large gatherings, especially concert halls, and to follow further news on the state department website. at the same time, as we remember, on march 8 , it was the united states and great britain that were the first foreign embassies to warn both their citizens and their employees to avoid public places. gatherings and
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concerts were also mentioned separately, that’s what was unknown, and we know that maria zakharova has already stated that the united states is obliged to hand over all the information that they had or have about volume, prepared or any information that can help identify the perpetrators and quickly solve these terrorist attacks. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. so, what is known about the terrorist attack at crocus cityholi at this moment, as... the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said, after long hours of fighting the fire, rescuers managed to enter the auditorium, where the temperature was high, it was there that the fire was probably located, the roof above the hall has collapsed, the rubble is being cleared, the fire has mostly been extinguished there are some burning areas left, the structures are being shed. the investigative committee reported that according to preliminary data , there are more than sixty victims, and this number may increase. vladimir putin was reported on the progress of the investigation, and this was made the head of the security forces. departments, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative
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committee and the russian guard. in turn , the head of the ministry of emergency situations said what was being done to save people. the president also listened to the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashk, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov and deputy prime minister tatyana gullikova. they informed vladimir putin about helping the victims. gollikova noted that the president wished all the victims recovery and thanked the doctors. according to the ministry of health of the moscow region, there are 145 people injured. list.
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terrorists started shooting at the audience right in the hall before the start of the concert, eyewitnesses said they shot people at point-blank range , threw incendiary bombs, two explosions were reported. all necessary actions to search for and apprehend criminals are taken by special forces units of the fsb and the russian guard. vladimir was informed about the terrorist attack in the very first minutes to putin, according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the head of state receives all operational information and has already given all the necessary instructions. the investigative committee
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qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, a criminal case was opened, but the investigative committee also released a video from the scene of the tragedy, a department specialist confiscating weapons and ammunition. egor grigoriev, he is live, egor, greetings, what information do you have for this moment? roman, hello, the first shots inside crocus city hall, what’s happening there, we managed to film it, including by a rescuer and a firefighter, this footage was published by the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, you can see the current state of the premises itself,
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you can see the work of the firefighters, i want to tell you that despite the localization of the fire , you can see. including due to the fact that there is now a fire, the fire was not completely extinguished, the roof partially collapsed, the second floor was on fire, the firefighters together with
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the rescuers managed to inspect the first floor, they managed to climb directly into the auditorium, where... the fire itself occurred, so in all likelihood the terrorists had with them either molotov cocktails or some other type of flammable liquid means with which they were able to organize a large fire in a short time, in a short time, 13 thousand square meters, i want to remind you, well, let’s give the floor to svetlana petrenko, she talks about what forensic investigators are currently doing on the spot, initiating a criminal case for a terrorist attack, within the framework of this criminal case in currently, a complex of investigative actions is being carried out,
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investigators of the investigative committee, criminologists, experts, together with the operational services of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs of russia , genetic, fingerprinting, ballistic examinations have already quickly begun to be carried out on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence, except in addition, investigators and specialists have already begun to study the recordings from
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cctv cameras. at the moment , this is all the information about the progress of the investigation. at this moment representatives of the investigative committee, representatives of the security bloc cannot say whether any of the terrorists were caught, there is information that they are now looking for a white renault car, in which the terrorists may be driving, in which they arrived at the crocus city building, running out of which they immediately opened fire, eyewitnesses , this is, after that they already entered the hall and literally began to shoot the audience point-blank, the concert hall itself seats more than 6,500 seats, literally several dozen tickets were not sold out, but i
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will remind you that today people came to the concert of a picnic group, people of different ages, both young and people of retirement age, now volunteers have arrived at the crocus sitiho building, they brought water, brought a warm blanket, medicines, brought dry rations for the ministry of emergency situations for the employees of the power unit. for those who suffered, and let's give the word to the volunteers, what is here, to whom this is all, this humanitarian aid was collected by us and the sympathizing people who came here today to support fellow citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation, this assistance was due victims, police officers , medical services, the media, everyone else who needed from... the russian guard, all
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the guys who might need water, yes, what are the gloves here, do you have some warm blankets, necessities, medicines, sweets and everything else that you might like. the list of victims has now been published on the official website of the russian ministry of emergency situations; according to the ministry of health, 115 people were delivered. in a hospital in moscow and the moscow region, emergency assistance has already been provided to them, now their condition is stabilizing, but the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov thanked the doctors who are very quickly providing assistance now, thank you, i want to hug you all, thank you, you are great, save lives, thank you, “words of sympathy and
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support are now being heard all over the world, in our embassy in belarus and at the embassy in the united states of america, people are grieving from all over russia, mourning the terrible terrorist attack that occurred today. roman, egor, thank you, our correspondent egor was on direct communication from corokuhall. speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko stated that the families of those killed and wounded in crocus cityholi will be provided with all possible assistance, and those who are behind this crime will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment, she wrote about this in her telegram channel. the bastards who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed - these are the words of state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. he expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the injured. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in crocus city hall a terrible tragedy
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declared that retribution would inevitably come. patriarch kirill prays for the repose of the souls of the dead and the injured people, the head of the synodal department for relations between the church, society and the media, vladimir ligoida, wrote about this in his telegram channel. the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin, expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims of the eternal attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall, he expressed hope that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will be found in the near future punished. csto secretary general imangali tasmaganbetov condemned the terrorist attack in crocus tetikholi in a telegram to vladimir putin. he also expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims , calling the incident a cruel, unjustifiable crime. official representative. they condole
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the terrible tragedy and strongly condemn this bloody terrorist attack that occurred before the eyes of all humanity. all people who have a heart, all people who have a mind, all people who have a conscience, call this a monstrous crime, a bloody act, a terrible battle, we... literally the very first, the very minutes when the videos began to fly around the entire planet, we began to receive words of condolences of unconditional condemnation from people all over the world, these are ordinary citizens of various countries, these are our fellow diplomats who are accredited in moscow who work in the ministries of foreign affairs, write, call, ask to convey words of... support, we are already recording the official reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs and heads
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of state to the whole world. huge questions were raised by the reaction of the office of the secretary general, the organization united nations, which stated, i mean unsubscribe, its representatives that they were saddened by the reports of the shooting, all adequate people who have different emotional levels. reactions to such things, the words were the same: about horror, shock, disgust, unconditional condemnation, righteous anger, compassion and sacrifice. all over moscow there is now one picture on advertising screens: a burning candle on a black background, this is a symbol of grief for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, one of the largest displays in the area of ​​the sokol metro station, from where we our correspondent stanislav bernwald joins. stanislav, greetings, the floor is yours. yes, roman, hello, indeed,
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that terrorist attack turned out to be a very, very difficult night for all of russia. which happened today in the moscow region, of course, shocked not only the residents of the moscow region, muscovites, it shocked, of course, all of russia, and as you said just above, indeed, now words and condolences are heard from all corners of our planet, because well, adequate - people, of course, what happened the day before in the moscow region, somehow, cannot help but touch the soul, cannot help but touch the soul, of course. well, unfortunately, the data on the victims about their condition changes every minute, it is necessary to update this information, what we are doing, well, let’s do what the doctors are talking about, firstly, this is damage from small arms in the victims, i mean, well , as well as burns, because as a result of this
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terrorist attack a very serious fire also occurred, the localization of which is already taking place directly in ... rokus, well, there are fires there, but the rescuer is already holding under control, among the victims there are also children , including one child, who is now in serious condition, let's listen to the latest data on the health status of the victims, now the numbers have not changed, we still have 115 patients in inpatient departments, of which 110 are adults , 60. some patients will be transferred to federal institutions, we are already seeing this, we reported to the president about the situation, today the main task of providing assistance upon admission has been completed, work is now continuing to stabilize patients, for
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patients who have lost blood undergo blood transfusions
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, there are burn specialists, traumatologists and many, many others, so we were in the khimki hospital, all the staff there, even from their weekends, they came to their workplaces in order to provide all the necessary assistance to the victims, well, i want to focus my attention on the concern of ordinary citizens who, at the time of the terrorist attack, were directly next to the crocus, right... next to the site of the tragedy and reacted lightly, suffering many people, and many were hurt, many were injured, but nevertheless , without hesitation, they threw in to save people , let's listen to what eyewitnesses say, i saved two families with small children, because my wife blocked everything there,
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the police already did , so bad, so bad, really, but you’re wounded, i have a car. and today, why don’t i work for free for one day, right, what’s the big deal? this banner that is now behind me is one of the largest here in moscow, but throughout in the moscow region, moscow, and not only in the central region and in the cities of russia, now this banner appears, the same banner appears. on all accounts, because indeed what happened the day before is a tragedy for our entire large country, it did not leave anyone indifferent to this tragedy, of course, today all prayers are for the dead, today prayers are wishes for a speedy recovery to those who suffered, great thanks to the doctors, and just to those people
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who were nearby and ready to save, thank you very much for helping, save, so we will win, as they say, we continue to monitor what is happening, all the latest news is on air on our tv channel, thank you, stanislav. on the bernwald straight. the president of azerbaijan ilham, our correspondent stanislav aliyev, sent a letter to vladimir putin with condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city holly. this was reported by the press service of the azerbaijani leader. aliyev strongly condemned the terrorist attack, emphasizing that the entire azerbaijani people mourned the victims, and also wished patience and strength to the relatives of the victims and speedy recovery to all those injured. i sent words of condolences and support to vladimir putin and the president of uzbekistan. shavkat mirziyoyev, he condemned the terrorist attack against civilians and wished recovery to the wounded. alexander lukashenko expressed confidence that those who attacked people in crocus
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city will soon be found and punished. this is a brutal murder for which there can be no justification, the president of belarus emphasized. he sent words of condolences to vladimir putin on his behalf of the entire belarusian people. russian ambassador to belarus boris grozlov compared the terrorist attack in crocus city hall with the tragedy in khatyn on memorial day. which was celebrated on march 22, he told reporters about this at the embassy building, where in minsk people bring flowers and candles as a sign of condolences in memory of those killed in the crocus. thank you to the belarusians who came at this late hour to express condolences to those families whose relatives died, to those victims, of whom there are many. unfortunately, russians and belarusians are united, here i am already speaking within the framework of such a tragedy, this is not some kind of pretentious turn of phrase,
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indeed, we are brothers, and we support each other, the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr dzhaparov sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin, in which he emphasized that kyrgyzstan stands for uniting the efforts of the world community in the fight against international terrorism , on behalf of the entire kyrgyz people sadezha. conveyed words of deep sympathy to the relatives of the victims. condolences and words of support in connection with the tragedy in crocus cityholi are now coming from all over the world. members the un security council strongly condemned the vile, cowardly terrorist attack in the concert hall in krasnogorsk. they stressed the need to hold accountable the perpetrators and sponsors of these criminal acts of terrorism and bring them to justice. and we also called on all states to actively cooperate in this with the government of the russian federation. french president emmanuel macron strongly condemned the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the statement
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of the elysee palace was quoted by major french media. in addition, mead is fifth the republic expressed solidarity with the russians in connection with the tragedy. peru and ecuador expressed sincere sympathy and condolences to the government and the people of russia. hungarian prime minister viktor orban expressed his deepest condolences. to the people of russia in connection with the monstrous terrorist attack, he added that the people of hungary are praying for the families of the victims of the tragedy. germany and canada have expressed their shock at the horrific attack on innocent people at crocus cityhole. the german media added that it is necessary to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the attack as quickly as possible. mid turkey and the country's ruling party also expressed their deepest condolences to the russian people. turkish politicians and diplomats called what happened. a heinous terrorist attack on innocent civilians . the official representative of the ruling party, amer chilik, wrote on social networks that he shared the pain and grief of the russian people. italy
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strongly condemned the terrorist attack in crocu city hall. prime minister giorgia miloni called it an unacceptable massacre. the european union condemned the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi and wrote about it on its page eu foreign policy representative, peter stano. he added that europe. osce chairman-in-office jan borg condemned the terrorist attack in kroku city hall and expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims. according to borg, malta is shocked by what happened. venezuelan leader nicolas maduro condemned the brutal attack and offered condolences to the families of the victims. he expressed confidence in the unity of the russian people at this difficult moment. austrian and swiss. the foreign ministry expressed condolences to the russians and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. mead spain said it was shocked by the news from russia; they expressed solidarity with the families
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of the victims and condemned them. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, poland and portugal. words of support were expressed by the foreign ministries of france and armenia. the israeli foreign minister expressed condolences to the families of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. the committee of chiefs of staff of the us armed forces is aware of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, but at the moment does not plan to contact its russian colleagues about what happened.
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moscow, which depicts the cruel shooting, that these images are terrible, that they are hard to watch, and he said that these us saw these terrifying videos from the moment of thought of us citizens and the administration with the families of those killed in this attack, what is important in his statement is that according to him, the united states did not have it in advance. there is no evidence that the terrorist attack is somehow connected with ukraine or ukrainians, we will still look into it, but i can say in advance that it is not connected with ukraine. he also said that, of course, it would be a difficult day for loved ones and for all of moscow, everything
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moscow region, and what are your thoughts? us citizens are with them at this moment. at the same time , the white house speaker recalled that the state department advises americans in moscow to avoid large gatherings, and he especially emphasized concert halls, as well as follow further news on the state department website. at the same time, as we remember, on march 8 , it was the united states and great britain that were the first foreign embassies to warn both their citizens and their employees to avoid crowded places, and concerts were also specifically mentioned, that’s what. it was unknown, and we know that maria zakharova has already stated that the united states is obliged to hand over all the information that it had or has about the preparation or any information that can help identify the perpetrators and quickly solve these terrorist attacks. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. in st. petersburg, after the tragedy in the city hall, security measures have been strengthened, especially in crowded places.
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governor alexander announced this. he noted that in st. petersburg over the coming weekend all entertainment events will be cancelled. due to the terrorist attack at the city hall, other regions are also canceling sports, cultural and other public events; the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, gleb nikitin, announced the cancellation of sporting events until further notice. the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, also announced a similar decision. the list of regions that have canceled mass events is long, including perm. transport facilities have a maximum third level of security, it is reported in connection with the additional measures being taken, the ministry of transport of russia asks passengers to arrive at airport stations in advance, and also to be understanding about the inspection activities. security measures
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have been strengthened at transport facilities. there will be no performances at the bolshoi theater, the moscow oleg tabakov theater, the chekhov moscow art theater, the satire theater, the russian academic youth theater, the mayakovsky theater and others. a message appeared on the website of moscow state university about the cancellation of the open day, it was scheduled for tomorrow march 24th. most universities have switched classes these days to remote mode. the ministry of emergency situations has opened a hotline for
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psychological information support. assistance in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi phone number 8 800 775 17 17 now on the screen you also see emergency phone numbers that may be needed. first of all , to the relatives of the dead victims, these are the hotlines of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, including the emergency center.


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